
Disgaea Valor-Vs The Overmayor.

Apr 10th, 2016
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  1. Argent B.: Stranger danger!
  2. I need an adult! I need an adult!
  3. Shika (GM): You ARE an adult.
  4. Argent B.: Oh yeah...
  5. Somehow that's not reassuring
  6. Shika (GM): How goes ult making?
  7. Argent B.: I can't. My manual is on the computer and its out of power
  8. Shika (GM): What kind of ult you want?
  9. Argent B.: What are the options?
  10. Shika (GM): Ultimate attack or a transformation
  11. Transformations are boosts that last all battle, plus you gain health and 1 to all active attributes
  12. Argent B.: Prooooobably damage for this one
  13. Shika (GM): What kinda attack you want?
  14. Argent B.: Dex
  15. Shika (GM): And what will it doooo?
  16. Also, Mannfred's Ult is calculated wrong
  17. Should be an ult damage core of 5 not 2
  18. 104 damage
  19. Also 1 point of modifier still unspent
  20. Comrade Q.: well, I'm a big dummy
  21. Shika (GM): you get 2 levels of modifier per level of ult damage core you're giving up
  22. Comrade Q.: oooooh, okay, that's what that meant
  23. the wording was kinda ambiguous
  24. Argent B.: The attack itself is ill have EAlly summon some aetherial scissors which slice through her target
  25. Shika (GM): So then, ranged, maybe piercing?
  26. You can get 2 levels of range for free
  27. Comrade Q.: went ahead and edited Mannfred's ult
  28. Shika (GM): 8 levels of ult damage core and piercing gives ya 85 damage with no defense or resistance
  29. Argent B.: Let's go for that for now o/
  30. Shika (GM): You also have 9 skill points
  31. Argent B.: I'm going to work on those next time
  32. Ethan: I've arrived just in time.
  33. Shika (GM): Indeed, just putting some finishing touches on this thing
  34. Argent B.: Sorry for this, btw. Crazy week was crazy.
  35. Shika (GM): Elly's character sheet for now
  36. Argent B.: ne?
  37. Pop text got deleted
  38. Aura should be 9, ne?
  39. Shika (GM): yes
  40. it is very hard to work on pastebin after you get used to google docs okay
  41. Awe: Okay, sorry about that.
  42. Shika (GM): 'ello
  43. Argent B.: Salright :3
  44. Shika (GM): We still seem to be missing a doctor anyway
  45. there's the doctor
  46. Awe: There we go
  47. Shika (GM): \o/
  48. Argent B.: Then can you also add a damage core to fate and pens?
  49. Shika (GM): I already did
  50. Argent B.: Kk!
  51. Vehrec: sorry for the late
  52. Shika (GM): ALL RIGHT
  53. Are we all ready to fight City Hell?
  54. Elly: Hiii howdy folks~
  55. Mannfred: I'm ready to get my ass kicked, if that counts
  56. Elly: Fight someone's Big Brother!!!
  57. Mammon: You can't fight City Hell.
  58. But you can totally assassinate a weeb mayor.
  59. Yakiba: I smolder with nonspecific rage. And probably the remnants of that spicy licorice chocolate chip muffin.
  60. Let's take it out on that weeb mayor.
  61. Raphella: There's blood everywhere...
  62. Nocebo: Can we win against such power?
  63. Mammon: (We're playing an anime-inspired RPG campaign based on WEEBSWEEBSWEEBS: the SRPG.)
  64. (We probably aren't allowed to say "weebs.")
  65. Elly: right?
  66. Narrator: A quick summary of events passed:
  67. Yakiba: Well you did first
  68. Mammon: (I know, I'm being meta.)
  69. Narrator: Our "heroes" were arrested for various charges, sentenced to maximum-maximum security prison, promptly broke out with the help of a prinny in a fancy hat, said prinny was prinnapped by the Overmayor,
  70. they broke into City Hell, fought a maid, and then the prinny's retainer bit it as soon as the group entered the Overmayor's office.
  71. Like I said, it's a quick summary.
  72. Elly: Which sucks. She was really OP
  73. Mannfred: on the upside, we're only fighting the one guy now!
  74. Mammon: Look at that little tiny sliver of negative health, we just have to rub some dirt on that and she'll be fine.
  75. Mannfred: not that he needs backup or anything
  76. Mammon: Get some leaves, as it were.
  78. Overmayor is still playing that game on his cell phone.
  79. Nocebo: oh hey, there's Prinwise.
  81. Nocebo awaits the inevitable prinny betrayal.
  82. Prinwise: Prinwise seems rather lifeless, though uninjured.
  84. Mannfred straightens his tie and groans. He's simmered down a little since the break room, but this is not doing amazing things for his blood pressure
  85. Overmayor: The WORST boss music you could ever hear.
  86. "I don't have much time to waste."
  87. "How about we speed this up?"
  88. "Who wants to die next?"
  89. Mannfred: "Ugh, what is that noise?"
  90. Nocebo: "...."
  92. Mammon gestures subtly to Mannfred
  93. Mannfred: "If he kills me, then rest assure I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your days."
  94. "Provided he doesn't get you next."
  95. *assured
  96. Nocebo: "Stop it!"
  97. Overmayor: "Don't worry, I'll lock you out of the reincarnation system when I kill you."
  98. Tappity tap tap.
  99. Nocebo: "Can't you be serious for once!?"
  101. Nocebo sounds like she could cry at any moment.
  102. Mammon: "Chin up, doc."
  103. "I have no intention of letting this smug nerd live long enough to kill anybody else."
  104. Mannfred: I am being serious. Now let's get this over with before we all end up pincushions."
  105. Mammon: "He effectively stole from the Netherworld's greediest mercenary!"
  106. Nocebo: "You're doing it again..."
  107. Mammon: It's a one-liner, the point is he's pumped.
  109. Mannfred sighs. "Look, I know you're a little shaken up after... all that. But for the sake of professionalism, we can't let that stop us from doing what we came here to do."
  111. Nocebo is anti-pumped and she needs to get pumped for this fight.
  112. Overmayor: "All right, all right. I'll just pick one."
  113. The song seems to be over.
  114. He... slides into the next song as he opens the intiative table
  115. Mammon: 19
  116. Yakiba: 12
  117. Nocebo: 12
  118. Mannfred: 13
  119. Elly: Elle is looking over Naga to see if anything can be done...
  120. Overmayor: 16
  122. Naga is out for the count
  123. Nocebo: leave that to the Doc...or not...
  124. Elly: meanwhile 12
  125. Nocebo: omg
  126. Naga: well
  127. Elly: wow dice wow
  128. Yakiba: 12 sure is a crowded beat
  129. Nocebo: we are gonna be bunched up when the Overmayor gets his turn unless Mammon throws somebody.
  130. Yakiba: (HINT HINT...)
  131. Mammon: Ugh, fine, make a big deal why don't you.
  132. Let's just throw Elly over to...
  133. Elly: "Eek!"
  134. Mammon: "You're gonna thank me when he nukes everybody else."
  135. Elly: Obligatory holding her skirt don =._.=
  136. Mammon: Speaking of nukes!
  137. Elly: "Th-thank you..."
  138. Mammon: He kicks the Prinny its full move distance.
  139. 18 Int!
