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CardMaker OS/X Crash Log

a guest
Jul 12th, 2013
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  1. lappy-i7:CardMaker_0.98.0.9 clint$ mono --debug CardMaker_Mono.exe
  2. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
  3. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
  4. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceSynchronize: Invalid device window
  5. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
  6. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceSynchronize: Invalid device window
  7. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
  8. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceSynchronize: Invalid device window
  9. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
  10. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceSynchronize: Invalid device window
  11. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
  12. Jul 12 03:33:45 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceSynchronize: Invalid device window
  13. Jul 12 03:33:50 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorInvalidConnection: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid connection
  14. Jul 12 03:34:13 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorInvalidConnection: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid connection
  15. Jul 12 03:35:14 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
  16. Jul 12 03:35:14 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceSynchronize: Invalid device window
  17. Jul 12 03:35:14 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
  18. Jul 12 03:35:14 lappy-i7.local mono[18610] <Error>: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceSynchronize: Invalid device window
  19. Stacktrace:
  21. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Windows.Forms.XplatUICarbon.HideWindow (intptr) <IL 0x00025, 0xffffffff>
  22. at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUICarbon.SetVisible (intptr,bool,bool) [0x0003a] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/XplatUICarbon.cs:1853
  23. at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI.SetVisible (intptr,bool,bool) [0x00000] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/XplatUI.cs:1027
  24. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetVisibleCore (bool) [0x00065] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Control.cs:4775
  25. at System.Windows.Forms.Form.SetVisibleCore (bool) [0x0007b] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Form.cs:2478
  26. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible (bool) [0x0000c] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Control.cs:3199
  27. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Hide () [0x00000] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Control.cs:3716
  28. at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmClose (System.Windows.Forms.Message&) [0x000e4] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Form.cs:2710
  29. at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message&) [0x000c9] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Form.cs:2545
  30. at System.Windows.Forms.Control/ControlWindowTarget.OnMessage (System.Windows.Forms.Message&) [0x00000] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Control.cs:228
  31. at System.Windows.Forms.Control/ControlNativeWindow.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message&) [0x00000] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Control.cs:209
  32. at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.WndProc (intptr,System.Windows.Forms.Msg,intptr,intptr) [0x00085] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/NativeWindow.cs:242
  33. at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUICarbon.SendMessage (intptr,System.Windows.Forms.Msg,intptr,intptr) [0x00000] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/XplatUICarbon.cs:1714
  34. at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI.SendMessage (intptr,System.Windows.Forms.Msg,intptr,intptr) [0x00000] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/XplatUI.cs:923
