Guest User


a guest
Aug 21st, 2019
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text 33.06 KB | None | 0 0
  1. local t = vgui
  2. local c = table
  3. local i = {}
  4. local l = {}
  5. local r = {}
  7. function LoadAdminTable()
  8. i = {
  9. {
  10. Name = GetTranslation("Kicker"),
  11. Action = "rlrp_kick",
  12. Input = GetTranslation("Raison du kick :"),
  13. Rank = 4
  14. },
  15. {
  16. Name = GetTranslation("Bannir"),
  17. Action = "reallife_showbanmenu",
  18. Input = nil,
  19. Rank = 4
  20. },
  21. {
  22. Name = GetTranslation("Tuer"),
  23. Action = "rlrp_kill",
  24. Input = nil,
  25. Rank = 4
  26. },
  27. {
  28. Name = GetTranslation("ESP Start"),
  29. Action = "rlrp_esp",
  30. Input = nil,
  31. Rank = 5
  32. },
  33. {
  34. Name = GetTranslation("ESP Stop"),
  35. Action = "rlrp_unesp",
  36. Input = nil,
  37. Rank = 5
  38. },
  39. {
  40. Name = GetTranslation("Donner argent"),
  41. Action = "rlrp_give_money",
  42. Input = GetTranslation("Montant : "),
  43. Rank = 5
  44. },
  45. {
  46. Name = GetTranslation("Definir argent"),
  47. Action = "rlrp_set_money",
  48. Input = GetTranslation("Montant : "),
  49. Rank = 5
  50. },
  51. {
  52. Name = GetTranslation("Retirer argent"),
  53. Action = "rlrp_take_money",
  54. Input = GetTranslation("Montant : "),
  55. Rank = 5
  56. },
  57. {
  58. Name = GetTranslation("Donner arme"),
  59. Action = "rlrp_give_weapon",
  60. Input = GetTranslation("Arme : "),
  61. Rank = 4
  62. },
  63. {
  64. Name = GetTranslation("Freezer"),
  65. Action = "rlrp_freeze",
  66. Input = nil,
  67. Rank = 4
  68. },
  69. {
  70. Name = GetTranslation("Unfreezer"),
  71. Action = "rlrp_unfreeze",
  72. Input = nil,
  73. Rank = 4
  74. },
  75. {
  76. Name = GetTranslation("Invisible"),
  77. Action = "rlrp_invis",
  78. Input = nil,
  79. Rank = 4
  80. },
  81. {
  82. Name = GetTranslation("Visible"),
  83. Action = "rlrp_uninvis",
  84. Input = nil,
  85. Rank = 4
  86. },
  87. {
  88. Name = GetTranslation("Teleporter le joueur"),
  89. Action = "rlrp_tp",
  90. Input = nil,
  91. Rank = 4
  92. },
  93. {
  94. Name = GetTranslation("God"),
  95. Action = "rlrp_godmode",
  96. Input = nil,
  97. Rank = 4
  98. },
  99. {
  100. Name = GetTranslation("UnGod"),
  101. Action = "rlrp_ungodmode",
  102. Input = nil,
  103. Rank = 4
  104. },
  105. {
  106. Name = "Stealth Mode ON",
  107. Action = "rlrp_stealthon",
  108. Input = nil,
  109. Rank = 4
  110. },
  111. {
  112. Name = "Stealth Mode OFF",
  113. Action = "rlrp_stealthoff",
  114. Input = nil,
  115. Rank = 4
  116. },
  117. {
  118. Name = GetTranslation("Se teleporter vers le joueur"),
  119. Action = "rlrp_teleporttoplayer",
  120. Input = nil,
  121. Rank = 4
  122. },
  123. {
  124. Name = GetTranslation("Blacklister"),
  125. Action = "rlrp_startblacklist",
  126. Input = nil,
  127. Rank = 4
  128. },
  129. {
  130. Name = GetTranslation("Reanimer"),
  131. Action = "rlrp_reanimate",
  132. Input = nil,
  133. Rank = 4
  134. },
  135. {
  136. Name = GetTranslation("Demote"),
  137. Action = "rlrp_demoteplayer",
  138. Input = nil,
  139. Rank = 4
  140. },
  141. {
  142. Name = "Screenshot",
  143. Action = "rlrp_screenplayer",
  144. Input = nil,
  145. Rank = 4
  146. },
  147. {
  148. Name = GetTranslation("Retirer le permis d'un joueur"),
  149. Action = "rlrp_removedrivinglicence",
  150. Input = nil,
  151. Rank = 4
  152. },
  153. {
  154. Name = "Autoriser l'utilisation d'arme en voiture",
  155. Action = "rlrp_allowweaponvehicle",
  156. Input = nil,
  157. Rank = 5
  158. },
  159. {
  160. Name = GetTranslation("Interdire l'utilisation d'arme en voiture"),
  161. Action = "rlrp_disallowweaponvehicle",
  162. Input = nil,
  163. Rank = 5
  164. },
  165. {
  166. Name = GetTranslation("Définir le rank pour le job actuel"),
  167. Action = "rlrp_setjobrank",
  168. Input = "Score : ",
