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Dec 18th, 2017
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  1. Game 1
  2. BlazingLegendEX: ff please
  3. BlazingLegendEX: yeah
  4. BlazingLegendEX: our jungler doesn't feel like doing anything this game
  5. BlazingLegendEX: :/
  6. BlazingLegendEX: I've gotten ganked
  7. BlazingLegendEX: 6 times
  8. BlazingLegendEX: I've gotten ganked
  9. BlazingLegendEX: 6 times
  10. BlazingLegendEX: 3 times by eve
  11. BlazingLegendEX: 2 times by mid
  12. BlazingLegendEX: seeing as I get dove
  13. BlazingLegendEX: pretty hard
  14. BlazingLegendEX: just report sej
  15. BlazingLegendEX: lul
  16. BlazingLegendEX: 7th gank
  17. BlazingLegendEX: I've gotten ganked 7 times and they are raging at me
  18. BlazingLegendEX: yeah you right
  19. BlazingLegendEX: I should be able to play around getting ganked 7 times by the enemy team
  20. BlazingLegendEX: and getting 1 from my team
  21. BlazingLegendEX: in under 20 minutes
  22. BlazingLegendEX: good call
  23. BlazingLegendEX: :D
  24. BlazingLegendEX: I'm not
  25. BlazingLegendEX: I got camped; bad game
  26. BlazingLegendEX: no need to be salty :)
  27. BlazingLegendEX: you could've tried to help but chose not to :)
  28. BlazingLegendEX: selfish/toxic players tend to win less games :)
  29. BlazingLegendEX: report talon please
  30. BlazingLegendEX: toxic af
  31. BlazingLegendEX: maybe you shouldn't insult me
  32. BlazingLegendEX: ?
  33. BlazingLegendEX: gg pw
  34. Game 2
  35. BlazingLegendEX: there were 4 people bot
  36. BlazingLegendEX: I'm trying you bitch
  37. BlazingLegendEX: we lost every lane including jungle
  38. BlazingLegendEX: unlucky
  39. BlazingLegendEX: yeah
  40. BlazingLegendEX: true true
  41. BlazingLegendEX: just ff
  42. BlazingLegendEX: our jungler doesn't wanna win
  43. BlazingLegendEX: no point in playing when only 4 of the 5 players here are trying to win
  44. BlazingLegendEX: so toxic
  45. BlazingLegendEX: yea
  46. BlazingLegendEX: I will dw
  47. BlazingLegendEX: not sure why people troll
  48. BlazingLegendEX: but hey
  49. BlazingLegendEX: his acc will get banned so idc
  50. BlazingLegendEX: hes toxic too
  51. BlazingLegendEX: yes plz
  52. BlazingLegendEX: we cant win 4v5
  53. BlazingLegendEX: sigh
  54. BlazingLegendEX: shyv holding us hostage
  55. BlazingLegendEX: to troll even harder
  56. BlazingLegendEX: unlucky jungler
  57. BlazingLegendEX: ofc I get a troll at 99 lp
  58. BlazingLegendEX: :/
  59. Game 3
  60. BlazingLegendEX: yeah
  61. BlazingLegendEX: getting camped :/
  62. BlazingLegendEX: hopefully shyvana afk farming pays off
  63. BlazingLegendEX: or else I'm gonna have to report
  64. BlazingLegendEX: alright
  65. BlazingLegendEX: reporting
  66. BlazingLegendEX: reporting shyv for inting/negative attitude
  67. BlazingLegendEX: refusing to gank is negative attitude
  68. BlazingLegendEX: if you wanna afk farm play top lane
  69. BlazingLegendEX: not jungle
  70. BlazingLegendEX: meh
  71. BlazingLegendEX: this games over anyways
  72. BlazingLegendEX: I'm not
  73. BlazingLegendEX: shyvana fucked us over
  74. BlazingLegendEX: big time
  75. BlazingLegendEX: jarvan actually got his lanes ahead
  76. BlazingLegendEX: oh here we go
  77. BlazingLegendEX: now gragas wants to flame
  78. BlazingLegendEX: ayyy
  79. BlazingLegendEX: another person I get to report :D
  80. BlazingLegendEX: never said that
  81. BlazingLegendEX: when did I say that
  82. BlazingLegendEX: I just don't like toxic players
  83. BlazingLegendEX: sorry that I don't like it when people break the terms of service
  84. BlazingLegendEX: ?
  85. BlazingLegendEX: how so summoner?
  86. BlazingLegendEX: racist
  87. BlazingLegendEX: toxic
  88. BlazingLegendEX: holy shit you're so toxic
  89. BlazingLegendEX: "gg
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