
Aryanne X Veronica 2

Jun 12th, 2014
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  1. >after you were sure the Nazis had left the thick of the woods you inspected the med-pack
  2. >the instructions were all in Germaneian but you knew what you were after
  3. >you open the pack with your magic and located the painkillers
  4. >downing more than a few you flush them down with a sip of vodka from your sturdy flask
  5. >the effect was near-instantaneous
  6. >moving around didn't hurt that much anymore, but you weren't done
  7. >with a grimace you magically moved the corpses (or what's left of them) of your fallen comrades onto the bonfire
  8. >you'll be damned if they were left as breakfast for the wild animals in the forest
  9. >you stumble off towards the city for medical care and to report the attack to your commanding officer
  11. >after 3 weeks in the hospital all you have to show for your actions are a few promotions and Shell-Shock diagnosed
  12. >your officers instantly promoted you after you told them that name
  13. >Aryanne
  14. >apparently she's a spook to the higher-ups in the military ranks
  15. >known to be ruthless, highly efficient and with absolutely no moral obligations towards torture
  16. >you're assuming they're using you as a 'people's hero' for surviving a run-in with her
  17. >but what you did wasn't heroic at all
  18. >you failed at killing, even damaging a single Nazi
  19. >on top of that your squad died in vein
  20. >It wasn't long until you were forced to go back to duty
  21. >your motherland didn't have time to slack off
  22. >it's either die at the hooves of the Nazis or get shoot for 'treason'
  23. >fucking great
  24. >Germaney felt they had waited enough, and decided to invade while you were in the hospital, despite pleas from the Princesses
  27. >fast-forward a few days
  28. >now you're in the middle of a trench somewhere, shooting at Nazis
  29. >your forces outnumbered theirs 12-to-1
  30. >and it showed
  31. >for the first time in months motherland rifle sights caught a glimpse of Germaneian rumps
  32. >they were retreating
  33. >the losses on your side were ridiculously huge compared to theirs
  34. >but they were retreating
  35. >...for some reason
  36. >cheers all along what little offensive lines the Red Army had left could be heard as Griffons, Diamond Dogs and Ponies alike celebrated like brothers as the Germaneian forces were so far away they became little more than black specs in a frozen tundra
  39. >but nothing good can last forever
  40. >a shriek could be heard from over the horizon
  41. >an ancient roar of myth and legend
  42. >the front lines became quiet now
  43. >the ear-shattering growl came back, louder than before
  44. >some griffons dropped their weapons to cover their ears
  45. >others flew away in horror
  46. >Diamond Dogs buried themselves underground
  47. >officers tried to get everybody back to their post
  48. >some even resorted to shoot at the fleeing soldiers for abandoning duty
  49. >another roar came from the unknown
  50. >this time loud enough to send chilling vibrations down your neck
  51. >this turned real ugly real quick
  54. >the front lines were in disarray
  55. >just when you thought it couldn't get any worse you saw it
  56. >a black smudge over the mountains
  57. >coming closer
  58. >you knew what it was, but you wished you didn't
  60. >"DRAGON!"
  61. >air sirens howled at high noon and whatever remains of your Motherland's forces entrenched
  62. >there wasn't much to be done with a full-grown dragon
  63. >this is the day you die
  64. >the monster of old gained speed towards you and your comrades
  65. >you sat down
  66. >back against the trench wall and hyperventilated
  67. "Why can't these Germaneians just stop this needless killings?"
  68. >you felt sick to your stomach
  69. >you were still so young
  70. >and here you were, probably sitting in the exact same spot you were dying in
  71. >propaganda offices at home would shrug your death of as if it had never happened
  73. >as you were sitting in your own misery another solider spoke to you
  74. >you never bothered with making any friends as they had a nasty habit of dying in horrible ways in front of you
  75. >he was just another face among many who will soon perish, a dead man walking
  76. >"HQ has ordered me to lead you to an emergency debrief, madam."
  77. "Tell HQ to go fuck themselves..."
  78. >"Madam, you do know the punishments for not following direct orders, да?"
  79. >this guy was getting on your nerves
  80. "Urgh, fine. But it can not be worse than being eaten alive by big-as-fuck dragon."
  81. >you follow the solider over to a small, damp bunker to a distressed looking higher-up
  82. >"The people's hero!"
