
Neural Cloud doll's (You)r birthday lines

Dec 16th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Neural Cloud Birthday lines transliterated
  3. Abigail: *nom* *nom* Mmmmm… There’s nothing tastier than grilled meat! Would you like a bite, officer? Oh, sorry… I know it’s your birthday, but… Anything goes when we’re having fun, right?
  5. Aki: Looks like today seems to be a celebration for you. As you age, your responsibilities become bigger. But worry not. If you need assistance, call me anytime. Then allow me to wish you a long and prosperous life ahead.
  7. Angela: Your birthday celebration needs to be more fun. Would you like to spend a warm and comfortable time with me?
  9. Antonina: Birthday? You mean the day you’re created? If you think about it, it is an important day. I got nothing for you right now. But you can tell me if you want anything as a present and I will provide it to the best of my ability. I would still refuse any weird demands, though.
  11. Banxsy: If you got something to say, just spill it out. Quit fidgeting! You’re the recipient for this birthday present. You could at least try to be pampered or something!
  13. Betty: Today is master’s birthday-da nya! Master’s birthday~! There’s no use waiting around! But… I haven’t thought about how to celebrate such an occasion… Uh… Master. Want to touch my tail-nya?
  15. Bonee: T-t-t-today is your birthday, professor!? W-w-w-what should i do…!? I haven’t prepared anything for you…! I-I-I-I’m sorry! I’ll get you a present next time…!
  17. Camellia (Souchun): I’m wishing you not only a happy birthday, but also good health. This is a Jello I made especially for you. No, it’s your birthday present. They’re all tasty cakes that you can bring anywhere. I hope you like it.
  19. Centaureissi: It seems that today is an important day for you, master. As a maid, I have prepared for such occasions. Master, I promise you that I will provide you with anything you want just for today. However, there might be limits to what I can provide you.
  21. Chelsea: WHOA! I’m sorry! I thought there’s a fire going on so I extinguished it! I didn’t know you’re holding a barbeque party, professor! As an apology, you can ask me to do anything you want.
  23. Choco: I brought you my freshly baked collections of sweets just for your birthday, professor. Look at these!
  25. Croque: Uhh… I don’t know what kind of present I should give you. Oh yeah. Want to watch anime with me? Let’s get comfy for the whole day with me.
  27. De Lacey: I’ve been preparing this present just for your birthday. Now that such day has finally arrived, I hope it is of your liking. Anyways, I would like to offer you my gratitude. Happy birthday, professor.
  29. Dushevnaya: Ehehe~ Happy birthday. Today, you can ask me one wish. I believe I can grant any wish you asked for.
  31. Earhart: I got you a present just for your birthday, professor. Here. It’s a crimson red model of a Focke-Wulf fighter plane. Back during the world wars a hundred years ago, it’s a plane piloted by a renowned ace pilot who ushered a new age of aviation.
  33. Evelyn: So today’s your birthday. I don’t know what I should give you. If you don’t mind, I want you to have this postcard of scenery from a far-away land called Tijuana, Mexico. Because this scenery does not exist anymore…
  35. Fern: Happy birthday. I know it’s a weird present, but did you know that a chambered nautilus is one of the most important creatures that had lived for hundreds and millions of years ago. Please take good care of it, okay?
  37. Florence: Oh. I heard today it’s your most important day, is it? Then how about we play a daring game, just the two of us? For instance… You’ll be wearing a stuffed costume. Or maybe a nurse outfit?
  39. Fresnel: I need to give as much if it’s a present for you. A luxurious and worthwhile gift is suited for you, professor. But, if that’s not enough for you. I can stay by your side just for a while.
  41. Gin: Here is my present to celebrate an important day of your life. This is a Mint Julep. It’s very bitter on your first taste. But the more you drink it, it’ll become sweet and rich. Yes. It’s the very representation of someone’s life.
  43. Groove: Recorders aren't worth anything lately. Now that we’re deep into the digital music era, such things ended up being nothing but a relic of the past. But as a birthday present, it’s not that bad, right? Here. Take it.
  45. Hannah: Today is the anniversary of your conception, right? Without Turing and her 1642 unit progression, I would have not existed. But since you’re a human, you are born out of 1/10 million probabilities. And from those billions of probable outcomes, we manage to meet with one another. The chances are too slim… I feel like I finally understand why humans celebrate such occasions. Happy Birthday, professor.
  47. Hatsuchiri: This is a gem I found when I was in Tanzania. I always carry it with me. It has a reflective feature that resembles blood flowing through the heart. It’s the most beautiful red gem I’ve ever encountered. You can have this ‘heart’, professor. Happy birthday.