  169. Rank = 5
  170. },
  171. {
  172. Name = "Espionner le joueur",
  173. Action = "rlrp_spyplayer",
  174. Input = "Temps de rafraichissement",
  175. Rank = 4
  176. }
  177. }
  179. l = {
  180. {
  181. Name = "Maintenance critique",
  182. Action = "rlrp_lockserver",
  183. Rank = 4
  184. },
  185. {
  186. Name = GetTranslation("Redemarrer"),
  187. Action = "rlrp_restart",
  188. Rank = 4
  189. },
  190. {
  191. Name = GetTranslation("Nettoyer les decals"),
  192. Action = "rlrp_cleardecals",
  193. Rank = 4
  194. },
  195. {
  196. Name = GetTranslation("Radar"),
  197. Action = "rlrp_startradar",
  198. Rank = 4
  199. },
  200. {
  201. Name = GetTranslation("Stopper radar"),
  202. Action = "rlrp_stopradar",
  203. Rank = 4
  204. },
  205. {
  206. Name = GetTranslation("Supprimer les voitures HS"),
  207. Action = "rlrp_clearcars",
  208. Rank = 4
  209. },
  210. {
  211. Name = GetTranslation("Afficher les logs"),
  212. Action = "rlrp_showlog",
  213. Rank = 4
  214. },
  215. {
  216. Name = GetTranslation("Ne plus afficher les logs"),
  217. Action = "rlrp_stoplog",
  218. Rank = 4
  219. },
  220. {
  221. Name = GetTranslation("Arreter le feu"),
  222. Action = "rlrp_stopfire",
  223. Rank = 4
  224. },
  225. {
  226. Name = "Respawn NPC",
  227. Action = "rlrp_npcrespawn",
  228. Rank = 4
  229. },
  230. {
  231. Name = GetTranslation("Activer l'IA"),
  232. Action = "rlrp_enableia",
  233. Rank = 5
  234. },
  235. {
  236. Name = GetTranslation("Désactiver l'IA"),
  237. Action = "rlrp_disableia",
  238. Rank = 5
  239. },
  240. {
  241. Name = "Screenshot Global (Dangeureux)",
  242. Action = "rlrp_screenshot_server",
  243. Rank = 4
  244. },
  245. {
  246. Name = "Faire danser tout ses pedays",
  247. Action = "rlrp_dance",
  248. Rank = 5
  249. },
  250. {
  251. Name = "Recharger les objects",
  252. Action = "rlrp_updateshopdb",
  253. Rank = 4
  254. },
  255. {
  256. Name = "Reinitialiser le montant des malettes",
  257. Action = "reallife_suitcasereset",
  258. Rank = 4
  259. }
  260. }
  262. r = {
  263. {
  264. Reason = e('<B/+8%"$0b*7A.+4#4', "z0JNHPLGXBOYaXBXOQ"),
  265. Time = 120
  266. },
  267. {
  268. Reason = e('%<V]Y$-"', "cN382MAN"),
  269. Time = 1440
  270. },
  271. {
  272. Reason = e("(<'1'\\#RTRU3<&1&$&", "kSIUR5W7t32AYUBORC"),
  273. Time = 60
  274. },
  275. {
  276. Reason = e("5Q'%&#=p=&+$;A\"\\GP", "v0UNOOQPKIGKU5C555"),
  277. Time = 1440
  278. },
  279. {
  280. Reason = e("3?6!Y?%", "rQQM8VV"),
  281. Time = 0
  282. },
  283. {
  284. Reason = e("%=5S>(25e3L<]", "kXBsrATPEa9P8"),
  285. Time = 2880
  286. },
  287. {
  288. Reason = e("%<*4%&2", "lRYAIRW"),
  289. Time = 60
  290. },
  291. {
  292. Reason = e('>9!P"=$7)6', "xKD5COVRZB"),
  293. Time = 360
  294. },
  295. {
  296. Reason = e("/,#Gu%846", "cCJ4UkWff"),
  297. Time = 120
  298. },
  299. {
  300. Reason = e("2>&54Y%\\%/", "bLIEGyn5IC"),
  301. Time = 2880
  302. },
  303. {
  304. Reason = e(':7%(Kg8"Q', "jEJXk4MP7"),
  305. Time = 1440
  306. },
  307. {
  308. Reason = e("=W=P$S$K7/EH'70U#!Q3[L9;W", "o6S7AsE9ZJe8BYT4MUqR88PT9"),
  309. Time = 1440
  310. },
  311. {
  312. Reason = e(")G#;T!YP9/", "z7BVtW63XC"),
  313. Time = 1440
  314. },
  315. {
  316. Reason = e('`W[+"\'"d2+B4c")\\PV;-iU[M\'=$', "266JQTGDBD6GCRL247UYI489NRJ"),
  317. Time = 1440
  318. },
  319. {
  320. Reason = e(":;G;j.+[!O2\\L#&-%<yA%K'", "iT5OJOY6DoV9lMSAIYY1D9S"),
  321. Time = 1440
  322. },
  323. {
  324. Reason = e("834?X\"%PCG.0=;F'2',\"Y4Q1S&&!Q86x>(", "uRAI9KV5c2ZYQR5FFNCLyP4BsEGO0MNXlx"),
  325. Time = 30
  326. },
  327. {
  328. Reason = e("\"Q',*YT^?1", "o4SMM897QV"),
  329. Time = 360
  330. },
  331. {
  332. Reason = e('((*?&(S1C4(*""+%<q0W5r#\\"%%K?', "xGFVEA6CcRZOGQCJHQE9PRU3KQP9Z"),
  333. Time = 360
  334. },
  335. {
  336. Reason = e("v$7U0!E", "5LR4DD7"),
  337. Time = 0
  338. },
  339. {
