

Mar 2nd, 2016
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  1. NEW Pastamancer Hardcore not defined ASCENSION STARTED 20160227
  2. ------------------------------
  4. This log was created by the Ascension Log Visualizer
  5. The basic idea and the format of this parser have been borrowed from the AFH MafiaLog Parser by VladimirPootin and QuantumNightmare.
  7. [code]===Day 1===
  9. [0] Ascension Start [0,0,0]
  10. +> [0] Got barrel lid, ten-leaf clover
  11. #> Turn [0] pulled 1 hobo code binder
  12. -> Turn [0] Puck Man
  13. [1] Deck of Every Card [0,550,0]
  14. => Level 2 (Turn 1)! (2/23/2)
  15. => Level 3 (Turn 1)! (2/23/2)
  16. => Level 4 (Turn 1)! (2/23/2)
  17. => Level 5 (Turn 1)! (2/23/2)
  18. [1] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [20,58,24]
  19. +> [1] Got Mayostat, mayo lance, ten-leaf clover
  20. [1] Guano Junction [0,0,0]
  21. +> [1] Got sonar-in-a-biscuit, sonar-in-a-biscuit
  22. [2] The Beanbat Chamber [8,28,14]
  23. +> [2] Got enchanted bean, sonar-in-a-biscuit, yellow pixel
  24. o> Drank 1 Ish Kabibble (6 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  25. }> [2] Disintegrated beanbat
  26. [3] Deck of Every Card [0,0,0]
  27. +> [3] Got Jarlsberg's key
  28. -> Turn [3] Rockin' Robin
  29. [3] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [8,26,11]
  30. +> [3] Got yellow pixel
  31. [4] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [11,21,5]
  32. +> [4] Got yellow pixel
  33. [4-8] 8-Bit Realm [38,109,43]
  34. -> Turn [8] Puck Man
  35. [9-15] The Haunted Kitchen [77,155,49]
  36. +> [9] Got yellow pixel
  37. +> [10] Got yellow pixel
  38. +> [11] Got yellow pixel
  39. +> [12] Got yellow pixel
  40. +> [13] Got yellow pixel
  41. +> [14] Got yellow pixel
  42. +> [15] Got Spookyraven billiards room key, power pill, yellow pixel
  43. -> Turn [15] Galloping Grill
  44. => Level 6 (Turn 11)! (10/29/10)
  45. [16] Chateau Painting [26,48,17]
  46. +> [16] Got hot ashes, ninja rope
  47. -> Turn [16] Fist Turkey
  48. [17-18] 8-Bit Realm [9,24,1]
  49. [19] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,95,0]
  50. [19-22] 8-Bit Realm [24,70,35]
  51. +> [20] Got Agitated Turkey
  52. -> Turn [22] Puck Man
  53. [23-26] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [58,85,54]
  54. +> [23] Got yellow pixel
  55. +> [24] Got yellow pixel
  56. -> Turn [24] Galloping Grill
  57. -> Turn [26] Fist Turkey
  58. [27] 8-Bit Realm [8,24,8]
  59. [28] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [9,11,6]
  60. +> [28] Got hot ashes
  61. [28-35] 8-Bit Realm [44,125,37]
  62. +> [29] Got Agitated Turkey
  63. +> [32] Got Agitated Turkey
  64. -> Turn [35] Grim Brother
  65. [36] Cook 1 spicy enchanted bean burrito + 1 jaba [0,0,0]
  66. o> Ate 1 insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito (12 adventures gained) [0,33,0]
  67. [37-40] The Boss Bat's Lair [43,86,36]
  68. -> Turn [40] Galloping Grill
  69. [41] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [10,46,12]
  70. o> Drank 1 Lucky Lindy (3 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  71. o> Drank 1 rodeo whiskey (10 adventures gained) [0,39,0]
  72. -> Turn [41] Puck Man
  73. => Level 7 (Turn 41)! (19/40/18)
  74. [42-44] The Defiled Niche [10,33,15]
  75. +> [44] Got Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe
  76. -> Turn [42] Galloping Grill
  77. -> Turn [43] Machine Elf
  78. -> Turn [44] Puck Man
  79. [45] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,92,0]
  80. [45-53] The Defiled Niche [102,217,101]
  81. +> [45] Got yellow pixel
  82. +> [46] Got yellow pixel
  83. +> [47] Got yellow pixel
  84. +> [48] Got yellow pixel
  85. +> [49] Got yellow pixel
  86. +> [50] Got yellow pixel
  87. +> [51] Got yellow pixel
  88. +> [52] Got Mayostat, pixel lemon, yellow pixel
  89. +> [53] Got yellow pixel
  90. o> Ate 1 pixel lemon (11 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  91. o> Drank 1 rodeo whiskey (9 adventures gained) [0,40,0]
  92. -> Turn [53] Grim Brother
  93. [54] The Boss Bat's Lair [8,24,10]
  94. +> [54] Got batskin belt
  95. o> Used 1 grim fairy tale (10 adventures gained) [20,28,23]
  96. -> Turn [54] Machine Elf
  97. [55] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [6,6,9]
  98. [56] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,97,0]
  99. [56] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [10,37,16]
  100. [56] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  101. [57-61] The Haunted Billiards Room [34,97,34]
  102. +> [57] Got pool cue
  103. [62-68] The Haunted Library [49,85,44]
  104. +> [66] Got disintegrating quill pen
  105. +> [67] Got disintegrating quill pen, inkwell
  106. +> [68] Got Lady Spookyraven's necklace
  107. -> Turn [68] Puck Man
  108. [69-74] The Haunted Gallery [87,198,108]
  109. +> [69] Got yellow pixel
  110. +> [70] Got power pill, yellow pixel
  111. +> [71] Got yellow pixel
  112. +> [72] Got yellow pixel
  113. -> Turn [72] Machine Elf
  114. [75] The Limerick Dungeon [0,0,0]
  115. #> [75] Semirare: The Bleary-Eyed Cyclops
  116. [76-77] The Haunted Gallery [35,63,19]
  117. +> [77] Got Lady Spookyraven's dancing shoes, Mayostat
  118. [78] Cook 1 spicy bean burrito + 1 jaba [0,0,0]
  119. o> Ate 1 insanely spicy bean burrito (11 adventures gained) [30,0,0]
  120. [79-85] The Haunted Bedroom [115,211,226]
  121. +> [79] Got barrel-aged martini
  122. +> [80] Got abstraction: action
  123. +> [83] Got yellow pixel
  124. +> [84] Got Lord Spookyraven's spectacles, yellow pixel
  125. +> [85] Got Lady Spookyraven's finest gown, yellow pixel
  126. o> Drank 1 rodeo whiskey (9 adventures gained) [0,35,0]
  127. -> Turn [82] Puck Man
  128. => Level 8 (Turn 82)! (29/53/30)
  129. [86] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,89,0]
  130. [86-90] The Haunted Bathroom [83,149,64]
  131. +> [86] Got yellow pixel
  132. +> [87] Got yellow pixel
  133. +> [88] Got yellow pixel
  134. +> [89] Got yellow pixel
  135. +> [90] Got yellow pixel
  136. -> Turn [90] Machine Elf
  137. [91] The Haunted Bedroom [13,32,18]
  138. +> [91] Got disposable instant camera
  139. -> Turn [91] Puck Man
  140. [91] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  141. [92-96] The Haunted Bathroom [60,103,50]
  142. +> [93] Got yellow pixel
  143. +> [94] Got yellow pixel
  144. +> [95] Got yellow pixel
  145. +> [96] Got Lady Spookyraven's powder puff, yellow pixel
  146. -> Turn [96] Machine Elf
  147. [97-101] The Haunted Ballroom [128,163,176]
  148. -> Turn [101] Fist Turkey
  149. [102] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [12,37,9]
