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a guest
Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. prefix: ''
  2. name: English
  3. cmd-main-list:
  4. - ''
  5. - '&2▪ &7/bw stats'
  6. - '&2▪ &7/bw join &o<arena/group>'
  7. - '&2▪ &7/bw leave'
  8. - '&2▪ &7/bw lang'
  9. - '&2▪ &7/bw gui'
  10. - '&2▪ &7/bw start &3(vip)'
  11. cmd-lang-list-header: '{prefix} &2Available languages:'
  12. cmd-lang-list-format: '&a▪ &7{iso} - &f{name}'
  13. cmd-lang-usage: '{prefix}&7Usage: /lang &f&o<iso>'
  14. cmd-lang-not-exist: '{prefix}&cThis language doesn''t exist!'
  15. cmd-lang-set: '{prefix}&aLanguage changed!'
  16. cmd-lang-not-set: '{prefix}&cYou can''t change the language during the game.'
  17. cmd-join-usage: '§a▪ §7Usage: /bw join §o<arena/group>'
  18. cmd-join-not-found: '{prefix}&cThere isn''t any arena or arena group called: {name}'
  19. cmd-join-arena-full: |-
  20. {prefix}&cThis arena is full!
  21. &aPlease consider donating for more features. &7&o(click)
  22. cmd-join-arenas-full: '{prefix}&cThere isn''t any arena available right now ;('
  23. cmd-join-arena-full-vips: |-
  24. {prefix}&cWe apologise but this arena is full.
  25. &cWe know you're a donor but actually this arena is full of staff or/and donors.
  26. cmd-join-party-big: '{prefix}&cYour party is too big for joining this arena as a team
  27. :('
  28. cmd-join-not-leader: '{prefix}&cOnly the leader can choose the arena.'
  29. cmd-join-success: '{prefix}&7{player} &ehas joined (&b{on}&e/&b{max}&e)!'
  30. cmd-join-spectate: |-
  31. {prefix}§6You are now spectating §9{arena}§6.
  32. {prefix}§eYou can leave the arena at any time doing §c/leave§e.
  33. cmd-join-spectate-denied: '&cSpectators are not allowed in this arena!'
  34. cmd-tp-player-not-found: '{prefix}&cPlayer not found!'
  35. cmd-tp-not-in-arena: '{prefix}&cThis player is not in a bedwars arena!'
  36. cmd-tp-not-started: '{prefix}&cThe arena where the player is didn''t start yet!'
  37. cmd-tp-usage: '{prefix}&cUsage: /bw tp <username>'
  38. cmd-rejoin-no-arena: '{prefix}&cThere is no arena to rejoin!'
  39. cmd-rejoin-denied: '{prefix}&cYou can''t rejoin the arena anymore. Game ended or bed
  40. destroyed.'
  41. cmd-rejoin-allowed: '{prefix}&eJoining arena &a{arena}&e!'
  42. cmd-rejoin-player-reconnected: '{prefix}&7{player} &ehas reconnected!'
  43. cmd-not-in-arena: '{prefix}&cYou''re not in arena!'
  44. cmd-leave: '{prefix}&7{player} &ehas quit!'
  45. cmd-blocked-in-game: '{prefix}&cYou can''t do this during the game.'
  46. cmd-not-found: '{prefix}&cCommand not found or you don''t have permission!'
  47. cmd-party-help:
  48. - '&6▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬'
  49. - '&aParty Commands:'
  50. - '&e/party help &7- &bPrints this help message'
  51. - '&e/party invite <player> &7- &bInvites the player to your party'
  52. - '&e/party leave &7- &bLeaves the current party'
  53. - '&e/party remove <player> &7- &bRemove the player from the party'
  54. - '&e/party accept <player> &7- &bAccept a party invite'
  55. - '&e/party disband &7- &bDisbands the party'
  56. cmd-party-invite-usage: '{prefix}&eUsage: &7/party invite <player>'
  57. cmd-party-offline: '{prefix}&7{player} &eis offline!'
  58. cmd-party-invite: '{prefix}&eInvite sent to &7{player}&6.'
  59. cmd-party-invite-received: '{prefix}&b{player} &ehas invited you to a party! &o&7(Click
  60. to accept)'
  61. cmd-party-invite-self: '{prefix}&cYou cannot invite yourself!'
  62. cmd-party-no-invite: '{prefix}&cThere''s no party requests to accept'
  63. cmd-party-already-in: '{prefix}&eYou''re already in a party!'
  64. cmd-party-no-perm: '{prefix}&cOnly the party owner can do this!'
  65. cmd-party-accept-usage: '{prefix}&eUsage: &7/party accept <player>'
  66. cmd-party-join: '{prefix}&7{player} &ehas joined the party!'
  67. cmd-party-not-in: '{prefix}&cYou''re not in a party!'
  68. cmd-party-cant-leave: |-
  69. {prefix}&cYou can't leave your own party!
  70. &eTry using: &b/party disband
  71. cmd-party-leave: '{prefix}&7{player} &ehas leaved the party!'
  72. cmd-party-disband: '{prefix}&eParty disbanded!'
  73. cmd-party-remove-usage: '{prefix}&7Usage: &e/party remove <player>'
  74. cmd-party-remove: '{prefix}&7{player} &ewas removed from the party,'
  75. cmd-party-remove-not-in: '{prefix}&7{player} &eis not in your party!'
