
Twitht kitheth

Apr 14th, 2015
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  1. >"Anonymouth, can I have a kith?"
  2. >Twist innocently smiled at you waiting for a reply
  3. >She'd taken a liking to you a little bit after you got here, and was pretty keen on showing it
  4. >In Equestria, pedophilia as a horrible crime was unheard of, and a kiss to a foal was just typically seen as an innocent sign of affection, even if it's not yours
  5. >You were of course weirded out by the concept of kissing both a "child" and a horse, but not wanting to hurt the feelings of the little horse, you oblige
  6. >You bend down
  7. >Twist sloppily smacks her face against yours
  8. >To your great relief, she didn't use her tongue much, but nonetheless slid her lips all over and inbetween yours, also occasionally making their way to your cheeks by gliding on the titanic amount of spit she's been greasing your face with
  9. >She ends the embrace with a cutesy "Mwah!"
  10. >You stand back up and she hugs your leg
  11. >"Thank you, Anonymouth!" She calls out in an endearing way
  12. >"N-no problem."
  13. >Your face is coated in saliva
  14. >She just beams back at you
  15. >You want to wipe off the excess slobber from this little fire hydrant, but don't want to upset her by making it look like you were "wiping away her cooties"
  16. >You stare at her for an opening clean yourself
  17. >She doesn't break eye-contact, so you just sit there with a dribble-drenched face for half an hour until she leaves
  18. >She eventually does leave with a bounce in her step and a happy look on her face
  20. >You would later die of a cold
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