

Jun 1st, 2011
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  1. ShadowSha *~The Dark Rider in the Valley of Death~* says:
  2. Kai:*nods* Alright. This land is peaceful, and i enjoyed my time here with my wife and children. The people were kind and they were happy under the rule of the royal family that lived in their castle sitting on a island of their own. The reason there was peace was due to the six Lords that watched over the place. As time went, each of the six would pass their duties to another, usually to
  3. a child of their.
  4. Kai:...but due to the peace, the people grew soft and weren't ready for attack. They were not used to strife and disasters. Only the lords knew of the harsh worlds beyond their land's shores. This place may have stayed peaceful had i not hidden the Witch's items here.
  5. Kai: The Witch came and slayed me, only to find that I didn't have the items. I laughed as I started to slip away, only to learn what she did later on. She took a part of my treasure, ensuring I'd never be able to leave this plane...and after she left, I learned that my Son had wittnessed my death. *shakes head* After that...the Volcano erupted, shaking the land violently. Due to the tremor...
  6. a part of the land broke off, serperating one of the six from the land...before they were old enough to take the crown from their father. They were harmed by the quake...and the people that lived on that peice of land died in a very...odd way. The ashes of the volcano didn't turn them to dust but rather...they became statues of themselves...depicting what they were doing the moment the eruption
  7. happened.
  8. After all was done, the remaining gathered and tried to decide what was to happen. They knew of my vision and of the items. They knew the foretold heroes would come...and as my Son tried to set off to hunt down the witch himself to avenge me, one of the lords stopped him and imformed him that he had to wait until the people came..least my death be in vain.
  9. Kai:...not long after, another one of the lords seperated from the others, claiming that they could no longer take the pain of losing one of their own from the quake. They disappeared into the mist, creating their own domain and became a myth of a mirage out in the water.
  10. Kai: ....As the years dragged, my Son grew more bitter. As the years dragged on, the other lords remained in their homes, preparing challenges for you all. In time...a shadow fell on the land again. Someone had come to claim it as their killing the king, Queen and princess...however, the Prince escaped. With no one to oppose him...he cast his shadow over the region and released mighty
  11. a warning to all that try to stand against him. The simple people were scared at first, but then they started to believe that someone, somewhere, would arrive and save the day. Foolish they are, they grew used to the threat of monsters, of the rule of the Tyrant and grew...well, they are stupid. Only few still hold the fire and fear in them to see sense.
  12. Lysander says:
  13. Lysander: *listens attentively. He sighs when he hears of people waiting for heroes*
  14. (( that's really cool backstory =D
  15. ShadowSha *~The Dark Rider in the Valley of Death~* says:
  16. Kai: *smiles* But that's where it ends. The Lords knew of the man and grew ferious. They knew of his power and that he would expect their attack. So they crafted a way to take him down with the aid of the people that I foresaw. Each one holds a test, and they will grant you all a way to weaken the man. You must find them, for ever blessing you recieve, the weaker he will be when you face him...but
  17. the Lords are also growing worried...for the man has found something. He plans to gain more making a offering to the Witch. The clock is ticking.
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