
ASM2 Felecia Fenom Fapfic by Deadanon

Aug 13th, 2014
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  1. I guess I’m setting this one in the ASM2 universe because fuck me, I don’t know enough about 616 or 1610.
  3. The air of uptown hummed with activity as Felecia pondered her current situation. She didn’t mind her new job, in-fact after Oscorp had gone into administration she wanted to breakout into a career that allowed her to be herself again, not having to bend over backwards to please some soulless CEO or a board of directors. The fringe benefits were stellar; work your own hours, no client interaction beyond the initial request. It was so liberating having nobody breathing down your neck telling you how to get your job done. Plus she’d never have to sit through one of those patronising sexual harassment meetings again.
  5. Yes, becoming a “freelance agent” as she liked to call it was one of the better choices of her career. Plus she got to put her athletic and infiltration skills to proper use. Felecia rose from her crouching position on the rooftop overlooking the Oscorp building. The lack of lights in the top 50 floors was an alien sight to her. Working at the top of the building for so long would make anyone lose touch a little she thought. Felecia, however wasn’t interested in the upper levels of Oscorp, what she’d been hired to find was far below the office of former CEO Harry Osborne. The same Harry to whom she’d revealed the some of the same equipment that she was to retrieve only a few months earlier.
  7. Something in her holster buzzed and broke her concentration; Felecia moved a gloved hand to remove the phone from her belt. “Yes?” she asked into the device, there was no need for formalities she knew it was her client after all. A vaguely European male voice broke the silence, “Enjoying our little trip down memory lane?” Felecia placed her free hand on her hip, “hardly” she said coldly. The voice didn’t waver at the bluntness of her response, “business and pleasure, I understand; now to business. In the vault below Oscorp HQ you will find a canister marked V-3-N. My employer requires this canister and its contents; intact!” The emphasis on that last word was insulting to Felecia; she always got the goods safe and sound.
  9. Felecia kept her cool and simply replied “Naturally” then disconnected the call. She put the phone back in its holster and backed up to the other side of the rooftop. The other offices and business surrounding Oscorp were small in comparison and lucky for Felecia roughly the same height. She dropped to a runner’s stance and slowly drew in a breath and exhaled. Then softly under her breath she muttered “3..2..1..GO!” she fired into a sprint and tore across the rooftop, springing of a vent for extra height, she leapt through the cold November air and landed on the rooftop adjacent to the one she had been standing on.
  11. Five minutes later she was pressing the “up” button on a window cleaner’s platform on the north face of the Oscorp building. The platform jolted to life and slowly ascended to the top floor. Felecia recalled the only two ways into the vault; first from the main lab which was on the 25th floor and not in any way an option and second; through the private elevator in the study on the 65th floor, Harry’s old study Felecia thought. She shook her head, no time to be sentimental! Even though her skin-tight black “catsuit” made her almost invisible in the darkness above the canopy of light emanating from uptown NYC, she still had to be on her guard. This place attracted weirdoes like moths to a flame.
  12. Cutting through the window wasn’t the problem, neither was hacking the security panel to take the lift down to the vault. The problem was if there were any nasty surprises down there, she wasn’t exactly equipped to deal with so called “supervillains”. She knew she should have brought more than a few flash-bangs and shock-rod. But this cat still had nine lives and she doubted she would run into the likes of Shocker or the Rhino down here. The elevator ticked down past floors 12 through 8, Felecia turned to study herself in the mirrored walls of the elevator. Clad in a skintight black polymer suit, complete with black mask, white gloves, boots and a platinum blonde wig. She supposed the title of “Black Cat” was befitting of her, even if it was a little cheesy.
  14. Felecia was almost a little disappointed at how easy it was to find the canister and escape without encountering anyone. No villains, no zombies, not even a janitor. A truly uneventful endeavour was a nice change of pace but boring nonetheless. Felecia studied the canister in her hands as the platform lowered itself back to its original position. The code “V-3-N” was engraved on the sides, other than that it was featureless, she wondered how exactly her client would remove the contents but that was his problem now.
  16. Felecia turned the bath tap of and began to disrobe. As she unhooked her bra she reflected on what her client had said earlier. “You’ve retrieved it? Excellent work Black Cat, your services are certainly worth the asking price.” Her client had explained that he was indisposed at the moment and would prefer to retrieve the canister tomorrow evening. In the meantime he had arranged a penthouse suite for Felecia as a gesture of good will. Now far be it from Felecia to trust the kind of people that her cliental undoubtedly were, but she seriously doubted whoever they were could have bugged or rigged an entire high-class hotel.
