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fraggie :////

a guest
Feb 3rd, 2014
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  1. <+tony-home> i just got an sms about fraggie,can somebody tell me more ?
  2. <+tony-home> wision
  3. <Lam> it's true
  4. <+tony-home> tell me more
  5. <Lam> and we're mourning
  6. <+tony-home> ;(((
  7. <MARIANO> what's wrong with him?
  8. <+tony-home> shut down the bot for 24hours plz
  9. <MARIANO> damn
  10. <MARIANO> :/
  11. * QLPrism-User ( has joined #tdmpickup
  12. <+tony-home> he died
  13. <Lam> I thought about it
  14. <Lam> but would Fraggie want us to stop playing?
  15. <BamboLeo> wtf?
  16. <+tony-home> and put the topic for him
  17. <Lam> he did all he could to bring TDM to the masses
  18. * chaser_ ( has joined #tdmpickup
  19. <BamboLeo> what happened? :O
  20. <+tony-home> everybody must know about him
  21. <chaser_> hi all
  22. <chaser_> :)
  23. <Lam> I don't know how to put it in words
  24. <+tony-home> rename the bot as fraggie
  25. <chaser_> never been here before
  26. <super_rusak> ppl dying every day
  27. <+tony-home> fraggie,the tank,is ead
  28. <+tony-home> dead*
  29. <BamboLeo> :((
  30. <De4n> how? o.O
  31. <Catie> Hi guys
  32. <Catie> The sad news is true
  33. <De4n> I was speaking to him just yesterday
  34. <+tony-home> he was sick i think
  35. <chaser_> always was on the private channel with fraggie
  36. <Lam> yesterday? Impossible
  37. <Catie> His close family and friends (cwn.tacs) are obviously very upset
  38. <De4n> ]something[fraggie
  39. <Catie> He signed off as normal on thursday evening
  40. <Catie> And never came back
  41. <De4n> then maybe few days ago
  42. <De4n> fuck damnit
  43. <De4n> :c
  44. <feaJz> !a
  45. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [1/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  46. <Catie> We were all getting worried
  47. <Catie> and chaser today phoned the police
  48. <+tony-home> feaJz
  49. <+tony-home> did u head about ur teammate fraggie ?
  50. <+tony-home> heard*
  51. <feaJz> ?
  52. * visser\\away ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  53. <Catie> Please be respectful
  54. <+tony-home> he died
  55. <Catie> feaJz see cwn if you havent seen
  56. * visser\\away ( has joined #tdmpickup
  57. <chaser_> he passed away, the date i do not know (yet)
  58. <damned1> i have tears in my eyes
  59. * QLPrism-User ( Quit (EOF from client)
  60. * Sinus000 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  61. * hydde ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  62. <Catie> He was a fantastic man, wonderful and kind, caring, always funny and always supportive and there for you when you needed, he adored ql and his friends here in irc, and i know that he spoke to many of you in pms as well as playing, a friend to all and quite frankly a legend within this channel
  63. * uber9petska is now known as UBER9PETSKA
  64. * DocP ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  65. * veRRo ( has joined #tdmpickup
  66. <dan5> do you have a memoriam photo Catie
  67. <tykke> realy? dont sucks man
  68. <tykke> that*
  69. <tykke> i love that guy.
  70. <Lam> because he was lovable
  71. * eteto[ket] (webchat@ has joined #tdmpickup
  72. <_108> what happend? RIP
  73. <kroyhun> :(
  74. <_108> :(
  75. <Steve||Jobs> just have no words...
  76. <Catie>
  77. <Catie>
  78. * DocP ( has joined #tdmpickup
  79. <Catie> ^ dan5
  80. <dan5> yeah. thanks for that.
  81. <+debtorr> Rest in peace man
  82. <Lam> Steve||Jobs: who will talk to you about bears now?
  83. * DocP ( Quit (Signed off)
  84. <_108> Is that fraggie in the photos?
  85. <+debtorr> rename bot to fraggie
  86. <chaser_> _108: yes
  87. <Lam> bot is not Fraggie...
  88. * smeden- ( Quit (Quit)
  89. * feaJz ( Quit (Signed off)
  90. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [0/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  91. <+debtorr> so as he will stay in our hearths
  92. <_108> ok
  93. <chaser_> i have been at his home once
  94. * cajun (~Administr@ has joined #tdmpickup
  95. <Lam> even if we make it yell "hup hup", it will still not be Fraggie
  96. <chaser_> talked almost daily for a long time with him on teamspeak
  97. <+debtorr> !rating fraggie
  98. <@TDMBot> fraggie's rating is -14.09
  99. <cajun> !l
  100. <+tony-home> gotta do SOON a draft in his honour
  101. <chaser_> but because i do not have pro i cant look up my old matches against him anymore :/
  102. <+debtorr> since clanbase is out
  103. <tykke> but who will play with fearzzz?
