
Shader params

Mar 13th, 2021
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  1. TextureSampler_layer0
  2. BumpSampler_layer0
  3. TextureSampler_layer1
  4. BumpSampler_layer1
  5. LookupSampler
  6. Bumpiness
  7. SpecularIntensityMult
  8. SpecularFalloffMult
  9. TextureSamp
  10. AlphaTestValue
  11. gCableParams
  12. gViewProj
  13. Shader_cableEmissive
  14. Shader_cableAmbient
  15. Shader_cableDiffuse2
  16. Shader_cableDiffuse
  17. Shader_windAmount
  18. Shader_fadeExponent
  19. Shader_radiusScale
  20. DiffuseSampler
  21. UseTessellation
  22. BumpSampler
  23. SpecSampler
  24. HardAlphaBlend
  25. SpecMapIntMask
  26. SpecularFresnel
  27. TintPaletteSampler
  28. TintPaletteSelector
  29. DensitySampler
  30. NormalSampler
  31. DetailDensitySampler
  32. DetailNormalSampler
  33. DetailDensity2Sampler
  34. DetailNormal2Sampler
  35. DepthMapTexSampler
  36. CloudLayerAnimScale3
  37. CloudLayerAnimScale2
  38. CloudLayerAnimScale1
  39. gSoftParticleRange
  40. gRescaleUV3
  41. gRescaleUV2
  42. gRescaleUV1
  43. gUVOffset3
  44. gUVOffset2
  45. gUVOffset1
  46. gCameraPos
  47. gCloudViewProj
  48. gUVOffset
  49. gAnimBlendWeights
  50. gAnimSculpt
  51. gAnimCombine
  52. gNearFarQMult
  53. gWrapLighting_MSAARef
  54. gScaleDiffuseFillAmbient
  55. gPiercingLightPower_Strength_NormalStrength_Thickness
  56. gScatterG_GSquared_PhaseMult_Scale
  57. gDensityShiftScale
  58. gBounceColor
  59. gAmbientColor
  60. gCloudColor
  61. gSunColor
  62. gSunDirection
  63. gWestColor
  64. gEastMinusWestColor
  65. gSkyColor
  66. WetnessMultiplier
  67. matMaterialColorScale
  68. AmbientDecalMask
  69. umGlobalOverrideParams
  70. umGlobalParams
  71. DirtDecalMask
  72. EmissiveMultiplier
  73. GlobalAnimUV1
  74. GlobalAnimUV0
  75. DetailSampler
  76. DetailSettings
  77. DistanceMapSampler
  78. FillColor
  79. EnvironmentSampler
  80. ReflectivePower
  81. DecalTint
  82. CrackDecalBumpAlphaThreshold
  83. CrackDecalBumpAmount
  84. CrackEdgeBumpAmount
  85. CrackDecalBumpTileScale
  86. CrackEdgeBumpTileScale
  87. BrokenSpecularColor
  88. BrokenDiffuseColor
  89. displParams
  90. TextureGrassSampler
  91. gAlphaToCoverageScale
  92. ShadowFalloff
  93. AlphaTest
  94. AlphaScale
  95. _fakedGrassNormal
  96. uMovementParams
  97. FadeAlphaLOD2DistFar0
  98. FadeAlphaLOD2Dist
  99. FadeAlphaLOD1Dist
  100. FadeAlphaDistUmTimer
  101. _vecVehColl3R
  102. _vecVehColl3M
  103. _vecVehColl3B
  104. _vecVehColl2R
  105. _vecVehColl2M
  106. _vecVehColl2B
  107. _vecVehColl1R
  108. _vecVehColl1M
  109. _vecVehColl1B
  110. _vecVehColl0R
  111. _vecVehColl0M
  112. _vecVehColl0B
  113. _vecCollParams
  114. _dimensionLOD2
  115. vecPlayerPos
  116. vecCameraPos
  117. GroundColor
  118. PlantColor
  119. matGrassTransform
  120. gLodFadeTileScale
  121. gLodFadePower
  122. gLodFadeRange
  123. gLodFadeStartDist
  124. gAlphaTest
  125. gWindBendScaleVar
  126. gWindBendingGlobals
  127. gScaleRange
  128. vecBatchAabbDelta
  129. vecBatchAabbMin
  130. ComboHeightSamplerFur01
  131. ComboHeightSamplerFur23
  132. ComboHeightSamplerFur45
  133. ComboHeightSamplerFur67
  134. StippleSampler
  135. FurShadow47
  136. FurShadow03
  137. FurAlphaClip47
  138. FurAlphaClip03
  139. FurAlphaDistance
  140. FurUvScales
  141. FurLayerParams
  142. FurMaskSampler
  143. DiffuseHfSampler
  144. gMirrorCrackSampler
  145. gMirrorBounds
  146. gMirrorCrackAmount
  147. gMirrorDistortionAmount
  148. HeightSampler
  149. ParallaxSelfShadowAmount
  150. HeightBias
  151. HeightScale
  152. TessellationMultiplier
  153. SpecDesaturateExponent
  154. SpecDesaturateIntensity
  155. DiffuseSampler2
  156. WrinkleMaskSampler_0
  157. WrinkleMaskSampler_1
  158. WrinkleMaskSampler_2
  159. WrinkleMaskSampler_3
  160. WrinkleSampler_A
  161. WrinkleSampler_B
  162. WrinkleMaskStrengths3
  163. WrinkleMaskStrengths2
