

May 29th, 2019
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  1. LINK BUILDER AREA!! Google command to find HIGH QUALITY BACKLINKS | Update Monthly
  2. Zone for Link Builder to find High Quality Backlinks?
  4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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  16. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17. Make sure you install SEOQuake addon for ff and chrome.
  19. Here is Google command for this month (HIGH QUALITY BACKLINKS from PROFILE LINKS) :
  21. inurl:../user/view/profile/ "Personal info"
  23. or click on live link : http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&gl=US&q=inurl:../user/view/profile/+"Personal+info"
  24. how to use : click on site in the list of google search -> register -> edit your profile -> create your homepage url link
  26. see you next month... :cool:
  28. inurl:/register.php intext:"Powered by Pligg"
  29. inurl:"upcoming" intitle:"pligg"
  30. inurl:"register" intitle:"pligg"
  31. inurl:"cloud.php" intitle:"pligg"
  32. inurl:"live_comments" intitle:"pligg"
  33. inurl:"faq-en.php" intext:"pligg"
  34. For finding Pligg powered social bookmark sites for links..
  36. Below for finding .edu forums to get profiles on..
  38. site:.edu "powered by vbulletin"
  39. site:.edu "powered by yabb"
  40. site:.edu "powered by ip.board"
  41. site:.edu "powered by phpbb"
  42. site:.edu "powered by phpbb3"
  43. site:.edu "powered by invision power board"
  44. site:.edu "powered by e-blah forum software"
  45. site:.edu "powered by xmb"
  46. site:.edu "powered by: fudforum"
  47. site:.edu "powered by fluxbb"
  48. site:.edu "powered by forum software minibb"
  49. site:.edu "this forum is powered by phorum"
  50. site:.edu "powered by punbb"
  51. site:.edu "powered by quicksilver forums"
  52. site:.edu "powered by seo-board"
  53. site:.edu "powered by smf"
  54. site:.edu "powered by ubb.threads"
  55. site:.edu "powered by the unclassified newsboard"
  56. site:.edu "powered by usebb forum software"
  57. site:.edu "powered by xennobb"
  58. site:.edu "powered by yaf"
  59. site:.edu "Powered By MyBB"
  60. site:.edu "Powered by IP.Board"
  61. site:.edu "powered by phpbb"
  62. site:.edu "forums post thread"
  63. site:.edu "forums new topic"
  64. site:.edu "forums view thread"
  65. site:.edu "forums new replies"
  66. site:.edu "forum post thread"
  67. site:.edu "forum new topic"
  68. site:.edu "forum view thread"
  69. site:.edu "forum new replies"
  70. site:.edu "forum"
  71. site:.edu "phorum"
  72. site:.edu "add topic"
  73. site:.edu "new topic"
  74. site:.edu "phpbb"
  75. site:.edu "yabb"
  78. inurl:/register.php intext:"Powered by Pligg"
  79. inurl:"upcoming" intitle:"pligg"
  80. inurl:"register" intitle:"pligg"
  81. inurl:"cloud.php" intitle:"pligg"
  82. inurl:"live_comments" intitle:"pligg"
  83. inurl:"faq-en.php" intext:"pligg"