  76. cmd-start-no-game: §c▪ §7You're not playing!
  77. cmd-start: §c▪ §7Countdown shortened!
  78. cmd-start-no-perm: |-
  79. {prefix}&7You can't forcestart the arena.
  80. §7Please consider donating for VIP features.
  81. cmd-cooldown: '&cYou can''t do that yet! Wait {seconds} more seconds!'
  82. arena-kicked-by-vip: |-
  83. {prefix}&cSorry, but you were kicked out because a donor joined the arena.
  84. &aPlease consider donating for more features. &7&o(click)
  85. arena-countdown-stopped: '{prefix}§cThere aren''t enough players! Countdown stopped!'
  86. arena-restart-kick: '{prefix}&eThe arena you were in is restarting.'
  87. arena-status-playing: '&cPlaying'
  88. arena-status-restarting: '&4Restarting'
  89. arena-status-waiting: '&2Waiting §c{full}'
  90. arena-status-starting: '&6Starting §c{full}'
  91. arena-selector-gui-name: '&8Click to join'
  92. arena-selector-content-name: '&a&l{name}'
  93. arena-selector-content-lore:
  94. - ''
  95. - '&7Status: {status}'
  96. - '&7Players: &f{on}&7/&f{max}'
  97. - '&7Type: &a{group}'
  98. - ''
  99. - '&aLeft-Click to join.'
  100. - '&eRight-Click to spectate.'
  101. arena-start-countdown: '{prefix}&eThe game starts in &6{time} &eseconds!'
  102. arena-start-title: '&aGO'
  103. arena-start-tutorial:
  104. - '&a▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬'
  105. - '&f &lBedWars'
  106. - ''
  107. - '&e&l Protect your bed and destroy the enemy beds.'
  108. - '&e&l Upgrade yourself and your team by collecting'
  109. - '&e&l Iron, Gold, Emerald, and Diamond from generators'
  110. - '&e&l to access powerful upgrades.'
  111. - ''
  112. - '&a▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬'
  113. arena-join-denied-selector: '{prefix}&cSorry but you can''t join this arena at this
  114. moment. Use Right-Click to spectate!'
  115. arena-spectate-denied-selector: '{prefix}&cSorry but you can''t spectate this arena
  116. at this moment. Use Left-Click to join!'
  117. spectator-tp-gui-name: '&8Teleporter'
  118. spectator-tp-gui-head-name: '{prefix}{player}'
  119. spectator-tp-gui-head-lore:
  120. - '&7Health: &f{health}%'
  121. - '&7Food: &f{food}'
  122. - ''
  123. - '&7Left-click to spectate'
  124. spectator-tp-name: '&c&lReturn to lobby'
  125. spectator-tp-lore:
  126. - '&7Right-click to leave to the lobby!'
  127. spectator-first-person-enter-title: '&aSpectating &7{player}'
  128. spectator-first-person-enter-subtitle: '&cSNEAK to exit'
  129. spectator-first-person-quit-title: '&eExiting Spectator mode'
  130. spectator-first-person-quit-subtitle: ''
  131. arena-leave-party-disbanded: '{prefix}§cThe party owner has left and the party was
  132. disbanded!'
  133. generator-tier: '&eTier &c{tier}'
  134. generator-diamond: '&b&lDiamond'
  135. generator-emerald: '&a&lEmerald'
  136. generator-timer: '&eSpawns in &c{seconds} &eseconds'
  137. generator-upgrade-announce: '{prefix}{generatorType} Generators &ehave been upgraded
  138. to Tier &c{tier}'
  139. format-chat-lobby: '{level}{vPrefix} {player} &8» &f{message}'
  140. format-chat-waiting: '{level}{vPrefix} {player} &8» &f{message}'
  141. format-chat-global: '{level}{vPrefix}&6[SHOUT] {team} &7{player} &8» &f{message}'
  142. format-chat-team: '{level}{vPrefix} &f{team}&7 {player} &8» &f{message}'
  143. format-chat-spectator: '{level}{vPrefix}&7[SPECTATOR] {player} &8» &f{message}'
  144. format-sb-date: dd/MM/yy
  145. format-sb-team-eliminated: '&c&l✘'
  146. format-sb-bed-destroyed: '&a{remainingPlayers}'
  147. format-sb-team-alive: '&a&l✓'
  148. format-sb-generator-timer: mm:ss
  149. format-sb-you: '&7 (You)'
  150. format-action-tracking: '&fTracking: {team} &f- Distance: {distance}m'
  151. format-winner-team: ' {TeamColor}{TeamName} &7- {members}'
  152. format-winner-solo: ' {TeamColor}{TeamName} &7- {members}'
  153. format-tier1: I
  154. format-tier2: II
  155. format-tier3: III
  156. format-despawnable-health: '▮ '
  157. format-stats-time: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm
  158. format-papi-player-team: '{TeamColor}[{TeamName}]'
  159. format-papi-player-shout: '&6[SHOUT]'
  160. format-papi-player-spectator: '&7[SPECTATOR]'
  161. meaning-full: Full
  162. meaning-shout: shout
  163. meaning-nobody: Nobody
  164. meaning-never: Never
  165. meaning-iron-singular: Iron
  166. meaning-iron-plural: Iron
  167. meaning-gold-singular: Gold
  168. meaning-gold-plural: Gold
  169. meaning-emerald-singular: Emerald
  170. meaning-emerald-plural: Emeralds
  171. meaning-diamond-singular: Diamond
  172. meaning-diamond-plural: Diamonds
  173. meaning-vault-singular: $
  174. meaning-vault-plural: $
  175. interact-cant-place: '{prefix}&cYou can''t place blocks here!'
