
Koshou ends up bodied with A+ dam for some reason

Feb 5th, 2018
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  1. Koshou says: Hi.
  2. Uchiha, Veles says: Hey.
  3. Uchiha, Veles asks: You see anyone else around here?
  4. Koshou says: Nope.
  5. Koshou says: Pretty vacant.
  6. Koshou performs a set of seals before moving over. He grabs the rain and forms a whip, in which he lashed at the ground. He points one of his webbed fingersr towards the dim eye'd male.
  8. "Who is this negro?"
  9. Hakuchu asks: Brother, have you found anyone strong yet?
  10. Koshou says: This guy is bald.
  11. Koshou says: Must mean he is strong...
  12. Hakuchu says: Beat his ass then.
  13. Koshou says: Waiting for him to respond back.
  14. Uchiha, Veles says: I hear my future-wife somewhere.
  15. Uchiha, Veles asks: Is your sister near?
  16. Koshou says: Ya.
  17. The dim-eye'd teen br Would simpily smack the hand of the creature before he said
  19. "Name's Mato"
  20. The dim-eye'd teen br says: Imasu, Mato
  21. Koshou dodges the slap and whips him.
  22. "Go away, Mato."
  23. Hakuchu asks: Did this fucker just hit you?
  24. Koshou says: No.
  25. Koshou says: Almost.
  26. Uchiha, Veles looks at both of them going at it, and he says with no haste in mind, or worry carried in tone: "Oh no. Towel-dress, please stop. Aaaah." His hands go up as he now feigns visible distress.
  27. The dim-eye'd teen br Slapped the handseals before he said trying to detain the situation
  29. "How about we not resort to that?"
  30. The dim-eye'd teen br Would lift his arm up blocking the whip and also seding it upward as he then dashed forward and said
  32. "I don't want to fight you"
  33. Confident youth walks over to the scene to see what was giong on. He stares at the scene as he has his hands into his pocket. It was quite a peaceful day for him, until he watches the battle unfolds infront of him.
  35. "What the hell is going on?" He said calmly to himself.
  36. br walks into the area, looking over whatever it was he would see!
  37. Koshou calculated damage using Attack Damage: D, Attack Speed: D+, Defender's Agility: , Defender's Speed: , and Defender's Mitigating Stat Grade: D for a result of D- damage!
  38. Koshou retracts his whip and shoes him away with his other hand. A head was tilted upward to look down Mato.
  39. "Then shoo, negro."
  40. Hakuchu says: You shouldn't waste so much time on the weak, brother.
  41. The dim-eye'd teen br says: Alright.
  42. The dim-eye'd teen br Began to walk away
  43. Koshou returns to his position and tosses away his negro beating whip towards the ground.
  44. Hakuchu asks: See how easy it is?
  45. The dim-eye'd teen br Stood there listening for now.
  46. Koshou says: I never knew we had so much power.
  47. Hakuchu says: I tell you we do every day.
  48. The dim-eye'd teen br Stepped
  49. Koshou says: I never tried it.
  50. Hakuchu tosses a rock at the back of her brothers head.
  51. Koshou was struck! His fish genetics heals the wound rather fast though...
  52. The dim-eye'd teen br stepped
  53. Uchiha, Veles says: Fierce.
  54. The dim-eye'd teen br stepped
  55. Hakuchu steps to the side.
  56. Koshou rubs his wound though. Healing took a while.
  57. The dim-eye'd teen br Finally got into behind the male putting him into a headlock
  58. Hakuchu moved her hand forward as she saw the man attempting to put her brother into a headlock, aiming to simply grasp onto the back of the boys shirt and pull him into her.
  59. ''Do you need something from my dear sibling?''
  60. Koshou was in a hold. He does his best to squirm out and starts to gnar with his shark teeth on Mato!
  61. Uchiha, Veles looks off to his immediate right, at Koshou being nearly put into a hold. "Oh man, he bit you- that's going to get infected."
  62. Vibrant youth says: Yo Tsu.
  63. The dim-eye'd teen br Had him in a hold around his neck.Kisame's mouth wouldn't reach.He then procceded to bend over backwards at the sound of the fishes sister aproching slaming the fish into the ground head first.
  65. He would then step back patting himself off.
  66. Confident youth says: Yo, Fuji.
  67. Confident youth asks: What's up?
  68. Vibrant youth says: Not much, just woke up
  69. br began walking forward, hands slipping out of his pockets. The kage wore a look of irritation. An aura would bleed off the man that told anyone who would feel it wash upon them that shit was inevitably about to go down.
  72. Vibrant youth says: Uh oh.
  73. Confident youth chuckles to himself as he whispers over to Fuji's hear.
  75. "Looks like they are screwed."
  76. Vibrant youth says: No doubt.
  77. Koshou was lifted and suddenly pushed towards the ground! He gets up and gets a sudden urge attack. His teeth clenched as he starts to become less weak and more average. Of course with the sudden attention that would be drawn towards the kage, he uses the opportunity to strike. Remember that whip he blocked with earlier, he smells the hint of blood drawn from it. Kisame uses the sudden bloodlust strike upwards into Mato's stomach!
  78. Uchiha, Veles says: Ooooh. Rough.
  79. Uchiha, Veles provides commentary on his buddy's displayal of power.
  80. Hakuchu stepped to the side with little fanfare, jutting her fist forward in order to supplement the dim-witted boys nose with the hard knuckles of her hand.
  81. ''That's no good.''
