
Huanliuxe (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood),

Dec 27th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Cultivation method; the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎlǜ)
  2. The dual Dao of Ghost and Grudges. Very Yin oriented.
  3. Spiritual roots; Transient roots which can be "dyed" to any affinity, currently aligned to Death/Ghostly Yin Qi, Pure Blood Qi, Primordial Qi and Cosmic/lunar Qi.
  4. Evolution/Body changes; Wild Princess [野生 格格, Yěshēng Gége] [Primordial Beast Line]. Through refining your soul, your essence becomes regal and noble. Growing from the size of a wolf to that of a Young Ox, your strength naturally increases, but without any loss to your grace/ agility. Most Felines become naturally subservient to you.
  6. [Cosmic beast Line] Basic abilities include: The ability to travel to space, without passing through the heavens, access to cosmic Qi, can breath and move with ease in the void of space, can practice star magic and astrology, Always knows ones exact location beneath the night sky, You cultivate cosmic Qi more efficiently and stranger/ alien abilities.
  7. [Blood Moon sub-cosmic line]: Become a herald of misfortune, who is strengthened beneath moonlight and whose presence alone can upset the tides, of both the sea and war. Gain the ability to worsen the luck/ fortunes others. Increase potency and affinity of Yin spells/ abilities/ techniques, gain the ability to transmute water to blood, without alchemy, and control moonlight, as well as access unique techniques and spells fueled by it. Able to force the moon to become a blood moon temporarily, and blood moonlight strengths your blood moon abilities more than normal moonlight does, and alters them (As well as carmine mystic abilities, and any form of blood sorcery/ refinement/ control). Your blood has been infused with moon dust.
  9. >>>>FORMERLY Supreme Yin physique; gives an amazingly Yin aligned body and the cliche jade beauty that comes with it without being Purely Yin. It makes your meridians work more efficiently with Yin Qi (like water, metal or of course, GHOST). it'd also boost the other aspect of Yin Like Cold, FURTHER raising your resistance to it and increasing your affinity with ice magic and techniques.
  11. Eclipsed Yang Physique; It resembles and functions as an Eclipse. Both in function and appearance, resembles a total solar eclipse. The yang energies forming a halo around the black sphere of Yin, and switching from the usual conflict of Yin and Yang to how dark and light and the various other aspects of the two compliment each other rather than oppose. Basically, Eclipsed Yang is the white dot in Supreme Yin, but that does not mean its weaker or lesser than it, and it will boost her Yang aligned abilities+ resistances.
  12. Possesses weird abilities and embodies a total solar eclipse, must be an activated Physique.
  14. Internal Gu [Sinner Bone centipede]: Internally transmuted flesh and blood now produces the Gu of the Sinner bone centipede, allowing Huan to inflict the bone melting venom on a bite as well as becoming utterly immmune to the venom or any poisons of lesser potency.
  16. Living source QI [Primordial/Blood] Our body and meridians naturally produces Blood and Primordial Qi, letting it gush out and saturate the environment whenever she move's and like the primordial springs, shall steadily return to the world it's lost QI's.
  18. Cultivation stages: Entering the Ghost Courtyard [QI condensing] into Severing the eternal soul and mortal vessel [Foundation establishment] into core formation [unnamed] into Golden Core [Tier 0] into Nascent soul [Not here yet]
  20. Techniques/Spells:
  21. "Specter Lightness skill" [幽灵-轻工, Yōulíng-Qīnggōng] Creating a bubble of slowed time around us, our body becomes less corporeal/substantial but not intangible as we activate it allowing us to bounce further with less effort.
  23. "Phantom Cat Step" [幽灵猫步, Yōulíngmāobù], you discovered that by quickly activating and deactivating the skill's esoteric ability you could suddenly "blink" several paces or bounds to the perceptions of those snared in its net or even beyond its sphere of influence.
  25. Severing of the Eternal soul and Mortal vessel! [刌 永恒魂会死㿾, Cǔn-Yǒnghénghún-Huìsǐzhù], The practitioner can allow their soul to wander outside the body as a ghost.
