

Dec 29th, 2010
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  2. Guest_smugxxx has joined the chat
  3. Guest_smugxxx: heya
  4. Zer0bandit: Afternoon.
  5. Guest_smugxxx: gud afternoon
  6. Guest_smugxxx: wht u been up2?
  7. Zer0bandit: Not a great deal. Lazy sort of day. Yourself?
  8. Guest_smugxxx: kinda same
  9. Guest_smugxxx: i m on vaction
  10. Zer0bandit: Good time of year for that.
  11. Guest_smugxxx: yeah
  12. Guest_smugxxx: aren"t u?
  13. Zer0bandit: Yep, pretty much.
  14. Guest_smugxxx: cool
  15. Guest_smugxxx: wht hve u planed 4 it
  16. Zer0bandit: More nothing, I think.
  17. Zer0bandit: 'cause that's comfy and relaxing.
  18. Guest_smugxxx: ok
  19. Guest_smugxxx: do u hve bf?
  20. Zer0bandit: No, I don't, actually.
  21. Guest_smugxxx: ok
  22. Guest_smugxxx: wht do u do in ur free time?
  23. Zer0bandit: Art, mostly. I enjoy it, and it gets me a bit of money.
  24. Guest_smugxxx: money,hw?
  25. Zer0bandit: well you know, selling art?
  26. Zer0bandit: I do commissions here and there.
  27. Guest_smugxxx: ah ok
  28. Guest_smugxxx: that"s gud
  29. Zer0bandit: it is, yeah.
  30. Zer0bandit: There's plenty of business on the imvu forums if you know where to look.
  31. Guest_smugxxx: oh
  32. Guest_smugxxx: i didn"t noe that
  33. Guest_smugxxx: do u work frm home?
  34. Zer0bandit: I'm a freelancer. Sometimes I'm at home, sometimes I'm elsewhere.
  35. Guest_smugxxx: ok
  36. Guest_smugxxx: its like fun
  37. Zer0bandit: Pretty much.
  38. Guest_smugxxx: cool
  39. Guest_smugxxx: in real life,do u look exactly like ur avi?
  40. Zer0bandit: er, no.
  41. Guest_smugxxx: ah ok
  42. Zer0bandit: Why would I make an avatar that looks just like me?
  43. Zer0bandit: That's boring.
  44. Guest_smugxxx: yeah
  45. Zer0bandit: Besides, if I had ears like this you probably would have seen me in the guiness book of records or something.
