

Dec 8th, 2015
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  1. [3]
  2. DIRK:
  3. timaeusTestified[TT]==> caesarsAspersorium[CA]
  4. TT: So.
  5. TT: Eridan.
  6. TT: I'll cut to the chase.
  7. TT: I heard that you had some...
  8. TT: Ambrosia.
  9. TT: And I want some.
  10. [5]
  11. ERIDAN:
  12. CA: wwhat wwho the fuck is spreadin this blatant falsehood
  13. CA: anywway
  14. CA: wwhy cant you suffer for it like the rest of us huh
  15. CA: this shit wwas a right pain to get ill havve you knoww i cant vvery wwell just hand it out
  16. [3]
  17. DIRK:
  18. TT: I fucking did. And then I realized that it was too early, and that sex was hard with one hand.
  19. TT: That is literally the primary reason that I made myself a new hand.
  20. TT:
  21. TT: I can give you more jewellery in exchange for some ambrosia.
  22. TT: And some for Roxy would be nice too. She's been struggling a little bit with one hand.
  23. TT: Well, not struggling.
  24. TT: It'd just make life easier for her to have that hand back.
  25. TT: Don't you want things to be easier for her?
  26. TT: And me also?
  27. [5]
  28. ERIDAN:
  29. CA: wwhat the fuck strider
  30. CA: shes been farin this wwell wwith just one hand for so long i shudder to think of wwhat havvoc shell impose on the wworld wwith twwo holy shit
  31. CA: anywway you knoww shes stubborn as a mule wwhen she wwants to be itll take some convvincin
  32. CA: as for your offer
  33. CA: i cannot be bought wwith mere trinkets wwhat do you take me for
  34. CA:
  35. CA: but wwhat exactly are you offering
  36. [3]
  37. DIRK:
  38. TT: Rings.
  39. TT: Basically rings.
  40. TT: I also have a pendant with a neat red gem in it.
  41. TT: The pendant gives you minor improvements to all of your... Well, traits? I guess?
  42. TT: And it seems to do it by 10%. TT: Like, it makes you 10% stronger, 10% faster healing, 10% more stamina, etc.
  43. TT: So, nothing game-changing, but it's pretty neat.
  44. TT: I don't think it improves any godpowers or mental powers. Just physical ability.
  45. TT: But not 10% better at enchanting things. That would make the enchantment's power increase at an exponential rate.
  46. TT: After 100 iterations of putting on the necklace, enchanting a new one, taking off the old one, and putting on the new one, and so on and so forth, it would improve your physical attributes by...
  47. TT: Approximately 1377961%
  48. TT: Big number, huh?
  49. [3]
  50. DIRK:
  51. TT: But no. It only makes you like, 10% stronger.
  52. [3]
  53. DIRK:
  54. TT: That sounds pretty shitty when compared to 1366961% stronger, doesn't it?
  55. [5]
  56. ERIDAN:
  57. CA: that wwould be fuckin wworldbreaking no wwonder reality decided to flip you a middle finger for that one
  58. CA: nothin i cant livve wwithout
  59. CA: wwhat else
  60. If he's gonna sell the stuff he went to the Isles and back for, he's gonna get his suffering's worth.
  61. [3]
  62. DIRK:
  63. TT: I have a tiara that allows you to breathe water.
  64. TT: I mean, you won't need it for the enchantment, but I think it'd look pretty on you.
  65. TT: It even has like, a purple gem in it. Corundum, I think.
  66. TT: It's pretty neato.
  67. TT: I also have some other unenchanted pendants. Some of them are gold, some of them are silver. One of them is adamantine.
  68. TT: I can also make capes.
  69. TT: And I have some golden boots. I have too much gold stuff.
  70. TT: And I need it out of my hands by this weekend.
  71. TT: Or... I dunno. I'll dump it in the ocean.
  72. [3]
  73. DIRK:
  74. TT: And then you'll never have it.
  75. [5]
  76. ERIDAN: Fuck no not the ocean he can't go in there.
  77. CA: you fuckin wwasteful devvil
  78. CA: if you wwere going to get rid of them wwhy not dump them on me regardless
  79. [3]
  80. DIRK:
  81. TT: Because I...
  82. TT: Just give me the fucking Ambrosia?
  83. TT: Is it really that hard?
  84. [5]
  85. ERIDAN: This is Eridan everything is hard always.
  86. CA: yes it wwas a trial and a half just to get it
  87. CA: but seein as you at least havve somethin to offer
  88. CA: i wwill consider it
  89. [3]