  176. interact-cant-break: '{prefix}&cYou can only break blocks placed by a player!'
  177. interact-cant-destroy-bed: '&cYou can''t destroy your own bed!'
  178. interact-bed-destroy-chat: |2
  180. &f&lBED DESTRUCTION > {TeamColor}{TeamName} Bed &7was deep fried by {PlayerColor}{PlayerName}&7!
  181. interact-bed-destroy-title: '&cBED DESTROYED!'
  182. interact-bed-destroy-subtitle: '&fYou will no longer respawn!'
  183. interact-bed-destroy-team: '&f&lBED DESTRUCTION > &7Your bed was iced by {PlayerColor}{PlayerName}&7!'
  184. interact-cant-open-chest: '&cYou can''t open this chest because this team was eliminated!'
  185. player-die-void-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7fell into the void.'
  186. player-die-void-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7fell into the void. &b&lFINAL
  187. KILL!'
  188. player-die-knocked-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was knocked into the void
  189. by {KillerColor}{KillerName}&7.'
  190. player-die-knocked-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was knocked into the void by
  191. {KillerColor}{KillerName}&7. &b&lFINAL KILL!'
  192. player-die-bomb-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was hit off by a love bomb from
  193. {KillerColor}{KillerName}&7.'
  194. player-die-bomb-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was hit off by a love bomb from
  195. {KillerColor}{KillerName}&7. &b&lFINAL KILL!'
  196. player-die-bomb2-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was hit off by a bomb.'
  197. player-die-bomb2-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was hit off by a bomb. &b&lFINAL
  198. KILL!'
  199. player-die-attack-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was killed by {KillerColor}{KillerName}&7.'
  200. player-die-attack-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was killed by {KillerColor}{KillerName}&7.
  201. &b&lFINAL KILL!'
  202. player-die-unknown-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7died.'
  203. player-die-unknown-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7died. &b&lFINAL KILL!'
  204. player-die-shoot-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was shoot by {KillerColor}{KillerName}&7!'
  205. player-die-shoot-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was shoot by {KillerColor}{KillerName}&7!
  206. &b&lFINAL KILL!'
  207. player-die-bedbug-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was killed by {KillerColor}{KillerTeamName}''s
  208. &7BedBug!'
  209. player-die-bedbug-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was killed by {KillerColor}{KillerTeamName}''s
  210. &7BedBug! &b&lFINAL KILL!'
  211. player-die-golem-regular: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was killed by {KillerColor}{KillerTeamName}''s
  212. &7Iron Golem!'
  213. player-die-golem-final: '{PlayerColor}{PlayerName} &7was killed by {KillerColor}{KillerTeamName}''s
  214. &7Iron Golem! &b&lFINAL KILL!'
  215. player-loot-diamond: '{prefix}&b+{amount} {meaning}'
  216. player-loot-emerald: '{prefix}&a+{amount} {meaning}'
  217. player-loot-iron: '{prefix}&f+{amount} {meaning}'
  218. player-loot-gold: '{prefix}&6+{amount} {meaning}'
  219. player-respawn-title: '&cYOU DIED!'
  220. player-respawn-subtitle: '&eYou will respawn in &c{time} &eseconds!'
  221. player-respawn-timer-chat: '{prefix}&eYou will respawn in &c{time} &eseconds!'
  222. player-respawned-title: '&aRESPAWNED!'
  223. player-eliminated-chat: '{prefix}&cYou have been eliminated!'
  224. game-end-game-over-title: '&c&lGAME OVER!'
  225. game-end-victory-title: '&6&lVICTORY!'
  226. game-end-winner-team: '{prefix}{TeamColor}{TeamName} &ahas won the game!'
  227. game-end-top-chat:
  228. - '&a▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬'
  229. - '&f &lBedWars'
  230. - ''
  231. - '{winnerFormat}'
  232. - ''
  233. - ''
  234. - '&e &l1st Killer &7- {firstName} - {firstKills}'
  235. - '&6 &l2nd Killer &7- {secondName} - {secondKills}'
  236. - '&c &l3rd Killer &7- {thirdName} - {thirdKills}'
  237. - ''
  238. - '&a▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬'
  239. bed-hologram-defend: '&c&lDefend your bed!'
  240. bed-hologram-destroyed: '&c&lYour bed was destroyed!'
  241. npc-team-upgrades: '&e&lTEAM,&E&LUPGRADES'
  242. npc-solo-upgrades: '&e&lSOLO,&E&LUPGRADES'
  243. npc-team-shop: '&e&lITEM SHOP'
  244. npc-solo-shop: '&e&lITEM SHOP'
  245. team-eliminated: |2
  247. &f&lTEAM ELIMINATED > {TeamColor}{TeamName} Team &chas been eliminated!
