
Through a mirror, brighly (MaMU/FeMU)

Sep 18th, 2014
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  1. The sun was unbearably bright even through his eyelids, cutting through Robin's haze of sleep. His back ached, his arms ached, every part of his body felt like he'd been trampled on by a dragon or at least a small army. A groan forced it's way out of his lips as he twisted in his coat, only digging himself deeper into the dirt and rocks but stretching his back enough to force his eyes open. The sun, that cursed day-star stared back at him, but it's warm light was more welcome to him than it usually would be. He was alive. He had poured his being into Grima and killed them both, and somehow he was alive again. The invisible ties had brought him back. His self-aggrandizement was cut short by a strangely familiar groan to his right. The shock forced his eyes open and Robin was on his feet faster than he had ever moved in his entire life as he grasped for the sword at his belt that wasn't there and then swinging his hands to the folds of his robes for the tome that also wasn't there. He was alone, he was weaponless, and -- the woman lying on the ground, staring at him while also scrabbling for a weapon in her robes was significantly less threatening than he had expected.
  2. She was -- tall, he supposed, taller than most but only a little shorter than him. Thin, Plegian by the crook of her nose and the obvious Grimleal signs all over her cloak -- wait, that was his cloak. A glance reassured him that he was still wearing his threadbare hierophant's garb, and yet she was wearing one as well. Looking back at her, she could have been his twin, a pale Plegian wearing a Grimleal outfit in a forest, light and faded scars on her face and hands. They stared at each other, neither moving or breathing until both managed to get out a question. "Who are you?" Both of them recoiled in unison, everything a bizzare fun-house mirror of itself. Robin gestured at the woman with an open hand, stepping back to let her leap to her feet. Every moment of watching her unsettled him even more - her stance mirrored his, almost a copy of him but for the longer hair and rounder face. She spoke first. "I'm Robin, grandmaster of the house Ylisse. Do you know the way to Ylisstol?" The shock must have been visible on his face, because she flinched slightly away from him.
  4. The man across from her was strange. Not strange as in odd looking or odd mannered, but something about him gave her an uneasy feeling, like someone walking over her grave. The bad vibes only intensified when he spoke. "That's -- impossible. I'm Robin, Grandmaster of Ylisse." His voice didn't waver, he didn't twitch, the doppelganger across from her showed no indication of lying (or at least he believed he wasn't lying, a dark part of her mind noted) Words came unbidden from her, breaking the uneasy silence between them. "Wait, but that means -- you're my-- Are you me?" Her tone came out incredulous, and she nearly winced. She hadn't meant to come across so poorly. Usually she was better at this, focus Robin, focus! Her twin broke his hostile posture, standing to his full height. "Obviously not, because Iā€™m me and you're you. I thought we were smarter than that. His tone was mocking, yes, but it was a friendly mocking like a joke between friends, and a smile best described as 'tentative' was plastered on his face.
  5. It only took them a few minutes to give up on trying to determine what to call each other -- they just went in circles, utterly convinced that they were Robin and the other was... someone else named Robin. Still, Robin knew that they were both capable and there was no reason to not work together with a willing ally, especially seeing as Ylissetol could be very far away indeed. It took Robin only a couple minutes to ask her some questions that only Robin would know, and she responded with answers that only Robin could know, a rapid exchange of in-jokes, coded remarks and private recollections. The flurry of bad puns and references to exotic tomes usually enraged people, but for Robin it prompted laughter. The day was warm, the weather was nice, a cool breeze blew over the landscape and she was having a conversation where someone actually got her terrible jokes. And, to top it off, the farmers they stopped on their way to the market gave them directions to Ylissetol!
  6. It was about a three day journey on foot to the capitol, Robin reckoned, but they could cut that down to two days if they were willing to travel through the forests rather than along the long, winding roads built for commercial travel in an age long past. Robin agreed with her and their progress was swift. The first day had been mostly probing questions and the occasional long, awkward silence, but the second day was more comfortable, their few differences aired and more than one debate on the nature of their dual existence held. How could both of them exist at the same time? Eventually, they settled on the only major difference (other than their gender) they could find between them. In talking about their allies and friends, the Queen of Ylisse was two different people between them. From whence Robin had came, Maribelle was the queen, but Robin mentioned that Olivia had received that honor, causing Robin to wrinkle his nose at the strangeness of hearing that something he had seen just... wasn't where she had come from. They had launched into another round of banter about the nobles within a moment, dispelling the strange air between them. They'd get this whole thing sorted out when they got to the capitol.