  150. +> [102] Got Ambitious Turkey, Imp Ale
  151. [103] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,111,0]
  152. [103-105] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [21,65,23]
  153. +> [103] Got Imp Ale x 3
  154. +> [105] Got Imp Ale
  155. -> Turn [105] Machine Elf
  156. [106] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,5,4]
  157. +> [106] Got abstraction: joy
  158. -> Turn [106] Fist Turkey
  159. [106] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [16,29,14]
  160. [107] The Deep Machine Tunnels [4,6,0]
  161. +> [107] Got abstraction: thought
  162. -> Turn [107] Machine Elf
  163. [107] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [10,11,10]
  164. [108] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,0,4]
  165. +> [108] Got abstraction: certainty
  166. -> Turn [108] Fist Turkey
  167. [108] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [10,35,10]
  168. +> [108] Got Imp Ale
  169. [109] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,5,0]
  170. [109-110] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [18,32,7]
  171. +> [109] Got Imp Ale, hot wing
  172. +> [110] Got eldritch butterknife
  173. [111-118] The Dark Heart of the Woods [72,155,62]
  174. +> [111] Got hot wing
  175. +> [112] Got yellow pixel
  176. +> [113] Got hot plate
  177. +> [114] Got Imp Ale, yellow pixel
  178. +> [115] Got Imp Ale
  179. +> [117] Got Mayoflex, pixel banana
  180. +> [118] Got box of birthday candles
  181. o> Ate 1 pixel banana (10 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  182. -> Turn [111] Puck Man
  183. -> Turn [114] Machine Elf
  184. [119-121] The Dark Neck of the Woods [0,0,0]
  185. +> [120] Got imp unity ring
  186. +> [121] Got dodecagram
  187. -> Turn [119] Fist Turkey
  188. [122] The Dark Heart of the Woods [18,21,13]
  189. +> [122] Got hot wing
  190. -> Turn [122] Machine Elf
  191. [123] Friar Ceremony Location [0,0,0]
  192. [123] The Defiled Niche [24,51,29]
  193. [124] The Spooky Forest [12,42,14]
  194. +> [124] Got abstraction: thought
  195. [124] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  196. [125-130] The Spooky Forest [89,162,57]
  197. +> [125] Got Mayoflex, pixel lemon
  198. +> [126] Got yellow pixel
  199. +> [127] Got yellow pixel
  200. +> [128] Got yellow pixel
  201. +> [129] Got yellow pixel
  202. +> [130] Got mosquito larva, yellow pixel
  203. o> Ate 1 pixel lemon (12 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  204. -> Turn [125] Puck Man
  205. [131] Cook 1 hot ashes + 1 soda water [0,0,0]
  206. +> [131] Got ash soda
  207. o> Drank 1 Sockdollager (6 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  208. [132-138] Tavern Cellar [70,156,62]
  209. +> [132] Got tangle of rat tails, yellow pixel
  210. +> [133] Got yellow pixel
  211. +> [134] Got tangle of rat tails, yellow pixel
  212. +> [136] Got yellow pixel
  213. +> [137] Got yellow pixel
  214. +> [138] Got Typical Tavern swill x 3, empty meat tank, tires
  215. [139] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency [0,58,0]
  216. +> [139] Got Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
  217. [142] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [16,31,15]
  218. +> [142] Got abstraction: sensation
  219. -> Turn [141] Machine Elf
  220. -> Turn [142] Puck Man
  221. [143-146] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency [0,136,0]
  222. +> [143] Got Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
  223. +> [146] Got Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
  224. o> Used 1 astral energy drink (29 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  225. [149-154] The Spooky Forest [34,63,34]
  226. +> [149] Got tree-holed coin
  227. +> [150] Got Spooky Temple map
  228. +> [153] Got Spooky-Gro fertilizer
  229. +> [154] Got yellow pixel
  230. -> Turn [148] Machine Elf
  231. -> Turn [153] Puck Man
  232. => Level 9 (Turn 154)! (40/68/40)
  233. [155-156] Hippy Camp [23,21,13]
  234. +> [155] Got filthy knitted dread sack
  235. +> [156] Got filthy corduroys, reodorant, yellow pixel
  236. }> [156] Disintegrated filthy hippy Vegan chef
  237. -> Turn [156] Crimbo Shrub
  238. [157-158] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [10,27,11]
  239. +> [158] Got Knob Goblin encryption key
  240. -> Turn [157] Machine Elf
  241. [159] The Deep Machine Tunnels [6,0,0]
  242. +> [159] Got abstraction: certainty
  243. [158] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  244. [159-163] The Spooky Forest [64,113,50]
  245. +> [160] Got abstraction: perception
  246. +> [163] Got spooky sapling
  247. -> Turn [163] Slimeling
  248. [164] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [111,187,76]
  249. +> [164] Got dollop of barbecue sauce, hot ashes
  250. [164] Deck of Every Card [0,0,0]
  251. +> [164] Got Mayodiol, Mayoflex, Mayoflex, anticheese
  252. +> [164] Got asbestos ore, bankruptcy barrel, chrome ore, linoleum ore
  253. +> [164] Got pixel banana, ten-leaf clover
  254. o> Ate 2 enticing mayolus (10 adventures gained) [20,29,12]
  255. o> Ate 1 pixel banana (10 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  256. o> Drank 1 roll in the hay (10 adventures gained) [0,37,0]
  258. ===Day 2===
  259. Adventure count at day start: 88
  260. Current meat: 756
  262. [164] Deck of Every Card [0,0,0]
  263. +> [164] Got Sneaky Pete's key
  264. [164] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [12,37,12]
  265. +> [164] Got mayo lance, yellow pixel
  266. [164-171] The Obligatory Pirate's Cove [53,83,48]
  267. +> [165] Got stuffed shoulder parrot
  268. +> [166] Got swashbuckling pants
  269. +> [171] Got barrel cracker, bottle of rum, eyepatch
  270. }> [171] Disintegrated smarmy pirate
  271. -> Turn [171] Fist Turkey
  272. [172] Barrrney's Barrr [0,0,0]
  273. -> Turn [172] Puck Man
  274. [173] Cap'm Caronch's Map [17,30,9]
  275. +> [173] Got yellow pixel
  276. -> Turn [173] Jumpsuited Hound Dog
  277. [174-176] The Defiled Nook [9,34,12]
  278. +> [175] Got evil eye, skeleton bone, smart skull
  279. +> [176] Got evil eye, skeleton bone, smart skull
  280. -> Turn [176] Fist Turkey
  281. [177] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,0,0]
  282. [177-178] The Defiled Nook [12,32,13]
  283. +> [177] Got evil eye, skeleton bone, smart skull
  284. +> [178] Got evil eye x 3, skeleton bone, smart skull
  285. -> Turn [178] Machine Elf
  286. [179] The Deep Machine Tunnels [6,0,0]
  287. +> [179] Got abstraction: action, abstraction: action, abstraction: motion, abstraction: motion
