

Jun 18th, 2016
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  1. options:
  2. #----------------#
  3. # OX-REGIONS #
  4. #----------------#
  5. ox-white-rg: ox-white
  6. ox-false-rg: ox-false
  7. ox-true-rg: ox-true
  8. #-------#
  9. # OTHER #
  10. #-------#
  11. question-prefix: &b&lPytanie:&f&l
  12. question-counting: &b&lBiałe pole zniknie za
  13. question-answer: &b&lPoprawna odpowiedź to
  14. waiting-time: 10
  15. #--------------------#
  16. # OX-MATERIALS #
  17. #--------------------#
  18. ox-white: quartz_block
  19. ox-false: red_wool
  20. ox-true: lime_wool
  21. command /gdev:ox [<text>="help"] [<text>] [<text>]:
  22. permission: gdev.ox
  23. permission message: &cYou can't do it!
  24. executable by: players and console
  25. aliases: /ox, /ox
  26. trigger:
  27. arg 1 is set:
  28. arg 1 is "help":
  29. send "---------------------------GDEV-OX-------------------------------"
  30. send "&c/ox"
  31. send " &chelp &8- &bshows the help (you are seeing it now)"
  32. send " &cquestion &8- &basks question (&aYES &bor &cNOT&b)"
  33. send " &cauthor &8- shows you infomations about author of this script"
  34. arg 1 is "question":
  35. arg 2 is set:
  36. arg 2 is "yes":
  37. execute console command "/rg select {@ox-white-rg}"
  38. send "{@question-prefix} %arg 3%" to all players
  39. wait {@waiting-time} parsed as integer/2 seconds
  40. set {_z} to (({@waiting-time} parsed as integer/2)+1)
  41. loop (({@waiting-time} parsed as integer/2)):
  42. set {_z} to ({_z} parsed as integer-1)
  43. send "{@question-counting} %{_z}% sekund!"
  44. wait 1 second
  45. execute console command "//set 0"
  46. send "{@question-answer} &c&lTAK!"
  47. execute console command "/rg select {@ox-false-rg}"
  48. execute console command "//set 0"
  49. wait 1 second
  50. execute console command "//set {@ox-false}"
  51. execute console command "/rg select {@ox-white-rg}"
  52. execute console command "//set {@ox-white}"
  53. arg 2 is "not":
  54. execute console command "/rg select {@ox-white-rg}"
  55. send "{@question-prefix} %arg 3%" to all players
  56. wait {@waiting-time} parsed as integer/2 seconds
  57. set {_z} to (({@waiting-time} parsed as integer/2)+1)
  58. loop (({@waiting-time} parsed as integer/2)):
  59. set {_z} to ({_z} parsed as integer-1)
  60. send "{@question-counting} %{_z}% sekund!"
  61. wait 1 second
  62. execute console command "//set 0"
  63. send "{@question-answer} &c&lNIE!"
  64. execute console command "/rg select {@ox-true-rg}"
  65. execute console command "//set 0"
  66. wait 1 second
  67. execute console command "//set {@ox-true}"
  68. execute console command "/rg select {@ox-white-rg}"
  69. execute console command "//set {@ox-white}"
  70. send "&cUsage: /ox %arg 1% <yes|not> <question>"
  71. send "&cUsage: /ox %arg 1% <yes|not> <question>"
  72. arg 1 is "author":
  73. send "&cAuthor: &aTechnicalPlay"
  74. send "&cSkript is created for PigCraft (minecraft server)."
  75. send "---------------------------GDEV-OX-------------------------------"
  76. send "&c/ox"
  77. send " &chelp &8- &bshows the help (you are seeing it now)"
  78. send " &cquestion &8- &basks question (&aYES &bor &cNOT&b)"
  79. send " &cauthor &8- shows you infomations about author of this script"
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