  27. Dying Grudge Shield (垂死怨怼㕹,Chuísǐyuànduìfá): Form a barrier shield of Yin Qi and grudges, reverse any attack that doesn't break it back along the way it came with twice the damage potential
  29. Feline martial arts; a soft style of redirection, agile dodging and movement with a focus on controlling the balance of both parties in a conflict.
  31. Enmity incarnation, Devil of Grudges! (敌意具人形, 魔鬼的恩怨, Díyì jù rénxíng, Móguǐdeēnyuàn), Adopt the mien of a grudge bearer we have access too and we will be able to access the skillset of that grudgebearer. Must be a potent grudge and abide by how they would act.
  32. Currently have these grudges;
  33. =Xiongji the Rampaging Rooster General; Extremely vocal ferocity with a tireless madness and a fiery rage against all things. A Mask of fire, berserk strength, heightened durability, and bottomless stamina.
  34. =Monu, Mother; adopted a sultry and teasing persona with ice coating the fur in ice. Grants an immunity from poison and Ice, control/generation of both said elements and the capacity to create puppets.
  35. Fu, Our first disciple; Covers the body in spectral bandages and skeptical wrath, Grants heightened stamina and increased strength, proficiency with axes and a 'cloak' of grudge spirits that cling to the back of the practitioner.
  37. The Blood Torrent Rush (衁急流奔,Huāngjíliúbēn), By sheathing the muscles and sinew of your legs and wrapping your hearts and lungs with blood Qi, you have found that you can increase your speed and agility to a rapidity no other cat, magical or mundane, has ever before reached. Almost enough to move so swiftly as to challenge the "Speed" of the Phantom Cat step, the Body strengthening technique has a side effect of causing the users veins to bulge, to meet the increased demands of the heart and muscles.
  39. Blood Red Lightning Cat Step (血紅色列缺猫步, Xuè hóngsèlièquēmāobù). Using Blood Torrent Rush during Phantom cat step makes its performer to move so quickly that the air around them whips into a shrieking wind!
  41. The Scarlet Healing Armor! (鲜红瘉铠, Xiānhóngyùkǎi), Forming a barrier of blood QI, scale mail may be adopted along any shape or as a wall to grant massive regeneration to equal using internal energies.
  43. Vein Hunting Eye (血管猎-眼睛, Xuèguǎnliè-yǎnjing), Similar to a spiritual sense, but rather than detecting Qi as the now dead hunter did, you sense the flow of blood and life energy. A useful skill, as many powerful cultivators are known to reduce or completely hide the aura of their Qi, but the alteration of their flesh and bones could be revealed to you through this technique.
  45. Xuèjīngliàn! (血精炼, Blood Refinement) A forbidden practice, named a demonic art much like the practice of soul stealing though you cannot imagine why it was so condemned, perhaps because collecting blood to refine and purify into a source of plentiful and rich spiritual energy appeared too "Demonic"?. And by applying the basic, fundamental principles of Alchemy, you have also learned how to alter and transform the blood while it is still inside of living veins. Can alter other creatures.
  46. ==Further Refinement of your blood control, to the degree you can use your veins as weapons or to spray boiling blood or even separate them from your body completely! (Or do the same for other's bodies once you've infected them with your Blood Qi) or even shape blood outside or within of a body into more complex shapes, like blades or crude puppets
  48. The Vein Draining Fang (血管 倾浆 獠牙, Xuèguǎnqīngjiāngliáoyá) which despite its name, need not be performed with a bite and could in fact be used as a ranged spell to drain its victims dry by forming a cutting burst of blood Qi to create an open wound.
  50. The Red Death Scythe (红色死亡 镰, Hóngsèsǐwánglián) and The Whispering Death Claw (呢喃死亡爪子, Nínánsǐwáng zhuǎzi) are related techniques, with the first using Yin QI for anti-healing properties and to drain the life force of a foe while the Blood Qi steals the blood and the second only drains the life force while leaving barely any marks on a body.
  52. Demon art: Blood Rain, Chaos Mist (血液雨, 乱象雾, Xuèyèyǔ, Luànxiàngwù). Can be used to create curses of a wholly physical nature, inscribing the spells into their very blood.