  90. DIRK:
  91. TT: Keep Roxy's needs in mind.
  92. TT: I'm doing this for her, you know.
  93. TT: And to a lesser extent, for myself.
  94. TT: I can even show up at your fucking dorm with the golden boots and the pendant.
  95. [5]
  96. ERIDAN:
  97. CA: alright alright no need to pull the rox card
  98. CA: all your vvarious trinkets ought to at least be wworth a scrap a this cottony shit
  99. CA: add in a full fingers rings and wwe wwill be golden
  100. CA:
  101. CA: the tiara and pendant too
  102. Get as many shinies as possible outta this.
  103. [3]
  104. DIRK:
  105. TT: I literally have like, 1300 rings in various places around the forge.
  106. TT: I can even bring them now.
  107. He gets up off of the lounge chair he's sitting in, stretching a little as he taps the side of his shades to hide the Pesterchum window. He then opens up one of the metal crates and rummages around in it. He eventually pulls out a solid gold sword (which wasn't in the original offer), and a pair of golden booties. He takes off his shoes and slips on the booties, wriggling his toes inside his socks once they're inside. Yes... Golden booties. He then puts on the rings, shoving 3 on each of his five fingers. He then puts on the pendant... And feels a significant difference. Ten percent for him is quite a lot. He puts the the tiara on delicately, feeling very very pretty. Yes. This is very good. He nyooms over to Eridan's dorm quickly (he go fas) and knocks on the door thrice. "Open up."
  108. [5]
  109. ERIDAN: He waits in the dorm, rummaging through his closetfull of medicines and ambrosia to take out a small piece of the fluff. The cape flows behind him, making him feel sufficiently imposing until the knock on the door has him jumping. He opens the door just a crack, eyeing Dirk up and down and trying to suppress any fin-flutters. So many shiny. "Come in." Fuck. Smol voice.
  110. [3]
  111. DIRK: He steps inside and very reluctantly steps out of the golden booties, revealing white socks with tons of little black cats on them. He picks them up with his one hand, and walks over to the bed and sits down. He then placed the boots on the ground, and unsheathed the golden sword, which he also dropped to the ground unceremoniously. He took off the rings quickly, and put them all on the bedside table. He then reluctantly took off the tiara, and began coughing. After the coughing fit, he put the tiara down on the bedside table, and took the pendant off, which he put on the tiara. "There."
  112. [5]
  113. ERIDAN: "Fuckin're goddamn loaded." Yes excellent use more hell and damn terminology to spite fear. Spite it in the ass. He tries to keep from gawking, this attempt made futile by very slowly fluttering fins, and clears his throat. "I suppose that will be sufficient." Perseus Ampora is pleased with this offering. Puffing up his chest, he holds a hand out and, in his palm, is a small ball of fluff. "One serving a bona-fide godly sustenance. Don't go spewin the name of it in my presence else the witch will spawn in here with my luck."
  114. [3]
  115. DIRK: "And Roxy's? Or could we just split it in half?" He takes the ambrosia and stuffs it in his pocket. "Would that even work? Is there a minimum threshold that needs to be passed before it works for ousia?"
  116. [5]
  117. ERIDAN: "One bite's enough. You'll feel it in your veins when it's workin." His fins pin again. "I guess I could spare another bit or two if you're both sharin." With an obligatory cape-sweep, he strides back over to the closet, rummages some more, and pulls out a handful of the fluff to give to Dirk. "That'll be plenty for three bites each from the two a you if you're smart about it."
  118. [3]
  119. DIRK: He blinks at the generosity. "Thanks. Eridan..." He takes the Ambrosia and shoves the rest of it in his pocket. "Uh... Well... That's all I really needed from you." He stands up, eyeing the golden booties with longing.
  120. [5]
  121. ERIDAN: "That's right, applaud my generosity." He, too, glances at the boots. "Wait, fuck, do we even wear the same size a shoes or is this some sort of one-size-fits-all deal?"
  122. [3]
  123. DIRK: "They'll be a bit big on you. If they're way too big just wear shoes under them." He shrugs, picking up the sword. "Do you want this? You prefer... Wands...?"
  124. [5]
  125. ERIDAN: Wait what, wands? =*-*= Time for those fins to perk the hell up. "Well if you're offerin sticks a the magical sort I would not refuse. God knows they'll suit me better than a sword."
  126. [3]
  127. DIRK: "A golden wand. I could probably make a power-magnifying wand. And make some flashy stuff happen when you use it. I mean... It won't be straight up magic. But it'll look neat."
  128. [5]
  129. ERIDAN: "That would be right fuckin better than this marionette shit I gotta do with my hands." Plural.
  130. [3]
  131. DIRK: He nods. "Yeah. I don't actually have any kinetic powers, like, waterbending, or firebending, and that sort of shit... In fact, my powers are kind of exclusively personal. But, I digress. I think having something that you're actually holding to channel your power looks a lot cooler than just flailing your hands around. Unless it's telekinesis. Telekinesis works with just hands."
  132. [5]
  133. ERIDAN: "It's not waterbending, it's hydromancy or hydrokinesis or somethin a that ilk." He will not give in to that silly earth show. Z>:I "But yes, a wand would help probably."