  340. Reason = e("b)#L5TR(A%hR7F7#6>S655=ES*t.#6<zB?PFf7?T^1?", "0LE9Ft6MaVO3E4RWSLsWEGX6sYSKWDYZ2M95FBQt3DM"),
  341. Time = 360
  342. },
  343. {
  344. Reason = e("'!;G7#1z,)Y*E'#E?(\"M$", "qNR3BQTZHH7YeKFeQMZ8W"),
  345. Time = 10080
  346. },
  347. {
  348. Reason = e("7?R#X)),-", "dO3NxJAMY"),
  349. Time = 60
  350. },
  351. {
  352. Reason = e("x<6',>s12E5=!Q;F/'8n(=Y]U=<JD\"UV</_7", "2SCBYLSAW7AHS3Z2JRJNXX794SHj1Lu3JJ1C"),
  353. Time = 60
  354. },
  355. {
  356. Reason = e("77&:[3q'<*1>4Y)\\$!.1V/3", "sXSX7VQDSGAJQyZ5ITBE7AV"),
  357. Time = 0
  358. }
  359. }
  360. end
  362. function GetPlayerOrder()
  363. local e = PlayerTable or {}
  364. c.Empty(e)
  366. for n, t in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  367. c.insert(e, {
  368. SteamID = t:SteamID(),
  369. Name = t:GetNWString("Name")
  370. })
  371. end
  373. c.SortByMember(e, "Name", function(t, e) return t > e end)
  375. return e
  376. end
  378. net.Receive("RealLife_AdminPanel", function()
  379. if (LocalPlayer():IsModerator()) then
  380. LoadAdminTable()
  381. local n = t.Create(e(")/>%\\)", "miLD1L"))
  382. n:SetSize(400, 330)
  383. n:Center()
  384. n:SetTitle(GetTranslation("Panel d'administration"))
  385. n:SetDraggable(true)
  386. n:SetSizable(false)
  387. n:ShowCloseButton(true)
  388. n:MakePopup()
  389. local o = t.Create(e("<13:6Q6?)*+)\\;", "xaAUF4DKPyCL9O"))
  390. o:SetParent(n)
  391. o:SetPos(5, 30)
  392. o:SetSize(385, 285)
  393. local a = t.Create(e("%:*Y\\]6>*9", "ajK791zWYM"))
  394. a:EnableVerticalScrollbar(true)
  395. a:SetPos(300, 100)
  396. a:SetSize(260, 240)
  397. a:EnableHorizontal(false)
  398. a:SetPadding(9)
  400. for o, n in pairs(i) do
  401. if (LocalPlayer():IsModerator() and n.Rank == 4) or (LocalPlayer():IsAdmin()) then
  402. local t = t.Create(e('q7!F$"W', "5uT2PM9"))
  403. t:SetSize(90, 25)
  404. t:SetText(n.Name)
  406. t.DoClick = function()
  407. local o = DermaMenu()
  409. for a, t in ipairs(GetPlayerOrder()) do
  410. o:AddOption(t.Name, function()
  411. if (n.Input ~= nil) then
  412. if (n.Action == e("FX5@,Q%9", "44G0s3DW")) then
  413. Input(n.Input, n.Action, t.SteamID, true)
  414. else
  415. Input(n.Input, n.Action, t.SteamID)
  416. end
  417. else
  418. RunConsoleCommand(n.Action, t.SteamID)
  419. end
  420. end)
  421. end
  423. o:Open()
  424. end
  426. a:AddItem(t)
  427. end
  428. end
  430. local n = t.Create(e("%:*Y\\]6>*9", "ajK791zWYM"))
  431. n:EnableVerticalScrollbar(true)
  432. n:SetPos(300, 100)
  433. n:SetSize(260, 240)
  434. n:EnableHorizontal(false)
  435. n:SetPadding(9)
  437. for l, a in pairs(l) do
  438. if (LocalPlayer():IsModerator() and a.Rank == 4) or (LocalPlayer():IsAdmin()) then
  439. local t = t.Create(e('q7!F$"W', "5uT2PM9"))
  440. t:SetSize(90, 25)
  441. t:SetText(a.Name)
  443. t.DoClick = function()
  444. Derma_Query(e("(&\\J@,BB26%.R+!@u;7>EQ,.QOR", "iT9j9C7bACWKrRN5ULVP1qXAqur") .. a.Name .. " ?", e("v7/7P5!", "5XAQ9GL"), e("7,`q@", "ni3Qa"), function()
  445. RunConsoleCommand(a.Action)
  446. end, "NO !", function() end)
  447. end
  449. n:AddItem(t)
  450. end
  451. end
  453. o:AddSheet(GetTranslation(e('vS8!:_>I0(FX%>?$0"$', "16KUS0PiTM5xOQJAEPW")), a, e("^>Z[:=/28T94E@/B^17", "9K3tITCYQ7VZ6oH01DG"), false, false)
  454. o:AddSheet(GetTranslation(e("#Q>C&)[F&Ek<&BNQ'D", "d4M7OF5fB0KOC084R6")), n, e('P0<eB\\*_"3?%%]-&1-"9', "7EUJ15F4KPPKVrZTTCAQ"), false, false)
  455. end
  456. end)
  458. function Input(S, r, l, i)
  459. local n = t.Create(e(")/>%\\)", "miLD1L"))
  460. n:SetSize(300, 140)
  461. n:Center()
  462. n:SetTitle(GetTranslation(e("'*:#>P!5G;0(.!", "fNWJP9RA5ZDAAO")))
  463. n:SetDraggable(true)
  464. n:SetSizable(false)
  465. n:ShowCloseButton(true)
  466. n:MakePopup()
  467. local o = t.Create(e('r8U3A2:"G3', "6l0K5wTV5J"), n)
  468. o:SetPos(30, 60)
  469. o:SetWide(235)
  470. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  471. a:SetPos(30, 30)