  54. "Cat's Court: Spiteful Blood Legacy" (猫 法院: 刻毒血遗产, Māofǎyuàn: Kèdúxuèyíchǎn) Secret Art unlocked by rolling 108 and remaining uninjured against Baoli-Wuyawang.
  55. Forcefully awakens the last lingering dregs of personality within the rage left behind and inherited within a single drop of blood. Can be used to enhance one's self through the rage of their ancestors, create grudge miasma within a target to "poison" them, or as an attack by briefly giving the long sleeping anger a physical form. Very versatile. A mixture of "Pure" Carmine Mysticism and Necromancy, and an evolution of Blood Refinement.
  57. Cat catches star (猫捕获星, Māobǔhuòxīng), Raising up into the air using a combination of Moonlit ascent lightness skill [use qi to form Qi wings] and Spectre lightness skill to catch the descending target in the aura of altered time, Blink closer with phantom cat step before striking with Iron ox style 'Stone shattering hammer' a spear handed strike, powering the wings with blood Qi. The resulting strike is very damaging.
  59. Four Step Execution (四步行刑, Sìbùxíngxíng) is actually two techniques in one. The first, one uses four "Blinks" to get behind their target, and then bites their neck, killing them or severs their head entirely. The second, strikes acupoints and uses poison if its on hand, to kill ones opponent in four strikes, weakening them with the first three, before the fourth stops their heart. And one can be changed to the other mid-execution, if the target proves capable of countering one of its two forms.
  61. Shooting Star Stampede (流星挤踏, Liúxīngjǐtà). Inspired by the kick, stomp and knee heavy styles favored by former herd and prey animals to make a worthwhile technique for both your forms out of your clumsy first kicks and stomps. It makes liberal use of both The Blood Red Lightning Cat Step and its components, The Blood Torrent Rush and Phantom cat step, as well as your basic use of Youling Qinggong to rapidly stomp and kick your opponent, usually from above, to trample them into the ground. It has several levels of speed and difficulty, starting with just using the area of the specter lightness kill to outpace and overwhelm your opponent, then the phantom cat step to hit them rapidly if they learn the trick behind your lightness skill, then relying on the blood torrent rush for additional speed, before ending with the blood red lightning cat step to strike from several angles seemingly at once, And its that last form that gives the technique its name. Because when it is used, at least according to Yujijiao, your feet and legs look similar to Meteor shower of falling stars, glowing with the blood Qi wrapped tightly around the muscles of your legs as you kick their heads viciously, several times, in rapid succession.
  63. Weeping Scar Curse (哭泣疤痕魔咒, Kūqìbāhénmózhòu). A grudge curse which opens up old wounds on a target, even those scarred over.
  65. "Cat's Court: One of nine lives" (猫 法院: 一 的九生活, Māofǎyuàn: Yīdíjiǔshēnghuó), A time paradox has formed somewhere within your Dantian. Allows Huanliuxe to avoid certain death or travel to and back from a period in the past or future. ONE TIME USE
  67. Secret Art rediscovered: Demonic Beast Creation (魔兽创造, Móshòuchuàngzao). Self explanatory, through knowledge and study of physiology, psychology and spiritality of demonic beasts, this art can awaken them with a frightening frequency.
  69. Perfected Carmine Mystisism: Consume blood and life to fuel our physical cultivation and heal, All without the risk of turning into a living ghost or ghoulish zombie. All at the first level. Basic abilities of Basic CM (Hypnotic eyes, paralyzing bite, Healing Blood, Consumed knowledge).
  71. "True" Specter Lightness Skill: Broken Clock (真实-幽灵-轻工:破 钟 , Zhēnshí-Yōulíng-Qīnggōng: Pòzhōng). An evolution of the "Sphere of illusionary time" generated by the specter lightness skill, rather than simply slowing the perception of time within a bubble to create the illusion of slowed time, you are now capable of actually forcing time to slow or with effort, stop it momentarily.