  83. >god you hated that nickname
  84. >"You look devoid of hope, but there is one."
  85. "What?"
  86. >you answered flatly
  87. >honestly you couldn't see how anyone here could survive, let alone beat a dragon
  88. >"In the hills 10 minutes from here, we have stationed an experimental enemy captured a Howitzer rail gun."
  89. >"You will use this rail gun to skewer the best."
  90. >his mild optimism faded
  91. >"the rest of the forces will serve as a distraction..."
  92. >the room became quiet
  93. >"It is either us and the dragon, or just us. The choice is an obvious one."
  94. "Is that an order?"
  95. >"Yes."
  98. >why why why
  99. >you were so sick of all the needless killing
  100. >why wouldn't we all be farmers instead?
  101. >you managed to find the location of the Howitzer in your race up the hills
  102. >while removing the netting camouflage you see (and hear) the dragon swiping back and forth the base, engulfing your comrades in hell fire
  104. >after adjusting the Howitzer for firing at the dragon you get to inspect the beast up close through the binocular reticle
  105. >the horrible creature was in obvious pain
  106. >it looked like thick bolts were drilled into the flesh and bone
  107. >the bolts holding up massive slabs of Germaneian steel
  108. >forced into it's atrocities by the Nazis, no doubt
  109. >deep breath
  110. >you took aim
  111. >and fired
  112. >the beast's roar was almost as loud as the weapon used to expose 1/3 of it's insides to the outside
  113. >falling from the heavens the dragon hit the ground hard enough to feel the shock-wave from your position
  116. >rushing down to the charred wasteland that was your base you start looking for survivors
  117. >nothing
  118. >at least there weren't that many ponies turned to cinder from dragon fire frozen in their last horrifying moments lining the trenches
  119. >the majority must have escaped
  120. >but that didn't mean there were still some ash-statues of former-comrades
  121. >you decide to check out the dragon
  122. >the trenches became too unbearable to hang around in
  123. >to your surprise you could hear movement from the other side of the massive corpse
  124. >if that Howitzer didn't kill it, nothing would
  126. >fortunately when making your way around the giant dragon it looked very, very dead
  127. >unfortunately you saw a familiar face
  129. >"I am sorry SS-Oberführer Aryanne! I don't know what killed the Dragon."
  130. >It sounded like a stallion, with that distinct Germaneian accent
  131. >the male voice followed you to thefurther around the carcass
  132. >you load your rifle using your magic just to be sure as you approached the two
  133. >"Sorry is nicht gut enough! You were zupposed to watch out for enemy projectiles!"
  134. >"It hit us close range SS-Oberführer Aryanne! There was no way in Tartaros I could have seen it coming!"
  135. >the stallion was laying on his back dying
  136. >Ayanne was bleeding a lot from her chest were the impact of the ground had torn out a huge part of her torn-up uniform and coat
  137. >"You useless little piece of-"
  138. >she noticed you
  139. >starring deep into your eyes with those unreadable blue orbs hiding malicious thoughts and intent
  140. >she flashed you a genuine smile
  141. >"Meine little zelebrity! What is ze nickname your goverment has given you because I did not gut like a pig you a few weeks ago?"
  142. >you frowned
  143. >aligning your rifle you aim straight at her head
  144. >"Oh there will be time for THAT later, believe you me. Fist I wanna show you something."
  146. >you keep your distance
  147. >rifle still at her all the while
  148. >her genuine smile turned slightly sinister
  149. >"Tell me, little Soviet. Do they teach you the Ezekiel choke during those five minutes of training you get?"
  150. >unbelievable
  151. >you have a gun aimed at her and she's still degrading you
  152. >you reply through gritted teeth
  153. "No we learn how to do the stabbings of Nazi eye-ball though."
  154. >Aryanne simply giggled like a little filly
  155. >highly inappropriate seeing hos she was splashed in a damp cover of her own blood
  156. >Aryanne wiggled her hips and sat down on the dying Germaneian solider and cleared her throat
  157. >the Germaneian solider looked too tired to protest while he was fading in and out of consciousness as he grunted from the inpact
  159. >"Ze Ezekiel choke. Snugly wrap your hoof around your opponents neck. Grab the sleeve of your own uniform."