  84. For finding Pligg powered social bookmark sites for links..
  86. Below for finding .edu forums to get profiles on..
  88. site:.edu "powered by vbulletin"
  89. site:.edu "powered by yabb"
  90. site:.edu "powered by ip.board"
  91. site:.edu "powered by phpbb"
  92. site:.edu "powered by phpbb3"
  93. site:.edu "powered by invision power board"
  94. site:.edu "powered by e-blah forum software"
  95. site:.edu "powered by xmb"
  96. site:.edu "powered by: fudforum"
  97. site:.edu "powered by fluxbb"
  98. site:.edu "powered by forum software minibb"
  99. site:.edu "this forum is powered by phorum"
  100. site:.edu "powered by punbb"
  101. site:.edu "powered by quicksilver forums"
  102. site:.edu "powered by seo-board"
  103. site:.edu "powered by smf"
  104. site:.edu "powered by ubb.threads"
  105. site:.edu "powered by the unclassified newsboard"
  106. site:.edu "powered by usebb forum software"
  107. site:.edu "powered by xennobb"
  108. site:.edu "powered by yaf"
  109. site:.edu "Powered By MyBB"
  110. site:.edu "Powered by IP.Board"
  111. site:.edu "powered by phpbb"
  112. site:.edu "forums post thread"
  113. site:.edu "forums new topic"
  114. site:.edu "forums view thread"
  115. site:.edu "forums new replies"
  116. site:.edu "forum post thread"
  117. site:.edu "forum new topic"
  118. site:.edu "forum view thread"
  119. site:.edu "forum new replies"
  120. site:.edu "forum"
  121. site:.edu "phorum"
  122. site:.edu "add topic"
  123. site:.edu "new topic"
  124. site:.edu "phpbb"
  125. site:.edu "yabb"
  126. Click to expand...
  127. great list dynamicsoul.
  129. Well, you guys have a good technique to get a better search result there. This will help lots of SEOs and newbies like me... Can't wait to see more of it!
  131. here is update for this month 201 july 2011 :
  132. -------------------------------------------
  134. inurl:/spip.php?article "Ajouter un commentaire"
  135. "Login or register to post comments" "Powered by ESN Satellite"
  136. inurl:modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=
  137. inurl:/node/ "Login or register to post comments" "Wholesale"
  138. "Ecrire un commentaire" "Ajouter un commentaire :" inurl:.htm
  139. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. Just it for this month. be sure slowly to build links. see you next month!
  141. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  143. Link building is one of those areas that can be quite perplexing, but like anything in life it requires knowledge, experience, and an open mind to tackle properly. Unfortunately, there are many bogus link building services that promise all of the gold in Fort Knox and fail to deliver, leaving weary business owners tainted about the whole process. Link building requires some of the obvious, some of the quality, and a whole lot of the unique to deliver the power needed to get most websites ranking properly.
  145. Leta€?s go over some of the different types of link building techniques that still work:
  146. General Free Directories: There are many different free directories out there, but only a small fraction are actually worth really seeking out. Dona€?t think that 1,000 bogus directories are going to do much for you. There are a handful of older free directories like DMOZ or Jayde that are worth paying attention to.
  147. Niche Directories: Most industries have some sort of niche directories where a business can list their information for that specific industry. Some are free and some cost money, but a niche directory can oftentimes give off a great deal of link juice to your website. We all know how powerful good quality link juice can be in getting websites to move around.
  148. Business Listings: There are numerous locations online dedicated to listing your business. Most of these locations offer nice descriptions, logos, and areas to submit a link. Some of these business listings sometimes offer multiple links along with the use of anchor text, which is great for SEO. Sure, some are only no follow links but they still show up in Google Webmaster tools which give them some search engine optimization power.
  149. Local Directories: Is your business located near a metropolitan area? Chances are there are plenty of local town and city websites where you can list your business. These locations are also great because they tend to rank very well for your company name, which brings a variety of other benefits to the table.
  150. Social Media Profiles: Some will argue that free social media website links bring no link value, but I strongly disagree. A no follow link can bring link power to a website if you have an open mind. Oftentimes these links still register as one way links which still have their search engine optimization benefits, not to mention delivering traffic.
  151. Press Releases: If you have something newsworthy to say you will get picked up by other bloggers and websites, spreading those PR links further across your industry.
  152. Article Distribution: Article distribution works great when you write a timeless piece that can be re-used over the years. I still have articles that I distributed years ago being picked up by bloggers and websites still to this day. A good article can get picked up over and over for years to come. Always make sure to include a nice link or two in your author bio section which most article distribution sites offer.
