
Sad lies are SAD DONT LIE

Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence nodded, "Yeah, and stuff. We gossiped, had our hair played with and our toes done. Why else do you think it took so long?" She said without even blinking, smirking at Steph playing up the act. She took the veggies from Remy, swatting at his hands. "Stop it, I got it, go sit down." // Felix grabbed a drumstick out of the box of fried chicken and leaned against the counter, his eyes shooting open at Steph as she gave him the look, "Uh...Sorry? I didn't notice?" He said with a mouth full, unable to recover enough to give a response.
  2. Tsaaq: ((My post right?))
  3. Covet: [yeah
  4. Tsaaq: Remy looked at Cadence's nails skeptically then proceeded to rinse off the veggies. He went to flash an angry glance at Felix. "Well, you guys look great." Remy he spoke up, hoping he'd save their own cover.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Wow, awesome." She said with a dramatic eyeroll, turning around and picking up the knife, taking the vegetables Cadence was washing and beginning to cut them, dropping them into the bowl as she went and shooting Cadence a quick glance.-
  6. Covet: She huffed as Remy continued to wash veggies with her, trying to hide her nails, because they were the same as they were yesterday and now he was close enough to pay attention. "Aww, thank you Babe." She said leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek. // "Hey, you look as good as you always do, so can you really blame me here?" Felix said after swallowing his mouth full of chicken, tossing the bone into the trash.
  7. Tsaaq: He smiled because his wife was a lying bitch, leaning into the kiss. "Can I sit down now?" He asked, putting his wet hand on her waist as he went to shimmy past them. "
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Nice save, Arizona." She said with a smirk, finishing chopping the vegetables and givign the bowl a quick fluff so that everything mixed well together. She turned and set it down on the table, looking over everything. "Everyone ready?"-
  9. Covet: "I told you to sit down once already. Go." She said pointing as she got plates out and started bringing things to the table, thinking she was totally in the clear now. Food would be a good distraction too. // Felix gave a cheeky grin. "Always, Red. I was born ready." He said excited for more food. "So which salon did you ladies go to?"
  10. Tsaaq: He skeptically stared at her hands then went to walk towards the table, going to sit down. "Yeah. Maybe we should treat you guys to a day there. Since you suddenly love being pampered." He suggested with a raise of his eyebrows.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. The one... in Central..." She paused, because she's never been to it, but knows there's one in Central somewhere. "I forget the name of the street, but it's only a block away from the courthouse. "Since when does anyone suddenly love pampering? Everyone loves to be pampered. Just because we never have the time to do it doesn't mean it's a sudden interest." She walked to the kitchen to get silverware, setting them down next to each plate Cadence was setting down.-
  12. Covet: "Same one we went to for the wedding." Cadence added quickly, then nodded along with Steph, "Yeah exactly." She could feel Remy scrutenizing her as she swallowed hard, then started to dish herself out some food, making herself seem busy so maybe no further questions would be asked. // "Right, right." Felix said, "Doesn't mean we can't send you out to do it next time though, either." He said going for another piece of chicken and some mashed potatoes.
  13. Tsaaq: "Exactly. You guys deserve nice things." Remy said, trying not to sound suspicious. He went to look down at his plate. "Ah I know that one. The one with the Korean girls." He nodded his head casually.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Right." Steph said as she took her seat next to Felix, reaching for the salad bowl to dish herself up a plate of salad before turning to put some on Felix's plate also because he was going to eat vegetables if she had to force it down his throat. "Well... that would be really nice of you guys. Especially possibly after midterms are over and we can celebrate not failing."-
  15. Covet: "The Korean girls? Yeah... not that I knew they were Korean, though I kind of feel like an asshole if they were. I feel like that probably gives the wrong impression to your family." Cadence said putting her fork down as she looked at him. She looked over at Steph, "Yeah that would be right before the honeymoon too. Let's do that." She said looking back at Remy. // Felix stared at the salad and sighed shoving it all in his mouth in as many bites as he could to get it out of the way quickly. After a minute He listened to Cadence, "I dunno Remy... Have they really earned a reward like that?" He asked looking at Steph.