  35. at System.Windows.Forms.Form.Close () [0x0003a] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/Form.cs:1683
  36. at Support.UI.WaitDialog.<CloseWaitDialog>b__c () <IL 0x00001, 0x00013>
  37. at Support.UI.ControlExtensions.InvokeAction (System.Windows.Forms.Control,System.Action) <IL 0x00012, 0x0003b>
  38. at Support.UI.WaitDialog.CloseWaitDialog () <IL 0x0000d, 0x0004b>
  39. at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) Support.UI.WaitDialog.CloseWaitDialog () <IL 0x00038, 0xffffffff>
  40. at CardMaker.Deck.ReadData (object) <IL 0x005d2, 0x0159b>
  41. at System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal () [0x0002b] in /private/tmp/source/bockbuild/profiles/mono-2-10/build-root/mono-2.10.12/_build/mono-2.10.12.git/mcs/class/corlib/System.Threading/Thread.cs:711
  42. at (wrapper runtime-invoke) object.runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <IL 0x0004e, 0xffffffff>
  44. Native stacktrace:
  46. 0 mono 0x0009643c mono_handle_native_sigsegv + 284
  47. 1 mono 0x000054a8 mono_sigsegv_signal_handler + 248
  48. 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x950a159b _sigtramp + 43
  49. 3 ??? 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295
  50. 4 libRIP.A.dylib 0x9712f6d6 ripc_GetClipStackData + 123
  51. 5 libRIP.A.dylib 0x9712d7ff ripc_GetClipState + 1867
  52. 6 libRIP.A.dylib 0x9712cd64 ripc_GetRenderingState + 177
  53. 7 libRIP.A.dylib 0x97143183 ripc_DrawImages + 58
  54. 8 CoreGraphics 0x99c013be CGContextDrawImages + 239
  55. 9 CoreUI 0x94712a79 _ZN8CUIPenCG10DrawImagesEPvPK6CGRectPP7CGImageS3_m + 45
  56. 10 CoreUI 0x94703fc5 _ZN11CUIRenderer19DrawWindowFrameDarkEPK13CUIDescriptor + 4531
  57. 11 CoreUI 0x946eee0d _ZN11CUIRenderer4DrawE6CGRectP9CGContextPK14__CFDictionaryPS5_ + 5701
  58. 12 CoreUI 0x9470fde5 CUIDraw + 206
  59. 13 HIToolbox 0x992b2ffe _ZN17HIWindowFrameView8DrawDarkERK6CGRectmP9CGContext + 1030
  60. 14 HIToolbox 0x992b3117 _ZN17HIWindowFrameView8DrawSelfEsPK9__HIShapeP9CGContext + 265
  61. 15 HIToolbox 0x991d10be _ZN6HIView15DrawCacheOrSelfEsPK9__HIShapeP9CGContext + 86
  62. 16 HIToolbox 0x991d0ede _ZN6HIView8SendDrawEsP13OpaqueGrafPtrPK9__HIShapeP9CGContext + 124
  63. 17 HIToolbox 0x9925fb9f _ZN6HIView23RecursiveDrawCompositedEPK9__HIShapeS2_mPS_P9CGContexthf + 755
  64. 18 HIToolbox 0x99260e43 _ZN6HIView14DrawCompositedEsP13OpaqueGrafPtrPK9__HIShapemPS_P9CGContext + 1227
  65. 19 HIToolbox 0x99260f8b _ZN6HIView4DrawEsP13OpaqueGrafPtrm + 81
  66. 20 HIToolbox 0x99261353 _ZN6HIView6RenderEmP9CGContext + 45
  67. 21 HIToolbox 0x991c0e97 _ZL17FlushWindowObjectP10WindowDataPPvh + 736
  68. 22 HIToolbox 0x991d0bc7 _FlushWindow + 70
  69. 23 HIToolbox 0x99479373 PostActivateEvent + 371
  70. 24 HIToolbox 0x9947972f HiliteAndActivateWindow + 502
  71. 25 HIToolbox 0x9947eb20 _Z27AdjustToNewWindowActivationP10WindowDataP13WindowContextP15OpaqueWindowPtrhS0_ + 246
  72. 26 HIToolbox 0x99481040 HideWindow + 255
  73. 27 ??? 0x08af9044 0x0 + 145723460
  74. 28 ??? 0x074d2110 0x0 + 122495248
  75. 29 ??? 0x074d2032 0x0 + 122495026
  76. 30 ??? 0x040b8510 0x0 + 67863824
  77. 31 ??? 0x072f0568 0x0 + 120522088
  78. 32 ??? 0x040b835a 0x0 + 67863386
  79. 33 ??? 0x08af900c 0x0 + 145723404
  80. 34 ??? 0x07213c84 0x0 + 119618692
  81. 35 ??? 0x072f1c0c 0x0 + 120527884
  82. 36 ??? 0x040aed63 0x0 + 67824995
  83. 37 ??? 0x040aed3c 0x0 + 67824956
  84. 38 ??? 0x040ae019 0x0 + 67821593
  85. 39 ??? 0x040ade08 0x0 + 67821064
  86. 40 ??? 0x07213ad9 0x0 + 119618265
  87. 41 ??? 0x07213aa8 0x0 + 119618216
  88. 42 ??? 0x072139f4 0x0 + 119618036
  89. 43 ??? 0x08afb624 0x0 + 145733156
  90. 44 ??? 0x072139c4 0x0 + 119617988
  91. 45 ??? 0x07213948 0x0 + 119617864
  92. 46 ??? 0x0721359c 0x0 + 119616924
  93. 47 ??? 0x08afce80 0x0 + 145739392
  94. 48 ??? 0x074ade31 0x0 + 122347057
  95. 49 mono 0x0000d862 mono_jit_runtime_invoke + 722
  96. 50 mono 0x001a90aa mono_runtime_invoke + 170
  97. 51 mono 0x001aa922 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke + 146
