
Blaze It Chapter 1

Apr 21st, 2017
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  1. >"Hey sis, you going to hang out with Tree Hugger today?"
  2. >be Fluttershy
  3. >Tree Hugger invited you over for a party
  4. "Why are you having a party? It's a Thursday."
  5. >"Oh Fluttershy, you're hilarious. Come by around 12. Bring some chips or something"
  6. >your brother called not long after
  7. "Yeah Zephyr, I am. How did you know?"
  8. >"You don't have to be coy with me sis. Unless the cops are on the line. Did you narc?"
  9. >what
  10. "What are you talking about?"
  11. >"No time, gotta flush everything. See you at noon. Bring 50 bits."
  12. "WHAT!"
  13. >the line went dead
  14. >is there something special about April 20th?
  15. >You go to the calendar
  16. "No holidays listed. Hmmmmm."
  17. >You look at Angel
  18. "Do you know why my brother was so paranoid?"
  19. >He just stares at you
  20. >You shrug and look at the clock
  21. >11:30
  22. >Might as well head over there now
  23. >you grab some chips out of the cupboard and head over
  24. >you take a long glance at your bag of bits
  25. "He was probably joking about something."
  27. >be Tree Hugger
  28. >you've been celebrating 4/20 the proper way
  29. >2 joints, a brownie, and half a cold-water bong
  30. >You are high as hell
  31. >chilling in a sack-chair-thing Anonymous told Rarity to make for you
  32. >you manage a glance at the clock
  33. "Aw yeah, Fluttershy is gonna be here soon."
  34. "I wonder if she'll bring any animals. Can animals get high?"
  35. >you spend 5 minutes thinking about smoking that bear she keeps around
  36. >There's a knock at the door
  37. >fuck getting up
  38. "Come in"
  39. >It's Princess Twilight
  40. >you stare for a few more seconds
  41. "Aw fuck, it's the fuzz."
  42. >She rolls her eyes
  43. >"I can smell your potpourri from across town. If you don't want a charge, hook it up."
  44. >wait, what
  45. "wait, what?"
  46. >she tosses a bag of bits on the table
  47. >"My research indicates that one-fourth of an ounce costs 80-100 bits. There's 60 in there."
  48. >There's no way this is actually happening
  49. "Okay, I'm officially too high for this shit."
  50. >"I'm serious Tree Hugger."
  51. "Why do you need that much? Do you have any idea how much that is?"
  52. >You flop out of your bean chair, walk over to a cabinet
  53. >opening it up, you grab the cheap shit and carry it over to the table
  54. >she won't know the difference
  55. >You shake out 5-6 nuggets onto a scale
  56. > .25 grams
  57. >you're generous on the amount since it's the cheap stuff and she's a princess
  58. "That's enough to get someone like you high for 2 months"
  59. >she floats one up and examines it
  60. >"Hmmmmmmm"
  61. >Can she tell you gave her ditch weed?
  62. >Does she even know what primo stuff looks like?
  63. >"Sold."
  64. >she places the nugget gently back on the scale
  65. "Paper or plastic?"
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