  16. Tsaaq: Remy rose his eyebrows at Cadence skeptically cause she definitely wasn't at the salon! He turned to Felix. "Hmm..." He trailed off. "No." He answered in a monotone. "Because liars don't get rewarded for lies!" Remy answered, slamming his fist on the table as he rose to his feet.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Considering I'm working four jobs on top of being a student full time? Kind of feels like I've earned a reward." She said with a laugh, pushing her fork through her salad before jumping when Remy slammed his first on the table, her head shooting up to stare at him.-
  18. Covet: Cadence flinched and looked up at him as he stood up, "What are you talking about?" she asked as if she didn't already know. // "I'm sure you have, but that was before you spun your story missy." Felix said looking at Steph with a stern look on his face.
  19. Tsaaq: "You guys are fuckin' liars okay? You're trying to get yourselves into funny business and shit." Remy said as he pointed to the two of them. "You didn't go to the fucking salon. You did some other janky shit! You were..." Remy leaned over to Felix. "What were they doing?" He asked quietly.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -She furrowed her brows, staring at Felix and then at Remy as he fucking rambled. "What were we doing, Remy?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "You're really going to fault us for going to a shooting range? Did you ever stop to think why we were there and why we didn't want to tell you?" She retorted, her gaze swinging back to encompass Felix because she totally has a great lie set up in her mind.-
  21. Covet: "It wasn't funny business!" Cadence said loudly at him as she crossed her arms, "Maybe we just didn't want you guys to worry. We were completely safe there." Cadence said looking back at Remy, glancing over to Steph, biting the inside of her cheek. // Felix groaned at Remy, "Did you even pay attention during the stakeout dude?" He looked back at Steph, "Why didn't you want to tell us? Because you knew I'd question you giving recent conversations we've had? Like that doesn't raise at least a small flag."
  22. Tsaaq: Remy darted his eyes. "I was paying attention at the stakeout you were the one sitting around eating burgers and shit!" He argued with Felix. "You were making us worried by being secretive. Then even more worried by lying! It's the opposite effect Cay! THE OPPOSITE!"
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Maybe we didn't want to tell you because given recent events, we didn't feel safe anymore and knowing the two of you, you'd get on some macho bullshit about protecting us. Maybe we want to be able to protect ourselves." She blinked when she heard the word stakeout, dropping her eyes down to look at Felix and genuinely looking more hurt than mad at this particular moment. "You were following us?"-
  24. Covet: "I'm sorry! But Steph has a point. I didn't feel safe having a gun and not knowing how to use it. That's how stupid accidents happen, Okay." Cadence said rolling her eyes. // Felix nodded his head, "Yes we followed you, left shortly after you did. You guys were whispering the other night, so we knew something was up, and you weren't really forthcoming with any information, what was I supposed to suspect?"
  25. Tsaaq: He listened to Steph then turned to Cadence. "Is that true?" He asked her. "You don't like the way I'm trying to protect my family even though we both agreed it was safer?" He inquired softly. "It's not macho bullshit. Just cause you have a fucking death wish doesn't mean you have to drag my wife into the grave with you Steph." He scoffed. "Okay what the hell is wrong with just saying that instead of sneaking around behind my back?"
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Try asking." She shot back at Felix. "If you thought something was up, how hard was it to just straight out ask instead of stalking us?" Her eyes shifted to Remy, raising her brows. "I'm not dragging your wife anywhere. This was her idea. And it's not even a big deal. You're making it into a big deal. Just because you guys are the ones with the dicks doesn't mean we have to let you guys do everything. It's two thousand seventeen and if I want to be more comfortable with my own safety, no one is allowed to tell me I'm not entitled to that." She set her jaw, shaking her head at Remy. "I would never let anything bad happen to Cadence. Ever. I know Ash coming after Felix was my fault, but that's never going to happen again either."-
  27. Covet: Cadence frowned and looked back at him, before putting her head down, "No, I never said any of that. I just didn't want to feel helpless and leave that all on just your shoulders. What's the point of owning a weapon if you don't know how to use it properly? Steph didn't drag me into anything. I asked her if we could go shooting tonight." // Felix looked at Remy, "Okay maybe tone it down a little I'm sure it wasn't Steph's intent to do that, Man." He said a little less angrily, then looked at her, "If you weren't open to telling me, when I'm right there in the same room as you, what good would asking have done?" He shook his head, "Stop putting that on you. It's not your fault. I don't know how many times to tell you that. I sent him the check, I was the asshole who wrote the letter. That's a crap excuse to use to justify lying to us. I'm not some pathetic person, just because I had the shit beat out of me. I don't need you doing something stupid on my behalf." Felix said feeling hurt as well.