  18. Felecia slid into the bath and sighed with relief. This was exactly what she needed, a nice relaxing bubble bath after a hard day’s work. The thought made her laugh out loud, to think that before she was earning only a fraction of what she did now. She smiled and took a sip of the champagne shed had room service deliver earlier. Then playfully slid under the surface of the water. In the other room the canister jolted as if it were alive, it rocked back and forth in Felecia’s handbag until it tipped it over to the side and rolled out onto the floor, the canister continued to roll under the queen sized bed, then with a light series of whirrs and clicks, it split apart and opened.
  20. Felecia walked daintily from the bathroom back the bedroom, nude aside from a towel wrapped around her head. She could afford such an outlandish display in a locked hotel suit above almost the entire NYC skyline, and besides; she wasn’t embarrassed to show off her figure. Felecia approached the bed and stopped, her foot had bumped into something, looking down she saw the sealed canister completely intact. Felecia brought the object closer to her face to examine it, no visible damage, no fingerprints besides her own. “How did you get out here?” she asked the room. She glanced about making sure nothing else was out of place. Everything was where she had left it.
  21. She placed the canister back in her bag and made sure the door was still locked before pulling on her nightie and slipping into bed and turning of the bedside lamp. Felecia dozed off shortly after getting into bed, which was when the black ooze from the canister made its move. The black shiny tar-like substance shot out small tendrils onto the footboard, using them as anchors to haul itself up onto the bed sheets. Though it had no eyes it could see its target ahead, sleeping oblivious to its presence.
  22. The ooze slithered under the sheets and began to mask itself to Felecia’s feet. As more of its mass from under the bed joined in, it flowed further and further up her legs. Felecia felt cold and shivered, pulling her legs closer to her, and the ooze along with them. Felecia shivered again and opened her eyes; she turned on the bedside lamp and flung back the covers in one fell swoop. What she saw frightened her more than anything she had seen before. Black pulsating tar was oozing up her legs and was already up to her hips. Felecia grabbed at the stuff and tried to pull it off but it was no use, the substance gave a little, stretched then snapped back to position. She tried again but the stuff was stuck so hard her grip gave out and her hand flew backwards, knocking the bedside lamp from its roost.
  24. Felecia cried out as the stuff shredded her panties with a blade-like tentacle and oozed over her inner thighs, sending chills through her most sensitive areas. She could feel it flowing over her firm butt cheeks, prying them open slightly and spearing itself into her asshole. She let out a gasp of pleasure as a portion of the ooze penetrated her tight pussy, the cold mass of the ooze blasted shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Her nipples grew visible under the thin vail of her nighty; Felecia squirmed as the stuff flowed over her navel and under her breasts, she could feel the tendrils in her pussy and ass swelling out with incredible girth, the two of them like pistons pumping in and out of her. A wet slapping sound filled the air and Felecia knew that she was wet; whatever this stuff was, if it wanted to kill her then it was going to show her a hell of a time first.
  26. Felecia cupped her breasts and began to knead them, only adding to her arousal. Her mind was racing, a cacophony of blood pumping in her ears, her heart thudding in her chest and the sound of her own moans of pleasure. She felt the chill of the stuff flowing over her chest, over her nipples and up around her arms. She could feel her orgasm building, her pussy and ass were hot, no burning with pleasure. The chill of the stuff had reached just below her chin, Felecia moved a hand from her breasts and shoved two fingers inside her cunt, “Oh f-ffuckk!” she moaned as she finger-fucked herself. The stuff flowed up over her chin and across her face, blinding her though it didn’t slow down the assault on her nether regions. Then she felt the walls of her pussy clamp down on her fingers and her hips bucked up and down as her body spasmed with pleasure. This sent the suit into a frenzy, tightening itself against her frame, Felecia let out a roar of pleasure and pain in a voice that wasn’t exactly her own “Oh F-ffuck Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaggh!”.
  28. She lay on the bed panting, her chest felt tight; her whole body felt tight actually. She withdrew her fingers from her slit and brought them to eyelevel, they were coated in a faintly green substance that had the consistency of cum from a glance. Felecia rose from the bed and shakily walked across the room to the tall mirror on the west wall. Her form was almost the same as before but with more emphasis on her curves and muscle definition. She looked like a combination of a supermodel and athlete. She grew excited at the sight of her own, now move voluptuous figure.
  30. The suit was completely black, with only two large white teardrop shapes on her head to stand out. The suit had a faint glossiness to it she noticed. She looked naked in the dim light of the hotel room though she knew otherwise. She drew her dripping fingers to her mouth and opened, the suit began to form an approximation of a mouth, the ooze lining her face spit apart in the shape of a smile, then rows and rows of pointed fangs spring from inside her mouth, which now looked more like a maw.
  31. A large, slimy serpentine tongue slithered out from inside her mouth and licked her fingers up and down exaggeratingly. Felecia cooed at the taste of her own juices, the suit pulsated with pleasure and Felecia felt new, alien instincts flooding her brain. She felt fulfilled, complete, she felt one with the suit.
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