  134. [3]
  135. DIRK: He nods. "It'd certainly make your waterbending look cooler."
  136. [5]
  137. ERIDAN: "Hydrokinesis."
  138. [3]
  139. DIRK: "Water. Bending."
  140. [5]
  141. ERIDAN: "I will fight you over this, Strider."
  142. [3]
  143. DIRK: "Fuck off, Ampora. It's waterbending."
  144. [5]
  145. ERIDAN: "It's not fuckin waterbending for fuck's sake."
  146. [3]
  147. DIRK: "It is!"
  148. [5]
  149. ERIDAN: He holds an arm out to the side, lifts a water bottle up, spins the cap off, and flings some water droplets at Dirk. "Hydrokinesis."
  150. [3]
  151. DIRK: "I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree, Eridan." Cheeky grin. None of the water droplets seem to land on him, oddly enough. He just sort of caught them with his hands v fast. And now his hands are sort of wet.
  152. [5]
  153. ERIDAN: "Maybe so, if you're not goin to see reason." He makes the water on Dirk's hand uncomfortably cold, but now without just the slightest of amused fin flicks.
  154. [3]
  155. DIRK: He flicks the water at Eridan. Bam.
  156. [5]
  157. ERIDAN: He holds a hand out to stop the droplets in their tracks. He's gonna just.... t(=o-o=t)
  158. [3]
  159. DIRK: He flips him off with his only finger. There. That should do him a frighten.
  160. [5]
  161. ERIDAN: The water forms into a third hand beside him. tt(=-u-=t)
  162. [3]
  163. DIRK: His shades project three extra hands, all flipping him off...
  164. ttt(\>u</)t
  165. [5]
  166. ERIDAN: How dare!!!! He takes some more water from the water bottle and, with some effort, forms more shaky hands. tttt(=-n-=tt)
  167. [3]
  168. DIRK: You think this is a game?
  169. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt(\>u</)t
  170. [3]
  171. DIRK: That's a lot of holo-hands.
  172. [5]
  173. ERIDAN: Bwoop. The water-hands fall as he has been so utterly defeated. He gives a grumbly huff before crossing his arms.
  174. [3]
  175. DIRK: "Ha! Got 'em." He flops back down on the bed. Hey! Maybe he should stay a while! "You've been so completely and utterly defeated, dude."
  176. [5]
  177. ERIDAN: "Fuck off, it's your shades what's done the flippin."
  178. [3]
  179. DIRK: "And it's your water that facilitated your offensive gesturing."
  180. [5]
  181. ERIDAN: "If we're comparin the best wingbeast-flipping then you'll be chuffed to know I win in the fact that I have two hands a my own."
  182. [3]
  183. DIRK: "Chuffed. Adjective. British. Informal. Definition: very pleased. What the fuck are you saying?"
  184. [3]
  185. DIRK: "Why would I be pleased?"
  186. [3]
  187. DIRK: "That's not even funny, dude."
  188. [5]
  189. ERIDAN: "Pleased to know that I am the goddamn bird-flippin champion." Bow before his might.
  190. [3]
  191. DIRK: "I can build a hand that can flip you off better than any living man, woman, or child."
  192. [3]
  193. DIRK: "Probably."
  194. [3]
  195. DIRK: "I mean... Maybe there's someone else out there... Who has god-like bird-flipping capabilities?"
  196. [3]
  197. ZEUS: God of bird-flipping. Trust me, it's in the fine print.
  198. [3]
  199. ZEUS: *italics
  200. [5]
  201. ERIDAN: "I'll leave em in the dust if I see em."
  202. [3]
  203. DIRK: "You fucking better. I'm gonna hold you to that, you know."
  204. [5]
  205. ERIDAN: "They'll have my middle digits stuck so far down their throats they'll wish they never challenged me," he huffs. "So horsehockey aside how are you gonna convince Rox to drop her deal with the devil herself?"
  206. [3]
  207. DIRK: "Yeah. I can do that. Maybe I can like, call her. On her cell phone~." Eridan probably doesn't even know who Drake is, let alone get The Joke. "Hal, call Roxy."
  208. [3]
  209. DIRK: He calls her on Skype because the shades aren't actually a phone.
  210. [5]
  211. ERIDAN: Sadly, the joke slips past him.
  212. [5]
  213. ROXY: She's in her dorm, in the midst of a nice long talk with the sunsis, when her phone honest-to-god rings.
  214. 📻"Yooo, sup Halpal?"