  104. <tykke> :///
  105. <+debtorr> lets make a new one called fraggies tournament
  106. * _108 (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Page closed)
  107. * _108 ( has joined #tdmpickup
  108. * rexob ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
  109. <kroyhun> he will be missing from here. R.I.P Fraggie :(
  110. <domy> does someone know the reason?
  111. <zulu4> !a
  112. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [1/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  113. <tykke> for sure there need to be something to honor him.
  114. <Fast> R.I.P Fraggie u will remain Great!
  115. * _maniak (~maniak@ has joined #tdmpickup
  116. <Damien7> :(
  117. <Damien7> !a
  118. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [2/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  119. * kroyhun ( Quit (Quit)
  120. <tg> Sad to hear that, thoughts go to his family and loved ones.
  121. <chaser_> hearwarming to see also over here he had a lot of people liking/knowing him
  122. <domy> !a
  123. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [3/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  124. <domy> chaser_: do you know what happened?
  125. <Catie> We are waiting for an 'official' update (family/police) as to the time/reason, however a real life friend tonight has told us he was found in his bed, natural causes (again, waiting on official). He was not a well man but so kind-hearted and spirited, funny, caring as I'm sure many of you saw and heard
  126. <domy> ok thanks Catie
  127. <chaser_> domy: not yet, he was not online since thursday and his teamspeak server was online
  128. <chaser_> i found that suspicious
  129. <_maniak> !a
  130. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [4/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  131. <Catie> yep
  132. <Fast> !a
  133. <chaser_> because i have been at his place once
  134. <Catie> So unlike him to miss even one day on irc
  135. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [5/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  136. * lokario ( has joined #tdmpickup
  137. <chaser_> and knew he had diabetes
  138. * nojse ( Quit (Signed off)
  139. <domy> ah
  140. <chaser_> so i called the police and send them to his place
  141. <chaser_> his nephew is going to hear what heapend tomorrow
  142. <domy> and then they found him
  143. <domy> well, this is really sad
  144. <chaser_> i guess because they called me around 1800
  145. <chaser_> couple hours after they went there
  146. <+tony-home> im searching the vod where he was renamed "FRAGGIE THE TANK"
  147. <+tony-home> carrying the BS
  148. <+tony-home> cant find it
  149. * Ania_ ( has joined #tdmpickup
  150. <domy> ok chaser_ thanks
  151. <Catie> if anyone has any vids or recordings or anything of him in ql or ts etc i would really like them
  152. <chaser_> but he had his life online
  153. <chaser_> so that is why nobody noticed
  154. <chaser_> i think
  155. <domy> ah
  156. <domy> i thought that the child in the first picture was his son
  157. * J4SPER ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
  158. <domy> wasn't then?
  159. <Catie> his real-life friend's son
  160. <domy> ok
  161. <chaser_> no he did not have kids
  162. <borisbadass> :(
  163. <domy> well, dunno, just no words
  164. <qb> !a
  165. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [6/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  166. <qb> !w
  167. <@TDMBot> All games: tdm [6/8]: zulu4, Damien7, domy, _maniak, Fast, qb
  168. <rehepappen> !a
  169. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [7/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  170. <Fliperrr> !a
  171. <@TDMBot> Team Deathmatch game ready to start! Players are: zulu4, Damien7, domy, _maniak, Fast, qb, rehepappen, Fliperrr
  172. <@TDMBot> Teams: RED: domy zulu4 Damien7 Fliperrr BLUE: rehepapp kubs0n Fast _maniak; map pick: kubs0n
  173. * TDMBot changes topic to '[ tdm [0/8] || skilled [0/8] ] [ Rules: ] [ Stats: ] [ ]'
  174. * uNblvr ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  175. <Lam> contrary to his irc nick, he was not old at all, just 48
  176. * Sinc ( Quit (Quit)
  177. <domy> yeah i knew it
  178. <Fliperrr>
  179. <Preben> Team Death Match (Warmup) - spawned by karby on Blood Run - 2/16 in Frankfurt
  180. <Preben> /connect;password tdm
  181. <domy> well, he will be missed, that's for sure
  182. * veRRo ( Quit (Signed off)
  183. <domy> he was really a nice guy
  184. <chaser_> yes!
  185. <chaser_> and knowledgable
  186. <+tony-home> well
  187. <+tony-home> i dont feel good
  188. <chaser_> i often spoke to him over teamspeak
  189. <+tony-home> good night ppl
  190. <domy> and probably if i noticed that (and i didn't know him that much, just talked some times, played together, etc.)
  191. <chaser_> gn
  192. <domy> probably he was really
  193. <+tony-home> Lam lets organize something for him,please
  194. <domy> ciao tony-home, notte
  195. <Lam> absolutely, we have to
  196. <Catie> night tony thanks
  197. * tolstyitrol ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
  198. * +tony-home ( Quit (Quit: Oh, so they have Internet on computers now!)
  199. <super_rusak> !a
  200. <MARIANO> !a
  201. * unrea1_ (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Page closed)
  202. <De4n> !a
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