
Rushed sums of the week 13.10

Oct 12th, 2018
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  1. app tl. not that accurate and rushed.
  5. gnd 125
  6. so, recap where that pesky luis lane reporter wants to know what's going on between fmc and mc. then, boss prbly talks to his wife, about if there's a way to manage the scandal, but he's told that it escalated to tv broadcast and ..maybe he's told how there's nothing to be done to help it, or only a meh way? boss then, kinda takes it out on gorilla for the lack of reporter control. then, boss kinda bitches about his investment in fmc being in jeopardy and that. he then takes it out on fmc, for endangering the idol band as well.
  8. fmc tells him sorry and boss lets her know that she will hold a press conference, to explain that there's nothing going on with her and mc and how, he will write what she has to say, for her. fmc tries to protest, but then boss kinda warns her about ending it here with her and then, kinda intimidates her with her band members situation too and how, fmc doesn't think of them. fmc agrees and then, boss tries to sweet talk it how, he too was kinda shitty to her in the past? so, it's why he does this?(notsure..) and how, fmc must not forfeit her future. then, he asks why did she go to that clinic and fmc stays silent.
  10. next is a newscast about fmc and her 'going to a clinic with a guy' and perhaps a relationship and how it sent the social media on fire. then talk about mc as the guy fmc dates. then, bs how fmc, 20 eyars old, is into a relationship with a man(maybe 20 years older? idk). some cant believe she's with that 'mister' and then how she might have been pregnant. more revolting from some guys for her getting pregnant at 20, or with a guy older by 20 years? then, stuff how fmc will explain it all tomorrow and that tv guy hopes that fmc will clear things out.
  12. creepy charles freaks out cause he's a ruined man's all over and wonders what to do, since it's all ruined, while the gnd girls tells him to stop it. he bitches more how fmc ruined him(the man that had her almost raped ..smh). fmc comes and creepy charles accuses her of trying to get payback on him. he says some insults and details how, his little mistakes from a while ago, must they come and bite him so hard and asks fmc if she is happy about it(gorilla slap here lol).
  14. girls ask if fmc is okay and if that bs scandal is not real, but fmc tells them sorry, cause she caused them a lot of trouble. orange tells her not to worry about it and do as fmc thinks of it. real or not, to do what she wants and not to mind anybody, tomorrow at her conference? then, the gnd girls tell fmc to do her best.
  16. fmc then tells gorilla that she wants to tell him smth, and then, gorilla tells her how he can't do that, or else, is the end for him as well. fmc begs him and tells him it's the last favor she'll ever ask.
  18. reporters make fun? of fmc's fans as otakus and that and bitches how, those guys block the door for them to go inside. a reporter tries to scare them with reporting them to the local authorities, but a fan guy fights back and kinda tells him to fuckoff. rpb/rapist pizza boy sees fmc and creates a distraction by lying that fmc is 'over there' and insists on it. reporters run for it, and rpb tells fmc to go for it fast too, that those guys are out and how she came to see mc.
  20. mc sees that scandal on tv and thinks how he ruined everything. they prbly have mc as a married man? mc thinks how he fucked up everything for fmc. fmc comes and then, mutual name calling. tbc...
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