
Summary Story 201809

Sep 29th, 2018
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  1. Lasswell and friends watched Weapon activated. While it was roaring, Lasswell and Guri heard Faisalith's voice, pleading them to save her. Then Weapon absorbed crystal energy and was about to release the energy, which would devastate the entire region, wiping the lives of everyone on it. However, Faisalith stopped it from firing. Then, Weapon started moving as Lasswell gave chase to it, determined to save Faisalith from Weapon. They theorized that by saving Faisalith, the weapon would stop too. Meanwhile, Emperor said that it's a matter of time that she would become one with Weapon. Mairo (leader of Hess) witnessed that and murmured that if they could save Faisalith, Hess could gain control of the weapon too.
  3. Then they met up with Reagan's party and shared information. Reagan learnt True Tranquility from Lasswell, hoping to be able to fend off Inferno if they happened to fight again. Lasswell was impressed that Reagan learnt it that quickly. Reagan said that since he was the creator of Tranquility he was about to grasp it fast. But he could not mimic Lasswell's Final Tranquility, and commended that Lasswell had surpassed Reagan. Folka and Ignacio had a conversation about Kagane. Ignacio was more happy than sad because he found out that Kagane was alive, although in that appearance. Then, they got informed that Weapon was sensed from southwest of the continent, to everyone's surprise that despite its size it moved fairly fast.
  5. Meanwhile Hyou and Sol witnessed how Weapon absorbed crystal energy. Sol commented that if Weapon were to be used, Paladia crystals would wither and the planet would die. Sol urged Hyou to cooperate with him to defeat Emperor otherwise what he was trying to do would be meaningless if the planet was dying.
  7. On Emperor's side, he ordered the three Imperial Stars to fend off anyone trying to get close to Weapon. He commented that in a sense that the Imperial Stars and Weapon were similar, having souls implanted into devices. He said that body was irrelevant but soul was the important part.
  9. Then, the researcher that found out how to unlock Weapon, Erumauru, was angry at the emperor. Erumaru said that by activating the weapon the planet would be destroyed. Emperor said that Erumaru had served his purpose and could die. Nichol and Sakura tried to plead for him, saying that it would invoke people's hatred. Emperor said that at that point, people's hatred and planet's fate wouldn't matter anymore.
  11. He ordered Zeno to kill Erumaru with Tranquility. Although Zeno refused to say how he learnt Tranquility, he wanted to see his Tranquility with his own eyes and he figured he would know the story. As Zeno was preparing Tranquility, Juraga saved Erumaru and fled with him. Faisalith was alone, her consciousness floating up and down inside Weapon. She thought of her childhood, where she was alone too. She was bullied by other kids, being said that she was different but she never gave up trying to be friends with them.
  13. Lasswell and Reagan's groups split up again. Lasswell's group met Extreme Imperial Star Purgatorio. According to Purgatorio, three types of Tranquilities were supposed to be trump card of the emperor and was absolute secret. Purgatorio was surprised that Lasswell knew them. Lasswell overpowered Purgatorio with True Tranquility and Purgatorio had to retreat.
  15. Meanwhile Reagan's group met True Imperial Star Paradiso. Reagan was able to fend off her True Tranquility from what he learnt from Lasswell. During the fight Ignacio sensed presence of Kagane inside Paradiso as well. Paradiso lost and Ignacio forced her to tell the location of Kagane so he could save her. Then Paradiso revealed that she was also Kagane.
  17. After Kagane's supposed death, Vlad sealed her soul into a crystal. Vlad replicated Kagane's souls and implanted into three separate monsters. Inferno tried to attack the Emperor and got killed instantly. According to Vlad, he can replicate the soul and implant into the monster again anytime. Paradiso also attacked the Emperor, got killed and got revived multiple times, until she understood the despair of her situation. Paradiso asked Emperor why her soul was chosen. Emperor replied that the question was meaningless since whoever's soul was irrelevant.
  19. Paradiso bade farewell again and reassured him that her soul was imprisoned permanently. There was no way to save her and she teleported away. Ignacio resolved to save her regardless and believed he would find a way.
  21. Hyou and Sol fended off some monsters again. Sol's magic power ran out and Hyou protected him. He was thinking what he was supposed to say and thought of his past with other Hess sages. He was protected by Fina and Eldareet. Seeing that Fina and Eldareet expected something from him, Sol said that he lacked emotion and asked what would a normal person said. Then, Sol said thanks to Hyou as what Fina had taught him, to Hyou's surprise.
  23. As Lasswell's group was heading towards Weapon, Juraga brought Erumauru to meet them. Erumauru offered to help as way to compensate his sin in letting Emperor activate Weapon. According to him, Weapon had no heart so it had no will of its own. So it needed a person as a key of awakening to have a will. Normal humans would have perished if they were to be implanted into Weapon, so it had to be Faisalith. If the heart of the key was fully absorbed by the weapon, there would be no saving Faisalith. So they had to hurry. Juraga took Erumauru to a safe place to hide after the conversation was over.
  25. Reagan's group met the three Imperial Stars in one go and managed to defeat them. Ignacio's resolve to save Kagane was to kill all of them using the axe that he reforged from what Kagane made for him, as temporary salvation to Kagane's soul. No matter how many times Kagane appear before him, he will kill them to put a rest for her. Before the current Paradiso faded away, he said "Ignacio-kun, thank you...".
  27. Lasswell's group managed to reach Weapon and found the door to Faisalith that Erumauru mentioned. As Lasswell tried to break through the door, the group saw Faisalith's memories. Faisalith often played alone in the woods. One day Guri came out and approached her, saying that she has been watching her. Faisalith immediately considered Guri her friend, saying that nobody else would go to the woods with her although she invited. Guri found her interesting and and said that she was a moogle travelling alone too. So they became friends and Faisalith invited Guri to live with her.
  29. As they returned to the village, the villagers were invaded by monsters. Faisalith awakened her powers and defeated the monsters to save the villagers. But the villagers feared her, saying that she was a monster like her parents and chased her away from the village. Faisalith apologized and Guri and was impressed that Guri was not afraid of her. And they left to seek a new home.
  31. As they tried to approach the door, Emperor and all active Orders showed up. Emperor said that he would not hand Faisalith over to them as Faisalith was a special existence. Faisalith's father was Ardore and her mother was Hess. She was a special mixed blood that was able to achieve awakening of her mixed blood. Due to the special properties of her lineage, her soul and body alone made her the only possible candidate as the key of Weapon. Her constant self proclamation that her being the strongest was not necessarily a lie.
  33. Then, Faisalith's soul suddenly showed up to talk to Lasswell, saying that "It's okay. I'm the strongest. So I can manage somewhat by myself." She bade farewell and expressed how she wanted to be with Lasswell longer Then, Weapon roared and Emperor said that the assimilation of Faisalith's soul had completed, and so he can begin his true plan. His true plan was to have Weapon absorb all the energy from the crystal. As the energy from the crystal dried out, Weapon would start to draw energy from living beings. Emperor would take that energy and live eternally. Him alone was enough, so was his idea of true conquest and eternal empire.
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