  98. 52 mono 0x001efbf6 start_wrapper_internal + 726
  99. 53 mono 0x001efc97 start_wrapper + 23
  100. 54 mono 0x0023660f thread_start_routine + 223
  101. 55 mono 0x00270cb8 GC_start_routine + 120
  102. 56 libsystem_c.dylib 0x95049ed9 _pthread_start + 335
  103. 57 libsystem_c.dylib 0x9504d6de thread_start + 34
  105. Debug info from gdb:
  107. Attaching to process 18610.
  108. Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
  109. Reading symbols for shared libraries .................................................................................................................................................................. done
  110. 0x963d8c22 in mach_msg_trap ()
  111. 8 0x963dafda in __wait4 ()
  112. 7 0x03ff3afb in FcObjectToMatcher ()
  113. 6 0x963db02e in __workq_kernreturn ()
  114. 5 0x963db02e in __workq_kernreturn ()
  115. 4 "" 0x963db90a in kevent ()
  116. 3 0x963d8c5e in semaphore_wait_trap ()
  117. 2 0x963d8c22 in mach_msg_trap ()
  118. * 1 "" 0x963d8c22 in mach_msg_trap ()
  120. Thread 8 (process 18610):
  121. #0 0x963dafda in __wait4 ()
  122. #1 0x94ffe4ec in waitpid$UNIX2003 ()
  123. #2 0x00096532 in mono_handle_native_sigsegv (signal=11, ctx=0xb050aa98) at mini-exceptions.c:2259
  124. #3 0x000054a8 in mono_sigsegv_signal_handler (_dummy=11, info=0xb050aa58, context=0xb050aa98) at mini.c:5939
  125. #4 <signal handler called>
  126. #5 0x99b4192b in CGClipGetIdentifier ()
  127. #6 0x9712f6d6 in ripc_GetClipStackData ()
  128. #7 0x9712d7ff in ripc_GetClipState ()
  129. #8 0x9712cd64 in ripc_GetRenderingState ()
  130. #9 0x97143183 in ripc_DrawImages ()
  131. #10 0x99c013be in CGContextDrawImages ()
  132. #11 0x94712a79 in CUIPenCG::DrawImages ()
  133. #12 0x94703fc5 in CUIRenderer::DrawWindowFrameDark ()
  134. #13 0x946eee0d in CUIRenderer::Draw ()
  135. #14 0x9470fde5 in CUIDraw ()
  136. #15 0x992b2ffe in HIWindowFrameView::DrawDark ()
  137. #16 0x992b3117 in HIWindowFrameView::DrawSelf ()
  138. #17 0x991d10be in HIView::DrawCacheOrSelf ()
  139. #18 0x991d0ede in HIView::SendDraw ()
  140. #19 0x9925fb9f in HIView::RecursiveDrawComposited ()
  141. #20 0x99260e43 in HIView::DrawComposited ()
  142. #21 0x99260f8b in HIView::Draw ()
  143. #22 0x99261353 in HIView::Render ()
  144. #23 0x991c0e97 in FlushWindowObject ()
  145. #24 0x991d0bc7 in _FlushWindow ()
  146. #25 0x99479373 in PostActivateEvent ()
  147. #26 0x9947972f in HiliteAndActivateWindow ()
  148. #27 0x9947eb20 in AdjustToNewWindowActivation ()
  149. #28 0x99481040 in HideWindow ()
  150. #29 0x08af9044 in ?? ()
  151. #30 0x074d2110 in ?? ()
  152. #31 0x074d2032 in ?? ()
  153. #32 0x040b8510 in ?? ()
  154. #33 0x072f0568 in ?? ()
  155. #34 0x040b835a in ?? ()
  156. #35 0x08af900c in ?? ()
  157. #36 0x07213c84 in ?? ()
  158. #37 0x072f1c0c in ?? ()
  159. #38 0x040aed63 in ?? ()
  160. #39 0x040aed3c in ?? ()
  161. #40 0x040ae019 in ?? ()
  162. #41 0x040ade08 in ?? ()
  163. #42 0x07213ad9 in ?? ()
  164. #43 0x07213aa8 in ?? ()
  165. #44 0x072139f4 in ?? ()
  166. #45 0x08afb624 in ?? ()
  167. #46 0x072139c4 in ?? ()
  168. #47 0x07213948 in ?? ()
  169. #48 0x0721359c in ?? ()
  170. #49 0x08afce80 in ?? ()
  171. #50 0x074ade31 in ?? ()
  172. #51 0x0000d862 in mono_jit_runtime_invoke (method=0x230b96c, obj=0x767d7a8, params=0xb050ceb0, exc=0x0) at mini.c:5813
