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Trainer EV system

a guest
Jan 10th, 2014
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  1. ; this has been made over the routine that loads an enemy Pokemon
  2. ; had to find a point to break the routine where
  3. ; 1: stats had already been loaded into RAM
  4. ; 2: working with registers bc, de, and hl was not a problem (for convenience)
  6. #org 3EB10
  7. jp Main ; jumps to the new stuff
  9. Main:
  10. #org 3FE88
  11. ld a,(D22D)
  12. cp a, 2 ; are we in a trainer battle?
  13. jp z, ApplyStatBoosts ; if so the stat boosts are applied, otherwise fallthrough
  14. #org 3FE90
  15. Original:
  16. ; original routine stuff, that is, original 3EB10-3EB37
  17. ld hl,D073
  18. ld de,C616
  19. ld bc,000B
  20. call Label3026
  21. ld a,(D204)
  22. dec a
  23. ld c,a
  24. ld b,01
  25. ld hl,DEB9
  26. ld a,03
  27. call Label2D83
  28. ld hl,D21A
  29. ld de,C6C1
  30. ld bc,000A
  31. call Label3026
  32. ret ; the original routine finishes at this point
  34. ApplyStatBoosts:
  35. ;   [1,32]: no boost
  36. ;  [33,34]: boost = level/16 = 2
  37. ;  [35,54]: boost = level/16 + level/32
  38. ;  [55,73]: boost = level/8
  39. ;  [74,77]: boost = level/8 + level/16
  40. ; [78,100]: boost = level/4
  42. ld hl,D21B ; point to the first stat LSB (attack)
  43. ld c,5 ; there are five stats
  44. ld a,(D143) ; get enemy's level
  46. level78to100:
  47. cp a,4E
  48. jr c,level74to77 ; if not between 78 and 100, skip
  49. ld d,2 ; level will be halved twice
  50. call boost ; boost the stats
  51. jr Original ; we are done
  53. level74to77:
  54. cp a,4A
  55. jr c,level55to73
  56. ld d,3
  57. call boost ; level/(2^3) = level/8
  58. ld hl,D21B
  59. ld c,5
  60. ld d,4
  61. call boost ; level/(2^4) = level/16 --> level/8 + level/16
  62. jr Original ;
  64. level55to73:
  65. cp a,37
  66. jr c,level36to54
  67. ld d,3
  68. call boost
  69. jr Original
  71. level35to54:
  72. cp a,23
  73. jr c,level33to34
  74. ld d,4
  75. call boost
  76. ld hl,D21B
  77. ld c,5
  78. ld d,5
  79. call boost
  80. jr Original
  82. level33to34:
  83. cp a,21
  84. jr c,level0to32
  85. ld d,4
  86. call boost ; fallthrough
  88. level0to32:
  89. jr Original ; no boost if level<33
  91. #org 3EB13
  92. boost:
  93. ld a,(D143) ; get enemy's level (a gets overwritten on every loop)
  94. ld b,a
  95. ld e,d ; save d for later
  96. halve: ; halve level d times
  97. srl b
  98. dec d
  99. jr nz,halve
  100. ld a,(hl) ; a = attack LSB before boost has been applied
  101. add a,b
  102. ld (hl),a ; load a+b into the stat
  103. jr nc,finish ; overflow check
  104. dec hl ; if overflow, add 0x100 to the stat
  105. inc (hl) ; inc MSB
  106. inc hl ; point to LSB again
  107. finish:
  108. inc hl
  109. inc hl ; point to the next stat LSB
  110. dec c ; one less stat left
  111. ld d,e
  112. jr nz,boost ; loop if not done
  113. ret ; otherwise return
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