  215. [3]
  216. HAL: 📻"It's these two. Say hello."
  217. [3]
  218. DIRK: 📻"Hey."
  219. [5]
  220. ERIDAN: 📻"Hey Rox, grow your hand back. Strider and I got god fluff for you."
  221. [5]
  222. ROXY: 📻"What no that'd be rude."
  223. [5]
  224. ROSE: 📻"Finally selling it, are we?"
  225. [3]
  226. DIRK: 📻"Rose??"
  227. [5]
  228. ROSE: 📻"Hello."
  229. [3]
  230. HAL: 📻"Hi Rose!"
  231. [5]
  232. ERIDAN: 📻"Fuck off Lalonde this is important business."
  233. [5]
  234. ROXY: 📻"Which one~?"
  235. [3]
  236. DIRK: 📻"Don't speak to Roxy like that you ass."
  237. [5]
  238. ERIDAN: 📻"Oh for fuck's sake."
  239. [5]
  240. ROSE: 📻"Heh. Also, hello Hal!" 23:39:42
  241. [3]
  242. DIRK: 📻"But in all seriousness, you can grow it back now."
  243. [3]
  244. DIRK: 📻"We've got it covered."
  245. [5]
  246. ROXY: 📻"I dunno somethin about it kinda feels like cheating almost? Which I know's silly but yeah."
  247. [3]
  248. HAL: 📻"It's not cheating. He got it fair and square."
  249. [3]
  250. DIRK: 📻"By stealing it. But it's not like Ambrosia gets it by buying it."
  251. [5]
  252. ERIDAN: 📻"Don't fuckin say her name aloud you goddamned numbskull."
  253. [3]
  254. DIRK: 📻"I don't... Okay, for YOUR sake, fine."
  255. [5]
  256. ROXY: 📻"Yeah but he's the one that went an got it. Feels like I should do somethin to earn it."
  257. [3]
  258. DIRK: 📻"I paid for it. You've done more than enough."
  259. [5]
  260. ERIDAN: 📻"Thank you." =-n-= "Anyway Strider's right he paid its weight in gold, consider it done."
  261. [5]
  262. ROXY: 📻"I guesss....worst case scenario I just gotta lop it off again and that's no big deal."
  263. [3]
  264. DIRK: 📻"Yeah! See? No big deal." Ugh now he has to get UP and get his hand healed. Wait...
  265. 📻"Rose? Can you teleport yourself and Roxy over here?"
  266. [5]
  267. ROSE: 📻"I think so. My grasp on it isn't quite as good as I'd like it to be, but..."
  268. [5]
  269. ROSE: Both she and Roxy appear in the room, sitting on the bed and donning pajamas.
  270. [5]
  271. ERIDAN: His fins go back, his eyes go wide, and he skitters back with fins pinned at the surprise.
  272. [3]
  273. DIRK: Dirk flinches. He turns his head and looks up at Rose. "Hoi."
  274. [3]
  275. DIRK: *hi
  276. [5]
  277. ROXY: "Woahhh....s'like teleporting with Chibron only like...on a really drunk eagle instead of a horse...." =^@u@^= "Sup."
  278. [5]
  279. ROSE: "Hey." ^-^
  280. [3]
  281. DIRK: He waggled his fleshstump. God, it's been AGES since he lost this hand. He was still with Meenah when he got it lopped off. That's... Millions of years, at least. "Can you heal this???"
  282. [5]
  283. ROXY: "You bet I can." :D She holds her own handstump against his, the ends glowing. Sorry, Ambro. "Phew....haven't had both hands in a while....this is gonna feel fuckin weird...." Hell, her handstump wasn't even healed over with powers; the hand was gone that long, enough for the stump to heal naturally. Dirk's, too. As painlessly as possible (which is to say, very much painless when she wants it to be), the stumps start to grow wrists, then the carpus bones, etc....
  284. [3]
  285. DIRK: "Oh my fuck... That's..." He runs a hand through his shoulder-length hair. "Wow."
  286. [3]
  287. DIRK: And by runs a hand, I mean, the hand he already has. Not the half-grown one. "This is uh... Surprisingly anti-climactic?"
  288. [5]
  289. ROXY: "Yeah....but for me it's like finally lettin my whole body heal without havin to worry about the hand." They start to grow palms, her relatively small palm in his. "I mean it's not gonna be nearly as majykkal as sproutin one on godhood, but I'm not about to try competing with that noise." The room, by now, is lit just a little brighter by the soft pink light. And once their hands are healed and the light's gone, she leaved her palm touching his for a minute. Wow, it feels kind have feeling there after all this time.
  290. [3]
  291. DIRK: He inspected his freshly grown hand. "Rox, that's fuckin' incredible. Like... Wow..." He used his new hand to smoosh her cheeks, which wasn't really that hard considering the size of his hands. Not particularly big or small for someone of his size, but... They aren't particularly big or small for someone of his size. "Your cheeks are very soft, Roxy."
  292. [5]
  293. ROXY: Smoooosh! "No you." She reaches up with her own hands to smoosh his face. They are now just sitting there smushing each others' faces. /)ouo(\
  294. [5]
  295. ERIDAN: What the fuck is he witnessing.
  296. [3]
  297. DIRK: Roxy's face-fondling reminds him that he should probably shave sometime soon. "No. You." Smoosh.
  298. [5]
  299. ROSE: This is magical.
  300. [5]
  301. ROXY: "Youuuuuuuu." Smush.
  302. [3]
  303. DIRK: "Youuuuu." Smush. He brings his other hand up to assist in the smooshing. The other, older hand feels much less smooth than the new one.
