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May 14th, 2017
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  1. [00:25] Bloodylupine: (-Pet pet-)
  2. [00:30] Bloodylupine: /me For a long...... moment.... The man stared at the TV screen. He couldn't hear the skit of a comedy show on. Somewhere in his brain, he was so concentrated on that ticking sound. It was the sound of time, as if every tick would be the last second before his wife came back home, walking in the door from grocery shopping or some other mundane life task to relieve all his tension. Somewhere in his brain, he didn't want to accept what was. His brows furrowed more and more, the longer he listened to the ticking sound. He was waiting....waiting....waiting.... Not even listening to the voice of the only other person there, in his existence. It was a long moment and a couple times of repeat before the boy's voice broke through some dampened barrier of alcohol and depression. "Yeah.... whatever. Get my wallet. Bring it here."
  3. [00:32] Damien the Vagrant: /me | He nodded a little, trodding off into the man's bedroom and returning a few moments later with the folded over piece of leather in his hands. He would sit down near his father, handing it to the man as his eyes glazed over the numerous empty beer bottles. A frown crossed his face, his eyes eventually settling on the television, being pulled into it to - as his father was - for just a moment.
  4. [00:39] Bloodylupine: /me It wasn't like the man was -really- waiting. No... That's not what he was waiting for. Not for his wallet or his son... not really. He was still waiting for the chronological torment of his trapped mental state to end. When Damien came over and sat by him. It snapped him out of his trance again for the same brief moment Damien was sucked into. "No." He stated gruffly at first. He cleared his throat. "What makes you think you can kick back like I'm just going to give you money." He grunted and shifted in his armchair. "Get over here." He indicated for the boy to come and stand in front of him.
  5. [00:42] Damien the Vagrant: /me | Damien snapped out of it himself, cringing some as he looked over towards his dad. He frowned a bit, standing and approaching the man before him as he watched awkwardly. He fiddled with the hemline of his shirt, eyes flitting around as he tried to avoid the attention of his father. He desperately wanted to avoid the anger of him, or even the attention... He just wanted this all to end and go away.
  6. [00:51] Bloodylupine: /me The older wolf's eyes were... scrutinizing to say the least. He was silent, eyeing the boy up and down. Up....and...down.... He was reminded, down, just how fucked up his son turned out to be. 'It happens sometimes.' the doctor told them. It wasn't suppose to be unusual in the world, but it fucking was. His son had a cunt. Plain and simple. And right now, from the looks of it, he was acting like the pussy he had. This perturbed the older wolf. "Why the fuck are you acting like that for?" His temper flared up. It was volatile and unpredictable when he was going to have ups or downs, whether he was going to be angry or depressed. "Maybe you'd actually learn to earn some money if you put that pussy of yours on the street." His father let the harsh comment slip forth freely. He had never use to talk this way before, but in the end, this is the way it had been spiraling. "Fuck. Let me see. Your twat is all your mother seemed to talk about, you having one, and how it's my fucking fault! Show me!"
  7. [00:55] Damien the Vagrant: /me took a few steps back again, looking at his father and over his shoulder. His hands tightened up into little fists, the muscles under his forearm rippling a bit as he was gripped with a bit of fear. "S-show you what?!" He shouted back, matching the tone he had been spoken to in. He, of course, knew what it was his father wanted - but he was afraid. His mother told him to hide it away, to be ashamed of his deformity and everything that it had represented. He was afraid. "I'm - I'm not going to do it!" He shouted again. "Please, don't!"
  8. [01:01] Bloodylupine: /me "Fucking hell...." The older, larger male muttered at the lithe whisp of a scruffy boy. He leaned forward and grabbed him easily with his large paws and used one to start undoing the boy's pants quickly. He didn't have time for this and he wasn't going to argue with some teenager about what he would and would not do. He pulled those pants right down to the boy's thighs whether he liked it or not and started next on pulling his underwear right down so he could get a look at what would be tight virgin pussy lips.
  9. [01:07] Damien the Vagrant: /me tried to push away from his dad, knowing he was being violated already. He tried to bang his fist against the man's shoulder, succeeding only in hurting his hand as he let out a loud yelp. "You're drunk! You're drunk - please, stop!" He shouted loudly, his underwear sliding down to reveal a ripe, pink cunt. It was almost in perfect shape, slightly curled inward - clearly untampered, sitting beneath a large bush of musky teenage pubes.
