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- <#
- This is a PowerShell Script to generate email alerts from Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Alerts
- This Script Is used to send SMTP alerts from Servers running Dell Open Manage Server Administrator. It can automatically configure itself for most common OpenManage Alerts using the -Setup Parameter. It can also send test alerts using -Test.
- Runs omconfig commands to set the script as action on alert generation.
- Sends a test alert.
- .PARAMETER eventType
- The Event Class to generate an Alert for.
- ./OMSANotify.ps1 -Test
- #>
- # Setup Our Parameters
- [CmdletBinding()]
- Param(
- # The Event Type that we need to respond to.
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=1)]
- [string]$eventType,
- # Run the Setup Commands
- [switch]$Setup,
- # Send a Test Alert
- [switch]$Test
- )
- # Define the List of Alerts that we Respond to. Desired Alerts May be Added/Removed.
- $Alerts = @{}
- $Alerts.Add("powersupply",'Power Supply Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("powersupplywarn",'Power Supply Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("tempwarn",'Temperature Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("tempfail",'Temperature Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("fanwarn",'Fan Speed Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("fanfail",'Fan Speed Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("voltwarn",'Voltage warning')
- $Alerts.Add("voltfail",'Voltage Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("Intrusion",'Chassis Intrusion')
- $Alerts.Add("redundegrad",'Redundancy Degraded')
- $Alerts.Add("redunlost",'Redundancy Lost')
- $Alerts.Add("memprefail",'Memory Pre-Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("memfail",'Memory Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("hardwarelogwarn",'Hardware Log Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("hardwarelogfull",'Hardware Log Full')
- $Alerts.Add("processorwarn",'Processor Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("processorfail",'Processor Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("watchdogasr",'Watchdog ASR')
- $Alerts.Add("batterywarn",'Battery Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("batteryfail",'Battery Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("systempowerwarn",'System Power Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("systempowerfail",'System Power Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("storagesyswarn",'Storage System Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("storagesysfail",'Storage System Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("storagectrlwarn",'Storage Controller Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("storagectrlfail",'Storage Controller Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("pdiskwarn",'Physical Disk Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("pdiskfail",'Physical Disk Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("vdiskwarn",'Virtual Disk Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("vdiskfail",'Virtual Disk Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("enclosurewarn",'Enclosure Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("enclosurefail",'Enclosure Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("storagectrlbatterywarn",'Storage Controller Battery Warning')
- $Alerts.Add("storagectrlbatteryfail",'Storage Controller Battery Failure')
- $Alerts.Add("test",'Test Alert')
- # Sends our Alert Mail
- function sendMail($AlertType, $body) {
- #Create remote session to send mail from Server with Public IP
- $option = New-PSSessionOption -ProxyAccessType NoProxyServer
- $pw = "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
- $cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "DOMAIN\Username",$pw
- $RoutableServer = New-PSSession -SessionOption $option -credential $cred
- $ScriptBlockContent = {
- param(
- [Parameter(Position=0)]
- $one
- ,
- [Parameter(Position=1)]
- $two
- ,
- [Parameter(Position=2)]
- $three
- )
- #Creating a Mail object
- $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
- #Email structure
- $msg.From = ""
- $msg.ReplyTo = ""
- $msg.To.Add("")
- $msg.Subject = "Dell OMSA $two Alert on $three"
- $msg.body = $one
- #SMTP server name
- $smtpServer = ""
- $smtpPort = "587"
- $smtpUser = ""
- $smtpPass = "password"
- #Creating SMTP server object
- $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer, $smtpPort)
- $smtp.EnableSsl = $true
- $smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential( $smtpUser , $smtpPass );
- #Sending email
- $smtp.Send($msg)}
- Invoke-Command -Session $RoutableServer -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockContent -ArgumentList $body, $AlertType, $env:COMPUTERNAME
- Remove-PSSession $RoutableServer
- }
- # Kicks Off OM Alert Config Commands for all Warnings/Failures
- Function Setup(){
- # Define our command String
- $ScriptPath = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Definition
- $command = "powershell "+$ScriptPath+" -eventType"
- # Set Up OpenManage Alert handlers
- SetOMAlert "powersupply" $command;
- SetOMAlert "powersupplywarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "tempwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "tempfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "fanwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "fanfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "voltwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "voltfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "Intrusion" $command;
- SetOMAlert "redundegrad" $command;
- SetOMAlert "redunlost" $command;
- SetOMAlert "memprefail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "memfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "hardwarelogwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "hardwarelogfull" $command;
- SetOMAlert "processorwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "processorfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "watchdogasr" $command;
- SetOMAlert "batterywarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "batteryfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "systempowerwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "systempowerfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "storagesyswarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "storagesysfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "storagectrlwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "storagectrlfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "pdiskwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "pdiskfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "vdiskwarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "vdiskfail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "enclosurewarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "enclosurefail" $command;
- SetOMAlert "storagectrlbatterywarn" $command;
- SetOMAlert "storagectrlbatteryfail" $command;
- # Register Our Event Log Source
- if ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists("OMSANotify") -eq $false) {
- [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource("OMSANotify", "System")
- }
- }
- # OMCONFIG Runner for individual Alert config
- Function SetOMAlert($event, $cmdString){
- invoke-command -scriptblock {omconfig system alertaction event=$Event execappath="$cmdString $event"}
- }
- # Lets Generate A Test case Email, so we can be sure it works
- Function Test(){
- ProcessAlert "test";
- }
- # Logs OMSA Event and Email in Windows Event Log
- Function logEvent($event)
- {
- $EventMsg = "OMSA Notify Processed Dell Open Manage Event $event"
- Write-EventLog -Logname System -Source OMSANotify -eventId 1 -entryType Warning -message $EventMsg
- }
- # Handles All Alert Processing.
- Function ProcessAlert($alert) {
- $AlertMessageString = ""
- # Check if it's a known OMSA Alert
- If($Alerts.containsKey($alert)){
- $AlertMessageString = $Alerts.Get_Item($alert) + " was reported on $Env:COMPUTERNAME. Please log in ASAP and check OMSA for further details."
- }
- Else {
- "Unknown Alert - $alert was reported at $Date on $Env:COMPUTERNAME. Please log in ASAP and check OMSA for further details."
- }
- sendMail $alert $AlertMessageString;
- #Register our event in Windows Event Log.
- logEvent $alert;
- }
- if($eventType) {
- ProcessAlert $eventType;
- }
- else {
- if($Setup) {
- Setup;
- }
- if($Test) {
- Test;
- }
- }
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