  248. next-event-beds-destroy: '&cBeds Destruction'
  249. next-event-diamondII: '&fDiamond II'
  250. next-event-diamondIII: '&fDiamond III'
  251. next-event-dragon-spawn: '&fSudden Death'
  252. next-event-emeraldII: '&fEmerald II'
  253. next-event-emeraldIII: '&fEmerald III'
  254. next-event-game-end: '&4Game End'
  255. next-event-beds-destroy-title: '&cBED DESTROYED!'
  256. next-event-beds-destroy-sub-title: '&fAll beds have been destroyed!'
  257. next-event-beds-destroy-chat: '&c&lAll beds have been destroyed!'
  258. next-event-sudden-death-title: '&cSudden Death'
  259. next-event-sudden-death-sub-title: ''
  260. next-event-sudden-death-chat: '&cSUDDEN DEATH: &6&b{TeamDragons} {TeamColor}{TeamName}
  261. Dragon!'
  262. xp-reward-per-minute: '{prefix}&6+{xp} BedWars Experience Received (Play Time).'
  263. xp-reward-game-win: '{prefix}&6+{xp} BedWars Experience Received (Game Win).'
  264. xp-reward-per-teammate: '{prefix}&6+{xp} BedWars Experience Received (Team Support).'
  265. lobby-items-stats-name: '&eStats'
  266. lobby-items-stats-lore:
  267. - '&fRight-click to see your stats!'
  268. lobby-items-arena-selector-name: '&eArena Selector'
  269. lobby-items-arena-selector-lore:
  270. - '&fRight-click to choose an arena!'
  271. lobby-items-leave-name: '&eBack to Hub'
  272. lobby-items-leave-lore:
  273. - '&fRight-click to leave BedWars!'
  274. pre-game-items-stats-name: '&eStats'
  275. pre-game-items-stats-lore:
  276. - '&fRight-click to see your stats!'
  277. pre-game-items-leave-name: '&eBack to Lobby'
  278. pre-game-items-leave-lore:
  279. - '&fRight-click to leave the arena!'
  280. spectator-items-teleporter-name: '&eTeleporter'
  281. spectator-items-leave-name: '&eBack to Lobby'
  282. spectator-items-leave-lore:
  283. - '&fRight-click to leave the arena!'
  284. trap-base-enter-action: '&cTRAP TRIGGERED!'
  285. trap-base-enter-chat: '{prefix}&cTRAP TRIGGERED!'
  286. trap-base-enter-subtitle: '&fYour trap has been set off!'
  287. trap-base-enter-title: '&cTRAP TRIGGERED!'
  288. stats-inv-name: '{player} Stats'
  289. stats-wins-name: '&6Wins'
  290. stats-wins-lore:
  291. - '&f{wins}'
  292. stats-losses-name: '&6Losses'
  293. stats-losses-lore:
  294. - '&f{losses}'
  295. stats-kills-name: '&6Kills'
  296. stats-kills-lore:
  297. - '&f{kills}'
  298. stats-deaths-name: '&6Deaths'
  299. stats-deaths-lore:
  300. - '&f{deaths}'
  301. stats-final-kills-name: '&6Final Kills'
  302. stats-final-kills-lore:
  303. - '&f{finalKills}'
  304. stats-final-deaths-name: '&6Final Deaths'
  305. stats-final-deaths-lore:
  306. - '&f{finalDeaths}'
  307. stats-beds-destroyed-name: '&6Beds Destroyed'
  308. stats-beds-destroyed-lore:
  309. - '&f{bedsDestroyed}'
  310. stats-first-play-name: '&6First Play'
  311. stats-first-play-lore:
  312. - '&f{firstPlay}'
  313. stats-last-play-name: '&6Last Play'
  314. stats-last-play-lore:
  315. - '&f{lastPlay}'
  316. stats-games-played-name: '&6Games Played'
  317. stats-games-played-lore:
  318. - '&f{gamesPlayed}'
  319. scoreboard:
  320. Default:
  321. waiting:
  322. - '&e&lBED WARS'
  323. - ''
  324. - '&fMap: &a{map}'
  325. - '&fPlayer: &a{on}/{max}'
  326. - ''
  327. - '&fWaiting...'