  472. a:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
  473. a:SetFont(e("P3)X&\\;", "4VO9S0O"))
  474. a:SetText(S)
  475. a:SizeToContents()
  477. if (i) then
  478. Wang = t.Create(e("#zFZ7V4;;%=", "g437U3FlZKZ"), n)
  479. Wang:SetPos(201, 80)
  480. Wang:SetMinMax(0, 240)
  481. Wang:SetDecimals(0)
  482. local t = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  483. t:SetPos(30, 83)
  484. t:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
  485. t:SetFont(e("P3)X&\\;", "4VO9S0O"))
  486. t:SetText(GetTranslation(e("64:#^36&^-(,&", "wPWJ0ltG0yAAC")))
  487. t:SizeToContents()
  488. end
  490. local t = t.Create(e('q7!F$"W', "5uT2PM9"), n)
  491. t:SetPos(100, 100)
  492. t:SetSize(90, 25)
  493. t:SetText(e("o7+;6*C", "9VGRRO1"))
  495. t.DoClick = function(e)
  496. if (i) then
  497. RunConsoleCommand(r, l, o:GetValue(), Wang:GetValue())
  498. else
  499. RunConsoleCommand(r, l, o:GetValue())
  500. end
  502. n:Close()
  503. end
  504. end
  506. function SpyPlayer(t, e, n)
  507. if (t:IsAdmin()) then
  508. for a, e in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  509. if (e:SteamID() == n[1]) then
  510. t.Spying = true
  511. e.IsSpyed = true
  512. end
  513. end
  514. end
  515. end
  517. concommand.Add(e(">\\K=+!%B", "L09MtDV2"), SpyPlayer)
  519. function ScannerOn(e, t, t)
  520. if (e:IsModerator()) then
  521. LocalPlayer().Radar = true
  522. end
  523. end
  525. concommand.Add(e("!^722$,1A%G0%#G", "S2EBmWXP3Q5QAB5"), ScannerOn)
  527. function ScannerOff(e, t, t)
  528. if (e:IsModerator()) then
  529. LocalPlayer().Radar = false
  530. end
  531. end
  533. concommand.Add(e("F#$F*77$6+6R$>", "4OV6uDCKFYW6EL"), ScannerOff)
  535. function UnSpyPlayer(e, n, t)
  536. if (e:IsAdmin()) then
  537. for n, e in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  538. if (e:SteamID() == t[1]) then
  539. e.IsSpyed = false
  540. end
  541. end
  542. end
  543. end
  545. concommand.Add(e("3<&$%$?\\B>", "APTTzQQ91N"), UnSpyPlayer)
  546. local o
  548. function UpdateBanValue(n, e, t)
  549. e = e + 1
  550. local e = (n * (t * e))
  551. o:SetValue(e)
  552. end
  554. net.Receive(e("\"<)/&<-2817$.X&7='*", "pYHCjUKWgsVJc9HVZBX"), function(n)
  555. LoadAdminTable()
  556. local S = 1440
  557. local l = 1
  558. local T = toint(net.ReadString())
  559. local s = net.ReadString()
  561. if (LocalPlayer():IsModerator()) then
  562. local i = e("61!~?", "scs1m")
  564. for t, e in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  565. if (e:SteamID() == s) then
  566. i = e:GetNWString("Name")
  567. end
  568. end
  570. local n = t.Create(e(")/>%\\)", "miLD1L"))
  571. n:SetSize(350, 320)
  572. n:Center()
  573. n:SetTitle(e("1TW<.^1=U12XI.'+8534", "c16Pb7WXusS6icFEYRVF"))
  574. n:SetDraggable(true)
  575. n:SetSizable(false)
  576. n:ShowCloseButton(true)
  577. n:MakePopup()
  578. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  579. a:SetPos(37, 50)
  580. a:SetText(GetTranslation(e(";:>.%8bHE", "qUKKPJBre")))
  581. a:SizeToContents()
  582. local a = t.Create(e('r8U3A2:"G3', "6l0K5wTV5J"), n)
  583. a:SetPos(80, 47)
  584. a:SetWide(250)
  585. a:SetText(i)
  586. a:SetEditable(false)
  587. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  588. a:SetPos(30, 80)
  589. a:SetText(e("0-U7^='TOW", "cY0V3tctuw"))
  590. a:SizeToContents()
  591. local a = t.Create(e('r8U3A2:"G3', "6l0K5wTV5J"), n)
  592. a:SetPos(80, 77)
  593. a:SetWide(250)
  594. a:SetText(s .. " - " .. T .. e("t77]r1kmW)3?+Oh", "TUV3ZBBM1FFQOoI"))
  595. a:SetEditable(false)
  596. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  597. a:SetPos(40, 110)
  598. a:SetText(GetTranslation(e("l];C6Vhm", "88V3EvRM")))
  599. a:SizeToContents()
  600. o = t.Create(e('r8U3A2:"G3', "6l0K5wTV5J"), n)
  601. o:SetPos(80, 107)
  602. o:SetWide(100)
  603. o:SetNumeric(true)
  604. o:SetEditable(true)
