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Feb 4th, 2018
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  1. public class GHI_Portal_Password_Controller {
  3. public Boolean hasNewPassword { get; set; }
  4. public Boolean hasSecurity { get;set; }
  5. public Boolean isReset {get;set;}
  6. public Boolean hasConfirmPassword { get; set; }
  8. public String newPassword { get; set; }
  9. public String confirmPassword { get; set; }
  10. public String passwordMsg { get; set; }
  11. public String securityError { get; set; }
  13. public String charAllowed { get; set; }
  15. public User currentUser { get; set; }
  16. public Boolean passwordMatch{get;set;}
  19. public GHI_Portal_Password_Controller(){
  20. this.charAllowed = Label.GHI_Portal_AllowedChar;
  21. this.hasConfirmPassword = true;
  22. this.hasNewPassword = true;
  23. passwordMsg = '';
  24. passwordMatch= false;
  25. currentUser = [Select GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c,GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c,GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c,
  26. GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c,GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c, GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c from User where Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
  28. // system.debug('@@currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c '+currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c);
  29. if ((currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c != '') &&
  30. (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c != '') &&
  31. (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c != '') &&
  32. (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c != '') &&
  33. (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c != '') &&
  34. (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c != ''))
  35. {
  36. isReset = false;
  37. }
  38. else{
  39. isReset = true;
  40. }
  41. }
  44. public PageReference changePasswordPage() {
  45. PageReference prSiteChangePass;
  46. this.passwordMsg='';
  49. if (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c == null || currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c==null ||
  50. currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c == null || currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c==null ||
  51. currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c == null || currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c==null) {
  52. hasSecurity = true;
  53. this.securityError = Label.GHI_Portal_SecurityError;
  54. }
  55. **else if(newPassword.length() > 20 || confirmPassword.length() > 20) {
  56. this.passwordMsg = Label.GHI_Portal_PasswordMsg;
  57. passwordMatch = true;**
  58. //return ApexPages.currentPage();
  59. }
  60. **else if (newPassword.contains(' ')) {
  61. this.passwordMsg = Label.GHI_Portal_PasswordMsg;**
  62. //System.debug('@@passwordMsg2 ' + passwordMsg);
  63. **passwordMatch = true;**
  64. //return ApexPages.currentPage();
  65. }
  66. **else if (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c == currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c ||**
  67. currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c == currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c ||
  68. currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c == currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c) {
  69. **hasSecurity = true;
  70. this.securityError = Label.GHI_Portal_UniqueQuestionMsg;**
  71. }
  72. else{
  73. **update currentUser;
  74. prSiteChangePass = Site.changePassword(newPassword, confirmPassword);
  75. return ((hasNewPassword && hasConfirmPassword) ? prSiteChangePass : ApexPages.currentPage());**
  76. }
  77. return ApexPages.currentPage();
  78. }
  79. }
  81. @isTest
  82. private class GHI_Portal_Password_Controller_Test {
  84. private static testMethod void test() {
  86. }
  87. private static testMethod void testLogin() {
  88. GHI_Portal_Password_Controller controller1 = new GHI_Portal_Password_Controller();
  89. User testUser = new User();
  90. testUser.Username= '';
  91. testUser.Email = '';
  92. testUser.Lastname = 'user';
  93. testUser.Firstname = 'test';
  94. testUser.Alias = 'test';
  95. testUser.CommunityNickname = '12346test';
  96. List<Profile> prof = [select Id from Profile where Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
  97. List<UserRole> role = [select Id from UserRole where Name = 'finance'];
  98. testUser.UserRoleId = role[0].Id;
  99. testUser.ProfileId = prof[0].Id;
  101. //testUser.CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD';
  102. testUser.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
  103. testUser.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
  104. testUser.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1';
  106. testUser.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
  107. testUser.UserPermissionsMobileUser = false;
  108. insert testUser;
  110. PageReference pageRef = Page.GHI_Portal_Login;
  111. pageRef.getParameters().put('A','1');
  112. GHI_Portal_Login controller = new GHI_Portal_Login();
  113. Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef);
  115. Test.startTest();
  116. System.runAs(testUser) {
  117. RecordType rtContact = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE SObjectType='Contact' AND Name='Patient' LIMIT 1];
  118. Account acct = OSM_DataFactory.createAccount('test test');
  119. insert acct;
  120. Contact ctct = OSM_DataFactory.createContact('test','test',rtContact.Id);
  121. ctct.AccountId = acct.Id;
  122. insert ctct;
  124. User user = new User();
  125. user.Username= '';
  126. user.Email = '';
  127. user.Lastname = 'user';
  128. user.Firstname = 'test';
  129. user.Alias = 'test';
  130. user.CommunityNickname = '12346';
  131. List<Profile> prof1 = [select Id from Profile where Name = 'GHI Portal User' LIMIT 1];
  132. user.ProfileId = prof1[0].Id;
  133. user.ContactId = ctct.Id;
  135. //testUser.CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD';
  136. user.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
  137. user.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
  138. user.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1';
  139. user.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
  140. user.UserPermissionsMobileUser = false;
  141. user.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c ='';
  142. user.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c ='';
  143. user.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c ='';
  144. user.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c = '';
  145. insert user;
  146. controller1.changePasswordPage();
  147. controller1.newPassword = 'dsadsadsada';
  148. controller1.confirmPassword = 'dsadadasda';
  149. update user;
  150. update testUser;
  151. update acct;
  152. update ctct;
  153. Test.stopTest();
  155. }
  156. }
  157. }
  159. controller1.changePasswordPage();
  161. // Set your values in these fields so it doesn't go in the first IF statement
  162. testUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c = 'Test';
  163. testUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c = 'Test';
  164. testUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c = 'Test';
  165. testUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c = 'Test';
  166. testUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c = 'Test';
  167. testUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c = 'Test';
  168. update testUser;
  169. controller1 = new GHI_Portal_Password_Controller(); // re-initialise the controller in order to get the field values in the user variable
  170. // Also set newPassword and confirmPassword with length > 20 so that it executes the 2nd else-if block
  171. controller1.newPassword = '1234567890123456789012345';
  172. controller1.confirmPassword = '1234567890123456789012345';
  173. controller1.changePasswordPage(); // Call again this method, this time it should skip the first IF statement since it evaluates to false
  174. // Let's now change the passwords again so that it doesn't go in the 2nd but goes in the 3rd else-if (means we have to have whitespace in the password)
  175. controller1.newPassword = 'a b';
  176. controller1.confirmPassword = 'a b';
  177. controller1.changePasswordPage();
  178. // Reset all this again so that all first 3 if/else-if blocks are skipped (< 20 characters and no whitespace)
  179. controller1.newPassword = 'abc';
  180. controller1.confirmPassword = 'abc';
  181. controller1.changePasswordPage();
  182. // Update the question/answer values again just like for the 1st if statement, but make sure they all have different values so that your last else if is covered
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