  73. Cat's court: Phantom Cat Waltz (猫 法院: 幽灵猫圆舞曲, Māofǎyuàn: Yōulíngmāoyuánwǔ qǔ). A formless array of false ghost lights, hanging in the air, that you can reshape as easily as you would the arrangement of them any other time. Changing its shape and breadth as you see fit, making an area where you simply do not need to move in. You can just, switch where you're standing with where one of the fake ghost flames is bobbing. By transferring the Yang of your life with their Yin, switching around seamlessly like you were cheating in a game of dice.
  75. Eye Stealing Grasp (眼睛偷垒把握, Yǎnjingtōulěibǎwò). A two fingered thrust to the eyesocket pioneered by the Crow King. Used to do as it's name states.
  77. Perfect Carmine mysticism art: Transformation Red Eyed Jiangshi: Exactly as advertised, temporarily turns the user into a Red eyed Jiangshi, a more powerful version of the hopping ghost vampire creature. Noted to be adapted instinctively by Huan with Primordial Qi to become thorny/wood aligned with the transformation which resulted in a blood sucking plant vampire hybrid. Other adaptions possible or permanent alterations possible.
  78. Moonlit Jiangshi varient discovered, Cosmic Qi/Lunar Qi aligned.
  80. Cat's Court: Dancing across the border between life and death (猫 法院: 舞蹈对过边境介于人生 和与死亡, Māofǎyuàn: Wǔdǎoduìguòbiānjìngjièyúrénshēnghéyǔsǐwáng). A passive technique, that increases the practitioner's vitality/endurance, physical attributes and mystical abilities the closer to death they are, unlocking new abilities and techniques as they draw closer to the end and evolving their ordinary techniques/ spells, flourishing as they die like a flower that blooms only as it wilts. First use, unlocks the ability for the living to attain ghostly evolutions & perform ghostly transformation techniques . And if the practitioner has one use/ charge available of Cat's Court: One of nine lives (猫 法院: 一 的九生活, Māofǎyuàn: Yīdíjiǔshēnghuó) when they attain this secret art, they receive a second use of that technique!
  82. Secret Art: Red Dust Revival: A ritual capable of returning ghosts and hungry ghosts to their physical forms and life. Does require enough of a body to form an Idol.
  84. Chimeric/Partial Transformations: Control over one's own growth and body to adopt any phase between woman and Cat. A were can, House cat and Girl or anywhere inbetween the extremes.
  86. Hare Foot Charge (兔子脚 改变, Tùzijiǎogǎibiàn): Shape legs muscles and appearance to those of the hare to mimic their movements, increasing speed and leg kick strength.
  88. Carmine Mysticism: Lunar Path can be created and shaped at our discretion. 2nd tier Lunar path technique: Lunatic eyes. Incite madness to those transfixed by our eyes or exposed to their glow.
  90. Wild Beast Disorder (野生兽紊乱 Yěshēngshòuwěnluàn): Weilding Primordial beast essence like Qi, strike at acupoints and meridians to inflict changes on the target into a beast, either in mind or body or soul or all at once. And by sketching out the Star signs in the strikes, unleash the power of the zodiacs. A fearsome collection of techniques.
  91. ====================================================
  93. Knowledge of other cultivation methods;
  94. Pine Tree Warden Record 青松舍监档案, Qīngsōngshèjiāndàng'àn (Wood aligned Law and Hard Martial art. combat/longevity focused.)
  95. the Night Lantern Sutra 夜灯笼真经, Yèdēnglóngzhēnjīng (Fire aligned Law spell/exorcism focused)
  96. the Mountain Shattering Hammer 㟑震裂榔头, Bózhènlièlángtou (Earth aligned law and Hard martial art. Strength/Endurance focused
  97. The Lightning Messenger Technique 列缺 信差技术, Lièquēxìnchāijìshù (Metal aligned Law and soft martial art, Combat redirection/ counter spell focused)
  98. The Spring Fairy Blossom Art 泉天仙 花技艺, Quántiānxiān huājìyì (Female only water aligned law, Healing/ sealing/ support spell focus)
  99. Sacred Winter Breath Accord 神圣 冬季 气息 协定, Shénshèngdōngjìqìxīxiédìng, A water aligned A Water aspected law focused on Defensive Spells and Purifying spells.
  100. The Famine of Breath, (饥饿的气, Jī'èdīqì, Ghostly Cultivation Law, No elemental alignment. Unique. Evolution and Curse focused.