  605. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  606. a:SetPos(185, 110)
  607. a:SetText(GetTranslation(e("5,=&7!;", "XESSCDH")))
  608. a:SizeToContents()
  609. local a = t.Create(e("5v:>!+-W:", "q5USCDo8B"), n)
  610. a:SetPos(80, 137)
  611. a:SetSize(250, 20)
  612. a:SetValue("")
  614. for t, e in pairs(r) do
  615. a:AddChoice(e.Reason)
  616. end
  618. local i = t.Create(e('r8U3A2:"G3', "6l0K5wTV5J"), n)
  619. i:SetPos(80, 167)
  620. i:SetWide(250)
  621. i:SetText("")
  623. a.OnSelect = function(t, t, e, t)
  624. for n, t in pairs(r) do
  625. if (t.Reason == e) then
  626. S = t.Time
  627. UpdateBanValue(S, T, l)
  628. i:SetText(e)
  629. end
  630. end
  631. end
  633. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  634. a:SetPos(40, 140)
  635. a:SetText(GetTranslation(e("'5;G-[NcJ", "uTR4B5nYj")))
  636. a:SizeToContents()
  637. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  638. a:SetPos(12, 170)
  639. a:SetText(e('-,&E5B5V,"!*QV', "lYR7PbG7EQNDql"))
  640. a:SizeToContents()
  641. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  642. a:SetPos(36, 196)
  643. a:SetText(GetTranslation("Gravité :"))
  644. a:SizeToContents()
  645. local a = t.Create(e("5v:>!+-W:", "q5USCDo8B"), n)
  646. a:SetPos(80, 195)
  647. a:SetSize(250, 20)
  648. a:SetValue(GetTranslation("Modéré"))
  649. a:AddChoice(GetTranslation(e('7"6]&"', "zKX8SP")))
  650. a:AddChoice(GetTranslation("Modéré"))
  651. a:AddChoice(GetTranslation(e('#"X%7', "dP9SR")))
  652. a:AddChoice(GetTranslation(e("..2%,_?", "kVFWI2Z")))
  654. a.OnSelect = function(n, n, t, n)
  655. if (t == GetTranslation("Modéré")) then
  656. l = 1
  657. elseif (t == GetTranslation(e('7"6]&"', "zKX8SP"))) then
  658. l = .5
  659. elseif (t == GetTranslation(e('#"X%7', "dP9SR"))) then
  660. l = 2
  661. elseif (t == GetTranslation(e("..2%,_?", "kVFWI2Z"))) then
  662. l = 4
  663. end
  665. UpdateBanValue(S, T, l)
  666. end
  668. local a = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  669. a:SetPos(8, 223)
  670. a:SetText(GetTranslation(e("\"(>;.'F&1*REIX", "aGSVKI2GXX7esx")))
  671. a:SizeToContents()
  672. local a = t.Create(e('r8U3A2:"G3', "6l0K5wTV5J"), n)
  673. a:SetPos(80, 223)
  674. a:SetWide(250)
  675. a:SetText("")
  676. a:SetTall(50)
  677. a:SetText("")
  678. a:SetMultiline(true)
  679. local t = t.Create(e('q7!F$"W', "5uT2PM9"), n)
  680. t:SetSize(320, 30)
  681. t:SetPos(10, 280)
  682. t:SetText(e("0.6>$@", "rOXPM2"))
  684. t.DoClick = function(t)
  685. RunConsoleCommand(e("E(1A9('W!5R!2K", "7DC1fJF9QY3XW9"), s, o:GetValue(), i:GetValue(), a:GetValue())
  686. n:Close()
  687. end
  688. end
  689. end)
  691. function BlackListPlayer(n, a, i)
  692. if (n:IsModerator()) then
  693. local function l(l, i)
  694. local n = t.Create(e(")/>%\\)", "miLD1L"))
  695. n:SetSize(250, 150)
  696. n:Center()
  697. n:SetTitle(GetTranslation(e("`\\^4AT\"1x2#U3?(1'?", "493D2tFTXPO4PTDXTK")))
  698. n:SetDraggable(true)
  699. n:SetSizable(false)
  700. n:ShowCloseButton(true)
  701. n:MakePopup()
  702. local a = t.Create(e("`Z'&#$", "36NBFV"), n)
  703. a:SetPos(10, 27)
  704. a:SetWide(240)
  705. a:SetMin(0)
  706. a:SetMax(1440 * 30)
  707. a:SetValue(0)
  708. a:SetDecimals(0)
  709. local o = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  710. o:SetPos(15, 65)
  711. o:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  712. o:SetText(GetTranslation(e("b=CT9VP#L", "2X19X85M8")))
  714. a.OnValueChanged = function(n, t)
  715. if t < 1 then
  716. o:SetText(GetTranslation(e("b=CT9VP#L", "2X19X85M8")))
  717. o:SizeToContents()
  718. else
  719. o:SetText(MinutesToDate(t))
  720. o:SizeToContents()
  721. end
  722. end
  724. local o = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  725. o:SetPos(10, 90)
  726. o:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  727. o:SetText(GetTranslation(e("'5;G-[NcJ", "uTR4B5nYj")))