  288. +> [179] Got abstraction: purpose, abstraction: purpose, abstraction: sensation, abstraction: thought
  289. +> [179] Got abstraction: thought
  290. -> Turn [179] Xiblaxian Holo-Companion
  291. [180] Deck of Every Card [0,0,0]
  292. o> Drank 1 Ambitious Turkey (7 adventures gained) [22,30,21]
  293. [180-182] The Defiled Alcove [27,54,25]
  294. [183] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,110,0]
  295. [183-184] The Defiled Alcove [48,68,45]
  296. +> [184] Got loose teeth
  297. -> Turn [184] Machine Elf
  298. [185] Cook 1 hot ashes + 1 soda water [0,0,0]
  299. +> [185] Got ash soda
  300. [186] The Defiled Nook [25,40,26]
  301. +> [186] Got skeleton bone x 3
  302. -> Turn [186] Fist Turkey
  303. [187] The Defiled Alcove [27,41,24]
  304. [187] Cook 1 unusual oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  305. +> [187] Got ten-leaf clover
  306. [188] Itznotyerzitz Mine [0,0,0]
  307. +> [188] Got asbestos ore, chrome ore, linoleum ore
  308. [189-200] Barrrney's Barrr [155,251,160]
  309. +> [190] Got bottle of rum
  310. +> [194] Got bottle of rum, bottle of rum
  311. +> [195] Got bottle of rum, yellow pixel
  312. +> [196] Got yellow pixel
  313. +> [197] Got yellow pixel
  314. +> [198] Got bottle of rum, yellow pixel
  315. +> [199] Got yellow pixel
  316. +> [200] Got bottle of rum, yellow pixel
  317. -> Turn [194] Puck Man
  318. [201] The Infiltrationist [0,0,0]
  319. [202-206] Barrrney's Barrr [0,0,0]
  320. +> [206] Got Mayostat, pixel banana
  321. o> Drank 1 Agitated Turkey (6 adventures gained) [22,13,10]
  322. o> Ate 1 pixel banana (9 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  323. -> Turn [206] Jumpsuited Hound Dog
  324. [207-208] The F'c'le [33,82,30]
  325. +> [207] Got rigging shampoo
  326. [209] Cook 1 hot ashes + 1 soda water [0,0,0]
  327. +> [209] Got ash soda
  328. [210-211] The F'c'le [29,54,25]
  329. +> [210] Got mizzenmast mop
  330. +> [211] Got ball polish
  331. -> Turn [211] Machine Elf
  332. [212] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,8,0]
  333. -> Turn [212] Galloping Grill
  334. [212] The F'c'le [0,0,0]
  335. [213] Chateau Painting [20,49,13]
  336. +> [213] Got ninja crampons
  337. o> Drank 1 iced plum wine (6 adventures gained) [0,0,5]
  338. -> Turn [213] Slimeling
  339. [214] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [299,422,307]
  340. +> [214] Got abstraction: purpose, abstraction: thought, abstraction: thought
  341. o> Drank 1 Lucky Lindy (2 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  342. o> Drank 1 iced plum wine (6 adventures gained) [0,0,6]
  343. [214] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,326,0]
  344. [214-220] The Penultimate Fantasy Airship [82,170,85]
  345. +> [216] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  346. +> [217] Got titanium assault umbrella
  347. => Level 10 (Turn 217)! (53/85/52)
  348. [221] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  349. [222-240] The Penultimate Fantasy Airship [133,362,150]
  350. +> [222] Got Tissue Paper Immateria
  351. +> [223] Got Mohawk wig
  352. +> [224] Got metallic A
  353. +> [226] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  354. +> [233] Got amulet of extreme plot significance, soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  355. +> [234] Got Tin Foil Immateria
  356. +> [235] Got Gauze Immateria
  357. +> [236] Got yellow pixel
  358. +> [237] Got Plastic Wrap Immateria
  359. +> [238] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote, yellow pixel
  360. +> [239] Got tennis ball, yellow pixel
  361. +> [240] Got S.O.C.K.
  362. -> Turn [233] Puck Man
  363. [241-243] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement) [30,63,32]
  364. +> [241] Got heavy D, yellow pixel
  365. +> [242] Got power pill, yellow pixel
  366. [245] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) [45,89,45]
  367. +> [244] Got yellow pixel
  368. +> [245] Got yellow pixel, yellow pixel
  369. [246] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  370. -> Turn [246] Galloping Grill
  371. [247-254] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) [116,261,136]
  372. +> [247] Got hot ashes
  373. +> [248] Got yellow pixel
  374. +> [249] Got yellow pixel
  375. +> [250] Got yellow pixel
  376. +> [251] Got yellow pixel
  377. +> [252] Got yellow pixel
  378. +> [253] Got yellow pixel
  379. -> Turn [247] Puck Man
  380. [255] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor) [0,0,0]
  381. +> [255] Got Mayoflex, pixel banana
  382. o> Ate 1 pixel banana (10 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  383. -> Turn [255] Fist Turkey
  384. [256] The Hole in the Sky [11,31,14]
  385. +> [256] Got Ambitious Turkey, line, line, star
  386. +> [256] Got star
  387. [257] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,110,0]
  388. [257-264] The Hole in the Sky [118,264,144]
  389. +> [257] Got Ambitious Turkey, line, line, star
  390. +> [258] Got star chart
  391. +> [259] Got line x 3
  392. +> [260] Got line, star, star
  393. +> [261] Got line, line, star
  394. +> [262] Got Ambitious Turkey, line, line, star
  395. +> [263] Got star chart
  396. +> [264] Got line, line, star
  397. -> Turn [264] Machine Elf
  398. [265] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency [0,76,0]
  399. +> [265] Got Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
  400. [268] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,0,0]
  401. +> [268] Got abstraction: category
  402. -> Turn [267] Grim Brother
  403. [268-270] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor) [0,0,0]
  404. #> [270] Semirare: All The Rave
  405. -> Turn [269] Puck Man
  406. [271] Deck of Every Card [0,0,0]
  407. +> [271] Got stone wool x 3
  408. [270] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 skin oil [0,0,0]
  409. [270] Cook 1 hot ashes + 1 soda water [0,0,0]
  410. +> [270] Got ash soda
  411. [271-278] The Defiled Cranny [145,379,168]
  412. +> [271] Got yellow pixel
  413. +> [272] Got yellow pixel
  414. +> [273] Got power pill, yellow pixel
  415. +> [274] Got yellow pixel
  416. +> [275] Got yellow pixel
  417. +> [276] Got yellow pixel
  418. +> [277] Got long hard screw x 4, messy butt joint x 5, morningwood plank x 5, raging hardwood plank x 5
  419. +> [277] Got thick caulk x 5, weirdwood plank x 5, yellow pixel
  420. -> Turn [277] Galloping Grill
  421. -> Turn [278] Machine Elf
  422. [279] Haert of the Cyrpt [34,113,43]
  423. +> [279] Got Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe, Mayostat, chest of the Bonerdagon, skull of the Bonerdagon
  424. +> [279] Got vertebra of the Bonerdagon