  140. Overmayor: 12
  141. Mammon: First blood, very nice.
  142. Aaaand....
  143. Nocebo: he got good instead of perfect on that one...
  144. Overmayor: 43 damage
  145. Mammon: It's not as far away as he could be but it'll do for a turn.
  146. Overmayor: He doesn't even stop his combo.
  147. Mammon: (We can't see his health bar by the way.)
  148. (Thank.)
  149. Elly: (Ooh this is going to take a while)
  150. Overmayor: He doesn't break his combo even as he flips through various apps with his thumb, fingers still hitting notes.
  151. Nocebo: (he IS a Master-that's double HP right there.)
  152. Overmayor: Two holographic screens appear in the air, mirrors of his phone's screen. You can see anime idols and notes going EVERYWHERE.
  153. Mannfred: "Oh, I'm going to hate this, aren't I?"
  154. Overmayor: Combo Count: 617
  155. Elly: "You hate everything..."
  157. Nocebo prepares the only insult that can cut through to such a weeb.
  158. Nocebo: "Your Waifu is Shit!"
  159. Mannfred: "That's both unfair and completely untrue."
  160. Mammon: "You know, when I was growing up it was considered rude not to look somone in the eye when you murdered them."
  161. someone.
  163. Nocebo is kinda phoning it in.
  164. Mannfred: :I like lots of things!"
  165. Elly: ./GASPS
  166. Overmayor: Suddenly there's a small menu in the upper right on the screen. He chooses "Celtchar."
  167. Mannfred: "Just not anything about anything that is occurring right now, or has occurred for the last fortnight."
  168. Elly: (To both Nocebo and Mannfred)
  169. Overmayor: From each one, a giant spear stabs out, skewering both Mannfred and Yakiba.
  170. To add insult to injury, each spear is on fire.
  171. Elly: "Huh... Oh, and watch out."
  172. Overmayor: Aura attacks:
  173. 14 vs Yakiba
  174. 15 vs Mannfred
  175. Wow those are bad rolls.
  176. Mannfred: 16 aaaauuuuraaaa
  177. Yakiba: 13 Dex suuuuub
  178. Overmayor: You beat his roll of 3, Mannfred, grats
  179. Elly: I also imagined them like Asgore spears and sound effect
  180. Overmayor: Yakiba, however, is speared for 50 damage
  181. And set on fire, for an ongoing 17 per round
  182. Waaait no
  183. 61 sorry
  184. Yakiba: yep
  185. Overmayor: and thus an ongoing 21 damage
  186. Combo is up to 690
  187. Yakiba: "Gh-"
  188. Trying to dodge the two spears by planking in the air was ill-advised
  189. Overmayor: Menu selection: Warning App
  190. Mammon, Elly, and Mannfred all have little exclamation marks appear over their heads.
  191. Nocebo: "That might have worked if he was shooting them the other way..."
  192. Overmayor: Dex Weaken
  193. 14 vs Mammon
  194. 15 vs Elly
  195. 19 vs Mannfred
  196. Mammon: 19 Dexfense!
  197. Overmayor: Mammon is able to shake off the offending app
  198. Mammon: I should make puns while I roll more often.
  199. Mannfred: 11 aura sub, no way in hell I'm beating this
  200. Elly: 11 dex
  201. Overmayor: That would be a 10 not 11, weakness subs are at -1
  202. (to Mannfred)
  203. Elly and Mannfred are both being tracked by an app which beeps whenever they move
  204. Combo: 744
  205. Mannfred: "So, does this do anything other than be incredibly irritating?"
  206. "Please don't answer that."
  207. Elly: "Huh? That didn't do" she raises her arm BEEEEEEEEEE~
  208. Nocebo: "I need to learn how to dispel that before the beeping drives me crazy."
  209. Elly: "Oh... Does it really bother you that much?"
  211. Mannfred throws down an intern and steps back, trying to ignore the beeping the whole way
  212. Mannfred: A wall of red tape springs up in front of him, and that's the end of his turn
  213. Overmayor: Combo: 768
  214. Yakiba: "I appear to be on fire."
  215. Mannfred: "Are you still? I can't really see you anymore."
  216. Nocebo: "I don't have a fire extinguisher!"
  217. "I could...try to make a sword out of it?"
  218. Overmayor: "Fire extinguishers are illegal."
  219. "I passed that ordinance yesterday, in fact."
  220. Combo: 799
  221. 800
  222. Yakiba: "You don't need a fire extinguisher, anyway, though, right?"
  223. Mannfred: "See, this is why I'm against big government."
  224. Yakiba: "You know other ways."
  225. Nocebo: "I'm totally drawing a blank right now, because I'm scared out of my mind."
  226. Mammon: "You could just rub some dirt on it."
  227. "That's not even a condescending suggestion, that actually does put fire out."
  228. Mannfred: "Something with... crystals, maybe? I don't know."
  229. Yakiba: "Here, how about I take that distraction away from you?" 14 Dexterity vs Mayor
  230. He's not actually trying to grab at the phone - maybe poke the screen - but it's a small target and spinning is not the best way to be perfectly accurate
  231. Overmayor: 15 let's see if you succeed
  232. Nope
  233. Yakiba: He's also going to oil up, which makes the fire a little brighter but not actually any more painful
  234. Overmayor: Slip Stance?
  235. Yakiba: yep
  236. that's the turn
  237. Overmayor: Elly!
  238. Mammon: "It takes a special kind of man to cover himself with oil while he's on fire."
  239. Elly: Real quick, what's the range on Nullify?
  240. Yakiba: "It works wonders against other ninja, I'll have you know"
  241. Nocebo: 5 squares?
  242. That's what most skills range is.
  243. Yakiba: The air near him is visibly warping
  244. Overmayor: 5
  245. Elly: Elly makes her way toward Yakiba. Singing the whole way.
  246. ...she even takes a few unnecessary steps because she finds it fun.
  247. "Don't worry Yakiba, I got this!" And pulls out... an eraser.
  248. Overmayor: (If you're trying what I think, you can't nullify ongoing damage)
  249. Elly: Now you tell me xD
  250. Overmayor: (Boost, Weaken, or Barrier core techniques, or Active Skills)
  251. Elly: Sall good.
  252. Yakiba: (so you _can_ attempt to nullify that Warning App that's on you, although I think that's just a guard against invisibility or hiding)
  253. Elly: One sec
  254. Yeah what's the main effect of that?
  255. Overmayor: -6 attack
  256. Yakiba: (-6 to ALL attack values or just -6 Str/Agi attack or just -6 Spr/Mind attack?)
  257. Overmayor: Yes.
  258. Elly: She pulls out her book: "And then Yakiba had a ninja epiphany and said that this was for his hidden elm village.., or something. You know, I hope we hear his backstory soon. Oh right and he's healed."
  259. Mannfred: "You know, your writing quality has really been slipping lately."
  260. Nocebo: "I think we need to work on that."
  261. "But swearing vengence isn't a bad idea!"
