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/sbg/ QOL mods

a guest
Aug 4th, 2016
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  1. /sbg/'s QOL mods for Starbound
  3. So you wanna play Starbound now that it's out of early access? Tough shit, the game's fucked.
  4. Here are some QOL mods that will make your experience bearable:
  6. -Augment Slots for Armor
  7. This mod adds one augment slot to the legs, chest, and head of all vanilla tiers of armor in the game. Alternate versions of this exist if you find this too overpowered, such as adding an augment slot to all back items and nothing else. There are even versions of this which support custom race mods and the armor that comes with them, including all the armor in Frackin Universe.
  8. Steam link:
  9. Non-steam link:
  11. -Better Barren - Elysium Worlds
  12. Adds three new types of barren planets for people to build on without enemies spawning. Barren planets which already exist won't be affected.
  13. Steam link:
  14. Non-steam link:
  16. -Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler
  17. This mod adds a ceiling mounted water sprinkler that is meant to match futuristic style builds. It covers 8-10 blocks and constantly waters the ground below it. It can be turned on/off with wiring and is a great solution to those who don't want to make holes in their crop fields for ground sprinklers.
  18. Steam link:
  19. Non-steam link: (There's no forum thread for it, but the mod creator put this link in the steam workshop description for those who don't want to use the steam version of it.)
  21. -Compact Crops
  22. All crops now only require 1 tile of space to be planted, as opposed to needing 3 tiles (1 tile to plant + 1 tile of empty space to the left and to the right) in vanilla.
  23. Steam link:
  24. Non-steam link:
  26. -Container UI Tweak
  27. Moves the UI windows so that your character isn't obscured when you open it.
  28. Steam link:
  29. Non-steam link:
  31. -Disabled drop for Survival Mode
  32. Survival mode characters will no longer drop items on death. (NOTE: This is not compatible with the Hunger Enabler for Casual Mode mod. You can only choose one or the other.)
  33. Steam link:
  34. Non-steam link: Either I can't find it or it doesn't exist outside of steam yet.
  36. -Earth's Finest - Crew Improvements
  37. A mod to make your crew NOT useless. Raises the number of crew members you can take with you from 2 to 3, gives everyone class-specific weapons, buffs the damage, buffs the health, makes medic not totally fucking useless, transforms janitors into merchants, shit like that.
  38. Steam link:
  39. Non-steam link:
  41. -Enhanced Storage
  42. All of the benefits of Improved Containers, and more. Most notably, all containers now offer significantly more space to store your stuff. In addition, a mostly unused room in the outpost is converted into a room where you can craft any storage container that you've broken before (such as chests you've destroyed while exploring planets) for a very reasonable price.
  43. Steam link:
  44. Non-steam link:
  46. -EPP Light Mod
  47. Integrates the light augment to every other augment. The Health I augment will give light equivalent to the Light I augment, the Ice resist II will have the Light II, etc.
  48. Steam link:
  49. Non-steam link: (There's no forum thread for it, but the mod creator put this link in the steam workshop description for those who don't want to use the steam version of it.)
  51. -Fix Floaty Controls
  52. NOW YOU ARE A NORMAL BEING AND NOT A WALKING ALIEN SOAP BAR. Seriously, try playing with it and without it, you won't go back to vanilla after that.
  53. Steam link:
  54. Non-steam link: Either I can't find it or it doesn't exist outside of steam yet.
  56. -Food Stack
  57. Self-explanatory. I do not know what goes on inside chuckledicks tiny, tiny brains, but this is a retarded game design decision. Now you can craft the food stacker to stack all those fucking steaks.
  58. Steam link:
  59. Non-steam link:
  61. -Freedom of Movement
  62. You'll never look at techs the same way again after using this. Dash techs no longer prevent jumping or clamp momentum on ending. Sprint tech no longer prevents multi-jump. Blink dash can now be used in the air and no longer drops the player. Clinging to a wall with wall jump tech resets multi-jump, allowing you to wall jump to greater heights forever as long as you have a wall to jump off of and don't hit a ceiling. Launch speed of sonic sphere increased 50%. Distortion spheres except for spike have increased speed and reduced friction.
  63. Steam link:
  64. Non-steam link: Either I can't find it or it doesn't exist outside of steam yet.
  66. -Gardenbot2 - MP Friendly *
  67. Wanna stop torturing yourself by watering every fucking inch of your garden and running around to collect crops like a jew collecting coins in Uncle Scrooge's pool? This is for you. Plop down a bot, mark your garden, and the little shit will till, plant, water, and gather your plants, free of charge. Take that, chuckledicks. Also supports lumberbots.
  68. * MP Friendly means that minerbots are disabled since it's easy to exploit them to destroy other players' bases.
  69. Steam link:
  70. Non-steam link: (Direct link from the forum thread since this version without miners doesn't have its own dedicated thread, and it might take people a minute to find this link since it's not located in the usual spot.)
