

May 13th, 2014
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  1. Flanny Scarlet
  2. [18:30:38] Flanny Scarlet: Hey Blue, just wanna clear anything up, incase Fuji starts stirring things up like he has.
  3. [18:30:44] Draǵonair: Hm?
  4. [18:30:58] Flanny Scarlet: I made a lie, to try and get away from people hating me, on a server I put a lot into.
  5. [18:32:04] Draǵonair: That doesn't sound like the best idea you've ever had.
  6. [18:32:43] Flanny Scarlet: I know.
  7. [18:32:52] Draǵonair: Anyway, continue.
  8. [18:32:54] Flanny Scarlet: And now I'm getting shit for it, because no one trusts me to tell the truth.
  9. [18:33:15] Flanny Scarlet: I want to tell people of my mistakes, not have others tell them and stirr shit up.
  10. [18:34:03] Draǵonair: Well, I don't really know where you're going with this, so keep going :P
  11. [18:35:27] Flanny Scarlet: It's just. I wanted to tell you, so you didn't get angry at me if someone told you.
  12. [18:35:40] Draǵonair: About the lie?
  13. [18:35:44] Flanny Scarlet: Yeah.
  14. [18:35:52] Draǵonair: Mkay.
  15. [18:36:32] Flanny Scarlet: I mean, if you can help me out, and I know this might sound like 'manipulating.' But he kinda blocked me on skype, when I tried apologising.
  16. [18:36:49] Draǵonair: I can't really do anything about that...
  17. [18:37:38] Flanny Scarlet: Well, you have his skype, right?
  18. [18:38:34] Draǵonair: What name is he going under? The same as his Showdown name, right?
  19. [18:38:40] Flanny Scarlet: Yeah.
  20. [18:38:48] Flanny Scarlet: I'm thinking of changing my name.
  21. [18:38:53] Draǵonair: I actually don't have him on skype.
  22. [18:39:11] Flanny Scarlet: Well, if you add me I can send his contact your way.
  23. [18:40:36] Draǵonair: Well, I mean, I don't really want to force myself into an argument that doesn't involve me :/
  24. [18:40:56] Flanny Scarlet: If I don't stop it soon, it probably will.
  25. [18:41:06] Draǵonair: Then... stop it?
  26. [18:41:13] Flanny Scarlet: I need to stop it, before it grows.
  27. [18:41:21] Flanny Scarlet: I can't do it by myself.
  28. [18:41:27] Draǵonair: Yes, you can.
  29. [18:41:31] Flanny Scarlet: I've shown this, more than once.
  30. [18:41:43] Flanny Scarlet: I can't, if no one will believe me.
  31. [18:41:55] Draǵonair: Depending on others to solve a problem you've created yourself is, again, not the right way to go about things.
  32. [18:43:42] Flanny Scarlet: But I can't talk to him, if he ignores me.
  33. [18:44:05] Draǵonair: Has he blocked you on here, too?
  34. [18:44:11] Flanny Scarlet: Seems like it.
  35. [18:44:22] Draǵonair: Or is he just ignoring you?
  36. [18:44:23] Flanny Scarlet: I asked if I could have a heart to heart with him. Get rid of everything.
  37. [18:45:22] Draǵonair: Sounds like he doesn't really want to hear it...
  38. [18:46:07] Flanny Scarlet: See what I mean?
  39. [18:46:13] Flanny Scarlet: Can't do it on my own.
  40. [18:47:04] Draǵonair: But again, I don't want to push myself into you guys' argument.
  41. [18:47:19] Flanny Scarlet: Then help me from stopping that from happen.
  42. [18:47:45] Flanny Scarlet: *happening.
  43. [18:47:47] Draǵonair: But by doing that... I'd be involving myself in your feud.
  44. [18:47:55] Flanny Scarlet: No, you wouldn't.
  45. [18:48:06] Flanny Scarlet: I asked Joe to help me out, so I could talk to Fuji.
  46. [18:48:06] Draǵonair: Simply talking to him would be doing that.
  47. [18:48:13] Flanny Scarlet: Joe isn't involved.
  48. [18:48:32] Draǵonair: Has he talked to Chihiro?
  49. [18:48:44] Flanny Scarlet: To get him to un ignore me, yes.
  50. [18:48:54] Draǵonair: And it didn't work?
  51. [18:49:44] Flanny Scarlet: It worked.
  52. [18:50:00] Draǵonair: Then... why can't you talk to him if he unblocked you?
  53. [18:50:22] Flanny Scarlet: He /ignore'd me again.
  54. [18:53:02] Draǵonair: If he ignores you after Joe tells him not to, I highly doubt there's anything I could do.
  55. [18:53:21] Flanny Scarlet: You don't know how highly he talks about you.
  56. [18:53:32] Flanny Scarlet: You're his one and true senpai.
  57. [18:53:40] Draǵonair: Err... I'm not.
  58. [18:53:50] Flanny Scarlet: Would I lie to you?
  59. [18:53:56] Flanny Scarlet: Don't answer that.
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