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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2017
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  1. // generated by quake, do not modify
  2. unbindall
  3. bind TAB "+scores"
  4. bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
  5. bind SPACE "weapon 3"
  6. bind , "connect"
  7. bind . "connect"
  8. bind 0 "s_volume 0"
  9. bind 1 "say ^5Uberite za trupom"
  10. bind 2 "say ^3 Umri kak mujik -- naberi kill me"
  11. bind 3 "say ^2Svoi trup ya otdayu nauke na isledovaniya"
  12. bind 4 "say Shtanishki ne ispa4kal?"
  13. bind 5 "say ^3People must DIE, Gods can FLY"
  14. bind 6 "say ^1U menya chat otklyuchen, vse voprosi tolko na forume v lichke ili v ICQ 11322044"
  15. bind 8 "s_volume 0.1"
  16. bind 9 "s_volume 0.9"
  17. bind ` "toggleconsole"
  18. bind a "+moveleft"
  19. bind b "connect;wait;password CanFly"
  20. bind c "cl_pitchspeed 9999;wait;+lookdown;+lookdown;wait;wait;+attack;+moveup;wait;wait;-attack;-moveup;-lookdown;wait;wait;centerview;cl_pitchspeed 140"
  21. bind d "+moveright"
  22. bind e "weapon 3"
  23. bind f "weapon 6"
  24. bind g "+button3"
  25. bind i "name ^xffff00^9FLY"
  26. bind j "say_team ^1|^2#h^1|^2-^1|^2#a^1|"
  27. bind k "callvote promode 1"
  28. bind l "callvote fastrail 1"
  29. bind m "connect"
  30. bind n "connect"
  31. bind q "weapon 7"
  32. bind r "+button5"
  33. bind s "+forward"
  34. bind t "messagemode"
  35. bind u "name ^x000000^9FLY"
  36. bind w "say ^3:^1)"
  37. bind x "+speed"
  38. bind y "name ^x00ffffFLY^0|^1TIT"
  39. bind z "weapon 1"
  40. bind ~ "toggleconsole"
  41. bind PAUSE "pause"
  42. bind DOWNARROW "+back"
  43. bind LEFTARROW "vstr sd"
  44. bind RIGHTARROW "vstr su"
  45. bind ALT "+back"
  46. bind CTRL "weapon 8"
  47. bind SHIFT "weapon 4;wait 7;+attack;-attack;weapon 5"
  48. bind DEL "+lookdown"
  49. bind PGDN "+lookup"
  50. bind END "centerview"
  51. bind F1 "vote yes"
  52. bind F2 "vote no"
  53. bind F3 "g_synchronousClients 1; record"
  54. bind F4 "stoprecord"
  55. bind F9 "say ^1bb, thnx 4 game; quit"
  56. bind F11 "cg_draw2d 0;cg_drawgun 0; wait; wait; wait; screenshot; toggle cg_draw2d; toggle cg_drawgun"
  57. bind F12 "name v.^3IT^1A^7L||ZA^6TON"
  58. bind KP_INS "vid_restart"
  59. bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
  60. bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
  61. bind MOUSE3 "weapon 5"
  62. bind MWHEELDOWN "weapon 3;wait;wait;+attack;-attack"
  63. bind MWHEELUP "weapon 7;wait;wait;+attack;-attack"
  64. seta com_hunkMegs "56"
  65. seta com_blood "1"
  66. seta com_introplayed "1"
  67. seta in_midi "0"
  68. seta in_midiport "1"
  69. seta in_midichannel "1"
  70. seta in_mididevice "0"
  71. seta in_mouse "1"
  72. seta in_logitechbug "0"
  73. seta in_joystick "0"
  74. seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"
  75. seta joy_threshold "0.150000"
  76. seta dmflags "8"
  77. seta fraglimit "7"
  78. seta timelimit "0"
  79. seta sv_hostname "[q$p]"
  80. seta sv_maxclients "8"
  81. seta sv_punkbuster "0"
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  84. seta sv_maxPing "50"
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  86. seta sv_allowDownload "1"
  87. seta sv_master2 ""
  88. seta sv_master3 ""
  89. seta sv_master4 ""
  90. seta sv_master5 ""
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  92. seta sv_strictAuth "0"
  93. seta bot_enable "1"
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  95. seta bot_thinktime "100"
  96. seta bot_fastchat "0"
  97. seta bot_nochat "1"
  98. seta bot_rocketjump "1"