  82. Vibrant youth whispers faintly.
  83. Sakuyako-Medtits asks: What's going on?
  84. Uchiha, Veles stands next to his future wife, as she watches over her brother. Yes.
  85. The dim-eye'd teen br Patted himself twice as he radiated an aura aswell.While no where near as strong as the Amekage's still an aura.He then would look at the man as his Eye's were as dim as ever as he said
  87. "He called me a Negro and slapped me with a whip....All for standing close by him."
  89. Before he notice a punch from the depth of the see or in this case the fish being sent right into his gut.with the Amekages sudden arrival he'd just take the hit playing victim/punching bag victim.
  90. Hakuchu says: What a wimp.
  91. Uchiha, Veles says: That's uh... Well, it's not missing context. Hm.
  92. br scoffed softly. He had already given a lesson on slurs and disrespect to Les for calling Sakuyako Meditits. This was going to have to be a harsher lesson. His body reacted in time with the punch being landed, and the other shinobi falling to the ground, likely passed out from the sudden pain.
  94. "I've already had enough of this "I am to cool" Mentality from my shinobi. So unfortunatly, I am going to make an example of you right now Kisame."
  96. Handsigns flew at an astonishing rate, flashing through twelve handsigns with ease. Then came the boom, as it were. A sudden movement, and a punch thrown for the shark-boys chest, dead center. Should the punch land home, an explosion would follow with it, likely rocketing the boy backwards, maybe even into his sister, showering her with a bit of his blood. As the boy's fate would be left to chance, the kage would speak, to all present.
  99. Koshou calculated damage using Attack Damage: B+, Attack Speed: B, Defender's Agility: , Defender's Speed: , and Defender's Mitigating Stat Grade: D- for a result of A+ damage!
  100. Hakuchu suddenly finds herself overcome by laughter as her brother bleeds over her form, realizing something.
  102. ''I can't believe our new Kage is a literal mouth breathing retard who cannot even properly assess a small fight without having to try and flex how strong he is.''
  103. Hakuchu says: I'm literally overcome with shock at the idiocy of thisman.
  104. Koshou was suddenly strucked head on. The kage sent a sick blast towards Koshou, his real name, and would literally leave the Hoshigaki in pieces. Arms and legs are long gone as part of his head and chest is tossed straight into his sister.
  105. "I never really deserved this..." he grunted before passing from the blood loss and pain. Thus ended the journey of the demon of the depths.
  106. Hoshigaki, Koshou has been knocked out.
  107. Hakuchu says: He brings dishonor to the village with his very presence, and it's not hard to see why when it's so collectively agreed upon that he's an idiot.
  108. Uchiha, Veles moves. In accordance to the otherwise silly overreaction of a superior with a penchant for narccissism. A hand out to in anyway- provide assistance for Koshou's crumpled, and unconscious body.
  110. Hakuchu's laughter resounds, and he's wide eye with shock. Her words resonated with something deep down inside of him. And when looking at the fill in Amekage, to take the place of their thirty year old stern, and firm but reasonable overall leader of old...
  112. "I can't really find the words to describe what I just saw... Wow, so this is what being a Shinobi means, huh?" It's a question asked, but it's not meant for everyone there, mainly Hakuchu.
  114. As for the very short-fused, and glass frame of a leader infront of them- well, he doesn't ever direct anything his way besides that star-spangled stare of disbelief after his rough treatment over a fight between children.
  115. Your message has been broadcasted to the staff.
  116. ALERT: Uchiha, Veles (Inconsistency): if i box the amekage, can i unlock this sharingan? He just blew up my fish friend infront of me because he's br, and sensitive.
  117. Admin whispers you: was it the kisame guy
  118. You whisper to Admin: Koshou, yeah.
  119. Admin whispers you: LMAO, good lord
  120. Admin whispers you: so he wasn't actually named kisame
  121. Hakuchu moved herself down towards the body of her brother, nostrils flaring as the smell of the blood spattered across her body resonated. Eyes slitting briefly, but no anger. Only a frenzy of the hunt, but the prey was already dead. No longer fit within this life. She can only laugh, over and over at the absurdity of the situation.
  122. ''Sleep well, brother.''
  123. You whisper to Admin: No. he just icly lied. His name is Koshou, anyways he just got hit with A+ dam. so... yeah
  124. Admin whispers you: Alright, I see. Give me a bit. I'll skim over the logs, and we'll go from there, yeah?
  125. You whisper to Admin: Sure. I'm fine with that.
  126. Colossal Stalin whispers you: the death of your best friend lover sparks emotion within you of pure emotion, ur eyes twirl into the shape of two flexing men. the sign of the magnkeyou...
  127. Admin whispers you: i--ignore that.
  128. You whisper to Admin: KamUi!
  129. br looked forward, at the two other mouthy ninja of the rain. He had never cared much for Kisame, it was true, but neither did he care much for Les. He listened to the girl and the other man speak out, right after being told not to. He really didn't care about their personal opinon of himself. He strode forward, ignoreing the blood and flesh he now stood in. If the medic wanted to try and save Kisame, she could, but honestly, he didn't care what happened to the fish boy at this point.
  131. "I don't care how you view me. Les was warned, as was everyone else. Names such as Negro, Meditits, and acts of un needed blood shed will not be tolorated. I don't care how my stand-in acted in my stead. I am the true leader of this village, and I won't have it anymore. So come, Miss Shark, Les, If you find me unfit, De-throne me, or shut up. I won't tolorate your weakness smearing itself upon my village anymore!"
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