

Mar 9th, 2020
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  1. # This plugin was coded by Justix - YouTube:
  2. #
  3. # ColorCodes can be found here:
  4. # Spigot-Materials:
  5. # Resource-Page:
  6. # Languages: de_DE, en_US
  8. Language: en_US
  9. BungeeCord: true
  10. LobbyMode: false
  11. BungeeMySQL:
  12. hostname:
  13. port: '3306'
  14. database: serverpro_db
  15. username: root
  16. password: k0mo9pHdkPtlAfD
  17. AutoUpdater: true
  18. APIMode: false
  19. NeedItemToToggleNick: false
  20. GetNewNickOnEveryServerSwitch: false
  21. NickOnWorldChange: true
  22. JoinNick: false
  23. DisconnectUnnick: true
  24. SeeNickSelf: true
  25. ReplaceNickedChatFormat: true
  26. AllowPlayersToNickAsOnlinePlayers: false
  27. AllowPlayersToNickAsKnownPlayers: false
  28. SwitchPermissionsExGroupByNicking: false
  29. ServerIsUsingCloudNETPrefixesAndSuffixes: false
  30. ServerIsUsingVaultPrefixesAndSuffixes: false
  31. RandomDisguiseDelay: false
  32. OpenNicknameGUIInsteadOfRandomNick: false
  33. OpenBookGUIOnNickCommand: true
  34. UseSignGUIForCustomName: true
  35. AllowBookGUICustomName: true
  36. NickActionBarMessage: true
  37. BypassFormat:
  38. Show: true
  39. NameTagPrefix: '&dBYPASS &7| &d'
  40. NameTagSuffix: '&r'
  41. NickMessage:
  42. OnNnick: false
  43. OnUnnick: false
  44. Nick:
  45. Quit: '&8[&c-&8] &7%name%'
  46. Join: '&8[&a+&8] &7%name%'
  47. Unnick:
  48. Quit: '&8[&c-&8] &7%displayName%'
  49. Join: '&8[&a+&8] &7%displayName%'
  50. NickCommands:
  51. SendAsConsole: false
  52. OnNick: false
  53. OnUnnick: false
  54. Nick:
  55. - /yourCommandOnNick
  56. Unnick:
  57. - /yourCommandOnUnnick
  58. NickItem:
  59. getOnJoin: false
  60. InventorySettings:
  61. PlayersCanDropItem: false
  62. PlayersCanMoveItem: true
  63. Slot: 5
  64. ItemType:
  65. Enabled: NAME_TAG
  66. Disabled: NAME_TAG
  67. ItemAmount:
  68. Enabled: 1
  69. Disabled: 1
  70. MetaData:
  71. Enabled: 0
  72. Disabled: 0
  73. Enchanted:
  74. Enabled: true
  75. Disabled: false
  76. Settings:
  77. NickDelay: 0
  78. ChatFormat: '%prefix%%playerName%%suffix%&7: &r%message%'
  79. NameChangeOptions:
  80. RefreshPlayer: true
  81. DisplayNameColored: true
  82. PlayerListNameColored: true
  83. NameTagColored: true
  84. NickFormat:
  85. Chat:
  86. Prefix: '&8'
  87. Suffix: '&r'
  88. PlayerList:
  89. Prefix: '&8'
  90. Suffix: '&r'
  91. NameTag:
  92. Prefix: '&8'
  93. Suffix: '&r'
  94. PermissionsEx:
  95. GroupName: Spieler
  96. ServerFullRank:
  97. Chat:
  98. Prefix: '&6'
  99. Suffix: '&r'
  100. PlayerList:
  101. Prefix: '&6'
  102. Suffix: '&r'
  103. NameTag:
  104. Prefix: '&6'
  105. Suffix: '&r'
  106. PermissionsEx:
  107. GroupName: Premium
  108. AutoNickWorldBlackList:
  109. - world
  110. BlackList:
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