  101. The Verdant Spring mysticism law (翠绿春天神秘主义, Cuìlǜchūntiānshénmì zhǔyì, Wood aligned, Alchemy: Medicine, Spells: Healing and plant control, Spirit Herb Gardening/ Hybridization.)
  103. Last Will of a Heaven's defying Smith (最后遗嘱的一个天 违拗工匠, Zuìhòuyízhǔdīyīgetiānwéi'àogōngjiàng) (A scripture detailing the last days and testament of an ancient artifact maker, a cultivator whom refused immortality. You do not recognize his name from any record of history, and the will is coded and protected by powerful spells. But the little you can read, resembles an old story you remember, of the creation of a man devouring sword with a mind of its own. This book would seem a variation of that old ghost story appears to have a shopping list for the materials to create such an artifact. Unique
  105. Diary of A Gluttonous Devourer of Souls. The Journal of one of the last heretics that practiced the reviled art of "Soul Stealing" (魂偷垒, Húntōulěi), Who was so wicked a being the Forgotten King and A Sect Elder were forced to join forces to end the threat he posed to all life. [we have currently hidden this manual from others]
  107. Collected Accounts of Ascended Beasts, their histories and legacies left behind. A Manual that contains the secret of the creation/ awakening of Magical and demonic beasts and the methods of cultivation they followed and the lives they lead.
  109. Bestial Edict to Attain- Human Form (兽诏书为高达-人类形式, Shòuzhàoshūwèigāodá-Rénlèixíngshì) A divine tier relic from an era over ten generations passed, left behind by Niu Bingweng, who also created the common place orthodox law of cultivation, the Mountain Shattering hammer. The Edict dictates and assists a Magical beast to attain human form.
  111. Huanliuxue's Scripture (欢流血佛书, Huanliuxuefóshū). A manual bound in red leather, with a cat paw shaped clasp with a ghost and a drop of blood on two of its paw pads. It seems to be a collection of your known and practicied techniques and spells as well as your history!?, and judging from how the ink is still wet on the last entry, and how red it is, it is somehow connected to you spiritually and updates itself. What...what is this?! Unique.
  112. This Humble Scribing Junior cannot help but find the text, somewhat familiar.
  114. Beast Saint Doctrine (野兽圣教理, Yěshòushèngjiàolǐ). A Manual bound in green dyed leather, Containing the martial and mystical arts of beasts long forgotten. Also contains the secrets of wildborn evolution.
  116. Lit heart Secret Book (Xinmìjí, 心秘笈), A scripture forged out of Baoli's dead heart, touching it will relay memories of the crow king's various techniques into the holder. Extremely dangerous.
  118. =================================================
  120. Treasures
  121. Spirit stones (Total: 3394),
  122. Jade Ghost taming Seal (Exorcist artifact. Allows the binding of even fierce hungry ghosts to the user's will),
  123. Record of Wraiths and Phantoms (Manual detailing types of hauntings, ghosts and other supernatural beings and their abilities and weaknesses),
  124. Amber and Pearl prayer beads (Sealing artifact, each bead can hold one creature, living or dead within it. If broken, the occupant is released . Currently all beads are empty. Total Beads: 9),
  125. Qilin mane Fly Whisk (Fire imbued weapon, high quality),
  126. Pouch containing five highly refined spirit medicines (Two miraculous healing pills (instantly mends wounds)),
  127. One blood cleansing drug (Cleanses poisons and supernatural ailments),
  128. Two Fire body stabilizers (Creates a potent burst of Fire Qi within the body, giving a boost of Qi and Stabilizing the meridians and inner anatomy of bodies reformed with fire),
  129. Recruiting token of unknown sect (Polish Pink seashell),
  130. A rough map of the Chuan region (Including several locations not marked on any mundane map)
  131. a great fortune's worth of silver and gold coinage and pearls,
  132. Five pairs of pink silk daoist robes,
  133. 52 sinners' souls, 17 trapped souls, a pious soul and an Emperors.