  262. Overmayor: You know what
  263. +1 valor for that shitty writing
  264. you keep on writing you
  265. Elly: And THEN she takes out her eraser to get rid of the warning thing
  266. Overmayor: Roll eet
  267. Aura, Int, or Res
  268. Elly: Aura! 18 !
  269. Overmayor: 13
  270. Nocebo: okay, Doc is gonna just stand where she is and...foucs.
  271. Elly: shes a little sad, tell the truth
  272. Overmayor: Focus?
  273. Nocebo: "ἀσκέειν, περὶ τὰ νουσήματα, δύο, ὠφελέειν, ἢ μὴ βλάπτειν"
  274. Elly: More so for the app than the literary harangue
  275. Nocebo: Gonna Charge up to get her Valor up to a postive number
  276. And that will eat the turn as she recites something to focus her willpower.
  277. Overmayor: in that case NEW ROUND
  278. +2 VALOR
  279. Oh wait that's only for the Overmayor
  280. Mammon: "Do I have to do everything myself?"
  281. Overmayor: Everyone else +1 valor
  282. Mammon: At any rate, Mammon's gonna show off The Moves and rush attack through Mr. Mayor.
  283. 11 Dex!
  284. Nocebo: you just faceplanted, didn't you?
  285. Overmayor: 19
  286. Combo: 999
  287. Mammon: That's only for a critfail.
  288. "Well."
  289. "WAKE UP!"
  290. Rezzing the Prinny, end turn.
  291. Overmayor: Overmayor's turn!
  292. Combo: 1045
  293. Nocebo: "So is it illegal to get a higher score than you yet?"
  294. Overmayor: The menu on his phone screen pops back up mid-combo
  295. "Gungir"
  296. .....then immediately
  297. "Gungir"
  298. Two portals open in the vaulted ceilings
  299. And GIANT spears drop the fuck down.
  301. Nocebo notes that the ceiling seems to be mostly portals.
  302. Yakiba: "Oh. I guess something got lost in the mass-production."
  303. Overmayor: I messed up one of the spears a bit but I'm too lazy to fix it
  304. Anyway
  306. Elly: "Nocebo!! Watch out!!"
  307. Overmayor: vs Mammon 14
  308. vs prinny 17
  309. vs Yakiba 16
  310. vs Nocebo 18 14
  311. vs Mannfred 21
  312. vs Elly 16
  313. Yakiba: 11 muscle that
  314. Mannfred: WOW
  315. Yakiba: dice no
  316. Elly: Aura 16
  317. Overmayor: you can do it Mannfred
  318. Mannfred: 15 AAAAAAAAAAAA
  319. Ethan: 17 18 Dex both.
  320. Mannfred: he couldn't do it
  321. Nocebo: 10 19 Resolve both!
  322. Overmayor: Mammon and the prinny both dodged
  323. Elly: Noo :<
  324. Overmayor: Nocebo dodges one.. into the other
  325. Mammon: That Prinny's will is indomitable.
  326. Overmayor: Everybody else. Is hit.
  328. Nocebo takes both spears, but only bleeds from one of them
  329. Prinny Squad: "We're here to save Mr. Prinnwise, dood! We won't die as easily as usual!"
  330. Mammon: "Oh, god, they're trying to unionize."
  331. Yakiba: (brb)
  332. Nocebo: "Fight Labor later!"
  333. Overmayor: 66 to Elly
  334. 59 to Mannfred
  335. 64 to Nocebo
  336. 63 to Yakiba
  337. Mannfred: "Augh! I think that broke my nose!"
  338. Overmayor: and fixed the spear
  339. The spears.
  340. Are still there.
  341. Treat them as difficult terrain.
  342. Elly: Elly whimpers a little but is still determined!
  343. Nocebo: "You should watch yourself Elly! I can't heal everyone!"
  344. Overmayor: End turn.
  345. Nocebo: "So if you get hurt, I'll have to work overtime to keep you in trim!"
  346. Mannfred: "Preferential treatment. That's what I like to see in my medical professionals."
  347. Elly: "But aren't you the same way...?"
  348. Nocebo: "I have...something special for myself."
  350. Mannfred slurs out a half-remembered equation 10 int to Nullify the warning app
  351. Overmayor: 17 no
  352. Yakiba: (returning)
  353. Elly: She nods. Detemmienat-no wait. Determination!
  354. Mannfred: "Bluh. Screw it. It doesn't even matter if this hits." He makes an operatic gesture and a grid of energy surges into being around the Overmayor 8
  355. Overmayor: Um
  356. Yakiba: Pretty sure that Weaken is -6 damage not -6 to-hit
  357. Overmayor: yes
  358. Mannfred: WELP
  359. Overmayor: 14
  360. for you
  361. 19
  362. for the overmayor
  363. in other words; denied
  364. Mannfred: "Shows what I get for trying."
  365. Elly: "Speaking of slipping..."
  366. Yakiba: "I need aid, and fast..."
  367. Overmayor: Combo: 1287
  368. Mannfred: "In case you haven't been paying attention, I'm under a lot of stress right now!"
  369. "So why don't you back off, alright?!"
  370. Elly: " Ok."
  371. Mammon: "Should we be trying to interrupt his stupid game before the numbers get high enough to do something to us?"
  372. Nocebo: "I have an experimental procedure..."
  373. "But you'll need to remove your shirt."
  374. Mannfred: "I don't think the heavens parting and angels descending from the sky could tear him away from that thing."
  375. Yakiba: Support-move in
  376. Elly: "Aww..."
  377. Yakiba: PUNCH right for the phone 18 muscle
  378. Overmayor: 13 you better hope you miss
  379. you know what
  380. Nocebo: Oh no
  381. Overmayor: he moves so that the attack hits him dead-on
  382. and misses the phone
  383. Combo: uninterrupted
  384. Yakiba: Okay that's fine
  385. Overmayor: Combo: 1337
  386. Yakiba: He's still going to take 85 minus his Defense, in that case
  387. Overmayor: Move to where?
  388. 56
  389. Yakiba: I'm assuming the brown thing is solid
  390. Overmayor: Yes.
  391. Nocebo: probly a desk
  392. Overmayor: Also yes.
  393. Yakiba: a really wide desk
  394. Overmayor: It's an Overmayor's.
  395. What did you expect?
  396. Yakiba: but right there
  397. Overmayor: +10 damage
  398. Yakiba: and pull back with a Rolling Recovery to de-prone
  399. Mannfred: "Okay, try and keep him inside the grid next time, if you don't mind?"
  400. Overmayor: How far can you move with rolling recovery?
  401. Yakiba: 3
  402. Overmayor: Then you can't move that far
  403. Nocebo: "You didn't future-proof that very well."
  404. Overmayor: The spear is difficult terrain
  405. 2 movement to move off of
  406. :|b
  407. Mannfred: "Well what did you expect me to do?"
  408. Yakiba: This was not immediately apparent
  409. Overmayor: Combo: 1440
  410. (I DID say to treat them as difficult terrain)
  411. Elly is up
  412. Yakiba: (probably while I was away for a minute then)
  413. Overmayor: (possibly)
  414. Elly: She pulls out her book. ,"Emboldened by his continuing fury against office furniture, Yakiba felt his resolve strengthen and the pain of his near-fatal wounds lessen! And yet his sawdustlust continued!!"