  160. "What are you doin-"
  161. >"Now, pull the sleeve of your own uniform, causing the outer ridge of your hoof to wedge against your opponent's carotid artery!"
  162. >"Posture up"
  163. >she raised her shoulders
  164. >"pull down unt put your hoof sandwiching his neck."
  165. >you heard a fleshy crunch
  166. "I don't- You killed own comrade! What Fuck?!"
  167. >"Now we can have a little privacy."
  168. >she got up from the corpse of the Germaneian solider
  169. >"You did not disappoint, commie scum~ You came from me after all, murdered a Dragon for himmel's sake!"
  170. >her voice calmed down
  171. >"Ist respect that. Remember what i told you, Kommunist? That I would find you unt drink your blood in the fields of justice?"
  172. >"Well now that you found me we can get thiz over with!"
  174. >you sturdied your rifle with your magic
  175. "You are way too wounded to fight, surrender now!"
  176. >Aryanne pulled out a knife from her last intact uniform pocket, her voice sounding deadly serious
  177. >"There is no getting around this."
  178. >she took a step towards you
  179. >"There can nicht be a way out of this."
  180. >another step, more shaky this time
  181. >"I am ze Übermensch! Failure is weakness, I am not weak!"
  182. >a light trail of her crimson fluid could be seen painting the pristine snow
  183. "We do not need to do this. You spared my life, I promise I will spare yours in return, I swear on the motherland."
  184. >"nein nein NEIN! I do not require sympathy from the enemy! You did, I do not!"
  185. >Aryanne fell down to her left knee and struggled to get up
  186. >her eyes were fiery with rage
  187. >she huffed and puffed but couldn't manage to get back up on her hooves
  189. >eventually she fell over, exhaustion and blood loss taking over
  190. >you walk up to her, looking over her wounds
  191. >"Why do I keep putting all this pressure on myself?"
  192. >she was staring into nothing, eyes wide as saucers, probably talking to herself, her voice not louder than a tiny whimper
  193. >"As-if it is possible for me to ever be better than myself."
  194. >"No... All the ponies murdered, it must have been a cause."
  195. >"Of course it was for eine good cause."
  196. >she froze up
  197. >"Even if... Even if I leave this earth, the day still looks the same, the sun still sunny."
  198. >the elite Nazi Officer locked eyes with you
  199. >she bore a true, heartfelt smile, with tears dwelling up in her eyes
  200. >"Ich am so sorry I am not strong enough to fight you."
  201. >"Ohh but don't looks so gloomy. I am sure your Kommunist masters will shower you in medals for putting one right between my eyes."
  202. >she let out a weak giggle
  203. >"so, this is vengeance, this is justice. Do it."
  204. "Nazi, if you would just-"
  206. >"...Kill mich."
  207. >the pony's eyes were fluttering, she was having trouble remaining conscious
  208. "Calm down Aryanne, you will be treated fairly in a-"
  209. >was she still breathing?
  212. >you galloped towards the bunker, Aryanne squeezed tightly in your grip
  213. >with your rifle you smashed the lock off the infirmary medical cabinets
  214. >you immediately found some bandages and patched her up to the best of your abilities
  215. >3 hours had passed since you managed to get her indoors
  216. >you've done everything in your power to save her, it was up to Aryanne now
  217. >trotting around her makeshift bed the most conflicted emotions run through you
  218. >you should hate her, and you do. A lot
  219. >but you also didn't want her to die which was strange considering all she's done and what she's put you through
  220. >all you knew was that right now you didn't want her to die no matter what
  222. >the sun was lowering
  223. >so was the temperature
  224. >living in these cold lands your entire life you knew the best way to stay warm
  225. >it was seriously messed up to even consider it
  226. >but you knew you had no choice this time of year
  227. >you snuck inside Aryanne's bed
  228. >carefully moving the carpets you previously covered her in off her you make physical contact
  229. >moving ever closer you eventually wrap yourself around her in a full-body-hug from the back and apply the various layers of carpets on top of both of you
  230. >breathing out a sigh you try your best to get some shuteye
  231. >it was best not to think about that you and the single enemy solider currently being spooned by you were the only two survivors left in a war-torn trench-and-bunker complex in the middle of nowhere
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