  134. Two abnormally large snake fangs taken from a similarly gigantic skull.
  135. One Flood Dragon scale.
  136. One set of Qilin antlers.
  137. One polished dragon turtle shell.
  138. Five Phoenix feathers. (1 in use)
  139. One Red Agate Idol of Huanliuxue.
  140. White Fur Awakened Bear hide. (Water aligned, pleasantly cool)
  141. various mundane Gemstones and Crystals.
  142. Orange Yellow Sunburst Poppies: A kind of magical opium that greatly raises the body's resistance to heat as well as heating it up to the point they'll boil water if dropped into it.
  143. Black Orchid: Creates a powder that puts someone in a sleep so deep it resembles death, which can be cured by applying a second dose of the eternal sleep poison.
  144. Humming Vine: Can raise ones voice drastically to the point it might as well be an attack, and if turned into a salve will cause anything its applied to to vibrate.
  145. Silver Berries: When dried and brewed into tea, raise mental acuity and focus.
  146. Red Thorned Nettle: Thins blood to the point it is sweated out, which is very useful for giving your blood to control and use.
  147. Four spindles of Spider demon silk, as protective as steel.
  148. 1 pot of Spider Demon Venom
  149. 6 arms of spider demons.
  150. 1 Spider silk War armour, fitted for both human and Cat forms seamlessly. Designed by Anjing-Yinshi the Spider Demon.
  151. 3 drops of condensed godly blood.
  152. Fleshy Eye of Xue Laohue, Perfect quality.
  153. 1 Flesh soul of Jingyu
  154. 1 Steel hide bark drug.
  155. 1 supply [basically infinite] of Bone mending Bamboo Pellet. A healing pill that can mend broken bones, heal most internal injuries, and if taken quickly enough, can replace lost limbs. It can also repair minor damages to meridians or other spiritual organs (Cost per bag of four pills. 2000 spirits stones)
  156. 1 Supply Of Strength of the mountain bending rose drug. A steroid that can permanently increase the users baseline level of strength and improve their muscles as well as a decade of physical training & cultivation.
  158. Bangle of the Great Forge Devil, One of the favored servants of the Demon Lord Zhìzūn-Móxīn (至尊-魔心, Supreme Devil Mind), A Supreme token of Fire Resistance.
  159. A bangle of Enchanted Copper and Demonic Iron, hammered together to form a solid ring in the vague shape of bat wings. Blood Red and Pitch black, in glows with an inner light that casts the space around it in a deep, dark crimson shadow. Hanging from it, from a length of chain connected by what seems a rope spun from fiery red hair that almost seems to be actually aflame, sits a black knuckle bone and a curious carving of jade, the waxy colors of it mingled between brown, black and red, to form a swirl of color that has been carven into a pendant shaped like a fearsome, horned devil surrounded by flame.
  160. Possesses magic that will allow its wearer to resist heat that could melt metal, and work a lit forge as if it there wasn't any heat at all.
  161. Appears surrounded primarily by Fire Qi, but holds Metal Qi within.
  162. Noted to clearly be hiding a deeper power or more complicated ability behind the appearance of "merely" fire resistance.
  164. Crown of Trapped Sands and Caged Winds. Allows command of wind and earth when worn, able to remold the earth, conjure tornados, and create gusts of great force.
  166. Black Horned Skull. Radiates with enough Yin Qi to curse and haunt an entire region of the mortal realm simply by being within it!
  168. Preserved Sanguine Divine Spirit Peach. In a glass bottle, secured with talismans and corpse waxm is the Jade Sanguine Shrine's magnum opus of cultivated Pure Blood Qi. Ripe and uncorrupted, preserved in liquor.
  170. Massive Pearl of Crystalized Primordial Beast Essence. Permits evolution of Demonic Beasts, either one transformation of our own or multiple of our unevolved brethren OR give a human beastly essence.
  172. Astral Jade Throne carved from Star Jade, boosts cultivation performed upon it by +333 to the roll.
  174. ==Ghost Empress Melody (鬼皇后旋律, Guǐhuánghòuxuánlǜ)==
  175. Artifact Guqin. Created by Monu from Hei Suanzhi Rosewood, pearls, strips of rolled silver, and a bowl of bandit blood.
