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Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. Player 1: So, is there an Improved Climb power of some sort, or isn't there ?
  2. GM: I'm looking, I'm sure I saw it... Hmm, what's this ? Telekinesis ?
  3. Player 2: What's that ?
  4. GM: *reads* Hmm, let's see, it costs 4 points/level, says here it lets you move objects with your mind (duh).
  5. Player 1: Huh. So, I have the standard 100 points, so let's say I get level 15, what can I do with that ?
  6. GM: *reads* Lift 250 lbs, move it at 500 mph.
  7. Player 2: *stunned silence*
  8. Player 1: Screw improved climbing, I'm getting that.
  9. GM: *reads* Hm. It says here that, for one more point, you can get cryo- and pyro- kinesis.
  10. Player 1: Cool. BTW, can I lift myself with TK ?
  11. GM: *reads* Yes.
  12. Player 2: WHAT !
  13. GM: *getting alarmed*Well, that's what it says.
  14. Player 2: So. Let me get this straight. While I get to spend Fatigue to lockpick a door, he gets to FLY ?
  15. Player 1: How much damage does Pyrokinesis do at lvl 15 ?
  16. GM: *reads* 5d6.
  17. Player 2: "Oh no ! Your shapeshifting is too powerful ! Let's limit it; it takes a week now ! Meanwhile, let's give your friend the power to RAIN SEARING FIRE FROM THE SKY !"
  18. Player 1: Nah, I'll probably just focus on TK.
  19. GM: Wait wait there has to be some limitation... Let's see... "same limitations as electrokinesis" ? *reads frantically*
  20. Player 2: There's ELECTRO-kinesis, too ?
  21. Player 1: Forget that. With TK, if I ever need money, I could gamble. What's that ? 6 black ? What a coincidence, I win again !
  22. Player 2: ...And when the security comes and says, "sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave", they're roof pie. At 500 miles an hour.
  23. GM: I got it I got it ! *reads triumphantly* "When affecting objects seen on live video, you suffer a -3 penalty on your roll".
  24. Player 1: Live... Video ?
  25. Player 2: Oh... My... GOD !
  26. GM: No no wait this can't be right...
  27. Player 1: I don't even need to go anywhere ! There're security cameras everywhere !
  28. Player 2: Not to mention military spy satellites.
  29. GM: No no wait this can't be right...
  30. Player 1: I'll just sit in my BPRD bunker. What's that ? The team is in trouble ? *BAM !* I hit the enemies with a truck through a webcam.
  31. GM: Aha ! It says here you can only affect one target at a time.
  32. Player 1: Ok, so I pick up an enemy and throw him into his buddies. *SMACK*. How hard can it be ?
  33. GM: *can't help himself* Actually, for simple effects, it says here it's automatic.
  34. Player 2: So. I get to fail the roll to draw my weapon. And he gets to LEVEL ENTIRE CITIES FOR FREE ?
  35. GM: *reads* Ah, I got it. He has to spend Fatigue. Oh no, wait, that's only when he's supercharging it.
  36. Player 1, Player 2 (together): SUPER-charging ?
  37. GM: Er...
  38. Player 2: With that kind of power, you could do virtually anything, from your BPRD bunker. Aiiiieee !
  39. Player 1: Hey wait a minute. That's right ! I don't really need to go anywhere. My body could be completely atrophied. So, this means...
  40. Player 1, Player 2 (together): Brain-in-a-jar !
  41. GM: Guys, no no no...
  42. Player 1: Let's see, I'd have to drop all my attributes down to 1, seeing as I don't have ST or DX. Obviously my IQ will be 18, so that means I've still got... 180 extra points ?
  43. Player 2: That could buy you a lot of TK.
  44. Player 1: Ooh ! And skills !
  45. Player 2: Even though they all default to like 20, what with your 50 IQ and all ?
  46. GM: You can't be a brain in a jar !...
  47. Player 1: Sure I can. See, it has them right here in the picture. The Nazis made a bunch of them.
  48. GM: You can't be a Nazi brain in a jar !...
  49. Player 1: But I'm a good brain.
  50. Player 2: Maybe he escaped from the Nazis ?
  51. Player 1: Yeah ! I saw how bad the Nazis were, and defected to BPRD.
  52. GM: What ? And how did you do that ?
  53. Player 2: I am guessing he just flew away.
  54. GM: They would have had him locked in a steel cage !
  55. Player 1: *BAM* ! At TK level 20, it's 1000 lbs at 750 mph. What cage ?
  56. GM: *hangs his head on the verge of tears*
  57. Player 1: Hey, I'm a brain, right ? In a jar ? And I have all these cameras, but BPRD doesn't have missions all the time...
  58. Player 2: Wouldn't you get bored ?
  59. Player 1: Nah, I have the Intenet.
  60. Player 2: Yeah that's what I thought.
  61. GM: *desperate*You'd still have to roll for complex things ! Like (*reads*) moving air ! Er...
  62. Player 1: I can move AIR ?
  63. Player 2: Yeah, you could vibrate it to talk from out of nowhere.
  64. Player 1: Yeah, and with the Internet, I could become an uber-hacker ! IQ 20, Computer Programming 20... I'd hack anything ! And I'd chat on IRC when I'd feel the need for human contact. I'd be famous ! Hmm, what would my hacker handle be ? Braniac ? Dr. Smart ?
  65. Player 2: Well, you're German, right ?
  66. Player 1: Yeah ?
  67. Player 2: How about Herr Brain ?
  68. Player 1: Hare-brain ?
  69. Player 2: H-e-r-r Brain.
  70. GM: *cries*
  71. (later)
  72. GM: No, no, no, and again no ! With these kinds of powers, you'd be like a god !
  73. Player 1: Hey, that's right ! I could have groupies !
  74. Player 2: Or a cult. You could get a cult to worship you.
  75. GM: What are you doing ? Don't give him more power !!!
  76. Player 1: Yeah, they'd hand out free cellphones to everyone ! You know, those nifty little camera-phones ?
  77. Player 2: You'd be everywhere.
  78. GM: *cries*
  79. (much later)
  80. Player 2: Hey... You can TK through cameras, right ?
  81. Player 1: Yeah ?
  82. Player 2: Holy... mother... of...
  83. Player 1: What ?
  84. Player 2: The Hubble !
  85. Player 1: Sw33t ! Intergalactic empire !
  86. GM: *cries*
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