  153. Blogger Outreach: Blogger outreach can work great once you have somewhat established your brand online and you are capable of building a relationship with some of the bloggers in your industry. You have to be careful with your process of reaching out and how you do it so that you dona€?t get on their bad side. They could just as easily write a negative post on your business due to the way you approached them to write something positive.
  154. Online Videos: Sure, a professional online video might cost a great deal of money, but sites like Animoto have allowed smaller businesses to be able to produce their own company videos which they can distribute through sites like YouTube and Vimeo to acquire some nice links. Not only can you have a very nice profile with a link, but your video descriptions will typically allow you to place a link, which will deliver traffic over time to your website.
  155. Partner Websites: Are you one of those websites that tends to develop lots of different partners with similar websites? Encourage those partners to place a link to your website on their site. This will not violate any guidelines because there is a relationship there and the links make business sense to be on either website. For instance, linking to a business partner (that you actually know) is totally fine and vice versa, if there is a reason to. Dona€?t trade links for the sake of trading links for no reason other than to boost link popularity.
  156. Make sure to follow guidelines very closely when you start to market your business online and develop links pointing to it. It is very important that you dona€?t push the boundaries too hard with your link building because you could find yourself in quite a pickle with the search engines.
  158. Wow, great suggestions, as a small business owner, I will definitely check out Blog Engage and Biz Sugar. If the focus of my blog is not internet marketing relateda€|.does it makes sense for me to bookmark to the other sites you mentioned in this article?
  160. ===================
  161. social bookmarking site
  163. really valuable post..thanks
  165. link bulding is learnt by devoting time on internet. use social networking site like facebook, twitter, googleplus it can be benificial in doing your daily work. SEOWDC
  167. i think link building can be done using social bookmarking also
  169. webexpertsonline
  171. Hi, We're looking for guest bloggers on our sites that I am contracted to do the social media for... they are sites that have to do with internet marketing so any topic related to social media, SEO, affiliate marketing, link building is welcome as long as it has at least 600 words and is original content, tone must be positive, educational in nature and non-promotional.... We'll tell you what the sites are after you submit articles. The sites have a PR of at least 5 and the other. You are welcome to put a link to your site in your resource box. Contact me privately or offline for more specific guidelines jasmine.kaloudis@gmail.com
  174. inurl:/register.php intext:"Powered by Pligg"
  175. inurl:"upcoming" intitle:"pligg"
  176. inurl:"register" intitle:"pligg"
  177. inurl:"cloud.php" intitle:"pligg"
  178. inurl:"live_comments" intitle:"pligg"
  179. inurl:"faq-en.php" intext:"pligg"
  180. For finding Pligg powered social bookmark sites for links..
  182. Below for finding .edu forums to get profiles on..
  184. site:.edu "powered by vbulletin"
  185. site:.edu "powered by yabb"
  186. site:.edu "powered by ip.board"
  187. site:.edu "powered by phpbb"
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  189. site:.edu "powered by invision power board"
  190. site:.edu "powered by e-blah forum software"
  191. site:.edu "powered by xmb"
  192. site:.edu "powered by: fudforum"
  193. site:.edu "powered by fluxbb"
  194. site:.edu "powered by forum software minibb"
  195. site:.edu "this forum is powered by phorum"
  196. site:.edu "powered by punbb"
  197. site:.edu "powered by quicksilver forums"
  198. site:.edu "powered by seo-board"
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  205. site:.edu "Powered By MyBB"
  206. site:.edu "Powered by IP.Board"
  207. site:.edu "powered by phpbb"
  208. site:.edu "forums post thread"
  209. site:.edu "forums new topic"
  210. site:.edu "forums view thread"
  211. site:.edu "forums new replies"
  212. site:.edu "forum post thread"
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  216. site:.edu "forum"
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  221. site:.edu "yabb"
  222. Click to expand...
  223. Excellent. Keep up the good work.
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