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- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- #define endl '\n'
- #define int long long
- #define double long double
- using namespace std;
- const int MAXN = (1 << 20);
- const int inf = (int)1e17 + 42;
- struct convex_hull_trick
- {
- struct line
- {
- int m, b, is_query;
- double line_x, val;
- line() {m = 0; b = 0; is_query = 0; line_x = 0; val = 0;}
- line(int _m, int _b) {m = _m; b = _b; is_query = 0; line_x = 0; val = 0;}
- bool operator<(const line &l2) const
- {
- if(!is_query && !l2.is_query) return m < l2.m;
- else if(l2.is_query) return line_x < l2.val;
- else return val < l2.line_x;
- }
- int value_at(int x) const
- {
- return m * x + b;
- }
- };
- set<line> hull;
- void clear() { hull.clear(); }
- void init() { clear(); }
- bool parallel(const line &l1, const line &l2) { return l1.m == l2.m; }
- double intersect_x(const line &l1, const line &l2)
- {
- if(parallel(l1, l2)) return inf;
- return (double)(l1.b - l2.b) / (double)(l2.m - l1.m);
- }
- bool has_prev(set<line>::iterator it) {return it != hull.end() && it != hull.begin();}
- bool has_next(set<line>::iterator it) {return it != hull.end() && next(it) != hull.end();}
- bool irrelevant(const line &l1, const line &l2, const line &l3) { return intersect_x(l1, l3) <= intersect_x(l1, l2); }
- bool irrelevant(set<line>::iterator it) { return has_prev(it) && has_next(it) && irrelevant(*prev(it), *it, *next(it)); }
- set<line>::iterator update_border(set<line>::iterator it)
- {
- double val;
- if(!has_next(it)) val = inf;
- else val = intersect_x(*it, *next(it));
- line tmp(*it);
- tmp.line_x = val;
- it = hull.erase(it);
- it = hull.insert(it, tmp);
- return it;
- }
- void add_line(int m, int b)
- {
- line to_add = line(m, b);
- set<line>::iterator it = hull.lower_bound(to_add);
- if(it != hull.end() && parallel(to_add, *it))
- {
- if(it->b < b) it = hull.erase(it);
- else return;
- }
- it = hull.insert(it, to_add);
- if(irrelevant(it)) {it = hull.erase(it); return; }
- while(has_prev(it) && irrelevant(prev(it))) hull.erase(prev(it));
- while(has_next(it) && irrelevant(next(it))) hull.erase(next(it));
- it = update_border(it);
- if(has_prev(it)) update_border(prev(it));
- if(has_next(it)) update_border(next(it));
- }
- int query(int x)
- {
- line to_find;
- to_find.is_query = 1;
- to_find.val = x;
- set<line>::iterator best_line = hull.lower_bound(to_find);
- if(best_line == hull.end())
- return inf;
- return best_line->value_at(x);
- }
- };
- void read()
- {
- }
- convex_hull_trick cht;
- void solve()
- {
- cht.init();
- }
- #undef int
- int main()
- {
- ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
- cin.tie(NULL);
- read();
- solve();
- return 0;
- }
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