  728. local o = t.Create(e('r8U3A2:"G3', "6l0K5wTV5J"), n)
  729. o:SetPos(70, 90)
  730. o:SetWide(170)
  731. local t = t.Create(e('q7!F$"W', "5uT2PM9"), n)
  732. t:SetText(GetTranslation(e("2#3Z>*_1.V0", "pOR9UF6BZ3B")))
  733. t:SetWide(230)
  734. t:SetPos(10, 120)
  736. t.DoClick = function(t)
  737. RunConsoleCommand(e(':5B";$^R")$8:B', "HY0RdF23ABHQI6"), l, i, a:GetValue(), o:GetValue())
  738. n:Close()
  739. end
  740. end
  742. local n = t.Create(e(")/>%\\)", "miLD1L"))
  743. n:SetSize(190, 130)
  744. n:Center()
  745. n:SetTitle(GetTranslation("Selectionnez l'équipe"))
  746. n:SetDraggable(true)
  747. n:SetSizable(false)
  748. n:ShowCloseButton(true)
  749. n:MakePopup()
  750. BlackListList = t.Create(e("%:*Y\\]6>*9", "ajK791zWYM"), n)
  751. BlackListList:SetPos(10, 27)
  752. BlackListList:SetSize(170, 91)
  753. BlackListList:SetSpacing(1)
  754. BlackListList:EnableHorizontal(false)
  755. BlackListList:EnableVerticalScrollbar(famlse)
  757. for a, o in pairs(team.GetAllTeams()) do
  758. if (a > 1 and a < 1e3) then
  759. local e = t.Create(e('q7!F$"W', "5uT2PM9"))
  760. e:SetText(o.Name)
  762. e.DoClick = function(e)
  763. l(i[1], a)
  764. n:Close()
  765. end
  767. BlackListList:AddItem(e)
  768. end
  769. end
  770. end
  771. end
  773. concommand.Add("rlrp_startblacklist", BlackListPlayer)
  774. CreateClientConVar(e("$-!V/0>Y*<:$1", "PBF1CUa8NQITH"), 1, true, false)
  776. hook.Add(e("p&>>-&_C", "8sznLO17"), e("&V&?,5RY", "q7JSDT12"), function()
  777. if LocalPlayer():IsModerator() and LocalPlayer().Spying then
  778. for n, t in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  779. if ConVarExists(e("$-!V/0>Y*<:$1", "PBF1CUa8NQITH")) and GetConVar(e("$-!V/0>Y*<:$1", "PBF1CUa8NQITH")):GetInt() == 1 and t.IsSpyed then
  780. local n = (t:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 80)):ToScreen()
  781. draw.DrawText(t:Nick(), e("4(1#1r$#$D+3p06", "fdcsn6AEE1GG2YQ"), n.x, n.y, Color(255, 0, 0, 255), 1)
  782. end
  783. end
  784. end
  785. end)
  787. net.Receive(e('5\\;E&W=]01?"5', "f4T2g9I4SYZCA"), function(n)
  788. local a = net.ReadTable()
  789. local n = t.Create(e(")/>%\\)", "miLD1L"))
  790. n:SetSize(1024, 300)
  791. n:Center()
  792. n:SetTitle(e(".48;6?,7,D=>7", "oZLRUWIVXdqQP"))
  793. n:SetDraggable(true)
  794. n:SetSizable(true)
  795. n:ShowCloseButton(true)
  796. n:MakePopup()
  797. local t = t.Create(e("p<19F5$=?", "4pXJ2cMXH"), n)
  798. t:SetPos(10, 25)
  799. t:SetSize(1e3, 270)
  800. t:SetMultiSelect(false)
  801. t:AddColumn("Name")
  802. t:AddColumn(e("s\\],:Y,4", "153MH0IG"))
  804. for e, n in pairs(a) do
  805. t:AddLine(e, n)
  806. end
  807. end)
  809. net.Receive(e("(,9Z?8U'0b.+G#5(bW\",&", "zIX6sQ3Bo1FD0aTF26LIJ"), function(n)
  810. local d = net.ReadTable()
  811. local G = net.ReadTable()
  813. local r = {
  814. Extreme = {
  815. Faults = {GetTranslation("Ban Permanent")},
  816. Min = 0,
  817. Max = 0
  818. },
  819. High = {
  820. Faults = {GetTranslation(e("%SK<8-=L,@6L(8%P", "f29WQAQla5Z8AHI5")), GetTranslation(e('v$/R,#6\\K,=\\<2-)?h.BT?9;%"', "0VJ7GJZ0djO9YAEFKHC78KPKIG")), GetTranslation(e(",ZP!'J0TR568h9'I#\"I-:", "z59UR8Ut6TXKHUBimG1XI")), GetTranslation(e("!1YA7#>6]mF?!>Z=+!+6", "qC61DhWZ1M0PMQ4IJHYS")), GetTranslation("Ne parle pas français"), GetTranslation(e("5DBJ/E6,GM<z_8310", "t168JePM29YZ8JRGU"))},
  821. Min = 2880,
  822. Max = 30240
  823. },
  824. Medium = {
  825. Faults = {GetTranslation(e(")3L#!/Z!60K`$2.>,0&3Y.P+==$P", "dV8BFN7HXWd0KEKLKQKZ7IpGRHV4")), GetTranslation(e(").0=7$C=R9,%++-:/0(V$Wh?,\\);", "cAEXBVcM7KXPYILNJEZvA9HZZ9GO")), GetTranslation(e('(51"-9!=\\-@P]:>];', "nGTGFPMQsk258IV2O")), GetTranslation("NLR"), GetTranslation(e("8,6='@,1", "qBEHK4IB")), GetTranslation(e("s=)!;9!0+'", "5OLDzKSUXS")), GetTranslation(e(":+<?F815Q", "jYSO5kDG7")), GetTranslation(e(";];+;[?\\q.S(V,?<429<", "x2UON2K9QJ2F1IJNQGJY")), GetTranslation(e('k;T"5G&C?\\YPR"X#&', "9Z9CF4CcZ2y11V1LH")), GetTranslation("Refus de s'arrêter après un mur"), GetTranslation(e('<B/+8%"$0b*7A.+4#4', "z0JNHPLGXBOYaXBXOQ")), GetTranslation(e('19<,UF*1h.6_&p*RT"#*+PxB#!F', "bVNXu3DTHOD2CPN7tLVFG5X2BS2")), GetTranslation("Referme porte après crochettage/charge"), GetTranslation(e("'B<90w%7/1", "w0SIC5IXLZ")), GetTranslation("Autre faute modérée")},