  173. #52 0x001a90aa in mono_runtime_invoke (method=0x230b96c, obj=0x767d7a8, params=0xb050ceb0, exc=0x0) at object.c:2788
  174. #53 0x001aa922 in mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (delegate=0x767d7a8, params=0xb050ceb0, exc=0x0) at object.c:3454
  175. #54 0x001efbf6 in start_wrapper_internal (data=0x95673a0) at threads.c:790
  176. #55 0x001efc97 in start_wrapper (data=0x95673a0) at threads.c:832
  177. #56 0x0023660f in thread_start_routine (args=0x12d26cc) at wthreads.c:289
  178. #57 0x00270cb8 in GC_start_routine (arg=0x45ee40) at pthread_support.c:1468
  179. #58 0x95049ed9 in _pthread_start ()
  180. #59 0x9504d6de in thread_start ()
  182. Thread 7 (process 18610):
  183. #0 0x03ff3afb in FcObjectToMatcher ()
  184. #1 0x03ff3c37 in FcCompareValueList ()
  185. #2 0x03ff40eb in FcCompare ()
  186. #3 0x03ff4583 in FcFontSetMatchInternal ()
  187. #4 0x03ff497e in FcFontMatch ()
  188. #5 0x03e86f35 in _cairo_ft_resolve_pattern ()
  189. #6 0x03e865b8 in _cairo_ft_font_face_get_implementation ()
  190. #7 0x03e40502 in cairo_scaled_font_create ()
  191. #8 0x03e0d074 in _cairo_gstate_ensure_scaled_font ()
  192. #9 0x03e0d0dd in _cairo_gstate_get_font_extents ()
  193. #10 0x03dfecc2 in cairo_font_extents ()
  194. #11 0x03c46e2f in MeasureString ()
  195. #12 0x03c49f0e in cairo_DrawString ()
  196. #13 0x03c465de in GdipDrawString ()
  197. #14 0x076e91d0 in ?? ()
  198. #15 0x076e90e0 in ?? ()
  199. #16 0x076e8f74 in ?? ()
  200. #17 0x08a117bc in ?? ()
  201. #18 0x08a0ec38 in ?? ()
  202. #19 0x07219c94 in ?? ()
  203. #20 0x08a0d654 in ?? ()
  204. #21 0x08a0d5e4 in ?? ()
  205. #22 0x08a04254 in ?? ()
  206. #23 0x08afce80 in ?? ()
  207. #24 0x074ade31 in ?? ()
  208. #25 0x0000d862 in mono_jit_runtime_invoke (method=0x230b96c, obj=0x8788a48, params=0xb040aeb0, exc=0x0) at mini.c:5813
  209. #26 0x001a90aa in mono_runtime_invoke (method=0x230b96c, obj=0x8788a48, params=0xb040aeb0, exc=0x0) at object.c:2788
  210. #27 0x001aa922 in mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (delegate=0x8788a48, params=0xb040aeb0, exc=0x0) at object.c:3454
  211. #28 0x001efbf6 in start_wrapper_internal (data=0x630260) at threads.c:790
  212. #29 0x001efc97 in start_wrapper (data=0x630260) at threads.c:832
  213. #30 0x0023660f in thread_start_routine (args=0x12d24dc) at wthreads.c:289
  214. #31 0x00270cb8 in GC_start_routine (arg=0x45ee40) at pthread_support.c:1468
  215. #32 0x95049ed9 in _pthread_start ()
  216. #33 0x9504d6de in thread_start ()
  218. Thread 6 (process 18610):
  219. #0 0x963db02e in __workq_kernreturn ()
  220. #1 0x9504bccf in _pthread_wqthread ()
  221. #2 0x9504d6fe in start_wqthread ()
  223. Thread 5 (process 18610):
  224. #0 0x963db02e in __workq_kernreturn ()
  225. #1 0x9504bccf in _pthread_wqthread ()
  226. #2 0x9504d6fe in start_wqthread ()
  228. Thread 4 (process 18610):
  229. #0 0x963db90a in kevent ()
  230. #1 0x9711ee04 in _dispatch_mgr_invoke ()
  231. #2 0x9711d853 in _dispatch_mgr_thread ()
  233. Thread 3 (process 18610):
  234. #0 0x963d8c5e in semaphore_wait_trap ()
  235. #1 0x00245d22 in mono_sem_wait (sem=0x322954, alertable=1) at mono-semaphore.c:115
  236. #2 0x001259f2 in finalizer_thread (unused=0x0) at gc.c:1082
  237. #3 0x001efba1 in start_wrapper_internal (data=0x1e37430) at threads.c:784