  72. -Hunger Enabler for Casual Mode
  73. Yes, this mod *adds* difficulty to the game, but *only* for casual characters. This might be exactly what you're looking for: switching from survival mode to casual mode to make the game easier, but with the added immersion of keeping hunger and giving more purpose to all the food you have. (NOTE: This is not compatible with the Disabled drop for Survival Mode mod. You can only choose one or the other.)
  74. Steam link:
  75. Non-steam link: Either I can't find it or it doesn't exist outside of steam yet.
  77. -Improved Containers
  78. Basically a downgraded version of Enhanced Storage in which storage containers' space isn't increased and a crafting area to craft any storage container you want (so long as you've already found one of it before) is not added to the outpost. You can rename your containers, sort the items inside, quick stack your shit, and player-placed containers don't drop their shit when you break them.
  79. Steam link:
  80. Non-steam link:
  82. -Improved Food Descriptions
  83. Improves the interface of food and medicine descriptions and adds the following information: buff effects, amount of hunger restored when this item is used, and remaining spoil time in real world minutes.
  84. Steam link:
  85. Non-steam link:
  87. -Job Offers: Hire Anyone
  88. Do you really want an NPC as a crew member? Now you don't have to grind RNG for hours or days on end for them to give you enough quests to trigger the change. You can instantly make them work for you as any type of crew member you want by using a craftable/buyable job offer. You can even hire most story NPCs, such as Nuru, to work for you. (NOTE: You'll probably want to avoid doing this during missions unless you don't mind breaking them, like recruiting an NPC before they open a door.)
  89. Steam link:
  90. Non-steam link:
  92. -New & Outpost Merchants pay full price for your items
  93. Merchants will pay full price for your hard-earned loot.
  94. Steam link:
  95. Steam link 2.0: (In this version, merchants pay 50% of an item's value instead of 100%.)
  96. Non-steam link & 2.0 link: Either I can't find them or they don't exist outside of steam yet.
  98. -No Chuckle Intro
  99. Removes the mildly annoying, pointless chucklefuck intro, thus cutting down on time spent starting the game.
  100. Steam link:
  101. Non-steam link:
  103. -One-handed Torch
  104. Now you can have a flashlight and put torches at the same time. Nothing else to say about that.
  105. Steam link:
  106. Non-steam link:
  108. -Party Horn sound effect replaced by PSO2 Rare Drop sound
  109. Self-explanatory. This mod replaces one of the most common, obnoxiously loud sound effects in the game with a gentler, more fitting one for this sci-fi game.
  110. Steam link:
  111. Non-steam link: Either I can't find it or it doesn't exist outside of steam yet.
  113. -Perennial Crops
  114. Makes every base crop in the game (both wild and planted by the player) behave like tomatoes, bananas, cocoa plants, etc. Once you harvest them, they'll revert to their first growth stage automatically so you won't have to manually replant crops ever again.
  115. Steam link:
  116. Non-steam link:
  118. -Plant Speed Up
  119. Drastically speeds up the growth rate of all planted crops, saplings, and livestock. The only exceptions are mushrooms and farmable crystals for some reason.
  120. Steam link:
  121. Non-steam link: Either I can't find it or it doesn't exist outside of steam yet.
  123. -Reduced Fall Damage
  124. This mod reduces fall damage by two thirds as it can be very unpredictable and unforgiving. Considering that falling one screen in distance is almost always more life-threatening than fighting three enemies at once, this mod adds balance to the game in an area of gameplay where it's desperately needed, especially in the very early game before you have access to jump techs.
  125. Steam link:
  126. Non-steam link: Either I can't find it or it doesn't exist outside of steam yet.
  128. -Rot-B-Gone
  129. This mod removes the food rotting mechanic and rotten food items from the game entirely.
  130. Steam link:
  131. Steam link 2.0: (In this version, the amount of time it takes food to rot is doubled for all food, rather than rot being removed from the game entirely.)
  132. Non-steam link: Either I can't find it or it doesn't exist outside of steam yet.
  133. Non-steam link 2.0:!40Y3DJyb!5rHYtp0SHn0Sz01PYn9dpPsJys8Lj3uMErkvokiGpgE (In this version, the amount of time it takes food to rot is doubled for all food, rather than rot being removed from the game entirely.)
  135. -Skippable Cinematics
  136. Self-explanatory. Press the Esc key to skip cutscenes.
  137. Steam link:
  138. Non-steam link:
  140. -Slow Hunger
  141. Self-explanatory. In vanilla, you go from having a full hunger bar to starving in about 25 minutes. With this mod, it's slowed down to about 1 hour.
  142. Steam link:
  143. Non-steam link:!VlpCRKbK!8TNCu7PKBAaQ6DBFDLnyYA1EWpn3ZLBl5kFYP-GUDsI (There's no forum thread for it, but the mod creator put this link in the steam workshop description for those who don't want to use the steam version of it.)
  145. -Weapon Stats
  146. Displays item level/tier, DPS instead of damage and rate of fire separately, and damage per energy (DPE) for all swords and guns.
  147. Steam link:
  148. Non-steam link:
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