  10. [01:13] Bloodylupine: /me The excess fur was easily brushed away. Kalrad's grasp was firm on the boy's other arm, keeping him securely close enough to inspect. His hulk ignored Damien's protests. Kalrad leaned in for a closer look. "Hmmmm....." It was like the male was perplexed, like he never knew his son could have such a pretty dick slot. "Shit... maybe you could earn money with a pussy like this..." He said the statement offhandedly before reaching out and touching at it with his claw tipped fingers. "That's some soft puppy fur right there.... peach fuzz..." He grinned. "Mmmm.... wow.... Hmm.." He had been ignoring Damien's pleas and demands the whole time. Finally he sat back some and looked up at the boy. His large paw was still holding onto Damien's right forearm. " know what? I'm going to make you earn this money." The man seemed lazy from the alcohol induced state... but the older male got up, his hand still seeming like a vice on a younger, smaller forearm. He started lumbering towards... somewhere. His bedroom. He had heavy steps and easily forced Damien to come with his direction like he was some sort of rag doll to be pulled along.
  11. [01:17] Damien the Vagrant: /me kept trying to pry himself away, feet rooting into the ground as he attempted to pull up his father's fingers. "Stop it! Just - fucking, leave me alone!" He cried out. "I haven't even done anything - I don't know what to do, no one ever told me!" He was angry, upset and frustrated as he had yet to resign to his fate.
  12. [01:17] Damien the Vagrant: What're your thoughts so far?))
  13. [01:19] Bloodylupine: (Reserved. I think we're both feeling out characters.)
  14. [01:20] Damien the Vagrant: Fair enough, fair enough.. I was just curious)
  15. [01:20] Bloodylupine: (Yourself?)
  16. [01:20] Damien the Vagrant: I'm enjoying it so far, I'm interested to see where its going))
  17. [01:21] Bloodylupine: (Find me.... compatible in writing style? Length?)
  18. [01:23] Damien the Vagrant: I do! I hope you find it the same. I know I can be brief when I feel like there's not a lot to say))
  19. [01:29] Bloodylupine: /me Kalrad disregarded all the boy's words. The pleas fell on deaf ears. He would drag Damien easily with his strength without even bothering to turn around. At least, for a few feet before the resistance annoyed him enough to intervene. "Shut up!" He turned and snarled at the boy. That's when Kalrad literally grabbed him and hoisted him up, practically over Kalrad's shoulder. Onward they marched... To the bedroom, to his dad's bed. It was the bed his father and mother made love in and there, he was tossed like the useless trash he was being treated like. The shirtless older wolf closed the door and reached down to unzip his pants. As he did, already, the pungent odor curled harshly from the cheesy basket the pocket of his boxer briefs had become for his cock in the last couple of weeks.
  20. [01:32] Bloodylupine: (Though... I may have to resign to bed here before anything to far/raunchy happens.)
  21. [01:32] Bloodylupine: (Just fyi.)
  22. [01:32] Damien the Vagrant: /me covered his mouth with his hand, resisting the urge to gag. His eyes welled up with tears, and he looked away from his father and kept his legs shut tight. He was whimpering ever softly, shivering up and down with anxious fear. Mmm... That would make for a nice, tight cunt he bet. The sensation of it all, his tightening - his cries. It was a titillating thought.
  23. [01:32] Damien the Vagrant: That's okay!)
  24. [01:33] Damien the Vagrant: /me "Please... please don't do this. I-I'll get a job, I'll call mom..."
  25. [01:41] Bloodylupine: /me Like lightning. Who ever thought the deteriorating schlub of a wolf could move so fast. His massive paw swiftly backhanded Damien right on the bed. "What's your mother got to do with this??" He snarled. "You heard her! She doesn't even want you!" The harsh truth came flying out of the uncensored man's mouth. "And I'm giving you a job! Right now!" He climbed on the bed with both of his spread knees, reaching down to stroke the stiff, sweat-stained tent of a lupine member a few times. "Ungrateful!" He growled and reached out for Damien's leg, pulling him down the length of the bed and closer. That's when he peeled down his underwear cloth and the milky stench became even stronger. His bright red, tapered prick was pushing out, red veined and bulging like it was infected practically. One could see where that milky substance was leaking out all around his sheath lining as it slowly pulled back. There was no telling what kind of cheese curds lived inside there. "Now, open your legs! It's about time you got some use out of that god-forsaken cunt of yours!"
  26. [01:47] Damien the Vagrant: /me squirmed a bit, his knees locked together as he was pulled towards his dad. He closed his eyes, turnin away and whimpering as he let out a choked sob. "Please don't hurt me..." He trailed off, finally opening his legs a bit towards the stench of the man's cock. He sighed a little, still tense but visibly upset a bit. He bit his lower lip in some frustration, still crying some at the thought of his own father - the man who had made him - raping him. "I.. I love you dad."
  27. [01:48] Damien the Vagrant: /me | It was a last ditch effort in an attempt to get him to come to his senses... but he didn't know if it would work.
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