  425. o> Used 1 chest of the Bonerdagon [150,202,150]
  426. -> Turn [279] Puck Man
  427. [279] Cook 1 spicy enchanted bean burrito + 1 jaba [0,0,0]
  428. o> Ate 1 insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito (10 adventures gained) [0,48,0]
  429. [280-288] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,1350,0]
  430. +> [280] Got hot mint schnocolate
  431. +> [281] Got hot mint schnocolate
  432. +> [282] Got homeopathic mint tea
  433. +> [283] Got Choco-Mint patty
  434. +> [288] Got hot mint schnocolate
  435. -> Turn [288] Reassembled Blackbird
  436. [289] Cook 1 unusual oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  437. -> Turn [289] Crimbo Shrub
  438. [290] The Haunted Ballroom [23,59,14]
  439. -> Turn [290] Reassembled Blackbird
  440. [291-302] The Black Forest [194,554,193]
  441. +> [292] Got black picnic basket
  442. +> [297] Got broken wings
  443. +> [298] Got black picnic basket
  444. +> [300] Got sunken eyes
  445. +> [301] Got yellow pixel
  446. +> [302] Got Mayoflex, yellow pixel
  447. o> Used 1 astral energy drink (33 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  448. o> Ate 1 enticing mayolus (5 adventures gained) [15,21,6]
  449. -> Turn [300] Puck Man
  450. => Level 11 (Turn 293)! (61/104/61)
  451. [303] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency [0,0,0]
  452. [306-324] The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert [371,860,377]
  453. +> [306] Got yellow pixel
  454. +> [307] Got yellow pixel
  455. +> [308] Got yellow pixel
  456. +> [309] Got yellow pixel
  457. +> [310] Got yellow pixel
  458. +> [311] Got yellow pixel
  459. +> [312] Got yellow pixel
  460. +> [313] Got power pill, yellow pixel
  461. +> [314] Got Ambitious Turkey, worm-riding manual page
  462. +> [315] Got worm-riding manual page (3)
  463. +> [318] Got worm-riding manual page (2)
  464. +> [319] Got worm-riding manual page (3)
  465. +> [320] Got worm-riding manual page (2)
  466. +> [322] Got abstraction: category, worm-riding manual page (3)
  467. +> [324] Got Mayostat, pixel banana, worm-riding hooks, worm-riding manual page
  468. o> Drank 1 Agitated Turkey (5 adventures gained) [13,27,11]
  469. o> Drank 3 Ambitious Turkey (17 adventures gained) [58,98,62]
  470. o> Ate 1 pixel banana (11 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  471. -> Turn [313] Fist Turkey
  472. -> Turn [315] Machine Elf
  473. -> Turn [322] Fist Turkey
  474. [325-327] The Oasis [44,92,37]
  475. +> [325] Got Ambitious Turkey
  476. +> [327] Got drum machine
  477. -> Turn [325] Rockin' Robin
  478. -> Turn [327] Galloping Grill
  479. [328-330] The Hidden Temple [0,0,0]
  480. [331] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 skin oil [0,0,0]
  481. [332-333] The Oasis [66,138,55]
  482. +> [332] Got bottle of lighter fluid
  483. +> [333] Got stone rose
  484. [334] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  485. [335-338] The Poop Deck [38,140,44]
  486. +> [337] Got hot ashes
  487. [339-342] Belowdecks [33,93,32]
  488. +> [340] Got bottle of lighter fluid, gaudy key, snakehead charrrm
  489. +> [342] Got gaudy key, hot ashes, snakehead charrrm
  490. [343-349] The Hidden Park [71,157,58]
  491. +> [347] Got half-size scalpel
  492. +> [349] Got antique machete
  493. -> Turn [343] Fist Turkey
  494. [350-363] Inside the Palindome [194,526,205]
  495. +> [350] Got photograph of an ostrich egg
  496. +> [351] Got Mayoflex, ketchup hound, photograph of a dog, stunt nuts
  497. +> [352] Got photograph of God
  498. +> [353] Got bottle of gin
  499. +> [354] Got photograph of a red nugget
  500. +> [355] Got hot ashes
  501. +> [358] Got hot ashes
  502. +> [360] Got abstraction: action
  503. +> [361] Got bottle of gin
  504. o> Ate 1 enticing mayolus (5 adventures gained) [17,20,11]
  505. -> Turn [351] Galloping Grill
  506. -> Turn [357] Machine Elf
  507. [364] The Haunted Ballroom [0,0,0]
  508. [365] An Overgrown Shrine (Southwest) [11,9,0]
  509. +> [365] Got abstraction: sensation
  510. -> Turn [365] Galloping Grill
  511. [366-367] Investigating a Plaintive Telegram [23,63,23]
  512. }> [367] Disintegrated vicious, rabid mountain lion
  513. -> Turn [367] Machine Elf
  514. [368] An Overgrown Shrine (Southeast) [0,0,6]
  515. +> [368] Got abstraction: thought, abstraction: thought
  516. -> Turn [368] Rockin' Robin
  517. [369-376] The Hidden Bowling Alley [123,282,145]
  518. +> [369] Got bowling ball
  519. +> [372] Got bowling ball
  520. +> [373] Got bowling ball
  521. +> [375] Got bowling ball
  522. +> [376] Got bowling ball
  523. -> Turn [376] Machine Elf
  524. [377-378] The Hidden Hospital [34,69,29]
  525. +> [377] Got abstraction: thought, head mirror
  526. +> [378] Got abstraction: action
  527. [379] An Overgrown Shrine (Southwest) [0,0,0]
  528. [379] An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest) [16,0,0]
  529. [380] A Massive Ziggurat [0,7,6]
  530. -> Turn [380] Nosy Nose
  531. [380] An Overgrown Shrine (Northeast) [6,7,0]
  532. +> [380] Got abstraction: thought
  533. [381-390] The Hidden Apartment Building [177,414,210]
  534. +> [384] Got McClusky file (page 1)
  535. +> [388] Got McClusky file (page 2)
  536. +> [390] Got abstraction: action
  537. -> Turn [382] Machine Elf
  538. [391] An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest) [0,0,0]
  539. +> [391] Got Mayodiol, Mayoflex, Mayoflex, frost flower
  540. +> [391] Got ice harvest x 9, snow berries x 9, ten-leaf clover
  541. o> Drank 1 Ambitious Turkey (7 adventures gained) [24,22,15]
  542. o> Drank 1 Ye Olde Meade (16 adventures gained) [24,28,23]
  543. o> Ate 2 enticing mayolus (11 adventures gained) [20,18,28]
  544. o> Ate 1 insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito (10 adventures gained) [0,37,0]
  545. #> Turn [391] pulled 4 Batfellow comic
  547. ===Day 3===
  548. Adventure count at day start: 97
  549. Current meat: 5389
  551. [391] Deck of Every Card [0,0,0]
  552. +> [391] Got Boris's key, snow boards x 3, ten-leaf clover, unfinished ice sculpture
  553. [391] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement) [0,0,0]
  554. +> [391] Got lowercase N, ruby W, ten-leaf clover
  555. [392] The Smut Orc Logging Camp [0,0,0]
  556. +> [392] Got long hard screw x 3, weirdwood plank x 3
  557. -> Turn [392] Fist Turkey
  558. [393] Deck of Every Card [0,0,0]
  559. +> [393] Got Mayoflex, asbestos ore, chrome ore, linoleum ore
  560. +> [393] Got miracle whip, pixel banana
  561. o> Ate 1 pixel banana (11 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  562. [393-397] The Goatlet [28,69,32]
