
Dry Bowser's Bone Dry Cloudtop

Aug 24th, 2017
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  1. Dry Bowser was running from various boulders chasing after him within the cavernous depths of the Bone Dry Dunes, the skeletal reptile blasting the rocks with several bolts of electricity as he could feel some of his fragile bones falling out of his bony body.
  3. "Damn it... wish I had more material to keep my older bones from falling out," Dry Bowser stated as he grabbed a vine hanging above a gorge, swinging it across it as he watched the big boulders fall into the canyon below him as he emerged on the other side. "I don't mind running... but this kind of stuff is a bit ridiculous. I just want a day without there being action... or at least too much of it."
  5. Dry Bowser then spotted a bright red door that popped up in front of him, making the reptilian skeleton skeptical as he decided to peek in. This turned out to be quite a stupid idea, as he was sucked right into the door and ended up high in the sky at the Cloudtop Cruise, being perplexed as to how the door managed to transport him.
  7. Dry Bowser: Jeeze... it feels like I just got pulled into a dream. What is going on...
  9. Feeling a rumble on the white puffy clouds populating the sky based racecourse, Dry Bowser turned around to see several chunks of metal shaped like boulders being fired out of the cannons of the parked wooden airship by the thunderstorm, causing Dry Bowser to go dashing off again as he then used his fire prowess instead of his electrical powers as a way to melt them down. Luckily, he succeeded, and Dry Bowser was put at ease as he decided to stop right on the green grassy beanstalks... only to begin running for his bone filled safety as there were several different copies of Dry Bowser all racing in different vehicles, with none of them willing to cut the vehicle less Dry Bowser any slack.
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