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The REAL White Pumpkin.

a guest
Sep 8th, 2019
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  1. I have a theory on who the White Pumpkin REALLY is
  2. It was REALLY Stampy.
  3. Now, before you get mad, let me explain
  4. He could TOTALLY do it, He has the abilities to do it, But before you say “he and the white pumpkin were in the same room
  5. At the same time!”, let me explain, while he was setting it up, ((Because you couldn’t make an ENTIRE MANSION full of traps in one day)) Cassie found him setting up the mansion, And he explained everything, and Cassie wanted to switch places so HE wouldn’t take the fall for it, he agreed, and they switched, and also, remember how when you interrogate Lizzie and show her the poison arrow, She says it’s pretty bad work, and when you show Stampy the arrow, he says it’s pretty good work? Well, I have 2 reasons why that is
  6. 1. He’s lying and it’s his
  7. 2. Cassie made the arrows
  8. And if you’re saying “but he had Dan’s flint and steel!” Again, let me explain
  9. Let me clarify, It was DAN’S flint and steel. It wasn’t his. Which could also bring us to the motive. he wanted a flint and steel of his own. Now, again, before you say “But he sat at one of the buttons! Isn’t that suspicious?” There’s 2 possible
  10. Reasons for this:
  11. 1. He forgot where the buttons were placed
  12. 2. Cassie placed them and he didn’t know where they were
  13. Also, him being the white pumpkin could explain why he was in the white pumpkins’s lair after you’re in the pumpkin growing area, Is that there is a path that nobody but him ((and Cassie)) know about. But after a while and after TorqueDawg, Captain Sparklez and Lizzie/Dan die, he starts to feel guilty and even debates calling the entire thing off.
  14. But it’s just a theory...
  15. A game theory.
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