  563. +> [395] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese
  564. +> [396] Got goat cheese
  565. +> [397] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese
  566. -> Turn [397] Puck Man
  567. [398] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [52,98,31]
  568. +> [398] Got Ambitious Turkey, barrel-aged martini
  569. [398-402] The Hidden Bowling Alley [101,142,105]
  570. +> [402] Got yellow pixel
  571. [403] An Overgrown Shrine (Southeast) [0,0,0]
  572. [403-410] The Hidden Office Building [151,330,170]
  573. +> [403] Got yellow pixel
  574. +> [404] Got yellow pixel
  575. +> [405] Got yellow pixel
  576. +> [406] Got McClusky file (page 3), yellow pixel
  577. +> [407] Got McClusky file (page 4), yellow pixel
  578. +> [408] Got boring binder clip
  579. +> [409] Got yellow pixel
  580. +> [410] Got McClusky file (complete), McClusky file (page 5), yellow pixel
  581. [411] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,111,0]
  582. -> Turn [411] Crimbo Shrub
  583. [411] Chateau Painting [15,44,14]
  584. +> [411] Got ninja carabiner, yellow pixel
  585. [412] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,110,0]
  586. }> [412] Disintegrated War Pledge
  587. -> Turn [412] Slimeling
  588. [412] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [17,28,10]
  589. [412] Frat House [19,42,18]
  590. +> [412] Got beer helmet, bejeweled pledge pin, distressed denim pants
  591. [412] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  592. [413] Hippy Camp [16,35,20]
  593. +> [413] Got bullet-proof corduroys, round purple sunglasses
  594. => Level 12 (Turn 413)! (76/125/76)
  595. [414-416] Wartime Hippy Camp (Frat Disguise) [31,79,33]
  596. +> [415] Got reinforced beaded headband
  597. -> Turn [415] Puck Man
  598. [417-419] Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it [33,76,32]
  599. +> [418] Got yellow pixel
  600. +> [419] Got molybdenum hammer
  601. -> Turn [418] Machine Elf
  602. -> Turn [419] Puck Man
  603. [420-422] The Hidden Office Building [47,123,54]
  604. +> [420] Got yellow pixel
  605. +> [421] Got power pill, yellow pixel
  606. +> [422] Got yellow pixel
  607. [423] The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert [0,0,0]
  608. +> [423] Got tennis ball
  609. -> Turn [423] Machine Elf
  610. [424] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,7,5]
  611. +> [424] Got abstraction: certainty, abstraction: joy
  612. [424] An Overgrown Shrine (Northeast) [0,0,0]
  613. [424] An Overgrown Shrine (Southeast) [0,0,0]
  614. [424] A Massive Ziggurat [34,93,35]
  615. +> [424] Got yellow pixel
  616. [425] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,5,0]
  617. +> [425] Got abstraction: purpose
  618. [425-426] Out by that Rusted-Out Car [20,39,17]
  619. +> [426] Got molybdenum screwdriver
  620. -> Turn [426] Rockin' Robin
  621. [427] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,110,0]
  622. [427] Over Where the Old Tires Are [16,43,16]
  623. +> [427] Got molybdenum crescent wrench
  624. [428] Near an Abandoned Refrigerator [19,43,15]
  625. +> [428] Got molybdenum pliers
  626. -> Turn [428] Puck Man
  627. [429] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,111,0]
  628. [429-431] Mist-Shrouded Peak [64,153,64]
  629. +> [429] Got yellow pixel
  630. +> [430] Got yellow pixel
  631. +> [431] Got yellow pixel, yellow pixel
  632. -> Turn [431] Jumpsuited Hound Dog
  633. [432] Cook 1 unusual oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  634. [433-445] Sonofa Beach [104,276,154]
  635. +> [433] Got barrel of gunpowder
  636. +> [434] Got barrel of gunpowder
  637. +> [437] Got bottle of rum x 3, lemon x 3, lime x 3
  638. +> [440] Got bottle of rum x 3, lemon x 3, lime x 3
  639. +> [442] Got barrel of gunpowder
  640. +> [445] Got barrel of gunpowder, barrel of gunpowder
  641. [446-450] Whitey's Grove [39,75,43]
  642. +> [446] Got bird rib
  643. #> [449] Semirare: Monty of County Crisco
  644. +> [450] Got lion oil
  645. -> Turn [450] Hobo Monkey
  646. [451] Cook 1 bird rib + 1 lion oil [0,0,0]
  647. +> [451] Got wet stew
  648. [451] Cook 1 wet stew + 1 stunt nuts [0,0,0]
  649. +> [451] Got wet stunt nut stew
  650. o> Drank 1 Ambitious Turkey (7 adventures gained) [20,26,19]
  651. [451] Cook 1 unusual oil + 1 skin oil [0,0,0]
  652. o> Drank 1 Hot Socks (10 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  653. [452-456] The Themthar Hills [72,173,90]
  654. [457] The Hidden Temple [0,0,0]
  655. [457-462] The Themthar Hills [146,229,142]
  656. -> Turn [462] Puck Man
  657. [463] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,111,0]
  658. [463] The Themthar Hills [10,42,14]
  659. +> [463] Got yellow pixel
  660. [464] ice sculpture [20,39,13]
  661. +> [464] Got Mayoflex, pixel banana, yellow pixel
  662. o> Drank 1 Agitated Turkey (5 adventures gained) [10,22,16]
  663. o> Ate 1 pixel banana (12 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  664. -> Turn [464] Jumpsuited Hound Dog
  665. [465] The Hatching Chamber [28,77,24]
  666. [466] The Feeding Chamber [33,63,32]
  667. +> [466] Got cute mushroom
  668. [466] The Royal Guard Chamber [15,36,15]
  669. [466] The Haunted Wine Cellar [16,33,16]
  670. +> [466] Got bottle of Chateau de Vinegar
  671. [468] The Haunted Laundry Room [45,92,36]
  672. +> [468] Got blasting soda
  673. -> Turn [468] Fist Turkey
  674. [469] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 skin oil [0,0,0]
  675. [470-471] Oil Peak [13,33,13]
  676. +> [471] Got bubblin' crude x 3
  677. [472-474] A-Boo Peak [27,56,27]
  678. +> [473] Got A-Boo clue, Ambitious Turkey
  679. +> [474] Got A-Boo clue, Polysniff Perfume
  680. -> Turn [474] Puck Man
  681. [475-478] Oil Peak [113,187,93]
  682. +> [475] Got yellow pixel
  683. +> [476] Got bubblin' crude, bubblin' crude, yellow pixel
  684. +> [477] Got bubblin' crude x 3, power pill, yellow pixel
  685. +> [478] Got bubblin' crude, bubblin' crude, jar of oil, yellow pixel
  686. [479] Cook 1 bottle of Chateau de Vinegar + 1 blasting soda [0,0,0]
  687. [481] The Haunted Boiler Room [9,41,19]
  688. +> [481] Got wine bomb, yellow pixel
  689. [482] Lord Spookyraven [75,176,85]
  690. +> [482] Got Mega Gem, yellow pixel, yellow pixel
  691. [483] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  692. [484-489] The Upper Chamber [23,47,21]
  693. +> [484] Got crumbling wooden wheel
  694. +> [486] Got crumbling wooden wheel
  695. +> [487] Got yellow pixel
  696. +> [488] Got crumbling wooden wheel
  697. o> Drank 1 Agitated Turkey (6 adventures gained) [14,13,12]