  328. - ''
  329. - '§fServer: &a{server}'
  330. - ''
  331. - '&e{server_ip}'
  332. starting:
  333. - '&e&lBED WARS'
  334. - ''
  335. - '&fMap: &a{map}'
  336. - '&fPlayer: &a{on}/{max}'
  337. - ''
  338. - '&fStarting in &a{time}s'
  339. - ''
  340. - '§fServer: &a{server}'
  341. - ''
  342. - '&e{server_ip}'
  343. playing:
  344. - '&e&lBED WARS'
  345. - '&7{date}'
  346. - ''
  347. - '&f{nextEvent}'
  348. - '&a{time}'
  349. - ''
  350. - '{TeamRedColor}&lR&f {TeamRedName}&f: {TeamRedStatus}'
  351. - '{TeamBlueColor}&lB&f {TeamBlueName}&f: {TeamBlueStatus}'
  352. - '{TeamGreenColor}&lG&f {TeamGreenName}&f: {TeamGreenStatus}'
  353. - '{TeamYellowColor}&lY &f{TeamYellowName}&f: {TeamYellowStatus}'
  354. - ''
  355. - '&fKills: &a{kills}'
  356. - '&fFinal Kills: &a{finalKills}'
  357. - '&fBeds Broken: &a{beds}'
  358. - ''
  359. - '&e{server_ip}'
  360. Doubles:
  361. playing:
  362. - '&e&lBED WARS'
  363. - '&7{date}'
  364. - ''
  365. - '&f{nextEvent} in &a{time}'
  366. - ''
  367. - '{TeamRedColor}R&f {TeamRedName}&f&f: {TeamRedStatus}'
  368. - '{TeamBlueColor}B&f {TeamBlueName}&f: {TeamBlueStatus}'
  369. - '{TeamGreenColor}G&f {TeamGreenName}&f: {TeamGreenStatus}'
  370. - '{TeamYellowColor}Y &f{TeamYellowName}&f: {TeamYellowStatus}'
  371. - ''
  372. - '&fKills: &a{kills}'
  373. - '&fFinal Kills: &a{finalKills}'
  374. - '&fBeds Broken: &a{beds}'
  375. - ''
  376. - '&e{server_ip}'
  377. 3v3v3v3:
  378. playing:
  379. - '&e&lBED WARS'
  380. - '&7{date}'
  381. - ''
  382. - '&f{nextEvent} in &a{time}'
  383. - ''
  384. - '{TeamRedColor}R&f {TeamRedName}&f&f: {TeamRedStatus}'
  385. - '{TeamBlueColor}B&f {TeamBlueName}&f: {TeamBlueStatus}'
  386. - '{TeamGreenColor}G&f {TeamGreenName}&f: {TeamGreenStatus}'
  387. - '{TeamYellowColor}Y &f{TeamYellowName}&f: {TeamYellowStatus}'
  388. - ''
  389. - '&fKills: &a{kills}'
  390. - '&fFinal Kills: &a{finalKills}'
  391. - '&fBeds Broken: &a{beds}'
  392. - ''
  393. - '&e{server_ip}'
  394. 4v4v4v4:
  395. playing:
  396. - '&e&lBED WARS'
  397. - '&7{date}'
  398. - ''
  399. - '&f{nextEvent} in &a{time}'
  400. - ''
  401. - '{TeamRedColor}R&f {TeamRedName}&f&f: {TeamRedStatus}'
  402. - '{TeamBlueColor}B&f {TeamBlueName}&f: {TeamBlueStatus}'
  403. - '{TeamGreenColor}G&f {TeamGreenName}&f: {TeamGreenStatus}'
  404. - '{TeamYellowColor}Y &f{TeamYellowName}&f: {TeamYellowStatus}'
  405. - ''
  406. - '&fKills: &a{kills}'
  407. - '&fFinal Kills: &a{finalKills}'
  408. - '&fBeds Broken: &a{beds}'
  409. - ''
  410. - '&e{server_ip}'
  411. lobby:
  412. - '&e&lBED WARS'
  413. - ''
  414. - '&fYour Level: {level}'
  415. - ''
  416. - '&fProgress: &b{currentXp}&7/&a{requiredXp}'
  417. - '&b{progress}'
  418. - ''
  419. - '&fCoins: &6{money}'
  420. - ''
  421. - '&fTotal Wins: &a{wins}'
  422. - '&fTotal Kills: &a{kills}'
  423. - ''
  424. - '&e{server_ip}'
  425. Solo:
  426. playing:
  427. - '&e&lBED WARS'
  428. - '&7{date}'
  429. - ''
  430. - '&f{nextEvent} in &a{time}'
  431. - ''
  432. - '{TeamRedColor}R&f {TeamRedName}&f&f: {TeamRedStatus}'
  433. - '{TeamBlueColor}B&f {TeamBlueName}&f: {TeamBlueStatus}'
  434. - '{TeamGreenColor}G&f {TeamGreenName}&f: {TeamGreenStatus}'
  435. - '{TeamYellowColor}Y &f{TeamYellowName}&f: {TeamYellowStatus}'
  436. - ''
  437. - '&fKills: &a{kills}'
  438. - '&fFinal Kills: &a{finalKills}'
  439. - '&fBeds Broken: &a{beds}'
  440. - ''
  441. - '&e{server_ip}'
  442. shop-items-messages:
  443. inventory-name: '&8Quick Buy'
  444. separator-item-name: '&8⇧ Categories'
  445. separator-item-lore:
  446. - '&8⇩ Items'
  447. quick-buy-item-name: '&bQuick Buy'
  448. quick-buy-item-lore: []
  449. quick-buy-empty-item-name: '&cEmpty slot!'
  450. quick-buy-empty-item-lore:
  451. - '&7This is a Quick Buy Slot!'
  452. - '&bSneak Click &7any item in'
  453. - '&7the shop to add it here.'
  454. can-buy-color: '&a'
  455. cant-buy-color: '&c'
  456. blocks-category:
  457. inventory-name: '&8Blocks'
  458. category-item-name: '&aBlocks'
  459. category-item-lore:
  460. - '&eClick to view!'