  826. Min = 360,
  827. Max = 5760
  828. },
  829. Low = {
  830. Faults = {GetTranslation(e('-P4(=)4lX<N7\\+(L/.6"', "n1FCTEXL1R8X0DF8NGDG")), GetTranslation(e('(#9*(X/+\\RL`-O"96./]4>LU21U5#', "eFMKO9BB25c0B8GKQOB4ZYl3SX7YF")), GetTranslation(e("7?R#X)),-", "dO3NxJAMY")), GetTranslation(e("t;_<D'7PK-*&!\":F3@<", "7T1X1NC5kLMASGI5Z6Y")), GetTranslation(e("/,#Gu%846", "cCJ4UkWff")), GetTranslation(e(":X&ZE3G'5)<I<2Ki)%&#,=E5,b-X;S$+:*(7", "t7Hz7V4WPJHiXW8IJDHBYEeQIBI1H0QXICGY")), GetTranslation(e(")G#;T!YP9/", "z7BVtW63XC")), GetTranslation(e('1#&35;8)/M%-7CS"Z?\\U', "wQCVENVJGmMBE0sT3S00")), GetTranslation("Barricades non réglementaire"), GetTranslation(e(';=$8"/QR\\QV5R', "tHFTKJq69qyX7")), GetTranslation(e("2&0C'f%U\"7)Q(>&$::)", "sSD1BFC4WCLqEWHAOHL"))},
  831. Min = 5,
  832. Max = 360
  833. }
  834. }
  836. local a = r.Low
  837. local n = player.GetAll()[1]
  838. local n = t.Create(e(")/>%\\)", "miLD1L"))
  839. n:SetSize(400, 450)
  840. n:Center()
  841. n:SetTitle(GetTranslation(e("v+:A=6_,,$X=)<", "4JTapW1MKA5XGH")))
  842. n:SetDraggable(true)
  843. n:SetSizable(true)
  844. n:ShowCloseButton(true)
  845. n:MakePopup()
  846. local o = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  847. o:SetPos(20, 40)
  848. o:SetText(GetTranslation(e('"=31*#O`4Uv', "rNVDNLo2duL")) .. " " .. G.Name)
  849. o:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  850. o:SizeToContents()
  851. local o = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  852. o:SetPos(20, 75)
  853. o:SetText(GetTranslation(e("#?<=oV2L5#F1&kH", "wFLXO2WlSB3ECKr")))
  854. o:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  855. o:SizeToContents()
  856. local S = t.Create(e("5v:>!+-W:", "q5USCDo8B"), n)
  857. S:SetPos(120, 71)
  858. S:SetSize(250, 20)
  859. S:SetValue(GetTranslation(e(":!^0E8V", "wH0U0J3")))
  860. S:AddChoice(GetTranslation(e(":!^0E8V", "wH0U0J3")))
  861. S:AddChoice(GetTranslation("Modérée"))
  862. S:AddChoice(GetTranslation(e('")S!9D6', "oH9DL6S")))
  863. S:AddChoice(GetTranslation(e("..2%,_?", "kVFWI2Z")))
  864. local o = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  865. o:SetPos(20, 105)
  866. o:SetText(GetTranslation(e("(/>@'?Hx", "zNW3HQhB")))
  867. o:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  868. o:SizeToContents()
  869. local l = t.Create(e("5v:>!+-W:", "q5USCDo8B"), n)
  870. l:SetPos(120, 101)
  871. l:SetSize(250, 20)
  872. l:SetValue(a.Faults[1])
  874. for t, e in pairs(a.Faults) do
  875. l:AddChoice(e)
  876. end
  878. local o = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  879. o:SetPos(20, 130)
  880. o:SetText(GetTranslation(e("=S+P6Y2?%^^Mb", "y6X3D0BKL10mX")))
  881. o:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  882. o:SizeToContents()
  883. local s = t.Create(e('r8U3A2:"G3', "6l0K5wTV5J"), n)
  884. s:SetPos(120, 130)
  885. s:SetWide(250)
  886. s:SetText("")
  887. s:SetTall(50)
  888. s:SetText("")
  889. s:SetMultiline(true)
  890. local o = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  891. o:SetPos(20, 185)
  892. o:SetText(GetTranslation(e("05'?6A!VI*U<G^", "dPJOEaE3iH4Rgd")))
  893. o:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  894. o:SizeToContents()
  895. local o = t.Create(e("`Z'&#$", "36NBFV"), n)
  896. o:SetPos(120, 180)
  897. o:SetWide(280)
  898. o:SetMin(a.Min)
  899. o:SetMax(a.Max)
  900. o:SetValue(a.Min)
  901. o:SetDecimals(0)
  902. local T = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  903. T:SetPos(20, 215)
