

Feb 6th, 2021
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  1. Hey so I have another thing to complain about about something happened to me that I think was unjustified ;-;
  3. So a few of us in general chat were having a conversation about water being wet, it was literally all jokes and what not, so I found a small article online and posted these two lines in the chat, several spaces away from each other:
  5. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid, so when we say that something is wet, we
  6. and
  7. Whether an object is wet or dry depends on a balance between cohesive and adhesive forces. Cohesive forces are attractive forces within the liquid that cause the molecules in the liquid to prefer to stick together. Cohesive forces are also responsible for
  8. and those are exactly what I posted. Keep in mind they were 7 lines apart, which I have logs to prove if you need them for any reason. During this whole entire conversation, I didn't recall being verbally warned not one time, however I was told I was verbally warned 4 times by Tano. When I was told that, I was a little skeptical, and Miara made it her specific mission to let me know that "Maybe if you weren't flooding the chat you would have saw it." Anyways, I found out he actually said:
  9. hey guyz
  10. /d please in two different lines, so for one, the warning wasn't specific which is probably why I didn't see it, and two, I tried to tell the staff that were arguing with me in the chat afterwards that I think the verbal warnings should be more specific or at least visible enough to be seen so that I can stop doing what they want me to stop doing(edited)
  11. [8:26 PM]
  12. This would be the second time the staff had a problem with me and didn't clearly communicate with me which causes me to get upset and have to pull up facts and stuff like this, and I don't like spending my time doing this but it just frustrates me when I feel like I'm getting targeted for absolutely nothing
  14. BlackXLightToday at 8:27 PM
  15. Right; I'm sorry that this happened. I'll make sure to report this to the rest of the admins
  17. HarleenToday at 8:28 PM
  18. I would just really like to say that I'm not upset with anyone involved either, I don't get mad or anything, I just don't understand why I keep complaining about the verbal warnings not being specific or visible and they continue to do the same thing to me ;-;
  20. BlackXLightToday at 8:28 PM
  21. Wait
  23. HarleenToday at 8:28 PM
  24. I would happily stop doing what I'm doing that they don't like if they just let me know instead of saying vague statements and saying I was warned
  26. BlackXLightToday at 8:28 PM
  27. Did you not see the warnings
  28. [8:28 PM]
  29. well
  30. [8:28 PM]
  31. there's a new /warn plugin
  32. [8:28 PM]
  33. and then theres the verbal chat warnings
  35. HarleenToday at 8:28 PM
  36. Yeah I was actually /warned
  37. [8:28 PM]
  38. with the plugin
  39. [8:28 PM]
  40. and after I was warned, I was confused
  41. [8:29 PM]
  42. so I asked in the chat what is considered flooding, and I got [G] [Mod] Swamp_Elder_Miara: what you just did lmao
  43. [8:29 PM]
  44. So then I opened up the rules
  45. [8:29 PM]
  46. and scrolled through all of them
  47. [8:30 PM]
  48. and saw no rule about flooding, but ik flooding is common sense, but I assumed that if I waited 7-8 lines... it shouldn't be considered flooding ;-;
  50. BlackXLightToday at 8:30 PM
  51. Ah
  52. [8:30 PM]
  53. I see
  54. [8:30 PM]
  55. That's understandable too
  57. HarleenToday at 8:31 PM
  58. Then I was told
  59. [G] [Mod] Swamp_Elder_Miara: thats four lines of text right there
  60. [G] [Mod] Swamp_Elder_Miara: n when you were told to go to /ch d, you just resent it
  62. then it went like:
  64. [18:52:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [G] Northern_Adept_Yanah: Wait I was told to go to /ch d?
  65. 18:52:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [G] [Mod] Swamp_Elder_Miara: yah
  66. [18:52:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [G] Northern_Adept_Yanah: I don't recall ;-;
  67. [18:52:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [G] [Mod] Swamp_Elder_Miara: maybe u couldnt see it over your floodin
  68. [G] Northern_Adept_Yanah: Or else I would have not continued
  69. [8:32 PM]
  70. but I only sent two lines of text, so maybe I would have saw it if it had my name in it or something
  71. [8:32 PM]
  72. or was specific? because uh ;-;
  73. [8:32 PM]
  74. Two lines didn't flood the chat I'm sorry but it just didn't xD
  75. [8:33 PM]
  76. But anyways ok I'm done spamming you XD There was more conversation but it really doesn't matter ;-;
  78. BlackXLightToday at 8:33 PM
  79. To play devil's advocate, on minecraft those lines take up more space, so it is generally more obnoxious; however, I understand your confusion over flooding since its not in the rules and I'll bring that up
  80. [8:33 PM]
  82. Lightshot
  83. Screenshot
  85. [8:33 PM]
  86. thats what it appears like in game
  87. NEW
  89. HarleenToday at 8:34 PM
  90. That's true, but as you can see people can clearly see the warnings, but since it wasn't specific how should I assume it's towards me
  91. [8:34 PM]
  92. but yeah I get it, it does show up bigger for sure
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