  238. #4 0x001efc97 in start_wrapper (data=0x1e37430) at threads.c:832
  239. #5 0x0023660f in thread_start_routine (args=0x12d19b8) at wthreads.c:289
  240. #6 0x00270cb8 in GC_start_routine (arg=0x45ef60) at pthread_support.c:1468
  241. #7 0x95049ed9 in _pthread_start ()
  242. #8 0x9504d6de in thread_start ()
  244. Thread 2 (process 18610):
  245. #0 0x963d8c22 in mach_msg_trap ()
  246. #1 0x963d81f6 in mach_msg ()
  247. #2 0x000da8ca in mach_exception_thread (arg=0x0) at mini-darwin.c:129
  248. #3 0x00270cb8 in GC_start_routine (arg=0x45ef60) at pthread_support.c:1468
  249. #4 0x95049ed9 in _pthread_start ()
  250. #5 0x9504d6de in thread_start ()
  252. Thread 1 (process 18610):
  253. #0 0x963d8c22 in mach_msg_trap ()
  254. #1 0x963d81f6 in mach_msg ()
  255. #2 0x997449da in __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort ()
  256. #3 0x9974db04 in __CFRunLoopRun ()
  257. #4 0x9974d1dc in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
  258. #5 0x9974d088 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
  259. #6 0x991ab543 in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode ()
  260. #7 0x991b28ab in ReceiveNextEventCommon ()
  261. #8 0x99348910 in ReceiveNextEventInMode ()
  262. #9 0x993489a8 in ReceiveNextEvent ()
  263. #10 0x076b86b4 in ?? ()
  264. #11 0x076b80f0 in ?? ()
  265. #12 0x0725ea67 in ?? ()
  266. #13 0x072efd88 in ?? ()
  267. #14 0x08afbe08 in ?? ()
  268. #15 0x08afb6cc in ?? ()
  269. #16 0x089b97d4 in ?? ()
  270. #17 0x089b91d4 in ?? ()
  271. #18 0x08af789b in ?? ()
  272. #19 0x08af77bc in ?? ()
  273. #20 0x08af74d9 in ?? ()
  274. #21 0x072574b6 in ?? ()
  275. #22 0x072573f4 in ?? ()
  276. #23 0x08af73b0 in ?? ()
  277. #24 0x08af86d4 in ?? ()
  278. #25 0x08af7090 in ?? ()
  279. #26 0x040aef2c in ?? ()
  280. #27 0x072f1f2c in ?? ()
  281. #28 0x072f364c in ?? ()
  282. #29 0x08af585c in ?? ()
  283. #30 0x040aed63 in ?? ()
  284. #31 0x040aed3c in ?? ()
  285. #32 0x040ae019 in ?? ()
  286. #33 0x076b8c4c in ?? ()
  287. #34 0x0724e11b in ?? ()
  288. #35 0x072efc80 in ?? ()
  289. #36 0x072ef204 in ?? ()
  290. #37 0x072eee98 in ?? ()
  291. #38 0x004effe0 in ?? ()
  292. #39 0x004f00c7 in ?? ()
  293. #40 0x0000d862 in mono_jit_runtime_invoke (method=0x12a2e1c, obj=0x0, params=0xbffff818, exc=0x0) at mini.c:5813
  294. #41 0x001a90aa in mono_runtime_invoke (method=0x12a2e1c, obj=0x0, params=0xbffff818, exc=0x0) at object.c:2788
  295. #42 0x001abc21 in mono_runtime_exec_main (method=0x12a2e1c, args=0x467e00, exc=0x0) at object.c:3972
  296. #43 0x001aae31 in mono_runtime_run_main (method=0x12a2e1c, argc=0, argv=0xbffffa6c, exc=0x0) at object.c:3594
  297. #44 0x0006aff5 in mono_jit_exec (domain=0x462e00, assembly=0x1e375b0, argc=1, argv=0xbffffa68) at driver.c:944
  298. #45 0x0006d589 in mono_main (argc=3, argv=0xbffffa60) at driver.c:1003
  299. #46 0x00002759 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffffa60) at main.c:89
  301. =================================================================
  302. Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
  303. a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
  304. used by your application.
  305. =================================================================
  307. Abort trap: 6
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