  304. [5]
  305. ERIDAN: "Well this is all very touchin but could you two stop fondlin each other in plain view for a second?" =-n-=
  306. [5]
  307. ROSE: "....Touching." Pun. :)c
  308. [5]
  309. ERIDAN: He shoots a miffed glare her way. Fuck off Lalonde.
  310. [3]
  311. DIRK: "Eexcuse me, d-the fuck did you jus say?" He turns to Rose without taking his hand off of Rose's face.
  312. [3]
  313. DIRK: *just
  314. [3]
  315. DIRK: *Roxy
  316. [3]
  317. DIRK: **Roxy's
  318. [5]
  319. ROSE: Eyebrow waggles abound. "I can't help but feel this is a touching moment when faced with such affection."
  320. [5]
  321. ERIDAN: "The door is over there firewitch."
  322. [3]
  323. DIRK: He removes one of his hands from Roxy's face and brings it to Rose's face. There.
  324. [5]
  325. ROXY: She takes one hand off of Dirk's face to put it on the other side of Rose's, who puts a hand each on Dirk and Roxy's faces.
  326. [5]
  327. ERIDAN: "What the fuck."
  328. [3]
  329. DIRK: "Join us."
  330. [5]
  331. ERIDAN: He's still fuckin terrified of having his face touched but he's not about to admit that. "Fuck off, keep your grimy mitts well away from my face."
  332. [3]
  333. DIRK: "Fine."
  334. [5]
  335. ERIDAN: "Lalonde, take your brazen three-way human gropefest outta my sight." He's grumpy but even he'll admit, inwardly, that the silliness is nice.
  336. [5]
  337. ROSE: Aww, but it's fun. /)ouo(\
  338. [3]
  339. DIRK: "Rose, you heard him. Take us out of his sight."
  340. [5]
  341. ROSE: "One day you will join us, Ampora, mark my words." And on that not-so-threatening-because-she's-in-a-face-touch-train-and-wearing-pajamas note, she poofs them all into the Dirxy dorm. 16:39:53
  342. [3]
  343. DIRK: "I meant make us invisible. But... This works, too." Snugglefest pls?
  344. [5]
  345. ROSE: "I haven't quite figured out how to do that again." Sadly. "But when I do, I'll once again be a security system's worst nightmare." Only even better than before, because now she can insta-retreat and heal and kinda block out mindstuff and shit. /)=u=(\
  346. [3]
  347. DIRK: "That sounds excellent." He un-smooshes her cheek and chooses to wrap his arm around her shoulder. "You're doin' good, Rose."
  348. [5]
  349. ROXY: She lets go of both their faces to pull them into a group hug. "Hell yeah you are! Realtalk, I was kinda legit worried you were gonna get all megalomaniacal on us like you-know-who."
  350. [3]
  351. DIRK: "Is there any reason that... That we had to use a euphemism for His name?"
  352. [5]
  353. ROSE: Because she's still salty about him abandoning them. "Not especially." She decided to join in on the face un-touching and hug them both back.
  354. [3]
  355. DIRK: "Hm. Is there anything stopping someone from usurping Karkat himself?" Hug.
  356. [5]
  357. ROSE: "The fact that someone would have to kill him to do it." And that's the last thing she wants. "He's not our enemy. I don't even blame him completely for leaving. But we need all the help we can get, so for him to disappear is..."
  358. [3]
  359. DIRK: "Kind of fucking rude?"
  360. [5]
  361. ROSE: "Unexpected. Hurtful. Perplexing." Sigh. "Imagine, being on cull-watch this whole time, even dying, constantly feeling weak and afraid, subjected to myriad beatings, desperately wanting to change things, and then....suddenly having the power to do that, more than ever. Not all at once, and for the first few nights, you'll even seem much weaker, but it's there. Even when presented with an option to instantly escape from this hellhole, wouldn't you rather try and stick around to change things first?"
  362. [3]
  363. DIRK: "I would. I don't know what he's done. He abandoned Aranea... Sort of? I don't know if they've had any contact. She doesn't actually tell me that much about her personal life. But... Where did he even go? I'm genuinely curious. Not that I'm expecting either of you to know; it was just a statement of fact."
  364. [5]
  365. ROSE: "I wish I knew, but I can only guess." She looked tired, as though this was something she'd thought long and hard about before. "Maybe he's in Poseidon's lair, taking care of Kavori. Raising them somewhere comparatively peaceful. Maybe he's in the dungeons, or some other kind of captivity. We're not infallible, obviously. Hell, we got this way in the first place by killing gods. Maybe he's in a situation similar to the one I was almost trapped in, maybe he's already been killed and replaced without our knowledge somehow, maybe he's in a vegetable-like state, maybe he's in more trouble than I want to believe."