  99. seta bot_challenge "1"
  100. seta cl_noprint "0"
  101. seta cl_motd "0"
  102. seta cl_timeNudge "0"
  103. seta cl_yawspeed "1000"
  104. seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
  105. seta cl_packetdup "0"
  106. seta cl_run "1"
  107. seta sensitivity "3"
  108. seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
  109. seta cl_freelook "1"
  110. seta cl_showmouserate "0"
  111. seta r_inGameVideo "1"
  112. seta cg_autoswitch "0"
  113. seta m_pitch "0.018000"
  114. seta m_yaw "0.018"
  115. seta m_forward "0.22"
  116. seta m_side "0.22"
  117. seta m_filter "1"
  118. seta cl_maxPing "500"
  119. seta name "^x00ffffFLY^0|^1TIT"
  120. seta snaps "30"
  121. seta headmodel "uriel/red"
  122. seta team_model "uriel/red"
  123. seta team_headmodel "uriel/red"
  124. seta g_redTeam ""
  125. seta g_blueTeam ""
  126. seta color1 "1"
  127. seta color2 "1"
  128. seta handicap "100"
  129. seta sex "male"
  130. seta cl_anonymous "0"
  131. seta cl_punkbuster "0"
  132. seta cg_predictItems "1"
  133. seta cg_viewsize "100"
  134. seta r_allowExtensions "1"
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  171. seta r_gamma "1"
  172. seta r_facePlaneCull "1"
  173. seta r_railWidth "25"
  174. seta r_railCoreWidth "5"
  175. seta r_railSegmentLength "1"
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  185. seta s_mixahead "0.2"
  186. seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
  187. seta com_soundMegs "8"
  188. seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "30"
  189. seta ui_ffa_timelimit "0"
  190. seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "5"
  191. seta ui_tourney_timelimit "5"
  192. seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"
  193. seta ui_team_timelimit "20"
  194. seta ui_team_friendly "1"
  195. seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"
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  198. seta g_spScores1 ""
  199. seta g_spScores2 ""
  200. seta g_spScores3 ""
  201. seta g_spScores4 ""
  202. seta g_spScores5 ""
  203. seta g_spAwards ""
  204. seta g_spVideos ""
  205. seta g_spSkill "2"
  206. seta ui_browserMaster "2"
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  210. seta ui_browserShowEmpty "1"
  211. seta cg_brassTime "0"
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  216. seta server2 ""
  217. seta server3 ""
  218. seta server4 ""
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  222. seta server8 ""
  223. seta server9 ""
  224. seta server10 ""
  225. seta server11 ""
  226. seta server12 ""
  227. seta server13 ""
  228. seta server14 ""
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  253. seta cg_drawIcons "1"
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  286. seta ui_smallFont "0.25"
  287. seta ui_bigFont "0.4"
  288. seta cg_oldRail "1"
  289. seta cg_oldRocket "1"
  290. seta cg_oldPlasma "1"
  291. seta cg_altGrenades "0"
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  293. seta cg_altPlasma "0"
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  317. seta cg_nochatbeep "1"
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  508. seta crosshairsize "48"
  509. seta freelook "1"
  510. seta cg_show2d "1"
  511. seta cg_gun "0"
  512. seta crosshairhealth "0"
  513. seta cg_draw3ditems "0"
  514. seta cf_CrosshariNames "12x12"
  515. seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"
  516. seta r_preloadTextures "0"
  517. seta s_loadas8bit "0"
  518. seta s_rolloff "1.0"
  519. seta s_distance "100.0"
  520. seta s_min_distance "3.0"
  521. seta s_max_distance "1000.0"
  522. seta s_leafnum "0"