  49. Hubble: It’s your birthday, so we need to do something fun together. We’ll get a telescope and watch the stars together and we write the dream-like scenery on our notebooks. And… Hehe… We’ll have tea, together with milk and scones. And also two sunny side ups.
  51. Imhotep: I’ve already prepared to celebrate your birthday. I just bought this necklace with bells just for you.
  53. Jessie: So today is your birthday, professor. I woke up early today to do a full cleanup on your workplace just so you can have a refreshing and productive day. It’s all sparkling clean from nook and cranny. Wait, your workplace isn’t a service kitchen, right?
  55. Ksenia: Today. Allow me, Ksenia, to provide you with utmost service. Because today it’s your birthday, professor. Just for today, there won’t be any service tax just for you!
  57. Kuro: *CLICK*. I just captured your doozy face on camera! Pfft… Oh yeah. Today’s your birthday, right? I got you a present right here. Look. It’s a body pillow of a cell phone emoji. Cute, eh?
  59. Lam: Just for today, I custom ordered this from a store. It’s not exactly extravagant, but the roast beef from Madrano’s is famous for being tasty. Also it’s well priced. You’re always preoccupied with work throughout the year. Why don’t you reward yourself once in a while?
  61. Mai: Here’s your birthday present, professor! It’s my favorite brand of tea inside. It’s not exactly fancy, but it’s really tasty.
  63. Max: Mnggh… It’s so heavy… Help me out on this, prof! Phew… Oh yeah, this is your birthday reward! This box contains all the sold melons I can find. You’d take them, right?
  65. Nanaka: It took me one whole week to prepare for your birthday party. But if that makes you happy, then it's worth it.
  67. Octogen: I see. It’s your birthday, huh? Do you need any specific surprises? Hehe… What’s with that face? Are you scared of me or something?
  69. Panakeia: Happy birthday, commander. By the way, does my birthday present look weird to you? It’s a red and blue candy in a medicine bottle.
  71. Persicaria: Today is your birthday, isn’t it? As someone who accompanied you from the beginning, I've prepared you a special present. It’s not exactly fancy, but I made it with all of my heart. Please have it.
  73. Python: If it’s my men back then, I’d give them a half-day off. But since you’re my superior who is outside my jurisdiction, I should plan something. Well… Uhh… I heard the bar in the Oasis opens in the midday as well.
  75. Rise: It’s your birthday, so stay awake at all times. Oh yeah, I heard today there’s a new Xenomorphs movie in theatres. Want to watch it together?
  77. Sakuya: Happy birthday, professor. This is a hand-made aroma oil from me. It’s nothing special, but I would be very happy if you accept it.
  79. Simo: Since it’s your birthday, me and Sako cooked you a birthday meal. This Karjalanpiirakka is considered the people’s meal back in my home country with rye crust on the outside and milk, potato and mixed nuts on the inside. There’s also meat in it. And after baking it, I pour cheese sauce on top. This is your first Karelian Pie, right? You’ll understand how delicious it is once you taste it.
  81. Sol: It’s boring if all we did was eat cakes in a room. Why don’t we make your birthday an unforgettable experience by doing some exciting grown-up things. For instance, hiking or hill climbing!
  83. Turing: A cloud agent doesn’t record their conception date. We’re all mass-produced and we don’t exactly know when our neural cloud will be resetted. But at the very least, I can celebrate your birthday before my reset. Happy birthday, professor.
  85. Twigs (Chanzhi): Happy birthday, professor. I heard today it’s your very precious day. Here. It’s a yellow handkerchief from me. Would you take it? Oh yeah, right there. I even embroidered a small picture of you on it.
  87. Vee: Birthday. It’s a day when an individual’s life and soul take shape for the first time. With that, the theme for your birthday is “life”. Am I right? And so I thought of something. Why don’t you lie down right here. Close your eyes. Just relax your facial muscles… A perfect mask of life is the ultimate proof of your existence. I’ll frame the result after this, okay?
  89. Willow: Hey Prof! Happy birthday! Here you go. A completely suspicious present! I never used this before because not only film based cameras can do things digital cameras are unable to do, but it also has unlimited potential! Also look at this retro-styling. Isn’t it lovely?
  91. Yanny: How do you celebrate your birthday? Do you want to go to the ocean with me? We can also bake some fish on the seaside.
  93. Zion: Today… Professor’s birthday… Marshmallow is baked… For you… Happy birthday…
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