

Nov 20th, 2020
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  1. [01:06] Nathan Elbi exclaims, "Huh?!"
  2. [01:06] Nathan wakes up from his nap.
  3. (Nathan Elbi)
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. [01:06] A pulse of wellspring magic fires out.
  7. (Fleurosa)
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. [01:06] Nathan Elbi says, "... Ah, you're back... It was rather depressing hearing others in the room, without any hope of picking them apart from the furniture."
  11. [01:08] Fleurosa says, "Hmmm... we need to work on that..."
  12. [01:08] Fleurosa asks, "Have you any idea as to the nature of your eyes?"
  13. [01:09] Nathan Elbi asks, "The nature of my eyes?"
  14. [01:10] Nathan Elbi says, "I know I could see growing up, and my vision began to fade with age."
  15. [01:11] Nathan Elbi says, "I guess I was just born with bad eyes."
  16. [01:13] So he wasn't born blind, however his eyes were failing him with age... Could be cataracts, if that was the case... Fleur could try medicine first to treat them... If not, surgery may be required, but she doesn't feel confident in her abilities for eye surgery. The best she could do was sew flesh and mend bone back together...
  18. "Knowing you weren't born blind is crucial information, it narrows down the cause significantly... My magic seems to affect you, granting vision back temporarily... I believe there's hope you can one day see again without my aid~" Fleur chimes.
  20. She holds up a badge of silver for him to see, a vague silhouette and slight sheen of the metal would be on display for him.
  21. (Fleurosa)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [01:18] "Thanks." He answered, "Though, yes... Some means of travel without needing something to see would be great. Then again, I suppose... As much as I hate it..." He paused for a moment, really thinking back on Alexi's words.
  24. "Alexi was right, I'm going to have to make something out of this, for now. I can't hope to rely on others forever."
  26. Within Fleurosa's presence, he was permitted some temporary veil of vision -- and through it, he could spot a glimpse of a silver badge.
  27. "What's that?" He asked of the woman. "Is it supposed to be something important?" He wasn't too familiar with official instances such as the like, it'd seem.
  28. (Nathan Elbi)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [01:21] Fleur focuses her wellspring pulse and grants Nathan a moment of true clarity. A warm ripple effect could be felt from her being as the water glazes over him.
  32. "Is that better?" She asks, holding up the Medic's badge a few feet away from him.
  33. (Fleurosa)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [01:28] For the moment, the world's definition truly came back to him. Though, as potent as magics were, their effects weren't always permanent towards biological damage. Nathan's eyes were no exception to this -- at least, he'd assume as much.
  36. "Yes." He claimed, finding the world growing slightly defined around him. Though, a pain seemed to ache in reverence, forcing him to close his eyes.
  37. "Though I..." He rubbed at his eyelids. "I don't know exactly how this thing works. Your magic. It's a healing type, yes?" He asked.
  39. Blinking at the eye pain. "Do you think casting at it will truly make it go away for good over time?" He strained to see his blurry surroundings. "Or do you think it'll only get worse regardless."
  40. (Nathan Elbi)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [01:34] Fleur has a theory as she hasn't had the chance to examine his eyes or test things yet.
  45. "My first guess is cataracts, your eyes age over time and layers of flesh within them like lenses have slowly stacked covering your pupils... If such is the case my magic will have little effect unless I store enough mana to purge it completely..." She explains.
  47. "I wield wellspring magic primarily... It can only heal so much damage, even turn back time to a degree. Currently I am focusing it to restore your eyes to a younger condition when they were less hazy and foggy. For Alexi, she is hearing the pulses I channel. My O'ma taught me how to listen to peoples' hearts, to hear its beat and rhythm... From which at times if I focus enough, I can hear brief moments their true thoughts."
  49. Another pulse fires off, allowing Nathan to hear the woman's heart beat for a few seconds.
  51. "I'm sure your condition is curable, we simply need to identify and treat it accordingly. It may not be immediate, but I'm sure with time and some powerful magic and medicine, your vision can be restored."
  52. (Fleurosa)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [01:40] Restored vision? Curable? That put a smile on the man's face. "I don't know what cataracts are, but I hope your right!" He exclaimed with genuine excitement in his tone. "It'd be a wonder to see again."
  56. Though, all the same he couldn't imagine it'd come easy.
  58. "Though, it'd take powerful magic and medicine... And the right guess." When he really thought it out, it was a stretch in every regard. "Would multiple mages substitute for powerful magic?" He asked, "There are many mages around, I'm certain enough of them would be about to amount to a lot." He presumed. There was a simple misunderstanding as to how mage mana worked.
  59. (Nathan Elbi)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [01:45] Fleur shakes her head. "I'll need to examine them and their reactions to different stimulus. Tests if you will to more accurately determine what is causing your vision to fail." She explains.
  64. "Your eyes still function, you can see still I believe, something is simply within them obstructing the vision or... Perhaps something has waned and weakened." Fleur has a few things to look over, at a different time...
  66. In case she's wrong however... "Come, let's test your other senses though for the moment... You'll need to make do without vision for the moment until I can get a better look at them."
  68. The woman floats over to the public chest. "I need to do some fishing before I retire for the evening... I'd like you to join me and see how well you can feel your surroundings using an external limb." She's trying different methods and therapies in the meantime, anything to give the poor boy some hope and alternatives in case her guess is wrong.
  69. (Fleurosa)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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