  523. seta s_refgain "0.45"
  524. seta s_refdelay "2.0"
  525. seta s_polykeep "1000000000"
  526. seta s_polysize "10000000"
  527. seta s_polyreflectsize "10000000"
  528. seta s_numpolys "400"
  529. seta s_bloat "2.0"
  530. seta s_occfactor "0.5"
  531. seta s_occ_eq "0.75"
  532. seta r_vertexlighting "1"
  533. seta cg_drawKill "1"
  534. seta cg_explosionParticles "10"
  535. seta cg_drawHUD "1"
  536. seta cg_HUDcolor "0"
  537. seta cg_railgunExplosions "1"
  538. seta cg_railscrewCount "3"
  539. seta cg_railscrew "1"
  540. seta g_sendStats "0"
  541. seta g_logCompatibilityMode "1"
  542. seta capturelimit "8"
  543. seta g_friendlyfire "0"
  544. seta g_maxGameClients "0"
  545. seta g_teamAutoJoin "0"
  546. seta g_teamForceBalance "0"
  547. seta g_warmup "60"
  548. seta g_log "games.log"
  549. seta g_logSync "0"
  550. seta g_banIPs ""
  551. seta g_filterBan "1"
  552. seta g_allowVote "0"
  553. seta ui_teamName "Pagans"
  554. seta ui_opponentName "Crusaders"
  555. seta ui_redteam "Stroggs"
  556. seta ui_blueteam "Stroggs"
  557. seta ui_dedicated "0"
  558. seta ui_gametype "3"
  559. seta ui_joinGametype "0"
  560. seta ui_netGametype "3"
  561. seta ui_actualNetGametype "4"
  562. seta ui_redteam1 "1"
  563. seta ui_redteam2 "3"
  564. seta ui_redteam3 "4"
  565. seta ui_redteam4 "7"
  566. seta ui_redteam5 "11"
  567. seta ui_blueteam1 "1"
  568. seta ui_blueteam2 "10"
  569. seta ui_blueteam3 "12"
  570. seta ui_blueteam4 "8"
  571. seta ui_blueteam5 "2"
  572. seta ui_netSource "0"
  573. seta ui_menuFiles "ui/menus.txt"
  574. seta ui_currentTier "0"
  575. seta ui_currentMap "0"
  576. seta ui_currentNetMap "34"
  577. seta ui_mapIndex "0"
  578. seta ui_currentOpponent "0"
  579. seta cg_selectedPlayer "3"
  580. seta cg_selectedPlayerName "Ursula"
  581. seta ui_lastServerRefresh_0 "Aug-29, 2003 at 12:4"
  582. seta ui_lastServerRefresh_1 "Jun-14, 2003 at 16:27"
  583. seta ui_lastServerRefresh_2 ""
  584. seta ui_lastServerRefresh_3 "Jun-14, 2003 at 16:27"
  585. seta ui_scoreAccuracy "10%"
  586. seta ui_scoreImpressives "0"
  587. seta ui_scoreExcellents "0"
  588. seta ui_scoreCaptures "4"
  589. seta ui_scoreDefends "2"
  590. seta ui_scoreAssists "0"
  591. seta ui_scoreGauntlets "0"
  592. seta ui_scoreScore "2296"
  593. seta ui_scorePerfect "0"
  594. seta ui_scoreTeam "5 to 1"
  595. seta ui_scoreBase "574"
  596. seta ui_scoreTime "12:59"
  597. seta ui_scoreTimeBonus "0"
  598. seta ui_scoreSkillBonus "4"
  599. seta ui_scoreShutoutBonus "0"
  600. seta ui_findPlayer "Sarge"
  601. seta ui_q3model "0"
  602. seta cg_hudFiles "ui/hud2.txt"
  603. seta ui_teamArenaFirstRun "1"
  604. seta ui_serverStatusTimeOut "7000"
  605. seta cg_currentSelectedPlayer "0"
  606. seta cg_currentSelectedPlayerName ""
  607. seta ui_recordSPDemoName "mpteam1_4"
  608. seta cg_altlighting "1"
  609. seta sv_maxvelocity "10000"
  610. seta sndchannels "2"
  611. seta sndbits "16"
  612. seta in_dgamouse "1"
  613. seta s_compression "1"
  614. seta bot_predictobstacles "1"
  615. seta (null) "1"
  616. seta color "1"
  617. seta model "uriel/red"
  618. seta sv_fps "100"
  619. seta cl_maxpackets "30"
  620. seta cl_allowDownload "1"
  621. seta rate "100000"
  622. seta s_doppler "1"
  623. seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
  624. seta r_mode "6"
  625. seta r_fullscreen "1"
  626. seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
  627. seta vm_ui "2"
  628. seta vm_cgame "2"
  629. seta vm_game "2"
  630. seta scr_conspeed "3"
  631. seta com_maxfps "125"
  632. seta com_zoneMegs "16"
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