  698. -> Turn [489] Fist Turkey
  699. [490-494] The Middle Chamber [103,248,122]
  700. +> [492] Got Ambitious Turkey, tomb ratchet x 3
  701. +> [493] Got tomb ratchet x 3
  702. +> [494] Got Ambitious Turkey, tomb ratchet
  703. [495-499] Twin Peak [18,36,7]
  704. [500] The Middle Chamber [0,0,0]
  705. [501] rusty hedge trimmers [0,0,0]
  706. [502] Twin Peak [16,29,16]
  707. +> [502] Got troll britches
  708. -> Turn [502] Rockin' Robin
  709. [503] rusty hedge trimmers [0,0,0]
  710. [503-504] Cobb's Knob Harem [20,28,11]
  711. +> [503] Got Knob Goblin harem pants, Knob Goblin harem veil
  712. [505] Throne Room [27,52,27]
  713. +> [505] Got Cobb's Knob lab key, Crown of the Goblin King
  714. -> Turn [505] Puck Man
  715. [506-511] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform) [73,198,87]
  716. +> [507] Got yellow pixel
  717. +> [508] Got yellow pixel
  718. +> [509] Got yellow pixel
  719. +> [510] Got yellow pixel
  720. +> [511] Got power pill, yellow pixel
  721. [512] The Filthworm Queen's Chamber [24,35,12]
  722. +> [512] Got yellow pixel
  723. [513-529] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform) [272,661,282]
  724. +> [514] Got yellow pixel
  725. +> [515] Got yellow pixel
  726. +> [516] Got yellow pixel
  727. +> [517] Got yellow pixel
  728. +> [518] Got yellow pixel
  729. +> [519] Got yellow pixel
  730. +> [520] Got yellow pixel
  731. +> [521] Got yellow pixel
  732. +> [522] Got yellow pixel
  733. +> [523] Got power pill, yellow pixel
  734. +> [528] Got tennis ball
  735. -> Turn [523] Rockin' Robin
  736. [530] The Middle Chamber [16,48,16]
  737. [531-541] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform) [202,486,204]
  738. o> Used 1 astral energy drink (30 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  739. -> Turn [539] Machine Elf
  740. [542] A-Boo Peak [17,29,5]
  741. -> Turn [542] Puck Man
  742. [543] The Middle Chamber [0,0,0]
  743. +> [543] Got tomb ratchet
  744. [544] The Lower Chambers (Token/Empty) [0,0,0]
  745. [545] The Lower Chambers (Rubble/Bomb) [0,0,0]
  746. [546] The Lower Chambers (Empty/Rubble) [0,0,0]
  747. [547-553] Ed the Undying [183,443,174]
  748. +> [547] Got yellow pixel
  749. +> [548] Got yellow pixel
  750. +> [549] Got yellow pixel
  751. +> [550] Got yellow pixel
  752. +> [551] Got yellow pixel
  753. +> [552] Got yellow pixel
  754. +> [553] Got Holy MacGuffin, yellow pixel
  755. -> Turn [552] Exotic Parrot
  756. -> Turn [553] Machine Elf
  757. [554] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,0,0]
  758. [553] Cook 1 skin oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  759. +> [553] Got miniature power pill
  760. [554-557] A-Boo Peak [0,0,0]
  761. [558] The Big Wisniewski [78,157,70]
  762. -> Turn [558] Xiblaxian Holo-Companion
  763. [559] The Deep Machine Tunnels [0,0,0]
  764. +> [559] Got Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe, abstraction: certainty
  765. -> Turn [559] Puck Man
  766. [559] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman [71,125,51]
  767. +> [559] Got hot ashes, hot ashes, shaker of dry rub
  768. [559] Rest in your bed in the Chateau [0,171,0]
  769. +> [559] Got hot mint schnocolate
  770. [559] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 unusual oil [0,0,0]
  771. o> Drank 1 Ambitious Turkey (6 adventures gained) [18,30,19]
  772. [560] Deck of Every Card [0,0,0]
  773. o> Drank 1 Sockdollager (8 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  774. [560] Fastest Adventurer Contest [20,54,24]
  775. +> [560] Got yellow pixel
  776. [561] Smoothest Adventurer Contest [17,41,14]
  777. +> [561] Got yellow pixel
  778. [562] Hottest Adventurer Contest [17,54,26]
  779. +> [562] Got yellow pixel
  780. -> Turn [562] Exotic Parrot
  781. [563] The Hedge Maze (Room 1) [0,0,0]
  782. [564] The Hedge Maze (Room 4) [0,0,0]
  783. [565] The Hedge Maze (Room 7) [0,0,0]
  784. [566] The Hedge Maze (Room 9) [0,0,0]
  785. -> Turn [566] Hobo Monkey
  786. [567] Tower Door [0,0,0]
  787. [567] Tower Level 1 [13,33,11]
  788. [567] Cook 1 unusual oil + 1 skin oil [0,0,0]
  789. [568] Tower Level 2 [31,66,17]
  790. -> Turn [568] Puck Man
  791. [569] Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil [0,0,0]
  792. [570-590] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) [166,387,178]
  793. +> [571] Got yellow pixel
  794. +> [572] Got yellow pixel
  795. +> [573] Got yellow pixel
  796. +> [574] Got yellow pixel
  797. +> [575] Got yellow pixel
  798. +> [576] Got yellow pixel
  799. +> [577] Got yellow pixel
  800. +> [578] Got yellow pixel
  801. +> [580] Got tennis ball, yellow pixel
  802. +> [581] Got worthless knick-knack, worthless trinket
  803. +> [582] Got yellow pixel
  804. +> [583] Got Mayoflex, pixel lemon, yellow pixel
  805. +> [585] Got yellow pixel
  806. +> [586] Got yellow pixel
  807. +> [587] Got yellow pixel
  808. +> [588] Got yellow pixel
  809. +> [589] Got yellow pixel
  810. +> [590] Got electric boning knife, pixel star
  811. o> Ate 1 pixel lemon (11 adventures gained) [15,16,14]
  812. [591] Tower Level 3 [64,146,53]
  813. +> [591] Got yellow pixel
  814. => Level 13 (Turn 591)! (91/148/92)
  815. [592] Tower Level 4 [0,0,0]
  816. -> Turn [592] Machine Elf
  817. [592] Tower Level 5 [45,109,57]
  818. +> [592] Got yellow pixel
  819. [593-594] The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber [130,274,138]
  821. Turn rundown finished![/code]
  824. ----------
  825. The Battlefield (Frat Uniform): 34
  826. The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor): 30
  827. The Penultimate Fantasy Airship: 26
  828. 8-Bit Realm: 20
  829. The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert: 20
  830. Barrrney's Barrr: 18
  831. The Spooky Forest: 17
  832. Inside the Palindome: 14
  833. Sonofa Beach: 13
  834. The Defiled Niche: 13
  835. The Hidden Bowling Alley: 13
  836. The Black Forest: 12
  837. The Themthar Hills: 12
  838. The Hidden Office Building: 11
  839. Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 snake oil: 10
  840. The Haunted Bathroom: 10
  841. The Hidden Apartment Building: 10
  842. The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob: 10
  843. Rest in your bed in the Chateau: 9
  844. The Dark Elbow of the Woods: 9
  845. The Hole in the Sky: 9
  846. A-Boo Peak: 8
  847. The Dark Heart of the Woods: 8
  848. The Defiled Cranny: 8
  849. The Haunted Gallery: 8
  850. The Obligatory Pirate's Cove: 8
  851. Ed the Undying: 7
  852. Tavern Cellar: 7
  853. The Haunted Ballroom: 7
  854. The Haunted Bedroom: 7
  855. The Haunted Kitchen: 7