  46. Guest_smugxxx: hehe
  47. Guest_smugxxx: very funny
  48. Guest_smugxxx: i ws wondering that is it possible that girls hve big ears like this
  49. Zer0bandit: well, I know a few people who've had their ears pointed
  50. Zer0bandit: but it's a small effect
  51. Zer0bandit: nothing dramatic like this.
  52. Guest_smugxxx: u r really funny
  53. Zer0bandit: Am I?
  54. Guest_smugxxx: yes,u r
  55. Guest_smugxxx: u live wiv ur family?
  56. Zer0bandit: Sometimes, when I'm in the area.
  57. Guest_smugxxx: ok
  58. Zer0bandit: How about you?
  59. Guest_smugxxx: wiv my cousin
  60. Zer0bandit: Oh, neat.
  61. Guest_smugxxx: yeah
  62. Guest_smugxxx: wht do u do on weekends?
  63. Zer0bandit: Like I said, art.
  64. Guest_smugxxx: cool
  65. Guest_smugxxx: very busy girl
  66. Zer0bandit: I like what I do, and I do what I like.
  67. Guest_smugxxx: that"s gud
  68. Zer0bandit: It is, rather.
  69. Guest_smugxxx: hw old r u?
  70. Zer0bandit: I usually make people guess that.
  71. Guest_smugxxx: 21
  72. Zer0bandit: Nice guess.
  73. Guest_smugxxx: so
  74. Guest_smugxxx: were i right?
  75. Zer0bandit: Yup.
  76. Guest_smugxxxGuest_smugxxx Whisper: 1 choclate 4 u
  77. Zer0bandit: Eh?
  78. Guest_smugxxx: coz i won,
  79. Zer0banditZer0bandit : So what do you do for fun, then?
  80. Guest_smugxxx: i dint do much 4 fun
  81. Guest_smugxxx: i mean i dint go 2 night clubs
  82. Guest_smugxxx: wbu?
  83. Zer0bandit: You've already asked me twice :P
  84. Guest_smugxxx: yeah
  85. Guest_smugxxx: sori
  86. Zer0bandit: So you don't do much in your spare time? That's sad.
  87. Guest_smugxxx: do u play any sports?
  88. Guest_smugxxx: i said i dont go out
  89. Guest_smugxxx: i m sort of mechanical mind
  90. Guest_smugxxx: so i stay home n doing new things
  91. Guest_smugxxx: like fixing cars
  92. Zer0bandit: Oh, yeah?
  93. Guest_smugxxx: or other electrical things
  94. Zer0bandit: You do up old cars or something?
  95. Zer0bandit: I have a friend who's into hotrods.
  96. Guest_smugxxx: all
  97. Guest_smugxxx: i m nt perfect,but i pretty gud in all this
  98. Zer0bandit: Yeah? That's cool.
  99. Zer0bandit: So what do you do for work? Are you a mechanic?
  100. Guest_smugxxx: a sort of
  101. Guest_smugxxx: nt 4 cars,but 4 machines
  102. Zer0bandit: oh, cool. What kind?
  103. Guest_smugxxx: mainly compressers,n others sort of machines
  104. Zer0bandit: neato.
  105. Guest_smugxxx: do u drive?
  106. Zer0bandit: No, I don't.
  107. Guest_smugxxx: ah ok
  108. Zer0bandit: I've got my Ls, but I'm wayyy too busy to spend time getting my hours up.
  109. Zer0bandit: Just never find time.
  110. Guest_smugxxx: ah ok
  111. Zer0bandit: 120 hours is just stupid.
  112. Guest_smugxxx: yeah i noe
  113. Zer0bandit: It's just encouraging parents to lie to the RTA.
  114. Guest_smugxxx: yeah
  115. Guest_smugxxx: u can give some 2 money 2 get 120 hours
  116. Zer0bandit: I guess I'll get it done... sometime here.
  117. Guest_smugxxx: yeah
  118. Guest_smugxxx: where do u live in aus?
  119. Zer0bandit: At the moment, central NSW.
  120. Zer0bandit: Though I've been spending time up on the central coast.
  121. Guest_smugxxx: cool
  122. Guest_smugxxx: wht is ur dream?
  123. Zer0bandit: That's a bit of a delicate question.
  124. Guest_smugxxx: u can leave it,if u dont ready 4 it
  125. Zer0bandit: Yeah, might skip that one if you don't mind.
  126. Zer0bandit: Touchy subject :P
  127. Guest_smugxxx: yeah,i can understand\
  128. Guest_smugxxx: wht u doing?
  129. Zer0bandit: At the moment, doing a commission for someone.
  130. Guest_smugxxx: hw much?
  131. Zer0bandit: Oh, just a little job, 8000cr.
  132. Zer0bandit: Which translates to like $3
  133. Guest_smugxxx: ah ok
  134. Guest_smugxxx: nt bad
  135. Zer0bandit: yeah, it all adds up.
  136. Guest_smugxxx: yeah
  137. Guest_smugxxx: u r nw home?
  138. Zer0bandit: pardon?
  139. Guest_smugxxx: i mean,where r u nw?
  140. Zer0bandit: Oh, I'm with the family for christmas.
  141. Zer0bandit: Actually, I've got to split for a little while.
  142. Guest_smugxxx: ok
  143. Zer0bandit: It's been nice chatting. See you 'round, eh?
  144. Guest_smugxxx: yeah
  145. Guest_smugxxx: i ll try 2 come on time
  146. Guest_smugxxx: ok
  147. Guest_smugxxx: my friend
  148. Guest_smugxxx: bye 4 nw
  149. Guest_smugxxx: we ll meet soon
  150. Guest_smugxxx has left the chat
  151. Whispering to
  152. Stop whisper
  153. Send
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