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May 22nd, 2019
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  1. horizo[n]Today at 11:40 AM
  2. Once this discussion is over in help can we have a little chat about the warning you gave me seemingly out of the blue?
  3. ChippoToday at 11:42 AM
  4. The forums one?
  5. Why? Your comment was against our rules?
  6. Its just a warning.
  7. Either delivered verbally or via the forum page the outcome is the same...
  8. Nothing..
  9. horizo[n]Today at 11:44 AM
  10. im just not sure what it was in reference to to be honest because i was never spoken to about it
  11. so i just have a warning and no way to know in what context it was used to better my behaviour
  12. ChippoToday at 11:45 AM
  13. Posting on player appeals
  14. horizo[n]Today at 11:46 AM
  15. which comment? because if its the one i think it was I believe i provided supporting evidence for a character reference
  16. 13.3 - The only occasions you may post on any player reports or ban appeals are either you’re the author or a member of staff, or you have supporting evidence to contribute to the post..
  17. I feel like you have some personal issue towards me with your statements regarding my vehicle, your general demeanor and vibe I get from you when you speak to me, my PD application where you continuously spoke to me in a less than respectful way and now this when i gave one of the longest in depth posts and giving a character reference as supporting evidence for the person in question as opposed to the against him
  18. Im not here to demonize all staff or to try and weasel players out of issues simply because theyre not staff or anything and I think theres a misunderstanding in regards to some of my comments and actions sometimes
  19. And again im not trying to argue with you, just provide clarification on why the actions were taken
  20. ChippoToday at 12:06 PM
  21. Im tuff on everyone mate. Especially those that i can tell have potential to be excellent. Stupid people dont know any better, smart people, like you, have the ability to be better.
  22. A character reference from "a guy on the internet" about another "guy on the internet" means nothing.
  23. I am in the position i am becuase everything i do is to push the people and the server in the right direction. I have 2500 hours ingame and likely that again in discord and other out of game duties, i am heavily time invested in making FDG the best. I dont do it for personal power, or my ego.
  24. If im tuff on you its because i know you have the smarts to adapt, learn. improve and be great member of our community
  25. horizo[n]Today at 12:22 PM
  26. I understand what youre saying and I appreciate the in depth response, however it wasnt just a "Guy on the internet" about another "guy on the internet" he was one of the first people on the server to be nice to me and teach me the ropes, some of those ropes were definitely not the best but i appreciated having someone look after me in that sense and give me a feel for RP i had never engaged in and the way to go about it. Im a generally anxious person with a relatively short fuse and wasnt even sure how to socialize properly outside of my incredibly small circle until he made it look as easy as he did and got me involved in conversations with people who prior had no interest in me.
  28. In regards to the car situation I was told that you would give them back if asked about them in the right way and even when mentioning the response you gave me to other staff members was told "Yeah thats harsh" or "he normally gives them back im not sure whats going on there"
  29. I dont want to take up any more of your time, I know youre a busy guy IRL especially through the day so if you do choose to respond dont feel pressured into any speedy response
  30. I also cant help but feel trapped a bit in regards to the fact I was ALLOWED to post on it yet was warned for it, wouldnt it make sense if general users like myself couldnt post on it and if they wanted to give supporting evidence PM the appropriate person handling the case?
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