  461. content-item-wool-name: '{color}Wool'
  462. content-item-wool-lore:
  463. - '&7Cost: &f{cost} {currency}'
  464. - ''
  465. - '&7Great for bridging across'
  466. - '&7islands. Turns into your team''s'
  467. - '&7color.'
  468. - ''
  469. - '{quick_buy}'
  470. - '{buy_status}'
  471. content-item-clay-name: '{color}Hardened Clay'
  472. content-item-clay-lore:
  473. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  474. - ''
  475. - '&7Basic block to defend your bed.'
  476. - ''
  477. - '{quick_buy}'
  478. - '{buy_status}'
  479. content-item-glass-name: '{color}Blast-Proof Glass'
  480. content-item-glass-lore:
  481. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  482. - ''
  483. - '&7Immune to explosions.'
  484. - ''
  485. - '{quick_buy}'
  486. - '{buy_status}'
  487. content-item-stone-name: '{color}End Stone'
  488. content-item-stone-lore:
  489. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  490. - ''
  491. - '&7Solid block to defend your bed.'
  492. - ''
  493. - '{quick_buy}'
  494. - '{buy_status}'
  495. content-item-ladder-name: '{color}Ladder'
  496. content-item-ladder-lore:
  497. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  498. - ''
  499. - '&7Useful to save cats stuck in'
  500. - '&7trees.'
  501. - ''
  502. - '{quick_buy}'
  503. - '{buy_status}'
  504. content-item-obsidian-name: '{color}Obsidian'
  505. content-item-obsidian-lore:
  506. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  507. - ''
  508. - '&7Extreme protection for your bed.'
  509. - ''
  510. - '{quick_buy}'
  511. - '{buy_status}'
  512. content-item-wood-name: '{color}Wood'
  513. content-item-wood-lore:
  514. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  515. - ''
  516. - '&7Solid block to defend your bed'
  517. - ''
  518. - '{quick_buy}'
  519. - '{buy_status}'
  520. melee-category:
  521. inventory-name: '&8Melee'
  522. category-item-name: '&aMelee'
  523. category-item-lore:
  524. - '&eClick to view!'
  525. content-item-stone-sword-name: '{color}Stone Sword'
  526. content-item-stone-sword-lore:
  527. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  528. - ''
  529. - '{quick_buy}'
  530. - '{buy_status}'
  531. content-item-iron-sword-name: '{color}Iron Sword'
  532. content-item-iron-sword-lore:
  533. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  534. - ''
  535. - '{quick_buy}'
  536. - '{buy_status}'
  537. content-item-diamond-sword-name: '{color}Diamond Sword'
  538. content-item-diamond-sword-lore:
  539. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  540. - ''
  541. - '{quick_buy}'
  542. - '{buy_status}'
  543. content-item-stick-name: '{color}Stick (KnockBack I)'
  544. content-item-stick-lore:
  545. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  546. - ''
  547. - '{quick_buy}'
  548. - '{buy_status}'
  549. armor-category:
  550. inventory-name: '&8Armor'
  551. category-item-name: '&aArmor'
  552. category-item-lore:
  553. - '&eClick to view!'
  554. content-item-chainmail-name: '{color}Permanent Chainmail Armor'
  555. content-item-chainmail-lore:
  556. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  557. - ''
  558. - '&7Chainmail leggings and boots'
  559. - '&7which you will always spawn'
  560. - '&7with.'
  561. - ''
  562. - '{quick_buy}'
  563. - '{buy_status}'
  564. content-item-iron-armor-name: '{color}Permanent Iron Armor'
  565. content-item-iron-armor-lore:
  566. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  567. - ''
  568. - '&7Iron leggings and boots which'
  569. - '&7you will always spawn with.'
  570. - ''
  571. - '{quick_buy}'
  572. - '{buy_status}'
  573. content-item-diamond-armor-name: '{color}Permanent Diamond Armor'
  574. content-item-diamond-armor-lore:
  575. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  576. - ''
  577. - '&7Diamond leggings and boots which'
  578. - '&7you will always crush with.'
  579. - ''
  580. - '{quick_buy}'
  581. - '{buy_status}'
  582. tools-category:
  583. inventory-name: '&8Tools'
  584. category-item-name: '&aTools'
  585. category-item-lore:
  586. - '&eClick to view!'
  587. content-item-shears-name: '{color}Permanent Shears'
  588. content-item-shears-lore:
  589. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  590. - ''
  591. - '&7Great to get rid of wool. You'
  592. - '&7will always spawn with these shears.'
  593. - ''
  594. - '{quick_buy}'
  595. - '{buy_status}'
  596. content-item-pickaxe-name: '{color}Pickaxe {tier}'
  597. content-item-pickaxe-lore:
  598. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  599. - '&7Tier: &e{tier}'
  600. - ''
  601. - '&7This is an upgradable item.'
  602. - '&7It will lose 1 tier upon.'
  603. - '&7death!'
  604. - ''
  605. - '&7You will permanently'
  606. - '&7respawn with at least the'
  607. - '&7lowest tier.'
  608. - ''
  609. - '{quick_buy}'
  610. - '{buy_status}'
  611. content-item-axe-name: '{color}Axe {tier}'
  612. content-item-axe-lore:
  613. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  614. - '&7Tier: &e{tier}'
  615. - ''
  616. - '&7This is an upgradable item.'
