
1.8.8 Alchemist

Aug 7th, 2019
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  1. title: "Alchemist"
  2. rows: 5
  4. fill:
  5. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  6. data: 0
  7. display-name: "&r"
  9. left-slot: 11
  10. right-slot: 15
  11. preview-slot: 22
  12. accept-slot: 31
  14. book:
  15. success-rate-formula: "({left_success_rate} + {right_success_rate}) / 4"
  16. destroy-rate-formula: "({left_destroy_rate} + {right_destroy_rate}) / 4 + {max_destroy_rate}"
  17. eco-cost-formula: "0"
  18. exp-cost-formula: "({group_order_index} + 1) * {final_success_rate}"
  20. dust:
  21. percentage-formula: "({left_percentage} + {right_percentage}) / 2"
  22. eco-cost-formula: "0"
  23. exp-cost-formula: "({group_order_index} + 1) * {final_success_rate}"
  25. contents:
  26. preview:
  27. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  28. data: 7
  29. display-name: "&eITEM PREVIEW"
  30. lore:
  31. - "&7A preview of the item that you"
  32. - "&7will receive from the alchemist"
  33. - "&7will be displayed here."
  34. accept-before:
  35. material: INK_SACK
  36. data: 1
  37. display-name: "&cWaiting for you..."
  38. lore:
  39. - "&7The alchemist is waiting"
  40. - "&7for your enchange..."
  41. accept-after:
  42. material: INK_SACK
  43. data: 10
  44. display-name: "&eClick to confirm"
  45. lore:
  46. - "&cCost: {exp_cost} EXP"
  47. - ""
  48. - "&7Click to confirm the exchange"
  49. - "&7after which you will receive"
  50. - "&7the item displayed above."
  51. explanation:
  52. material: PAINTING
  53. display-name: "&8[&eThe Alchemist&8]"
  54. lore:
  55. - "&7The alchemist will exchange:"
  56. - ""
  57. - "&8- &f2x enchantment books"
  58. - "&7(of the same type and level) &ffor"
  59. - "&fthe same enchantment book"
  60. - "&7(of a higher level)"
  61. - ""
  62. - "&8- &f2x magic dust"
  63. - "&7(of the same rarity) &ffor"
  64. - "&fthe same dust"
  65. - "&7(of a higher percentage)"
  66. slot: 4
  67. corners:
  68. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  69. data: 11
  70. display-name: "&r"
  71. slot: "0,1,7,8,9,17,27,35,36,37,43,44"
  72. edge:
  73. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  74. data: 3
  75. display-name: "&r"
  76. slot: "2,3,5,6,18,26,38,39,40,41,42"
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