  366. [3]
  367. DIRK: "I think that's a little pessimistic, don't you? I mean... He's now one of the 'big three' gods. Zeus, Handmaid, Karkat..."
  368. [5]
  369. ROSE: "They were part of the big three, not him. He's his own god, just as I'm not Apollo. His title, his accomplishments, they aren't mine, nor are Poseidon's his. We'll have to earn those." She frowned. "One doesn't instantly become mighty and respected as the one they've killed."
  370. [3]
  371. DIRK: "Yeah. I guess. But he has a large dominion. All of the oceans, seas, and bays on Earth... That equates to one billion three hundred and thirty eight million cubic kilometres of water. Which is one point three three eight sextillion liters of water." Or roughly 1338000000000000000000 liters. He is, of course, just saying that to flaunt the fact that he actually knows.
  372. [5]
  373. ROSE: "I control a ball of nuclear fusion over ten thousand times the area of Earth and I still get into situations like the most recent highblood kerfuffle. The point is, it's not too outlandish to assume that maybe something awful has happened to him."
  374. [3]
  375. DIRK: "Yeah but that ball of nuclear fusion is 149.6 million kilometres away." Don't let your pride get the better of you, Dirk. "Assuming something bad has happened to him may excuse his absence but doesn't excuse his overall douchebaggery. Like, there's no way GHB just filled his mind with the command 'hey dude why don't you just, be an absolute dickhead to your friends, that sounds like a good idea.' Because that's fucking stupid. And I'm pretty sure that that's not even how he fuckin' talks."
  376. [5]
  377. ROSE: "At this point, I'm not about to underestimate mind control. Highblood isn't even the only one using it, so someone else could very well have told him to declare war on the Empire and begin thinking himself almighty."
  378. [5]
  379. ROXY: "He was so dickish I could almost believe that."
  380. [3]
  381. DIRK: "True. I don't like taking responsibility away from him. If he's really got some sort of motive that involves declaring war on the empire, or anything ridiculous like that, why is it that nobody has seen him?"
  382. [5]
  383. ROSE: "We don't know. None of us do." ono
  384. [3]
  385. DIRK: "Yeah." He sighs. When he becomes a god, he's gonna be WAY more responsible and probably burst into flames as a result of the constant mental stress of keeping large volcanoes under control and in turn preventing massive output of toxic gasses, which would in turn, prevent the extinction of all complex terrestrial life forms.
  386. [5]
  387. ROSE: She's been taking her own godstuff surprisingly well. Just a lot of spacing out and trying to tune out John Cena's theme blaring eternally in her head everything.
  388. [3]
  389. DIRK: "Uuughh... Hey... I wonder if they were ever gonna actually grade us on our classes and shit. Did we have any assessments to study for? I don't even remember."
  390. [5]
  391. ROSE: "Note-taking and the occasional reading assignment. I actually tried to juggle the work back before I realized how pointless it was....I wonder if they ever updated their records, or if I'm still listed as 'dead'." oxo
  392. [3]
  393. DIRK: "I dunno. Either way, I'm not gonna bother fucking doing any work. I already know all of the stuff anyway." Cocky grin.
  394. [5]
  395. ROSE: "At this point, I've learned more from studying on my own time than from any of these classes." -x-
  396. [3]
  397. DIRK: "I have learning powers, so, just chilling out in the classroom let me learn the curriculum." He taps the side of his head with a somehow even cockier grin.
  398. [5]
  399. ROSE: "Truly, the envy of all who don't want to actually study."
  400. [3]
  401. DIRK: He nods. "I think it's from the whole artisan part of Hephaestus. That sort of domain lends itself towards skill-learning powers, doesn't it?"
  402. [5]
  403. ROSE: "Apparently so. I wonder if the knowledge aspect of Apollo is what's helped me learn things so quickly this whole time, come to think of it. Not just skills, but knowledge in general."
  404. [3]
  405. DIRK: "Maybe. You seem like a pretty smart cookie to me." I'm assuming they've relented from the hug by now. If so, Dirk pokes Rose in the chest to punctuate 'you'.
  406. [5]
  407. ROSE: "You, too, for recognizing that." uwu Gonna just puff up her chest and revel in the fact that aww yiss, she is a smart cookie.
  408. [5]
  409. ROXY: Oh no they were so cute.
  410. [3]
  411. DIRK: "Maybe even as smart as me. Maybe." Holy shit she's cute.
  412. [5]
  413. ROSE: "Without a doubt, more like." uwu
  414. [3]
  415. DIRK: "Mmmyeah I'll pay that." He flops back on the bed with a more genuine smile. Less cocky, more happy.
  416. [5]
  417. ROXY: She flops back down along with him, an ear flicking towards Rose, who's now standing up and stretching. "Hmm?"