  415. Heal~
  416. Mannfred: "Hmm. It's definitely an improvement."
  417. Elly: She'll then pull out her pens and try to poke out Overkayors eyes out, or the phone, whichever is more harmful. 11
  418. Mammon: "I would read it, if I read books."
  419. Overmayor: 11 doubtful but
  420. Overmayor: welp
  421. that's what I get for being doubtful
  422. Elly: YES
  423. Shitty rolls ftw
  424. Overmayor: 24 damage
  425. Overmayor: and 8 per round
  426. Elly: Moving...
  427. There
  428. Overmayor: Turn endo
  430. Nocebo will move up behind Yakiba and poke him with a clip-board. "I need you to fill out this consent form."
  431. Yakiba: She will mysteriously find that his signature is already on it.
  433. Nocebo assembles a large syringe with an enormously long needle.
  434. Overmayor: ... +1 valor
  435. Nocebo: "Where's your heart? You haven't moved it, have you?"
  436. Yakiba: "...No."
  437. Elly: "Aren't we missing our hearts?"
  438. Mannfred: "Is that even a thing you can do?"
  440. Nocebo fills the syringe with a glowing eerie golden liquid from an ampule.
  441. Mammon: "Oh, yeah, I had an uncle who kept his in his shin."
  442. Nocebo: "I don't know ninjas-don't flinch-"
  444. Nocebo drives the needle into Yakiba's chest and injects Overdrive Serum directly into his heart.
  445. Nocebo: "Enjoy the finest combat drugs I can cook up~"
  446. Overmayor: +50 health, +1 to all active attributes, +Unyielding Determination, +Regeneration
  447. Nocebo: You can also smell colors and taste sounds.
  448. Yakiba: I take it that's only Regeneration 1, i.e. 10 HP/round
  449. Overmayor: yes
  450. Nocebo: "Are you bursting into flame?"
  451. "Do you feel as if you are about to explode from the tremendous energy coursing through you?"
  452. Mannfred: "He was already on fire."
  453. Nocebo: "On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the pain you are experiencing right now?"
  454. Yakiba: "...negative 2."
  455. Nocebo: "EXCELLENT!"
  456. Yakiba: "I imagine the price will come later."
  457. Overmayor: Anything else for this turn, Nocebo?
  458. Nocebo: Just gonna hock a celebratory canister of bleach and ammonia at the Overmayor.
  459. Overmayor: Roll eet
  460. Nocebo: 18
  461. int
  462. Overmayor: 20
  463. Nocebo: ooooooo snap.
  464. "We'll have to see what the price is, but thank you for enrolling in this experimental course of treatment."
  465. Overmayor: NEW ROUND
  466. +1 valor to the shmucks,
  467. +2 valor to Yakiba and the Overmayor
  468. Mammon: Mammon's standing on the desk to look cool because he's desperate for attention BUT ANYWAY
  469. Let's see if we can shoot that phone, or the mayor in the had.
  470. head.
  471. 13 Dex
  472. Overmayor: Why does everybody aim for the phone do they want the Overmayor's 100% wrath?
  473. 14
  474. Failuuure
  475. Mammon: Spite, so yes.
  476. Bah, reloading.
  477. Mannfred: we just want him to pay attention to us
  478. Yakiba: Plus we figure that Combo meter has to be doing something
  479. Overmayor: Combo: 1666
  480. Mannfred, roll Int
  481. Mammon: "I'll give you one thing, mayor."
  482. "You're a hell of a mulitasker."
  483. Mannfred: 15
  484. Mammon: multitasker.
  485. Overmayor: 14 he tried
  486. Elly: "A hell of a lot of things, really."
  487. Overmayor: But more importantly, he moved one of his phone apps while Mannfred was busy not letting the Overmayor move one of his effects
  488. Mannfred: "Oh, what the hell is this?"
  490. Mannfred braces himself for some bullshit
  491. Overmayor: Auraaaa attack
  492. 12 vs Mannfred
  493. 18 vs Nocebo
  494. 19 vs Yakiba
  495. Nocebo: mutilatasker.
  496. Yakiba: 20 Muscle sub because I'm not making THAT mistake again
  497. Mannfred: 15 still aura
  498. Nocebo: 11 Resolve!
  499. wah waaaaa
  500. Yakiba: and I rolled good and can't take it back
  502. Nocebo gets hit in the back dang.
  503. Overmayor: Congrats Nocebo, you are the lucky winner of 41 damage!
  504. As well as 14 ongoing!
  505. Nocebo: boooooo
  506. "You call this scourging fire? Seriously?"
  507. Overmayor: Elly, Mammon, roll Aura or Resolve
  508. 13 vs Elly
  509. 19 vs Mammon
  510. Mammon: 12 Resolvoh this can't win.
  511. Overmayor: His displays of power are a little scary
  512. even to the Netherworld's Toughest Mercenary
  513. Shaken
  514. looks like Argent got d/ced again - oh there you are
  515. Roll aura or resolve for Elly
  516. Elly: 15aura
  517. Overmayor: Elly is too tough.
  518. Elly: Also yeah the phone goes to sleep quick
  519. She's not sure why, but she's standing taller and puffing out her chest a little
  520. Overmayor: Mannfred is le up
  521. Mannfred: so, quick question
  522. can you nullify attack nodes or nah?
  523. Overmayor: Yes.
  524. Yakiba: And you know killing apps to save battery life only makes it worse.
  525. Overmayor: Combo is up to 1986
  526. Elly: My brother's birth year~
  527. Mannfred: "Would you look at this thing? Cripes, I didn't know it was amateur hour all of a sudden. Could make a better node with my eyes closed." 10 rollin int to Nullify that sucka
  528. cool
  529. Overmayor: No.
  530. Mannfred: "...Okay. Sturdier than I thought. Well, how about.." 16 yanking the Overmayor back towards Yakiba
  531. Overmayor: 14
  532. Hit!
  533. Mannfred: my first successful attack!
  534. Mammon: Ever?
  535. Overmayor: For 44 damage
  536. Elly: This fight yeah ^^;
  537. Mannfred: Mannfred's been having a rough day
  538. Elly: His lick with rolls has been... yeah
  539. Yakiba: ...oh, right, I should probably have one more Valor than I do now, unless you took into account that I took Bravado that last level up
  540. Overmayor: waait.... no I had it right
  541. Yakiba: all right, I trust you
  542. let's go for the same gameplan as last turn
  543. wait, no, let's keep the Overmayor in that net trap
  544. Let's REALLY keep him in that net trap
  545. Mannfred: "finally, someone's respecting my hard work."
  546. "Just a heads up though, you probably do not want to stay in there with him."