  617. - '&7It will lose 1 tier upon.'
  618. - '&7death!'
  619. - ''
  620. - '&7You will permanently'
  621. - '&7respawn with at least the'
  622. - '&7lowest tier.'
  623. - ''
  624. - '{quick_buy}'
  625. - '{buy_status}'
  626. ranged-category:
  627. inventory-name: '&8Ranged'
  628. category-item-name: '&aRanged'
  629. category-item-lore:
  630. - '&eClick to view!'
  631. content-item-arrow-name: '{color}Arrow'
  632. content-item-arrow-lore:
  633. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  634. - ''
  635. - '{quick_buy}'
  636. - '{buy_status}'
  637. content-item-bow1-name: '{color}Bow'
  638. content-item-bow1-lore:
  639. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  640. - ''
  641. - '{quick_buy}'
  642. - '{buy_status}'
  643. content-item-bow2-name: '{color}Bow (Power I)'
  644. content-item-bow2-lore:
  645. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  646. - ''
  647. - '{quick_buy}'
  648. - '{buy_status}'
  649. content-item-bow3-name: '{color}Bow (Power I, Punch I)'
  650. content-item-bow3-lore:
  651. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  652. - ''
  653. - '{quick_buy}'
  654. - '{buy_status}'
  655. potions-category:
  656. inventory-name: '&8Potions'
  657. category-item-name: '&aPotions'
  658. category-item-lore:
  659. - '&eClick to view!'
  660. content-item-speed-potion-name: '{color}Speed II Potion (45 seconds)'
  661. content-item-speed-potion-lore:
  662. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  663. - ''
  664. - '{quick_buy}'
  665. - '{buy_status}'
  666. content-item-jump-potion-name: '{color}Jump V Potion (45 seconds)'
  667. content-item-jump-potion-lore:
  668. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  669. - ''
  670. - '{quick_buy}'
  671. - '{buy_status}'
  672. content-item-invisibility-name: '{color}Invisibility Potion (30 seconds)'
  673. content-item-invisibility-lore:
  674. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  675. - ''
  676. - '{quick_buy}'
  677. - '{buy_status}'
  678. utility-category:
  679. inventory-name: '&8Utility'
  680. category-item-name: '&aUtility'
  681. category-item-lore:
  682. - '&eClick to view!'
  683. content-item-golden-apple-name: '{color}Golden Apple'
  684. content-item-golden-apple-lore:
  685. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  686. - ''
  687. - '&7Well-rounded healing.'
  688. - ''
  689. - '{quick_buy}'
  690. - '{buy_status}'
  691. content-item-bedbug-name: '{color}BedBug'
  692. content-item-bedbug-lore:
  693. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  694. - ''
  695. - '&7Spawns silverfish where the'
  696. - '&7snowball lands to distract your'
  697. - '&7enemies. Lasts 15 seconds.'
  698. - ''
  699. - '{quick_buy}'
  700. - '{buy_status}'
  701. content-item-dream-defender-name: '{color}Dream Defender'
  702. content-item-dream-defender-lore:
  703. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  704. - ''
  705. - '&7Iron Golem to help defend your'
  706. - '&7base. Lasts 4 minutes.'
  707. - ''
  708. - '{quick_buy}'
  709. - '{buy_status}'
  710. content-item-fireball-name: '{color}Fireball'
  711. content-item-fireball-lore:
  712. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  713. - ''
  714. - '&7Right-click to launch! Great to'
  715. - '&7knock back enemies walking on'
  716. - '&7thin bridges'
  717. - ''
  718. - '{quick_buy}'
  719. - '{buy_status}'
  720. content-item-tnt-name: '{color}TNT'
  721. content-item-tnt-lore:
  722. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  723. - ''
  724. - '&7Instantly ignites, appropriate'
  725. - '&7to explode things!'
  726. - ''
  727. - '{quick_buy}'
  728. - '{buy_status}'
  729. content-item-ender-pearl-name: '{color}Ender Pearl'
  730. content-item-ender-pearl-lore:
  731. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  732. - ''
  733. - '&7The quickest way to invade enemy'
  734. - '&7bases.'
  735. - ''
  736. - '{quick_buy}'
  737. - '{buy_status}'
  738. content-item-water-bucket-name: '{color}Water Bucket'
  739. content-item-water-bucket-lore:
  740. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  741. - ''
  742. - '&7Great to slow down approaching'
  743. - '&7enemies. Can also protect'
  744. - against TNT.
  745. - ''
  746. - '{quick_buy}'
  747. - '{buy_status}'
  748. content-item-bridge-egg-name: '{color}Bridge Egg'
  749. content-item-bridge-egg-lore:
  750. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  751. - ''
  752. - '&7This egg creates a bridge in its'
  753. - '&7trial after being thrown.'
  754. - ''
  755. - '{quick_buy}'
  756. - '{buy_status}'
  757. content-item-magic-milk-name: '{color}Magic Milk'
  758. content-item-magic-milk-lore:
  759. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  760. - ''
  761. - '&7Avoid triggering traps for 60'
  762. - '&7seconds after consuming.'