  28. Tsaaq: "Okay okay okay, whatever. I don't care about your good intentions. It means nothing because you still lied about shit that supposedly isn't supposed to be a big deal. So your credibility has dropped to zero." Remy scoffed. "Well according to Steph it's supid macho bullshit and it justifies lying to us. Cause that like makes sense or whatever cause it's twenty seventeen and logic." Remy shrugged his shoulders. "Now that I know all of the answers as to why this came to be I will be going to bed. You guys do what you want I guess." He murmured, walking out fo the dining room table.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I never said you were pathetic. And I'm not going to do anything stupid on your behalf. If I do anything stupid, it's for me. I'd never put my stupidity on anyone else's shoulders." She spoke firmly, pushing up from her chair. "I'm suddenly not in the mood for dinner." She stepped away from the table, walking over to grab her jacket that she totally came in with that I didnt post with, but it's okay because I said so. Shrugging it onto her arms, she pulled it shut, making her way for the door.-
  30. Covet: "Remy.. please... I'm sorry." Cadence said biting the inside of her cheek as he walked off. She looked at Steph and Felix, "Uh...I'm going to go see if I can smooth that out. Take what you'd like for leftovers and lock the door when you leave." She told them as she got up and followed Remy into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. "I'm sorry...It wasn't meant to be a lie...I should have just told you." // Felix grumbled as he got up, then grabbed the box of chicken to bring with him, "You have to ride home with me, remember. " He said following after her with a set jaw. "You can explain why you chose to lie, I thought we had this honesty thing going here between us." He said making sure the door was locked behind him before heading down the hallway, taking his keys out of his pouch on his hoodie.
  31. Tsaaq: He exhaled and turned to face her as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You said we were on the same page... So what happened?" Remy asked. "Are you just catering to my male ego?" He asked, rolling his eyes before going to sit on the edge of the bed.
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Stepping out into the hallway, she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jacket, speaking low. "It's fine, I'll walk home. I could use the fresh air anyway." She stared at the elevator when the doors opened, stepping inside and moving to lean against the wall. "Would you have understood if I told you the truth? Because I had started to talk to you about it and you essentially jumped down my throat that I couldn't do it so... Im pretty sure I didnt have a choice."-
  33. Covet: "No, not like that anyways." Cadence said furrowing her brow as she walked over to him, "We are on the same page. I thought maybe going shooting would get it out of her system, and it was something I could use too. I just didn't want you to feel like you weren't doing enough, or that we were doing something crazy." // "You're not walking home, you're getting in the jeep, and I'm going to take you there. "I would have at least tried. You warned me that Ash was dangerous, and you think I would just be okay letting you walk into that? Because you think you can make him listen? Stop giving him what he wants, Stephanie. And stop pretending like you didn't have a choice. You always have a choice." Felix told her as he stepped out of the elevator heading for the Jeep, hitting unlock on the fob.
  34. Tsaaq: Remy sighed and went to undress. "It's fine." He sighed. "Let's just go to sleep. Please." He told her as he went to take off his jeans.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not walking into anything. We literally went to a shooting range so that we could both be more comfortable handling a gun if it came down to that. You should be happy, if anything, that we chose to be prepared rather than be blindsided by something happening." She crossed her arms over her chest, staring at him on the other side of the jeep before walking passed it, beginning to head in the direction of home because stubborn bitch.-
  36. Covet: Cadence bit the inside of her chee and nodded her head, not liking the feeling of being in the dog house, and immediately wondered if she should tell him about Tuesday. Tomorrow... She thought to herself as she looked back at the door, "I need to go clean up after dinner so Titus doesn't get into it. But then I'll be in bed..." She walked up to him and pulled his head up to hers giving him a kiss. " I'm sorry... I love you." // Felix listened to her, " I am. I just wish you would have told me the truth instead of making up some bullshit story. You want to go shooting to feel comfortable, okay that makes sense. But tell me that. Don't just assume I can't handle it." He told her then watched her walk off. He threw his hands up and shrugged climbing into his jeep to drive back to the OCH instead of her place if that's how she wanted to act, because she got busted.
  37. Tsaaq: Remy inhaled deeply. "I love you too." He replied, crawling into bed and hiding under the covers just thinking about how he could've definitely handled that situation better lmao.
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