  547. Yakiba: "Oh, I don't intend to."
  548. "He's not leaving anytime soon, though." Let's go for the grab and set off that trap he's been working on, shall we? 19 Muscle
  549. Overmayor: 12
  550. Hit
  551. Yakiba: ...let's see, actually let's make that a CRIT
  552. Overdrive
  553. Overmayor: What skill is this
  554. His ult?
  555. Yakiba: This is the ult, yeah
  556. Overmayor: Counterdrive
  557. Yakiba: Eh, #worth
  558. Several of the ceiling tiles suddenly fall, revealing a massive crusher
  559. although, it might be more accurate to say that the tiles are the face of it
  560. Overmayor: 83 damage!!!!
  561. Yakiba: Anyway, it's going to press him against the ground hard, and take Yakiba with him since he's kinda still holding on
  562. (he's taking 10)
  563. Overmayor: (but he gains ten back so)
  565. (and rolling out of the net)
  566. Overmayor: Combo:
  567. 0
  568. Elly: Ruh-oh
  569. Mammon: "It's vintage, but okay, I'll say it."
  571. Mannfred: "I've been around for centuries and even I think you're old for pulling that out."
  572. Yakiba: "Oh, that got a revival a while ago anyway."
  573. Overmayor: Elly?
  574. Elly: Oh sorry
  575. Would her aura attack effect the trap?
  576. Overmayor: no
  577. The Overmayor seems to be simmering with barely-contained rage
  578. Elly: She thinks it's time to end this--! Or get closer to it, anyway 10
  579. ...ahaha
  580. Overmayor: The Overmayor doesn't even flinch 17
  581. Nocebo: "Don't worry Elly! You can do this!"
  582. Overmayor: Sorry, 16
  583. Nocebo: "I believe in you girl!"
  584. Overmayor: Since he is prone.
  585. Elly: "No... YOU can do it! Super Nurse Nocebo and Mega Hip Ninja Guy Yakba!" Boost
  586. Nocebo: "what."
  587. Overmayor: You feel motivated? +1 to attack rolls.
  589. Nocebo is filled with despair and rage.
  590. Nocebo: "DOCTOR"
  591. "I HAVE AN M.D.!"
  592. Elly: Their titles change accordingly , with gooey borders for effect and to highlight its temporary nature.
  593. Yakiba: "My hips conceal many things, some of them truths, but they only lie by omission."
  594. Nocebo: "I AM NOT A NURSE!"
  595. Overmayor: (That that aggression out on an overmayor)
  596. Nocebo: Oh she will.
  597. Elly: "S-Sorry... it already went through..."
  598. Done
  599. Mammon: "To be fair, the pink scrubs seem very nursey?"
  600. Elly: (I guess she could resist if she felt that strongly xD)
  601. Mammon: "I get that's kind of sexist too, but it just doesn't help that knee-jerk impression you get."
  603. Nocebo is surrounded by an aura that seems to be made of flames and eyes that stare judgingly at
  604. Nocebo: Mammon.*
  605. Elly: Elly wilts a little, covering her eyes with her headpiece
  606. Mammon: "We can argue about this when the politician is dead."
  607. Yakiba: "For now, you have work to do!"
  608. "As do the rest of us of course but the world is your operating table."
  609. "So to speak."
  610. Nocebo: "Right. Okay."
  611. "I'll just tear his guts out."
  612. But first!
  613. "I stole all this stuff from the vending machines!"
  615. Nocebo pulls out bandaids and antibiotic ointment.
  616. Nocebo: Healing Yakiba and Elly.
  617. for 48
  618. Elly: "S-sorry..."
  620. Nocebo uses magic to bandage people at range
  621. Nocebo: And then she balls up her fist and goes for the Overmayor!!! 14
  622. Overmayor: The Overmayor doesn't move. 16
  623. But is not affected.
  624. Elly: Did you add the +1?
  625. Nocebo: "Nice...abs..."
  627. Nocebo wrings her hand
  628. Nocebo: (I did.)
  629. Overmayor: NEW ROUND
  630. +1 valor for the noobs
  631. +2 valor for the cools
  632. Elly: Elly pokes her unexposed, but squishy abs...
  633. Overmayor: MAMMON
  634. You are still Shaken by the Overmayor's displays of raw power and. Stuff.
  635. Nocebo: Elly, if you wish for Doc to play with your abs...
  636. Overmayor: To shake it off'll be a support action, or take the -1 to rolls.
  637. Yakiba: Remember, while prone the Overmayor has -1 to dodge, so now's a good opportunity to attack
  638. but clear that Shaken first probably
  639. Elly: N-no why would you think that...
  640. Nocebo: eyebrow wiggle
  641. Mammon: Yeah, unshaking.
  642. Overmayor: Unshaken
  643. Not unstirred
  644. Mammon: And yeah, a good time to attack...
  645. Let's not half-ass it then.
  646. "You know why I employ Prinnies?"
  647. "They're cheap. Dirt cheap. In fact, I'm pretty sure just buying their weight in dirt would cost a lot more."
  648. "And while that appears to the bottomless pit of greed in the blackest part of my heart..."
  649. "It also means you can buy in bulk!"
  650. Mammon: He pulls a flare gun and dramatically fires a flare straight up.
  651. Where it bounces off the ceiling and land at his feet.
  652. "Oh. Right."
  654. Nocebo: "What do you mean 'everybody?'"
  655. Mammon: SUDDENLY
  656. The Overmayor is on an island in the middle of nowhere, along with Mammon and his Prinny.
  657. And another Prinny? And a few more.
  658. Yakiba: "I'd have hoped you'd remembered that we were fighting indoors, since I just used the ceiling as part of my own attack..."
  659. Mammon: And a few hundred more, dropping out of the sky one by one. Each one armed with handguns, assault rifles, rocket launchers... a few of them are driving tiny tanks.
  660. Nocebo:
  661. Mammon: "OPEN FIRE!"
  662. 19 Dex
  663. Overmayor: NOICE
  664. 10
  665. very noice
  666. Yakiba: Are you going to crit that? You can...
  667. Mammon: I mean, he'll just counterdrive, but it'd be a good idea for him not to be swimming in Valor so sure.
  668. Yakiba: What if I Teamwork you, too? He doesn't have enough to Overdrive twice, I think
  669. Overmayor: 119 damage!
  670. Mammon: Oh, I guess that's not necessary.
  671. Yakiba: Fair enough
  672. Mammon: Everybody returns to the real world when the enormous mushroom cloud settles.
  673. Aside from most of the Prinnies.
  675. Mannfred looks just a little bit stunned
  676. Mannfred: "That was.. uhh..."
  677. Mammon: "There's no kill like overkill."
  678. Overmayor: From his spot on the ground, covered in the peg-prints of prinnies and lying in a crater and ALSO under a magical net
  679. Nocebo: "I'm gonna get something like that next time."
  680. Elly: Elly is wearing shades and facing the explosion, her hands clapping in an animated but quiet manner
  681. Overmayor: the blinking "Combo: 0" flashing down from his magical phone screen mirrors
  682. the Overmayor finally snaps
  684. "YOU COME IN HERE..."