  8. Sometimes, fate just wasn't kind Robin grumbled under his breath while he and Robin sat in the Grand Hall. They had returned to Ylisse, hoping to be hailed as heroes after purging the Fell Dragon from existence itself, but instead their old friends had looked at them as if they were strangers. They knew a Robin, yes, but it was neither of them, and only by their quick thinking (and the ring bestowed to the Grandmaster of Ylisse that they both carried) had they been spared from institutionalization or imprisonment. They waited under guard for an audience with the King, an old friend to both of them that suddenly was no friend of theirs any more. At the very least, he thought, the Chrom that he knew was a believing, kind and forgiving man, and they would have time to at least make their case before they were cast off as madmen. Sully and Stahl tried to make their curiosity about the two less apparent by only staring at them when they were sure that Robin and Robin weren't looking. Sully broke the tension in the room by skipping directly to the point.
  9. "So, you're both named Robin then? Must get confusing." Both Robins turned to her, gazes flat and tired. "Yes." Mild unease showed on Sully's face but she pressed on ignoring common sense and what little practical skill she had at etiquette, "So both of you sent that dragon to hell? Good on ya. But, you know, Robin was taller than both of you. Ya know what happened to him?" Robin turned and smiled at her, strained but still genuine. "No, I'm afraid I don't. Our current little theory is that the whole 'bringing ourselves out of oblivion' thing was harder than we expected, so whatever force pulled us out wasn't exactly picky about where we went. He -- I mean, your Robin -- may still be out there, or he could already be here and nobody has found him yet." Sully looked at her like she had grown a third head. "That's stupid." "Yeah. But it's all we've got, to be honest." Robin chimed in. Before Sully or Robin could reply, a courtier stuck his head out of the door. "The king will receive your audience now."
  11. The audience itself didn't go as bad as Robin had expected, but definitely wasn't what he had hoped for. While Chrom was willing to accept that they were Robin, and that they were war heroes that brought down the Fell Dragon, the problem was that there was only one opening for a Grandmaster of the Shepherds, and neither of them fit that bill. Still, he had seen fit to quarter them in the castle until 'such a time that other arrangements can be made.' as his adviser had put it. So, good news and bad news, he thought. Good news was that they had a place to stay and weren't going to be executed for claiming to be a war hero and treasured member of the Shepherds. The bad news was that they, while still members of the army were essentially working their way up from the bottom again and would likely be assigned to training recruits or hunting bandits for quite a while. Robin and Robin had spent most of the day making re-introductions with people that they knew and had fought and bled alongside but who found them to be strangers, and every conversation had an undertone of unease to it where they sought a glimmer of recognition in their friends eyes while that same friend watched them suspiciously for treachery.
  12. The slightly less worse news was that their quarters were a bit lackluster. A chest of drawers. A chair. One window, high and small in one corner of the room, a small square of light shining on the barren floor. And one bed, sized for one person. He stifled a sigh, and his compatriot did the same. As the door closed behind him and he shucked what meager possessions he had beside his cloak onto the floor he spoke to Robin. "Fine. I guess I'll take the floor tonight until we can get this fixed. It's too late and I'm too tired to argue with another official today." She looked to him, to the floor, and then to him again. "No. It's late, and if you're as tired as I am, you don't want to sleep on the hard ground again." His mind leapt to a more lurid image of Robin sprawled out in a bed with him than she had probably intended with his statement, but he forced that thought down to the recesses of his mind. Still, he proved to be easily flustered, blushing deeply. "Th-that's a little forward, wouldn't you think?" Robin could see her thoughts shift over what he said by her expression shifting from blank to confused to flushed and nearly incoherent. "L-lewd! I don't feel so safe around you anymore!" The halfhearted swats were easily dodged, and it only took a few moments for her to calm down. "Ugh, whatever. Just, just take your cloak off and get in bed -- and face the wall!"
  13. Robin climbed in bed soon after he did, and her heat radiated off of her comfortingly when she drew close, back against his back. Why did he have to want her so much, he questioned, and why did she have to be so damned attractive? He hadn't noticed until today her enticing features from the curve of her hips and the swell of her breasts, but now she ran through his mind and mocked him with the dual curse of proximity and distance. Sadly, the wall he stared into held no answers in the stone blocks morticed together, and she had only pulled closer to him over the hour that he had lain awake, her breaths becoming soft and regular as she drifted off when the sun set. He curled himself together, pulling his knees nearly up to his chest to try and warm himself further -- the rainy season was marked by wet days and cold nights, and the chill had set in early tonight, striking not an hour after the sun had set. Moreover, he thought, perhaps focusing on keeping himself warmer than he was now would get his mind off the woman currently in bed with him -- how backwards. Were you supposed to share a bed before you were married?
  14. As if sensing his discomfort, Robin smacked her lips and mumbled something just barely too quiet to understand before she turned over and hugged him as best as she could, wrapping her arms around him and pulling herself to his back. Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god. He could feel her small, firm breasts pressing into his back and her legs were trying to tangle with his and this was not happening. He was trying to take his mind off of her and now he was uncomfortably hard. It didn't help that apparently Robin was naturally grabby in her sleep, not content with just having her arms flopped over his body, she was grabbing at him unawares while she slept, tugging on him like an oversized pillow, and when he tried to push her away, crawling to the other side of the bed she followed after a moment or two, pressing her body against his. He was against the wall now and couldn't struggle any more while she rubbed against him, giggling occasionally. He stiffened in her grasp when she groaned "Rooooobinnnnn...." and pressed her head into his shoulderblades. He lay there, frozen and still while she mumbled nothingness into his back. After a moment, one of her arms retreated from him and slowly, she began rocking back and forth. Was... was she...?