  176. Its wood is as brilliantly red as your fur, its sour sent covered by the aroma of an unearthed grave's soil. Streaks of white and black pearl race along it sides, like billowing clouds and mists. Its strings are made of tarnished silver, yet shine with a strange crimson light. The instrument is gently curled, almost like a cat's tail, and one of its ends is notched like your ear.
  178. It can;
  179. --Levitate and become Ethereal when you perform your specter lightness skill.
  180. --Manifest as a cutting, slicing wind that can travel some distance, and take different forms depending on the tempo of the music played.
  181. --Soothe, summon and rouse the dead, weakening or strengthening their hold on the mortal realm as you desire.
  182. --Create an illusionary field of scenes drawn from your thoughts, memories and dreams. A vision that radiates cold and if you will it, mortal terror!
  183. If the scenes continue for long enough, they begin to sap and drain the warmth and life of those enchanted by them if you allow them to.
  184. --Send out ethereal strings that can puppet corpses and bones and make them dance or perform any movement you desire. It also works on living victims, but the strings are fragile and more of them are required to control a struggling puppet.
  185. --Heavy. Able to communicate blunt damage.
  186. --->Create a rotating sphere of cutting wind to raise a zone of protection around yourself from all angles.
  189. ==Moon Collapse [Yuèqiú tāxiàn (月球塌陷)], Moon Glass Dagger==
  190. Born of Moonlight on Huan's bleeding wrist, the Dagger is made of a perfectly seethrough crimson glass with spearheaded/leaf designed cutting head one edge serrated and the other perfectly straight but thin and sharp. It's hilt is wrapped in white fur tuffs of rabbit pelt and is ended with a pointed ring loop.
  192. --Glows with the light of the blood moon and store it
  193. --Can float and levitate on command, requires thought [Possibly only with moonlight].
  194. --Can split into multiple peices, of any size and reform to it's fullest from any of these pieces.
  195. --Cuts with the weapon inflict lunacy, either lunatic rage or lunatic behavior generally
  197. ==Cultivation materials==
  198. Divine Blood Honey Longevity Potion: Fermenting for 3+ years. Created in the Divine Blood Honey alchemy experiments in the Primordial Wilds.
  199. Potion/Alchemy material.
  200. Seven undamaged/ whole thousand year old ginseng plants.
  201. Baoli's Body: current project for Monu. Unknown benefits.
  202. 3 condensed drops of Godly Blood.
  203. Body of a Bull Demon.
  206. ==Our Lair; The Forgotten Kings Hoard==
  207. An upturned city which now has become a mountain, haunted and saturated in metal qi, ghostly QI, and the headquarters for the Palace of Natural laws sect. Now utterly under Huan's control after defeating the Forgotten King. Size: Medium Retreat.
  208. Upgraded; Five Elements Spring: With Monu returned to her true power, her proficiency and knowledge of Spells will allow you to turn the barrel of water into a true spring, like that guarded by the pitiful sect your visited! [Creates a Harmonious Five Element water spring, allowing a source of all five elemental Qi's]
  210. ==Our Outpost; Garden of the Wild Empress==
  211. A retreat formed by Huan alone as she manipualted the Qi of the land to produce a unique style of compound, It is very large and appears at once to be a living extension of the forest of Tragic Lovers, and an overgrown ancient style of city-monastery. Nobody mention it was meant to be Grander. Size: Large Retreat
  212. Upgraded; Orchard of Verdant Predators: Inspired by your blood moon transformation and your knowledge of the connection between the Carmine Mystics of old and the Thousand Lotus Hall, you can create a forest filled with blood sucking and man eating plants [Acts as both security, training, and a source of unusual spirit herbs]
  213. Pool of Primordial origins. By breathing out and saturating the air with the essence of your beast core, you can create a spring that is saturated with primordial beast essence [Creates a presence of primordial beast essence, that will make the creation of new ascended beasts and the growth of current ones easier, and attract "Wild" ones]
  214. Unusual Spiritwood Grove: A grove of spirit wood and spirit fruits the like of which you've never seen before anywhere in the world, even in the primordial basin [???]
  215. Orchard and Spiritwood Grove interact for additional benefits.
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