  418. [5]
  419. ROSE: "I'm not really in the mood to sleep, so I think I'll go practice some more. After all, the more I learn to do, the better." ^-^
  420. [3]
  421. DIRK: "Oh come on, I wasn't gonna sleep. I just wanted to lie down. I was asleep for like a year with Aranea."
  422. [3]
  423. DIRK: He nonetheless wraps his arms around Roxy, grasping her hip firmly with his new hand. That's a new feeling. Technically everything that his new hand feels for a while will be a new feeling.
  424. [3]
  425. DIRK: The other hand is just sort of limp.
  426. [5]
  427. ROSE: "Sleeping or no, I'm in the mood to prance about with this newfound freedom." Because fuck yes goodbye voodoos! :D
  428. [3]
  429. DIRK: "By yourself?" He wants to spend time with both Lalondes hhh.
  430. [5]
  431. ROSE: "That depends on whether you would take kindly to mice and crows parading in unannounced, should something go wrong." And she doesn't want Mutie to eat the mousies.
  432. [3]
  433. DIRK: "... I don't really mind." He glances at Roxy. Would she like to come or does she want a nap??
  434. [5]
  435. ROXY: Yaaaaaawn. "I'm gonna take another lil nap first, send a shout of anyone needs healin." She closed her eyes, content.
  436. [3]
  437. DIRK: He unhugs her and rolls away. "Alright. Sleep well, I guess."
  438. [5]
  439. ROXY: "Stay safe, you two!"
  440. [5]
  441. ROSE: "Will do." She smiled before heading out the door, giving zero fucks about pajamas. Bow before the fucking pajama goddess.
  442. [3]
  443. DIRK: He nyooms on out after her. He still has the Thor-hair and the really cool shirt that Jane made him. And, as always, his regular black jeans, and those orange sneakers he threw up on that one time. "So... Godpowers, huh? Mind giving me a little bit of that omnipotence? Why did that sound sexual."
  444. [5]
  445. ROSE: "Oh, you'll find that these godly bodily fluids are extremely potent." So omnipotent. "Are you asking for a demonstration, or a blessing?"
  446. [3]
  447. DIRK: "A blessing? Why would I need a demonstration. Also, bodily fluids? That's a little bit broad. Is your godly essence in all of your bodily fluids?"
  448. [5]
  449. ROSE: "I hope not." She shrugged, getting onto her tiptoes to place a hand on Dirk's forehead. "I should warn you beforehand. I don't know what I'm doing."
  450. [3]
  451. DIRK: "It's okay... Just...You better not turn me into a fucking furry."
  452. [5]
  453. ROSE: "Dirk, that would be completely and utterly ridiculous. I don't even know how to do that," she said, her hand glowing. Alright, gotta think up a blessing...what the fuck would Dirk even be if he fell into furry hell....right, right, blessings....fuckin....what the fuck kind of blessing could she even gi---oh hey Hephaestus' thing is lions right, probably a lion---alright, maybe some kind of sound-based blessing. Or----
  454. She looks up at him.
  455. Yep those are definitely fluffy ears and that is definitely a fluffy tail with a tuft at the end. "....I am not responsible for this."
  456. [3]
  457. DIRK: His ears flatten against the top of his head. "Responsible for what?" He doesn't realise what's happened, oh boy.
  458. [5]
  459. ROSE: Welp. She takes her hand off and places it on her own forehead, contemplating the merits of saying 'fuck it' and diving into furry hell as well. Nah. "Well, you see, according to Murphy's law...."
  460. "...You've become a fucking furry."
  461. [3]
  462. DIRK: "Mother fucker." He looks over his shoulder and does indeed spot a tail swishing around back there, apparently with a mind of it's own. "What the FUCK, Rose. What the actual fuck. I EXPLICITLY told you not to turn me into a fucking furry, because nine out of ten blessings at this school have turned people into fucking furries, and LOOK WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED! I'm one of those NINE TIMES!" He bares his teeth, some of which are still human-ish, some of which are metal, and some of which are very lion-like indeed. His canines especially are very sharp. "How the fuck could you do this to me?" His scowl falters. "Are you a fucking closet furry or something? Turning your friends into furries one by one to fulfil your sick fantasies?" Yup that's a smile.
  463. [5]
  464. ROSE: Pffft....she has to stifle a snicker. "Oh come now, I'm only directly responsible for one furry conversion. And it's not as though my predecessor was above giving a few pairs of animal ears." With her free hand, she reaches up to scritch an ear. "It should be easy to fix, one way or another."
  465. [3]
  466. DIRK: No don't lean into that sCRITCH WHAT ARE YOU DOING DIRK. He leans into the scritching. God dammit. "I... It better be."
  467. [5]
  468. ROSE: "Should I try to fix it right away? Because honestly, it might be fun for you to see what effects it's had."
  469. [3]
  470. DIRK: "..." That scritching's REALLY GOOD and he's not sure if he wants it to stop. "Mmm...Not right now..."
  471. [5]
  472. ROSE: Scritchscratch the fuzzy lion ears. "Then it's settled! You'll be liberated from Furry Hell when you're ready. Or when it wears off. Something tells me, by the amount of energy it didn't take, that it's not permanent."