  164. WrinkleMaskStrengths1
  165. WrinkleMaskStrengths0
  166. ParallaxScaleBias
  167. VolumeSampler
  168. envEffFatThickness
  169. StubbleControl
  170. SnowSampler
  171. NoiseSampler
  172. FurBendParams
  173. FurGlobalParams
  174. FurAttenCoef
  175. FurAOBlend
  176. FurStiffness
  177. FurSelfShadowMin
  178. FurNoiseUVScale
  179. FurLength
  180. FurMaxLayers
  181. FurMinLayers
  182. OrderNumber
  183. anisoNoiseSpecSampler
  184. AnisotropicAlphaBias
  185. SpecularNoiseMapUVScaleFactor
  186. AnisotropicSpecularColour
  187. AnisotropicSpecularExponent
  188. AnisotropicSpecularIntensity
  189. WrinkleMaskSampler_4
  190. WrinkleMaskSampler_5
  191. ClippingPlane
  192. DiffuseCol
  193. PerlinSampler
  194. HighDetailSampler
  195. StarFieldSampler
  196. DitherSampler
  197. MoonSampler
  198. NoisePhase
  199. NoiseDensityOffset
  200. NoiseSoftness
  201. NoiseThreshold
  202. NoiseScale
  203. NoiseFrequency
  204. MoonColor
  205. LunarCycle
  206. MoonIntensity
  207. MoonPosition
  208. MoonDirection
  209. StarfieldIntensity
  210. SpeedConstants
  211. HorizonLevel
  212. EffectsConstants
  213. SmallCloudColorHdr
  214. SmallCloudConstants
  215. CloudConstants2
  216. CloudConstants1
  217. CloudDetailConstants
  218. CloudShadowMinusBaseColourTimesShadowStrength
  219. CloudMidColour
  220. CloudBaseMinusMidColour
  221. SunPosition
  222. SunDirection
  223. SunConstants
  224. SunDiscColorHdr
  225. SunColorHdr
  226. SunColor
  227. HDRIntensity
  228. SkyPlaneParams
  229. SkyPlaneColor
  230. ZenithConstants
  231. ZenithTransitionColor
  232. ZenithColor
  233. AzimuthTransitionPosition
  234. AzimuthTransitionColor
  235. AzimuthWestColor
  236. AzimuthEastColor
  237. TextureSampler_layer2
  238. BumpSampler_layer2
  239. TextureSampler_layer3
  240. BumpSampler_layer3
  241. BumpSelfShadowAmount
  242. MaterialWetnessMultiplier
  243. HeightMapSamplerLayer0
  244. HeightMapSamplerLayer1
  245. HeightMapSamplerLayer2
  246. HeightMapSamplerLayer3
  247. HeightBias3
  248. HeightScale3
  249. HeightBias2
  250. HeightScale2
  251. HeightBias1
  252. HeightScale1
  253. HeightBias0
  254. HeightScale0
  255. SpecIntensityAdjust
  256. SpecularIntensityMultSpecMap
  257. SpecFalloffAdjust
  258. SpecularFalloffMultSpecMap
  259. SelfShadowing
  260. UseTreeNormals
  261. WindGlobalParams
  262. TreeLod2Normal
  263. TreeLod2Params
  264. DamageSampler
  265. envEffTexTileUV
  266. envEffScale
  267. envEffThickness
  268. matDiffuseColor
  269. DamagedWheelOffsets
  270. DamageTextureOffset
  271. DamageMultiplier
  272. BoundRadius
  273. DirtLevelMod
  274. DirtSampler
  275. DirtColor
  276. Diffuse2SpecMod
  277. matDiffuseColor2
  278. DimmerSetPacked
  279. plateBgSampler
  280. plateBgBumpSampler
  281. FontSampler
  282. FontNormalSampler
  283. distEpsilonScaleMin
  284. distMapCenterVal
  285. FontNormalScale
  286. LicensePlateFontTint
  287. LicensePlateFontExtents
  288. numLetters
  289. LetterSize
  290. LetterIndex2
  291. LetterIndex1
  292. Specular2Color_DirLerp
  293. SnowSampler0
  294. SnowSampler1
  295. SpecTexTileUV
  296. DiffuseSampler3
  297. Diffuse3SpecMod
  298. Specular2ColorIntensity
  299. Specular2Factor
  300. DiffuseTexTileUV
  301. BumpSampler2
  302. DirtBumpSampler
  303. matWheelWorldViewProj
  304. matWheelWorld
  305. TyreDeformParams2
  306. TyreDeformParams
  307. TrackAnimUV
  308. Track2AnimUV
  309. TrackAmmoAnimUV
  310. FogColor
  311. SpecularFalloff
  312. SpecularIntensity
  313. RippleScale
  314. RippleBumpiness
  315. FlowSampler
  316. FogSampler
  317. RippleSpeed
  318. FoamSampler
  319. HeightOpacity
  320. WaveMovement
  321. WaterHeight
  322. WaveOffset
  323. DiffuseExtraSampler
  324. TextureSamplerDiffPal
  325. PaletteSelector
  326. Specular2Color
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