  15. The air was heavy with a smell that he didn't quite recognize, but it would take an idiot to not know what it was, and Robin wasn't sure if he could get any more embarrassed. He had know her for maybe three days, and he was sure that was not enough time to deal with your female doppelganger masturbating in your bed while asleep, right next to you. And yet images of Robin naked and moaning beneath him flashed unbidden to his mind, prompted by the heavy breaths and occasional whimpers of his name in her sleep. It was an attractive idea, certainly, but he just couldn't. Even if he knew her impossibly well it was just too soon! But the smell was overpowering, intoxicating even, her arousal hammering into his brain and crushing down his coherent thoughts. Finally, he just couldn't take it any more. The tightness in his pants demanded... something, and he slowly turned into Robin to see her wide awake eyes, staring at him mischievously. When his eyes met hers, she flinched and her face flushed all at once. "Oh my gods, I thought you were asleep! I'm sorry, sorry, sorry--"
  16. Her eyes widened when Robin forced himself upon her, lips locking against hers and forcing her down onto the bed. Robin struggled for a moment, then relented, gazing demurely at him when Robin pulled himself off of her chest to stare into her eyes, hands pressing down on either side of her. He should say something, he knew. But looking down into what could well be a mirror of himself some strange feeling from inside of him, an unnatural lust for her that he no longer cared to suppress. Automatically he tore open her shirt, two buttons popping off and pinging against the wall to reveal her breasts, which heaved with her chest as she playfully struggled, lidded eyes locked on his. He attacked her breasts with his hands, pawing at her like a wild animal and dragging moans from her lips with his unskilled but enthusiastic assault. He wanted her to keep making that sound for him forever -- it did something to him, a lot of somethings that he couldn't describe. But one of those somethings was want, and he had a lot of it. He pulled off of her breasts (to her obvious disappointment) and slid backwards just far enough to yank down her pants to her knees, smallclothes and all. She dripped, an accumulation of desire that had built over the last hour and she was already staining the sheet beneath her with Robin's lust.
  17. She had propped herself up on her elbows to stare at him better while he gently ran a finger up and down her folds, pulling a giggle from her. "Come on, hurry up. Are you going to keep a lady waiting?" She watched appreciatively as he scrambled to pull his own pants off, devouring him with a gaze of her own. Robin crawled back to her after his pants had been kicked aside, spreading her legs with a knee (although they could only spread so far with her pants around her ankles) and erect member displaying his intentions. He stared into her eyes and hidden meaning past between the two of them, a conversation condensed into a few instants before she lay back, pillow cushioning her head and white hair splayed out across it, and she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him forward and ushering him on. He guided himself to her entrance, gently sliding the tip of his cock up and down, coating himself in Robin's lust. Then, he guided himself gently inside.
  18. There was no hiss of pain from her when he began to push, no blood like Robin had expected, and it surprised her as well, twitching briefly up from her pillow before falling back down. She was as warm and tight as he could physically bear, and through and through while he pushed he felt that somehow, she had been made just for him -- or maybe the reverse. They fit together like nothing else, her body a work of art, the perfection of human design lay mostly bare before him, stripped by his hands and panting by his efforts. His thrusts were long and slow at first, her legs encouraging him on with the occasional pull on his waist, but when he hit her burning core for the first time they lay there for a moment while Robin watched her face twist and contort with a mix of pleasure and confusion. As time went on he desired more and more from her, building in speed with his thrusts. One of her hands had found it's way to Robin's hooded jewel and was gently teasing herself while he pounded into her. Her legs had since released him, flopping with each powerful thrust into her depths while she moaned wordlessly, an accompaniment to his soft grunts. Even with the shadows hiding all real detail, adding a softness to lines that he traced he could still see her incredible beauty. That a woman like her had never been married only told Robin that everyone else had exceedingly poor taste. Hearing the occasional whimper of his name only spurred him on to greater efforts, dragging them both down to their finish. Robin had stopped doing anything except grinding her hips into his when he reached his base, unable to do much other than twitch and breathe heavily, gasping breaths filling the space between them. Without much warning other than a twitch and one long, deep breath, Robin came, depths contracting around Robin's cock in a rhythmic, sucking motion while she tried to milk him for all he was worth, moaning his name long and low into her hand. Not but a moment afterwards, he came, pouring out his seed into her hungry core before collapsing nearly on top of Robin, face next to hers.
  19. She turned to him, still twitching and unable to move altogether, thoroughly unable to control herself after his display of affection, her wavery voice only adding to the effect when she spoke. "Hey, I know this is a bit backwards, but do you want to get married?"
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