

May 19th, 2020
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  1. This message was to long to just simply put on my profile. I'm 22yrs old, my life has been hard. Day by day I keep fighting, but this disease is something I have never dealt with before. For my entire generation this is something completely new. Some might be scared, some might not think it's serious. This is very serious 4.81million cases worldwide, 320,000 deaths worldwide. 320,000 people have lost their lives. They were like me or you going to work everyday. They were like me or you spending time with our friends. Playing games, making music whatever their hobbies were. They were no different than us. It's for those people we need to change. We need to be better, and we all need to step up. Do that one thing for someone else, who knows when u will lose your chance? Support your local healthcare authorities. The selfless people keeping people alive need help to. Lastly do whatever you can to stop the spread of this disease. As things start to reopen we are all at risk, but we are only as at risk as we allow it. If everyone practiced proper social distancing, if everyone only went outside if they had to. If everyone washed their hands, If everyone covered their mouth when they sneeze or cough. This virus would not bring humanity to it's knees a second time. We all live on planet earth. We are all human, race, gender, none of that matters. We are all one! Together every person can make a difference. It's time to come together and fight this virus, not as Country not as Province, not as City, not as Group, not as Individuals, but as humans. We will overcome together we are stronger than anything!
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