

Nov 1st, 2018
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  1. Update v1.3:
  3. Things in your personal locker in Vulture’s Nest won’t disappear anymore (this surely brings a tear of happiness to us and anyone who experienced this nasty bug).
  5. The Antique Shop loop is now fixed and you won’t be transferred to this location for no reason without an option to leave.
  7. Riebel, a key quest giver, acts as expected now and should allow players to progress further into the game. Please keep in mind that the issue may still persist on some save files made before the first game patch dropped.
  9. All of the cut-scenes for the game endings have undergone testing and should now work properly (having up to date video codecs installed on your machine won’t hurt though).
  11. The majority of localization issues have been hunted down and fixed. You may still see the occasional item description in a different language as a few Unreal Engine-related issues prevent us from locking them down. We will address them in the coming patches, with the help and ongoing support from Epic Games.
  12. Last but not least: the current build version will now be correctly displayed in the game’s main menu. No more guessing whether you have the latest version of INSOMNIA or not. As always, we are super grateful for your patience and support!
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