  473. [3]
  474. DIRK: "Thank... god..." The scritches are really starting to distract him from talking.
  475. [5]
  476. ROSE: Her hands stop. "Should I stop doing this?" oxo
  477. [3]
  478. DIRK: "No."
  479. [5]
  480. ROSE: You got it, fam. She keeps scritching the ear despite having to get on her tiptoes to do so, vaguely reminded of her own furry experience. The hearing and senses were nice. The constant tail-wags betraying her emotions, not so much.
  481. [3]
  482. DIRK: His tail swishes happily behind him. Purr.
  483. [3]
  484. DIRK: "Maybe we should do this... Not in the middle of the halls?"
  485. [5]
  486. ROSE: "Oh...probably. The forge, then?"
  487. [3]
  488. DIRK: He is, for some reason, tempted to pick her up in his mouth by the back of the neck to carry her to the forge. He pauses for a moment, reeling at the mere thought. "Okay. Let's, uh, go." Tailswish.
  489. [5]
  490. ROSE: Hell if she knows how to properly read a lion and whether there are any differences between them and cats, but she leads the way towards the Forge for a moment before stopping. She can teleport. That is. Safer. Turning on her heel, she pokes Dirk on the forehead again, envelops them both in some light, then they appear in the fields, several meters away from the forge. Welp. "At least I'm getting the hang of teleportation..."
  491. [3]
  492. DIRK: His ears perk up at the teleportation. Wha huh new information to go in his ears?? Yes okay. "You seem to be getting a better grasp on the mechanics of godhood. At least, in the non-furry aspects of it." He hurries over to the lounge chair and sits down like a normal person... And finds himself somewhat... Uncomfortable. Ugh, tails. He continues shifting around the chair, trying to get comfortable, until he settles for curling up in it, not unlike a cat would.
  493. [5]
  494. ROSE: That's adorable and she has no regrets. She gives the forgefire a wary glance before sitting down with her back to it. No hot leg for her today. "Before long, I'll become nothing short of a master at the furry aspects. potent do you feel this blessing is, beyond aesthetics?"
  495. [3]
  496. DIRK: "It feels... Potent enough to... Uh... Rework the physiological aspects of my brain to trigger certain responses for certain things..." He rolls onto his belly, resting his chin on one arm of the couch, and letting his legs dangle down over the other arm. "Such as purring in response to ear-scratching... Which... Which felt really nice, by the way, and I wouldn't mind at all if you continued in your ear-scritching endeavors." He inspects his nails. Which are now claws. Sweet. "Also, the physical responses, such as tail-swishing and ear-flicking." He flicks an ear. "Like, uh, that. But... So it's obviously pretty potent, yeah? But I don't really feel like I've changed too dramatically."
  497. [5]
  498. ROSE: "So, then, it's something like my blessing, where the changes are mostly physical and nothing really affects you personally...and yet it also seems as though it won't be as long-lasting." She reached up to continue the scritching of the ear. "Like a temporary boost that just so happens to have more physical manifestations. And your senses? I remember, in my case, everything smelled and sounded much stronger." And she liked digging.
  499. [3]
  500. DIRK: "Everything's a lot louder." Loud noises have always bothered Dirk to a considerable degree. "And I can smell... A lot of stuff. A surprising amount of bodily fluid. Not exclusively blood. But... A lot of blood." He leans heavily into the scritching, re-curling up in the lounge chair. Purr purr. Sit with him Rose please please??
  501. [5]
  502. ROSE: Finding a bit of space to sit on the lounge chair, she gets up to do just that. Aaaand then back to the scritches. It's like...a cat ear, but also fluffier. Less soft, but fluffier. "Also like my own blessing. Let me be the first to say that the enhanced smell was not a blessing in those dungeons. Would it help if I talked quietly, like this?"
  503. [3]
  504. DIRK: He nodded, trying his hardest to curl up in her lap and failing spectacularly. He's just too damn Big. He settled for resting his shoulders, arms, chest and head in her lap, and curling up his legs next to her. Purr purr. "Don't tell anyone about this."
  505. [5]
  506. ROSE: "Don't tell anyone about the time I had a tail and wagged it at everything, and we have a deal." Oh god that is a hella deep and rumbly purr.
  507. [3]
  508. DIRK: It complements his hella deep voice. [sub]"Deal."[sub] He rests his head on her thigh. This is a good place to sleep.
  509. [5]
  510. ROSE: Thank Apollo for godstrength, or she would feel smushed. Man....she should probably fix this sooner rather than later. Or practice more, or something....but Cat Protocol says yo never get up when there is a cat on your lap. Even Big Cats that are also Dirk.
  511. [3]
  512. DIRK: Purrr purrr. He appears to be dozing off already in her Super Comfortable lap.
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