  763. - ''
  764. - '{quick_buy}'
  765. - '{buy_status}'
  766. content-item-sponge-name: '{color}Sponge'
  767. content-item-sponge-lore:
  768. - '&7Cost: {cost} {currency}'
  769. - ''
  770. - '&7Great for soaking up water.'
  771. - ''
  772. - '{quick_buy}'
  773. - '{buy_status}'
  774. shop-insuff-money: '{prefix}&cYou don''t have enough {currency}! Need {amount} more!'
  775. shop-new-purchase: '{prefix}&aYou purchased &6{item}'
  776. shop-already-bought: '{prefix}&cYou''ve already bought that!'
  777. shop-utility-silverfish: '{TeamColor}&l{TeamName} &r{TeamColor}Silverfish'
  778. shop-utility-iron-golem: '{TeamColor}{despawn}s &8[ {TeamColor}{health}&8]'
  779. shop-lore-status-can-buy: '&eClick to purchase!'
  780. shop-lore-status-cant-afford: '&cYou don''t have enough {currency}!'
  781. shop-lore-status-tier-maxed: '&aMAXED!'
  782. shop-lore-quick-add: '&bSneak Click to add to Quick Buy'
  783. shop-lore-quick-remove: '&bSneak Click to remove from Quick Buy!'
  784. upgrades-lore-click-buy: '&aClick to purchase!'
  785. upgrades-lore-insuff-money: '&cYou don''t have enough {currency}'
  786. upgrades-lore-locked: '&cLOCKED'
  787. upgrades-lore-unlocked: '&aUNLOCKED'
  788. upgrades-new-purchase: '&a{player} purchased &6{upgradeName}'
  789. upgrades:
  790. Default:
  791. generators:
  792. tier1:
  793. name: '&eIron Forge'
  794. lore:
  795. - '&7Increases the spawn rate of Iron'
  796. - '&7and Gold by 50%..'
  797. - ''
  798. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  799. - ''
  800. - '{loreFooter}'
  801. tier2:
  802. name: '&eGolden Forge'
  803. lore:
  804. - '&7Increases the spawn rate of Iron'
  805. - '&7and Gold by 100%..'
  806. - ''
  807. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  808. - ''
  809. - '{loreFooter}'
  810. tier3:
  811. name: '&eEmerald Forge'
  812. lore:
  813. - '&7Activates the Emerald spawner in'
  814. - '&7your team''s Forge.'
  815. - ''
  816. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  817. - ''
  818. - '{loreFooter}'
  819. maniacMiner:
  820. tier1:
  821. name: '&eManiac Miner'
  822. lore:
  823. - '&7All players on your team'
  824. - '&7permanently gain Haste I'
  825. - ''
  826. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  827. - ''
  828. - '{loreFooter}'
  829. sharpSword:
  830. tier1:
  831. name: '&eSharpened Swords'
  832. lore:
  833. - '&7Your team gets Sharpness I on'
  834. - '&7all swords!'
  835. - ''
  836. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  837. - ''
  838. - '{loreFooter}'
  839. reinforced:
  840. tier1:
  841. name: '&eReinforced Armor'
  842. lore:
  843. - '&7Your team gets Protection I on'
  844. - '&7all armor pieces!'
  845. - ''
  846. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  847. - ''
  848. - '{loreFooter}'
  849. trap:
  850. tier1:
  851. name: '&eIt''s a trap!'
  852. lore:
  853. - '&7The nex enemy to enter your'
  854. - '&7base will receive Blindness and'
  855. - '&7Slowness!'
  856. - ''
  857. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  858. - ''
  859. - '{loreFooter}'
  860. miningFatigue:
  861. tier1:
  862. name: '&eMiner Fatigue Trap'
  863. lore:
  864. - '&7The nex enemy to enter your'
  865. - '&7base will receive Mining Fatigue'
  866. - '&7for 10 seconds!'
  867. - ''
  868. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  869. - ''
  870. - '{loreFooter}'
  871. healPool:
  872. tier1:
  873. name: '&eHeal Pool'
  874. lore:
  875. - '&7Creates a Regeneration field'
  876. - '&7around your base!'
  877. - ''
  878. - '&7Cost:&b {cost} {currency}'
  879. - ''
  880. - '{loreFooter}'
  881. name: '&8Team Upgrades'
  882. spectator-items-teleporter-lore:
  883. - '&cLore not set at:'
  884. - ' &fspectator-items-teleporter-lore'
  885. addons:
  886. team-selector:
  887. inventory-name: '&8Team Selector'
  888. selector-name: '&9Team Selector'
  889. selector-lore:
  890. - '&7Right-click to to open!'
  891. choice:
  892. lore:
  893. - ''
  894. - '&f- {selected} players.'
  895. - '&cClick to join!'
  896. name: '{color}{team} &fTeam'
  897. switch-disabled: '{prefix}&cYou cannot change your team!'
  898. team-join: '{prefix}&eYou joined {color}{team} &eteam!'
  899. team-full: '{prefix}{color}{team} &c is full!'
  900. teams-not-balanced: '{prefix}&cTeams are not balanced! Try joining another team!'
  901. party-deny: '{prefix}&cYou can''t choose your team because you''re in a party!'
  902. cant-join-while-starting: '{prefix}&cYou cannot join this team ar this moment!
  903. Try with another!'
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