  685. Yakiba: "Hopefully by next time I'll have my giant robot out from wherever they're keeping it."
  686. Overmayor: "VIOLATE MY LAWS"
  689. Nocebo: "We
  691. Mannfred tries very hard not to laugh at the meltdown
  692. Overmayor: "AND WORST"
  693. Nocebo: We're demons.
  694. Overmayor: "YOU INTERRUPTED MY COMBO"
  695. Mannfred: "I can see why you people keep laughing at me now. This is hilarious."
  696. Yakiba: "That's just what demons DO."
  697. Overmayor: Okay, but you should consider:
  698. Yakiba: "Somewhere in all your law and order you lost sight of that."
  699. Overmayor: The Overmayor is fucking pissed
  700. Activated:
  701. Nocebo: oh hey
  702. Overmayor: You Interrupted My Combo
  703. Nocebo: it's his Ult, isn't it.
  704. Mammon: I smell a transformation.
  706. Nocebo sucks it up, prepares to get ganked.
  707. Overmayor: He gestures,
  708. Yakiba: Signs point to 'yes'
  709. Overmayor: Two differently colored holographic screens appear
  710. They read "App: refraction"
  711. He gestures again
  712. Yakiba: so he has refraction points now
  713. Overmayor: He has refraction points now.
  714. Nocebo: oh god.
  715. Mannfred: OH
  716. Mammon: Space is warped and time is bending!
  717. Elly: Soon agitating will appear?
  719. *Giratina
  720. Overmayor: Aura attacks, all:
  721. For Celtchar
  722. 21 vs Nocebo
  723. 18 vs Prinny
  724. 14 vs Mannfred (+Refracted)
  725. For Gungir:
  726. Overmayor: 19 vs Nocebo
  727. 21 vs Prinny
  728. 19 vs Yakiba
  729. 14 vs Mannfred
  730. 19 vs Elly (+ refracted)
  731. 21 vs Mammon (+ refracted)
  732. Overmayor: Wow Mannfred, how did you luck out
  733. Comrade Q.: 18 18
  734. Mannfred: INVINCIBLE
  735. Yakiba: 18 dodging that somehow
  736. Overmayor: Mannfred is invincible
  737. Elly: Aura~ 18
  738. Yakiba: yeah or not, subbed muscle
  739. Prinny Squad: 12 13 Dex for the Prinnies
  740. Nocebo: 19, 10 resolve, but it's highly unlikely I can resist either.
  741. Mammon: 16 Int for Mammon
  742. Overmayor: The prinnies are dead.
  743. Nocebo avoids a crit hit at least!
  744. Mammon: Well, the one Prinny I mean.
  745. Nocebo: at least, but that's meger aid!
  746. Overmayor: Mammon is hit
  747. And with that
  748. 77 damage to Elly
  749. 79 damage to Mammon
  750. 0 damage to Mannfred
  751. 999 damage to the prinny
  752. Overmayor: 73 damage to Yakiba
  753. 105 damage to Nocebo, along with 13.666666666666666 damage per round
  754. Mannfred: "Aha... ahahaha!"
  755. Yakiba: 14
  756. Mannfred: "AHAHAHAHAHA!"
  757. Overmayor: yes
  758. Elly: Elly whines and winces in pain
  759. Overmayor: For most of you, that really, really hurt.
  761. Nocebo staggers and...2
  762. Nocebo: well are those feathers?
  763. Overmayor: Combo: 64
  764. Yakiba: "Ooh, I felt that through the infusion..."
  766. Mannfred takes a second out of cackling maniacally to goggle at Nocebo
  768. Raphella has one feathered wing and one bat wing.
  769. Mannfred: "...Yknow what? No. I don't even care anymore. I've had enough surprises and plot twists for one day, thank you very much!"
  770. Mammon: "Oh."
  771. "I suddenly get why the name is a big deal."
  772. Elly: "Oooh..." She sees this through one eye
  773. Mannfred: 17 rollin Aura for Fiscal Drag, since it's got one more shot in before the grid fizzles out
  774. Yakiba: "...Ah. Well, it's not quite so transparent as, say, spelling it backwards..."
  775. Nocebo: "Stop gawking at me!"
  776. Overmayor: 15
  777. It hits! holy crap Mannfred!
  778. Nocebo: (incredible!)
  779. Mannfred: ya boy's on a roll now!
  780. Overmayor: 14 damage
  781. Elly: She does, but mutters: "but you're beautiful"
  782. Mannfred: okay, that's less impressive
  783. Yakiba: Indeed so, you dodged that mess of attacks.
  784. Mannfred: "Alright! Alright. Will we stop ogling the terrible freak of nature now?! Because I don't know about any of you, but frankly, Mannfred's done! Mannfred has just about checked out of this situation now!"
  785. "Mannfred wants to go home, get his job back, take a nice, long bath, and forget any of this ever happened!"
  786. Yakiba: "Well, she is standing between you and I and our opponent."
  787. Mannfred: "It's.. I just... rrgh!"
  789. Nocebo has absorbed both 'beautiful' and 'freak of nature'.
  790. Elly: "Say that ore to her one more time and I swear I'll never heal you ever again..." She has a dark aura with and odd green hue
  792. Mannfred makes a tearing gesture with his right hand, and a swirling vortex opens up in front of the intern. It hangs there in the air for a moment, silent, and then...
  793. Mannfred: Office supplies. Tons of them. Spilling out onto the floor and piling up around the spears and on top of the desk. A near unstoppable torrent of pens and clipboards and staplers
  794. 10
  795. NICE
  796. Overmayor: 14 cannot fail
  797. Nocebo: I am sorry my feathers distracted you.
  798. Overmayor: but he didn't do well enough that an overdrive couldn't win
  799. Mannfred: gonna overdrive that please someone help
  800. Elly: Maaan this a go don't go sort of night xD
  801. Overmayor: you only need your own overdrive
  802. Yakiba: ...well, you get +5 if you use yours, yeah
  803. that'll make it 15 vs 14, a hit
  804. Overmayor: 78 damage
  806. Mannfred slumps his shoulders
  807. Mannfred: "You finish him off now. I need to lie down for awhile."
  808. Overmayor: The torrent of office supplies ends when the portal closes
  809. Yakiba: "Overtime must be extra hard on the Overmayor."
  810. Overmayor: But he is still standing.
  811. "No."
  812. Overdrive
  813. Mannfred: "Yakiba, if I wasn't exhausted, I'd walk over there and sock you in the arm for that."
  814. Yakiba: (...welp get ready for more attacks)
  815. Overmayor: "No I not letting you win. Law-breakers. Violators of my will."
  816. Yakiba: "All we have to do is live through this..."
  817. Overmayor: A flurry of spears appears from one of the phone apps, striking at both Elly and Nocebo.
  818. Dex attacks
  819. 16 vs Nocebo
  820. 20 vs Elly (refracted)
  821. Nocebo: 11 Resolve don't fail me now!
  822. ...Resolve has failed me.
  823. Elly: Probably not winning...18 dex
  824. Wait couldn't win xD
  825. Overmayor: 89 damage to Nocebo, and 11 to Yakiba
  826. Nocebo falls.
  828. Nocebo reaches out towards elly before passing out.
  829. Overmayor: Elly takes 108 damage
  830. Elly also falls.
  831. Mammon: "Son of a bitch."
  832. Yakiba: "It's up to us. We will end it quickly."
  833. Overmayor: He gestures.
  834. Elly: Elly just... stares. Her face freezes and her eyes become distant
  835. Everyone saw this before, if they noticed it or not. It's the same look she had over most of the boat ride to the jail.
  836. Overmayor: "Demons..."
  837. "Who break the law....."
  840. Elly: And tun she slumps on the ground
  841. Overmayor: Aura attack:
  842. 21 vs Yakiba
  843. 20 vs Mannfred (refracted)
  844. 22 vs Mammon (refracted)
  845. Mannfred: 12 can't win this
  846. Yakiba: 12 to not get crit
  847. Mammon: 17 Int again.
  848. Overmayor: Ends up it was impossible to get crit
  849. Yakiba: yep, apparently
  850. Overmayor: Three hits
  851. Yakiba: ...hmm, I may need to Unbreakable, but let's see the damage first
  852. Overmayor: 45 to Mammon with 15 ongoing
  853. 36 with 12 ongoing
  854. 50 damage to Yakiba, with 16.666666666666668 ongoing
  855. the 36 was to Mannfred
  856. Yakiba: ...hmm, maybe not, but this is getting really dicey
  857. Overmayor: Yakiba's 17 will combine with the previous 21 for 38 next round
  858. which whoops
  859. Puts him at -6
  860. Yakiba: ...okay, I will then
  861. Overdrive: Unbreakable
  862. I'm back at 34
  863. Overmayor: Yup
  864. Yakiba: "Not even my death will save you from me."
  865. It takes all the Move he's got just to reach the Overmayor.
  866. "Fortunately... you just borrowed time. And now, you're out of it."