  856. The Haunted Library: 7
  857. The Hidden Park: 7
  858. The Middle Chamber: 7
  859. Oil Peak: 6
  860. The Defiled Nook: 6
  861. The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency: 6
  862. The Upper Chamber: 6
  863. Twin Peak: 6
  864. The Boss Bat's Lair: 5
  865. The Defiled Alcove: 5
  866. The F'c'le: 5
  867. The Goatlet: 5
  868. The Haunted Billiards Room: 5
  869. The Oasis: 5
  870. Whitey's Grove: 5
  871. Belowdecks: 4
  872. Cook 1 hot ashes + 1 soda water: 4
  873. The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement): 4
  874. The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor): 4
  875. The Poop Deck: 4
  876. Chateau Painting: 3
  877. Cook 1 unusual oil + 1 snake oil: 3
  878. Hippy Camp: 3
  879. Mist-Shrouded Peak: 3
  880. Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it: 3
  881. The Dark Neck of the Woods: 3
  882. The Hidden Temple: 3
  883. Wartime Hippy Camp (Frat Disguise): 3
  884. Cobb's Knob Harem: 2
  885. Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 skin oil: 2
  886. Cook 1 spicy enchanted bean burrito + 1 jaba: 2
  887. Cook 1 unusual oil + 1 skin oil: 2
  888. Deck of Every Card: 2
  889. Investigating a Plaintive Telegram: 2
  890. Out by that Rusted-Out Car: 2
  891. The Deep Machine Tunnels: 2
  892. The Hidden Hospital: 2
  893. The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber: 2
  894. A Massive Ziggurat: 1
  895. Cap'm Caronch's Map: 1
  896. Cook 1 bottle of Chateau de Vinegar + 1 blasting soda: 1
  897. Cook 1 eldritch oil + 1 unusual oil: 1
  898. Cook 1 skin oil + 1 snake oil: 1
  899. Cook 1 spicy bean burrito + 1 jaba: 1
  900. Fastest Adventurer Contest: 1
  901. Guano Junction: 1
  902. Hottest Adventurer Contest: 1
  903. ice sculpture: 1
  904. Itznotyerzitz Mine: 1
  905. Lord Spookyraven: 1
  906. Near an Abandoned Refrigerator: 1
  907. Over Where the Old Tires Are: 1
  908. rusty hedge trimmers: 1
  909. Smoothest Adventurer Contest: 1
  910. The Beanbat Chamber: 1
  911. The Big Wisniewski: 1
  912. The Filthworm Queen's Chamber: 1
  913. The Haunted Boiler Room: 1
  914. The Haunted Laundry Room: 1
  915. The Haunted Wine Cellar: 1
  916. The Hedge Maze (Room 1): 1
  917. The Hedge Maze (Room 4): 1
  918. The Hedge Maze (Room 7): 1
  919. The Hedge Maze (Room 9): 1
  920. The Infiltrationist: 1
  921. The Limerick Dungeon: 1
  922. The Lower Chambers (Empty/Rubble): 1
  923. The Lower Chambers (Rubble/Bomb): 1
  924. The Lower Chambers (Token/Empty): 1
  925. The Smut Orc Logging Camp: 1
  926. Throne Room: 1
  927. Tower Level 3: 1
  928. Tower Level 5: 1
  933. ----------
  934. Spooky Forest: 17
  935. Tavern quest: 7
  936. Bat quest: 6
  937. Cobb's Knob quest: 13
  938. Friars' quest: 20
  939. Pandamonium quest: 0
  940. Defiled Cyrpt quest: 32
  941. Trapzor quest: 9
  942. Orc Chasm quest: 20
  943. Airship: 26
  944. Giant's Castle: 38
  945. Pirate quest: 41
  946. Black Forest quest: 12
  947. Desert Oasis quest: 25
  948. Spookyraven First Floor: 19
  949. Spookyraven Second Floor: 32
  950. Spookyraven Cellar: 4
  951. Hidden City quest: 49
  952. Palindome quest: 20
  953. Pyramid quest: 23
  954. Starting the War: 6
  955. War Island quest: 68
  956. DoD quest: 0
  957. Daily Dungeon: 0
  961. PULLS
  962. ----------
  963. Pulled 4 Batfellow comic
  964. Pulled 1 hobo code binder
  968. LEVELS
  969. ----------
  970. Hit Level 1 on turn 0, 0 from last level. (0.0 substats / turn)
  971. Combats: 0
  972. Noncombats: 0
  973. Other: 0
  974. Hit Level 2 on turn 1, 1 from last level. (25.0 substats / turn)
  975. Combats: 0
  976. Noncombats: 1
  977. Other: 0
  978. Hit Level 3 on turn 1, 0 from last level. (39.0 substats / turn)
  979. Combats: 0
  980. Noncombats: 0
  981. Other: 0
  982. Hit Level 4 on turn 1, 0 from last level. (105.0 substats / turn)
  983. Combats: 0
  984. Noncombats: 0
  985. Other: 0
  986. Hit Level 5 on turn 1, 0 from last level. (231.0 substats / turn)
  987. Combats: 0
  988. Noncombats: 0
  989. Other: 0
  990. Hit Level 6 on turn 11, 10 from last level. (44.1 substats / turn)
  991. Combats: 11
  992. Noncombats: 3
  993. Other: 0
  994. Hit Level 7 on turn 41, 30 from last level. (25.3 substats / turn)
  995. Combats: 29
  996. Noncombats: 2
  997. Other: 1
  998. Hit Level 8 on turn 82, 41 from last level. (29.5 substats / turn)
  999. Combats: 34
  1000. Noncombats: 8
  1001. Other: 2
  1002. Hit Level 9 on turn 154, 72 from last level. (25.2 substats / turn)
  1003. Combats: 48
  1004. Noncombats: 24
  1005. Other: 3
  1006. Hit Level 10 on turn 217, 63 from last level. (41.3 substats / turn)
  1007. Combats: 46
  1008. Noncombats: 26
  1009. Other: 4
  1010. Hit Level 11 on turn 293, 76 from last level. (47.2 substats / turn)
  1011. Combats: 49
  1012. Noncombats: 24
  1013. Other: 6
  1014. Hit Level 12 on turn 413, 120 from last level. (40.1 substats / turn)
  1015. Combats: 99
  1016. Noncombats: 27
  1017. Other: 3
  1018. Hit Level 13 on turn 591, 178 from last level. (35.3 substats / turn)
  1019. Combats: 135
  1020. Noncombats: 52
  1021. Other: 11
  1024. Total COMBATS: 395 (66.5%)
  1025. Total NONCOMBATS: 125 (21.0%)
  1026. Total OTHER: 0 (0.0%)
  1030. STATS
  1031. ----------
  1032. Muscle Myst Moxie
  1033. Totals: 8269 21774 8332
  1034. Combats: 7462 16492 7436
  1035. Noncombats: 295 4370 433
  1036. Others: 0 0 0
  1037. Eating: 117 222 71
  1038. Drinking: 225 460 219
  1039. Using: 170 230 173
  1042. Top 10 mainstat gaining areas:
  1044. Rest in your bed in the Chateau 0 3104 0
  1045. The Battlefield (Frat Uniform) 547 1345 573
  1046. The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman 602 987 522
  1047. From consumables 512 912 463
  1048. The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert 371 860 377
  1049. The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) 327 737 359
  1050. The Black Forest 194 554 193
  1051. Deck of Every Card 0 550 0
  1052. The Penultimate Fantasy Airship 215 532 235
  1053. Inside the Palindome 194 526 205
  1058. ----------
  1059. Need to gain level (last is total): 10 39 105 231 441 759 1209 1815 2601 3591 4809 6279 21904
  1064. ----------
  1065. Puck Man : 161 combat turns (40.8%)
  1066. Machine Elf : 86 combat turns (21.8%)
  1067. Fist Turkey : 65 combat turns (16.5%)
  1068. Rockin' Robin : 35 combat turns (8.9%)
  1069. Galloping Grill : 26 combat turns (6.6%)
  1070. Slimeling : 22 combat turns (5.6%)
  1071. Jumpsuited Hound Dog : 21 combat turns (5.3%)
  1072. Hobo Monkey : 12 combat turns (3.0%)
  1073. Reassembled Blackbird : 9 combat turns (2.3%)