  904. T:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  905. local i = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  906. i:SetPos(20, 245)
  907. i:SetText(GetTranslation("Nombre de bans ayant la même raison : "))
  908. i:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  909. i:SizeToContents()
  911. local function C()
  912. local t = 0
  913. local e = 0
  914. local n = 0
  916. for o, a in pairs(d) do
  917. if c.HasValue(r.High.Faults, a.raison) then
  918. t = t + 1
  919. elseif c.HasValue(r.Medium.Faults, a.raison) then
  920. e = e + 1
  921. elseif c.HasValue(r.Low.Faults, a.raison) then
  922. n = n + 1
  923. end
  924. end
  926. return {
  927. Low = n,
  928. Medium = e,
  929. High = t
  930. }
  931. end
  933. local c = C()
  934. local C = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  935. C:SetPos(20, 270)
  936. C:SetText(GetTranslation(e('&V(8<SvS<S0P_"wYP-."!ER}BGDTXSVD', "h9EZN6V7YsR11QW49CKWS6rUivtqqsld")) .. c.Low)
  937. C:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  938. C:SizeToContents()
  939. local C = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  940. C:SetPos(20, 290)
  941. C:SetText(GetTranslation("Nombre de bans moderés (+20%) : ") .. c.Medium)
  942. C:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  943. C:SizeToContents()
  944. local C = t.Create(e("*-QQ-X", "na03H4"), n)
  945. C:SetPos(20, 310)
  946. C:SetText(GetTranslation(e("$#*[(1z==nU%4\"O'80W3A$LazkZJltXD", "jLG9ZTZYXN7DZQoJYZ2F3WlIQXjoETbd")) .. c.High)
  947. C:SetFont(e("$+<6*)(1UD584(7+-'", "vgnfumMW41YLyMSBXJ"))
  948. C:SizeToContents()
  950. local function C()
  951. for t, e in pairs(d) do
  952. if e.raison == l:GetValue() then
  953. i:SetColor(Color(200, 0, 0))
  954. i:SetText(GetTranslation("Nombre de bans ayant la même raison : ") .. e.count)
  955. i:SizeToContents()
  957. return
  958. end
  959. end
  961. i:SetText(GetTranslation("Nombre de bans ayant la même raison : ") .. "0")
  962. i:SizeToContents()
  963. i:SetColor(Color(0, 200, 0))
  964. end
  966. local function i(e)
  967. return e + (c.Low * (e * .1)) + (c.Medium * (e * .2)) + (c.High * (e * .3))
  968. end
  970. local function c()
  971. o:SetMin(a.Min)
  972. o:SetMax(a.Max)
  973. o:SetValue(a.Min)
  974. l:Clear()
  975. l:SetValue(a.Faults[1])
  977. for t, e in pairs(a.Faults) do
  978. l:AddChoice(e)
  979. end
  981. C()
  982. end
  984. o.OnValueChanged = function(t, e)
  985. T:SetText(MinutesToDate(i(e)))
  986. T:SizeToContents()
  987. end
  989. l.OnSelect = function(e, e, e, e)
  990. C()
  991. end
  993. S.OnSelect = function(n, n, t, n)
  994. if (t == GetTranslation(e(":!^0E8V", "wH0U0J3"))) then
  995. a = r.Low
  996. elseif (t == GetTranslation("Modérée")) then
  997. a = r.Medium
  998. elseif (t == GetTranslation(e('")S!9D6', "oH9DL6S"))) then
  999. a = r.High
  1000. elseif (t == GetTranslation(e("..2%,_?", "kVFWI2Z"))) then
  1001. a = r.Extreme
  1002. end
  1004. c()
  1005. end
  1007. C()
  1008. T:SetText(MinutesToDate(i(o:GetValue())))
  1009. T:SizeToContents()
  1010. local a = t.Create(e('q7!F$"W', "5uT2PM9"), n)
  1011. a:SetText(GetTranslation(e("0.6>$@", "rOXPM2")))
  1012. a:SetPos(20, 400)
  1013. a:SetSize(180, 30)
  1015. a.DoClick = function()
  1016. net.Start(e('+41]:="46*8*/G\\@', "yQP1vTDQihYDz492"))
  1018. net.WriteTable({
  1019. SteamID = G.SteamID,
  1020. BanTime = toint(i(o:GetValue())),
  1021. Reason = l:GetValue(),
  1022. Description = s:GetValue()
  1023. })
  1025. net.SendToServer()
  1026. n:Close()
  1027. end
  1029. local t = t.Create(e('q7!F$"W', "5uT2PM9"), n)
  1030. t:SetText(GetTranslation(e("34Y84.&", "rZ7MXKT")))
  1031. t:SetPos(200, 400)
  1032. t:SetSize(180, 30)
  1034. t.DoClick = function()
  1035. RunConsoleCommand(e("+%?G/&[2(?$6]", "YIM7pS5TZZAL8"), G.SteamID)
  1036. n:Close()
  1037. end
  1038. end)
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