  867. He draws his soldering iron knife.
  868. 23 Dex to maybe finally finish this
  870. Yakiba: YEAH YEAH
  871. Mannfred: yooooOOOOOOOOOOOO
  872. Overmayor: 12
  873. ...
  874. Crit.
  876. Yakiba: CRITICAL KNIFE
  877. Elly: I even said it out loud xD
  880. Nocebo gives a thumbs up in spirit.
  881. Nocebo: she can't do it physically, because she be KOed.
  882. Yakiba: ...wait, on Piercing Strike does a crit just add half Attack
  883. Mammon: He had like a sliver of HP, does it matter?
  884. Yakiba: That attack only does 36
  885. Mannfred: you basically just cut him in half
  886. Mammon: Oh. Well.
  887. Overmayor: Screw it, for now
  888. 76 damage
  889. Nocebo: wooooo~
  890. Overmayor: More than enough to take down one rampaging Overmayor.
  891. Elly: Yaaay rule of cool~
  892. Nocebo: (also rule of the GM not wanting to go until 12:30)
  893. Overmayor: Even if it was 53 instead he'd still be offed
  894. Yakiba: "Hah... this... is your end..." /collapses too since the health gain from Unbreakable wears off at scene end
  895. Mannfred: RULES OF NATURE
  896. Mammon: "Ha... ha..."
  897. "I can't believe I'm the only one left standing."
  898. Elly: And Mammon and Mannfred stand alone
  899. Nocebo: also
  900. the health from the Ult wears off
  901. Overmayor: Yup.
  902. Nocebo: welcome to the floor club
  903. Elly: Now kiss :3c
  904. Mammon: "Yep. All my friends, helpless."
  905. Mannfred: "Good think we were never friends, i suppose."
  906. Mammon: "I'm all alone in here."
  907. Mannfred: "I'm guessing there's no chance of you helping me drag them back to the safehouse."
  908. Mammon: "Nobo--really? You're volunteering?"
  909. "I'm genuinely astonished."
  910. "And anyway--"
  911. He whistles.
  912. Mannfred: "It just... feels wrong, leaving them here. I don't know."
  913. Mammon: The Prinny Brigade starts rounding up bodies.
  914. "I've obviously got this.
  915. "
  916. Nocebo: dawwww
  917. Overmayor: (And then they toss the Overmayor in the lavaflow)
  918. Nocebo: also do not move people with possible neck injuries without restraining them first!
  919. Prinny Squad: "Whoa, dood, why is this prinny so heavy?" says a prinny carrying Prinwise.
  920. Mammon: No fucks given, doc.
  921. Not even one.
  922. Nocebo: ruuude.
  923. Elly: He's one prinny + a portal to the boulder hat dimension
  924. Mannfred: "It's probably just his wallet."
  925. Yakiba: *bowler hat
  926. Elly: Yes that~
  927. Mannfred: "So does this mean that Yakiba is the Overmayor now? I don't follow politics."
  928. Mammon: "If he cuts taxes, I say yes."
  929. Mannfred: "Well, he certainly cut something."
  930. Mammon: "Ugh."
  931. Anyway, time for a Prinny stretcher procession back to the hideout?
  932. Prinwise: Sounds good
  933. However, you notice a couple things on your way over
  934. First, Prinwise doesn't sound right as he's being bounced around
  935. Kind of. Hard.
  936. And a bit misshapen.
  937. Elly: The conscious people, at least xD
  938. Nocebo: maybe
  939. you should have examined him when someone said he was heavy?
  940. Mammon: It was a Prinny, who cares if it complained?
  941. Anyway sure, let's take a closer look.
  942. Prinwise: Roll - actually nah it's obvious
  943. There's a log stuffed inside a prinny suit.
  944. Mammon: "What."
  946. Mannfred pinches the bridge of his nose
  947. Mannfred: "Of course they wouldn't just let us take the real prinwise back."
  948. Mammon: He kicks the Prinnies carrying it in the face.
  949. Yakiba: Turns out other ninjas were involved. This makes having been on fire for the entire battle actually good retroactively.
  950. Nocebo: even the bowler hat a fake?
  951. Prinwise: The bowler hat is real.
  952. Mammon: "Son of a bitch..."
  953. "All that fighting..."
  954. Yakiba: Ninjas can't catch you if you're on fire.
  955. Mammon: "Everybody getting their shit ruined..."
  956. Naga: Guess who's stirring?
  957. Mannfred: "Now we're still down a benefactor and we have no idea where he could be!"
  958. Naga: "Prinwise...!"
  959. Mammon: "Never getting to kill that maid..."
  961. Mannfred: "What in the hell are we supposed to do now?!"
  962. Naga: "Eh, what's everybody freaking out about?"
  963. "Did we win?"
  964. "We won, right?"
  965. Mannfred: "We killed a government official, if that counts as winning."
  967. Nocebo is still down.
  968. Mannfred: "Rea;;y, I think the idea of 'winning' varies from person to person! Honestly it's up to interpretation."
  969. Naga: Everybody else can begin stirring around here, around when you get back to the base
  970. Mannfred: "But in the strictly technical sense, no, we did now win."
  971. Mammon: "Your husband is still missing."
  972. Elly: Elly is unconscious with her eyes open...
  973. Mannfred: *really, not
  974. Mammon: "It was a stupid-ass decoy!"
  975. Naga: As you guys enter back in the base however-
  976. There are also.
  977. Three strangers.
  978. Nocebo: what
  979. Mannfred: gasp!
  980. Mammon: Nah, we know those three.
  981. Naga: One, a little boy.
  982. Young Demon: "yo."
  983. Yakiba:, wait, that's not Tokiko
  984. Young Demon: "Cool, you got my prinny suit back."
  985. Yakiba: that's... Prinwise, I guess
  987. Nocebo is gobsmacked by this!
  988. Prinwise: "Thanks."
  989. Yakiba: no surprise he's not actually a Prinny
  990. Nocebo: except she's still out cold.
  991. Prinwise: The other two....
  992. Mannfred: "What did I just say about plot twists!"
  993. Prinwise: Are rushing over to Nocebo
  994. Lamiel: "Oh no, my little girl!"
  995. "My sweet little angel!"
  996. Nocebo:'s a good thing she's not awake for this.
  997. Lamiel: "Who did this to you!?"
  998. "Giga Heal!"
  999. Yakiba: awkward family reunions, hooooo
  1000. Mammon: "Dead guy."
  1001. Mannfred: "Aaaaand you two are...?"
  1002. Raphella: "NNnnaaaah!"
  1003. Lamiel: One is obviously an angel.
  1004. Mammon: "My associate Yakiba killed him, I'll be accepting revenge payment on his behalf for now."
  1005. Lamiel: "Ah, of course, my apologies. How very rude of me."
  1007. Raphella takes in the scene.
  1008. Lamiel: He pinches Nocebo's cheeks.
  1009. Raphella: "Oh no."
  1010. Lamiel: "I'm Lamiel, Raphella's father."
  1011. Jeanne Dark: The other
  1012. actually
  1013. Mannfred
  1014. recognizes.
