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old korean comic drama

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Jul 18th, 2023
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  5. Zeker-diahb said the following:
  7. I guess I can give like a nutshell version of it.
  9. So the original pokemon mystery dungeon comic started out as a passion project from the comic artist back somewhere in 2008 ~2010 Which was also the time when I first read the thing at all. It ran until 2012 then it had a 4 year long hiatus until I contacted the artist myself. I believed that the comic was too good for only the Korean audience to read so It deserved a larger audience. Anyhow fastforward to 2016 with several month long gaps between messages from me and the artist, the artist figured that it'd be nice to translate the thing if they were to remake the comic entirely since the quality it had back in 2008 wasn't quite up to par with what it could be. And so the re-re run began and that's when I started translating the comic. The comic itself only ran until episode 13? or 14 which ended with a cliffhanger. This was from the original run from 2008~2016 with the long hiatus in the middle. The hiatus only managed to get one single chapter out which wasn't even fully done and it was only kind of teased. Knowing how long the comic's original run was and knowing how long it would take to even get close to the current chapter I stuck with the artist and translated the comic by myself with the help of an editor for years. Because it was also sort of a passion project for me I really wanted to see the end of it so I stuck to the comic as it was being made.
  11. But we all know that artists need to make money and we all need jobs to sustain ourselves. So basically that re-re run of the comic was published on a Korean comic book website to be this kind of source of income as well as a passion project of sorts. After a few years of publishing the publishers didn't like the output of the comic because it wasn't getting enough views. Eventually the comic was abruptly stopped at chapter 10 which is also when the rest of the chapters weren't being posted either.
  13. After that happened, the comic book artist made a lot of bad money choices, and just a lot of things anybody would consider as dumb. They completely lost interest in the project and they started making other things that was against what I stood for. As I translated the comic I became friends with the artist, even a teacher as I did study and practice a lot of art myself. (my deviantart is pretty empty but trust me on this). With those turns of events, we both argued heavily for months on end, and eventually the deep strong trust that I had with the artist eventually broke. They had no interest in finishing the project, and I knew that they only worked this thing up to this point out of the guilt of the fans rather than a passion project of their own. The project became hollow and despite my efforts I couldn't help get that project to a finish. And quite frankly now, I don't even want to think about it.
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  17. Palikadude said the following:
  19. Oh, and one more thing, if you don't mind I'd like to hear about what you're talking about with planning for 9-10 years and the history/plan for this comic, if you care to share. I understand if you don't want to talk about it.
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  23. Palikadude said the following:
  25. I see. It sounds like you had a falling out of some sort then. I suspected that the comic wasn't being updated anymore given that the last update date on the korean site is october 25, 2017, but just so you know the comic in korean is still up there. If the chapters have already been translated, are you sure there's no chance you'll release them? I don't mean to bring up bad history, I just want to read the chapters is all.
  27. Also, I'm surprised I'm the first person who messaged you about it. People comment on the latest translation from time to time asking if it's ever gonna be translated fully, but I guess I know the answer now. I assume people forgot there was a translator that was separate from the other deviant art account...
  29. Thanks for the response, it's a shame what happened from the sounds of it.
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  33. Zeker-diahb said the following:
  35. Hey, you're actually the only person who asked about this. I technically did translate up to the most recent chapter when it was still up in the Korean website (which it is not anymore). We were planning on getting things done by 2018 but things fell apart with me and the comic book artist. Things happened, and I figured it was best if I left the group. The comic book artist is no longer working on the project anymore after they lost interest in it, and I have no further plans in helping them either. I've waited close to 9-10 years to see the end of the project, but I really should have realized it was an impossible goal to start with.
  37. And No I'm not planning on releasing the further translated chapters.
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  41. Palikadude said the following:
  43. I’m sorry to bother you, you must get this a lot, but are there any plans to continue translating the rescue team manga? It’s really good and I’ve been waiting years to continue reading it. You do such a good job on the translation. Even if it’s a no I would like to know what’s happening. Thanks
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