  1074. Xiblaxian Holo-Companion : 5 combat turns (1.3%)
  1075. Grim Brother : 5 combat turns (1.3%)
  1076. Crimbo Shrub : 4 combat turns (1.0%)
  1077. Nosy Nose : 2 combat turns (0.5%)
  1078. Imitation Crab : 1 combat turns (0.3%)
  1082. SEMI-RARES
  1083. ----------
  1084. 75 : The Bleary-Eyed Cyclops
  1085. 270 : All The Rave
  1086. 449 : Monty of County Crisco
  1091. ----------
  1096. ----------
  1101. ----------
  1102. 2 : beanbat
  1103. 156 : filthy hippy Vegan chef
  1104. 171 : smarmy pirate
  1105. 367 : vicious, rabid mountain lion
  1106. 412 : War Pledge
  1111. ----------
  1112. 16 : ninja snowman assassin
  1113. 213 : ninja snowman assassin
  1114. 411 : ninja snowman assassin
  1115. 464 : dirty thieving brigand
  1120. ----------
  1121. 0 / 0 free retreats overall
  1126. ----------
  1131. ----------
  1135. CASTS
  1136. ----------
  1137. Cast 517 pungent mung
  1138. Cast 331 summon love gnats
  1139. Cast 290 summon love mosquito
  1140. Cast 213 cowboy kick
  1141. Cast 188 summon love stinkbug
  1142. Cast 161 beanscreen
  1143. Cast 99 good medicine
  1144. Cast 84 beanstorm
  1145. Cast 62 extract oil
  1146. Cast 53 lavafava
  1147. Cast 41 walk: prideful strut
  1148. Cast 30 shoot
  1149. Cast 16 walk: cautious prowl
  1150. Cast 13 beancannon
  1151. Cast 13 throw frostball
  1152. Cast 11 long con
  1153. Cast 10 canhandle
  1154. Cast 5 open a big red present
  1155. Cast 1 get a good whiff of this guy
  1156. Cast 1 open a big yellow present
  1158. ------------------
  1159. | Total Casts | 2139
  1160. ------------------
  1162. ------------------
  1163. | Total MP Spent | 0
  1164. ------------------
  1168. MP GAINS
  1169. ----------
  1170. Total mp gained: 5888
  1172. Inside Encounters: 1191
  1173. Starfish Familiars: 325
  1174. Resting: 2273
  1175. Outside Encounters: 672
  1176. Consumables: 1427
  1178. Level 5:
  1179. Inside Encounters: 22
  1180. Starfish Familiars: 0
  1181. Resting: 0
  1182. Outside Encounters: 0
  1183. Consumables: 90
  1184. Level 6:
  1185. Inside Encounters: 69
  1186. Starfish Familiars: 0
  1187. Resting: 103
  1188. Outside Encounters: 0
  1189. Consumables: 0
  1190. Level 7:
  1191. Inside Encounters: 73
  1192. Starfish Familiars: 0
  1193. Resting: 201
  1194. Outside Encounters: 0
  1195. Consumables: 11
  1196. Level 8:
  1197. Inside Encounters: 118
  1198. Starfish Familiars: 0
  1199. Resting: 213
  1200. Outside Encounters: 0
  1201. Consumables: 57
  1202. Level 9:
  1203. Inside Encounters: 34
  1204. Starfish Familiars: 84
  1205. Resting: 505
  1206. Outside Encounters: 0
  1207. Consumables: 39
  1208. Level 10:
  1209. Inside Encounters: -11
  1210. Starfish Familiars: 226
  1211. Resting: 747
  1212. Outside Encounters: 0
  1213. Consumables: 0
  1214. Level 11:
  1215. Inside Encounters: 236
  1216. Starfish Familiars: 0
  1217. Resting: 189
  1218. Outside Encounters: 0
  1219. Consumables: 264
  1220. Level 12:
  1221. Inside Encounters: 599
  1222. Starfish Familiars: 15
  1223. Resting: 315
  1224. Outside Encounters: 672
  1225. Consumables: 966
  1226. Level 13:
  1227. Inside Encounters: 51
  1228. Starfish Familiars: 0
  1229. Resting: 0
  1230. Outside Encounters: 0
  1231. Consumables: 0
  1236. ----------
  1237. Adventures gained eating: 181
  1238. Adventures gained drinking: 167
  1239. Adventures gained using: 102
  1240. Adventures gained rollover: 144
  1242. Ate 7 pixel banana (73 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  1243. Ate 6 enticing mayolus (31 adventures gained) [72,88,57]
  1244. Ate 3 insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito (32 adventures gained) [0,118,0]
  1245. Ate 3 pixel lemon (34 adventures gained) [15,16,14]
  1246. Ate 1 insanely spicy bean burrito (11 adventures gained) [30,0,0]
  1248. Drank 7 Ambitious Turkey (44 adventures gained) [142,206,136]
  1249. Drank 4 Agitated Turkey (22 adventures gained) [59,75,49]
  1250. Drank 3 rodeo whiskey (28 adventures gained) [0,114,0]
  1251. Drank 2 Lucky Lindy (5 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  1252. Drank 2 Sockdollager (14 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  1253. Drank 2 iced plum wine (12 adventures gained) [0,0,11]
  1254. Drank 1 Hot Socks (10 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  1255. Drank 1 Ish Kabibble (6 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  1256. Drank 1 Ye Olde Meade (16 adventures gained) [24,28,23]
  1257. Drank 1 roll in the hay (10 adventures gained) [0,37,0]
  1259. Used 3 astral energy drink (92 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  1260. Used 1 grim fairy tale (10 adventures gained) [20,28,23]
  1262. Used 1 chest of the Bonerdagon [150,202,150]
  1266. MEAT
  1267. ----------
  1268. Total meat gained: 73966
  1269. Total meat spent: 72016
  1271. Level 1:
  1272. Meat gain inside Encounters: 0
  1273. Meat gain outside Encounters: 2700
  1274. Meat spent: 900
  1275. Level 5:
  1276. Meat gain inside Encounters: 38
  1277. Meat gain outside Encounters: 0
  1278. Meat spent: 4720
  1279. Level 6:
  1280. Meat gain inside Encounters: 1643
  1281. Meat gain outside Encounters: 250
  1282. Meat spent: 248
  1283. Level 7:
  1284. Meat gain inside Encounters: 375
  1285. Meat gain outside Encounters: 1742
  1286. Meat spent: 2750
  1287. Level 8:
  1288. Meat gain inside Encounters: 2058
  1289. Meat gain outside Encounters: 1605
  1290. Meat spent: 4978
  1291. Level 9:
  1292. Meat gain inside Encounters: 5784
  1293. Meat gain outside Encounters: 1993
  1294. Meat spent: 10870
  1295. Level 10:
  1296. Meat gain inside Encounters: 3428
  1297. Meat gain outside Encounters: 3132
  1298. Meat spent: 3670
  1299. Level 11:
  1300. Meat gain inside Encounters: 11758
  1301. Meat gain outside Encounters: 7007
  1302. Meat spent: 26650
  1303. Level 12:
  1304. Meat gain inside Encounters: 15515
  1305. Meat gain outside Encounters: 14938
  1306. Meat spent: 17230
  1311. ----------
  1312. Spent 20 turns in the 8-Bit Realm
  1313. Fought 6 bloopers
  1314. Fought 0 bullet bills
  1315. Spent 0 turns in the Goatlet
  1316. Fought 0 dairy goats for 0 cheeses and 0 glasses of milk
  1317. Spent 0 turns in the Haunted Ballroom and found 0 Curtains
  1318. Fought 0 Zombie Waltzers and found 0 Dance Cards
  1319. Spent 0 turns in the Haunted Gallery and found 0 Louvres
  1320. Spent 0 turns in the Haunted Bathroom and found 0 noncombats
  1321. Garnishes received: 0
  1322. Coconuts: 0
  1323. Umbrellas: 0
  1324. Ice Cubes: 0
  1325. Number of lost combats: 0
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