  1015. She's the head of Hell Street security.
  1016. Yakiba: also what is that PB, it looks like PAD!Gabriel
  1017. Jeanne Dark: "Jeanne Dark, Raphella's mother."
  1018. Mannfred: "Oh! Err... Evening, Miss Dark!"
  1019. Jeanne Dark: A small bow of the head.
  1020. Raphella: "Why are you two here?"
  1021. Mannfred: "Sorry to, uh, inconvenience you like this!"
  1023. Raphella glares suspiciously at them.
  1024. Lamiel: "Oh, we got a worrisome message from a friend of yours."
  1025. Raphella: "You've come here to embarass me with your...ways, haven't you?"
  1026. Lamiel: "A miss... Zombianca?"
  1027. Mammon: "Okay, but I'd actually like to backtrack to the little b--"
  1028. Mannfred: "Aww, son of a bitch."
  1030. Lamiel: "But now, we're here!"
  1032. "And we'll never let you out of our sight again!"
  1034. Raphella: ...
  1035. Elly: Elly still... isn't there... but she blinks and let out a long, low sigh, like she hadn't breathed after being knocked out
  1036. Nocebo: screaming both internally and externally.
  1037. Shika (GM): And that
  1038. is how season 2 starts
  1039. Mammon: Finally.
  1040. Time to buy 10,000 skills I've wanted since level 1.
  1041. Mannfred: same tbh
  1042. Yakiba: I'm probably going to retrain Feint out since I... never use it...
  1043. Nocebo: why
  1044. why must fate be so creul
  1045. Mammon: Same, really.
  1046. Nocebo: cruel*
  1047. Elly: Whooooo~
  1048. Nocebo: as to have Doc's parrents show up
  1049. Mammon: I've built a character who never has a free support action.
  1050. Nocebo: in front of her prospective girlfriend.
  1051. Yakiba: Don't blame fate
  1052. Shika (GM): Unfortunately, you don't yet gain a level. Because I am cruel and unusual.
  1053. Yakiba: Blame the maid
  1054. Shika (GM): :>
  1055. Mannfred: boooooo
  1058. Yakiba: eh, I'm fine with it for now
  1060. Shika (GM) does some math
  1061. Elly: (She's in her safe place. It'll take a bit for her to come out of it)
  1062. Shika (GM): Eh, you can level.
  1063. Nocebo: level...sideways?
  1064. Mannfred: yaaaaaaay!
  1065. Yakiba: ah, there would be a trick
  1066. Mammon: I didn't mean to actually coerce you if it's a lot more work.
  1067. Shika (GM): I have to remove a fight to make the timetable work for the people NPCing this arc's villain minisquad so
  1068. it actually works out
  1069. Nocebo: oh, okay
  1070. Mammon: Ah, well then.
  1071. Shika (GM): SO
  1072. Yakiba: (any who knows, maybe "Prinwise" is secretly the Overlord)
  1073. Shika (GM): LEVEL UP TO 6
  1074. Yakiba: (or their prince)
  1075. (Princewise)
  1076. Nocebo: Woooo~
  1077. Elly: Man that was a lot of fun, even on a phone xD
  1078. Prinny-wise: Sorry that it ran for so long
  1079. Prinwise: Although I probably should have warned it might run long
  1080. Jeanne Dark: being the arc boss and all
  1081. Mannfred: it's cool! imo that was prolly our best session yet
  1082. Yakiba: I'm cool with it having run long, it was an amazing session and we all did amazing things
  1083. Mammon: Yeah it was an endboss.
  1084. Who almost TPKed.
  1085. Elly: No complaints here!
  1086. Yakiba: eh, 3/5 is "more than half" but not really "almost"
  1087. even then Elly could've done the same Unbreakable thing I did to not drop until the end of the fight, since that's an Overdrive anyone can use
  1088. Mannfred: and yet the squishiest member of the party was among the survivors
  1089. Elly: Is Overmayor really dead tho?
  1090. Yakiba: hey that just means the front line did their job
  1091. Elly: I need a list of those general use overdrives xD
  1092. Shika (GM): Yes, probably. Or else somehow banished to never bother them again.
  1093. Overdrives:
  1094. +5 to your roll
  1095. +5 to somebody else's roll
  1096. Reaction to a turn end, take your turn immediately and skip your next
  1097. At any time, immediately take a support action
  1098. Shika (GM): Regain all stamina
  1099. Regain 1 health increment (if below 0, to 1 health increment) and lose it at the end of the fight
  1100. +3 to somebody else's*
  1101. Oh, also
  1102. Gain an extra move action during your turn
  1103. End ALL adverse effects on you
  1104. Yakiba: (but not DoTs)
  1105. Shika (GM): Yeah prolly not those
  1106. But this one might
  1107. It's unclear
  1108. Unlike Nullify, which is clear
  1109. Yakiba: "This includes the effects from Weaken Techniques, Immobilization, and the Seal Skill."
  1110. Shika (GM): truuu
  1111. Yakiba: You also become immune to such until your next turn
  1112. Elly: How much do those cost?
  1113. Yakiba: All Overdrives are 3 Valor
  1114. Elly: Got it
  1115. Shika (GM): yup
  1116. you can also take skills to get new overdrives
  1117. but you know that
  1118. Elly: I feel kind of dumb for not using those resources xD
  1119. Shika (GM): Most of them are very situational
  1120. Mammon: Honestly, the boosts to rolls are usually the best way to spend Valor.
  1121. Shika (GM): except for the roll bonuses and possibly the health overdrive
  1122. Nocebo: but 'about to go down' is a universal situation.
  1123. Shika (GM): hence the possibly the health overdrive
  1124. Mammon: Although Emily's making very clever, very evil use of the extra turn when a boss starts running low on health.
  1125. Shika (GM): :3c
  1126. Elly: And regaining Stamina is nice to those that burn it
  1127. Shika (GM): It's a very dramatically villainous use okay
  1128. Mammon: Who cares about the future, just do as much damage as possible on their way out.
  1129. Nocebo: I will keep it in mind for emergency triage in the future.
  1130. for when the healer absolutely has to get some extra HP on someone.
  1131. Mammon: The health overdrive is like.
  1132. Elly: The free support can also be vital for healers
  1133. Mammon: "I really, really, really need to win this one-on-one fight that's almost over."
  1134. Shika (GM): Yuuuup
  1135. Elly: What counterdrive?
  1136. Mammon: That's not its own game mechanic, it's just a way of saying you're overdriving because the other jerk overdrove.
  1137. Shika (GM): yep
  1138. Elly: Oh alright!
  1139. Mammon: ANYWAY
  1140. I gotta go.
  1141. Shika (GM): o7
  1142. Mammon: Great fight!
  1143. Shika (GM): see y'all next week
  1144. Mammon: Looking forward to S2 a lot!
  1145. Shika (GM): don't forget to level up
  1146. Elly: Night night~
  1147. Mannfred: seeya!
  1148. Nocebo: bye~
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