
Mimi for the win

Jun 13th, 2017
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  1. SleeperStatus: -Travis spit blood into his sink shaking his head as he looked in the mirror seeing the black eye. He picked up his phone and called his father-''I want him dealt with i wont stand for this shit.. hes not gonna just put his hands on me''-his father agreed and and travis set his phone down. He finished cleaning himself up as he walked into his livinroom-''I need a fucking drink''-he said as he grabbed his keys off of his counter and headed to his car. He jumped in and headed to the rusty handle.Once he pulled up he popped a cig into his mouth and walked into the bar. He made his way to the counter and ordered a scotch on the rocks and quickly took a gulp of it as he gently rubbed his black eye-
  2. Alexithymiaa: -After deeming that sitting home and listening to her mother berate her over her final exam grades that had just come back was not an option, she'd excused herself to her bedroom to turn her stereo on to create just enough background noise that the silence in her room didn't seem suspicious. Climbing out her bedroom window and down the trellis that lined the wall of her house, hopping down to her feet into the yard and turning to head out to her car. Climbing into the SUV, Quinn took off down the street in attempt to find something to do with her night, her eyes flashing as she started to pass The Rusty Handle. She quickly swerved and turned into the parking lot, killing the engine and making her way up to the front door, stepping inside and letting the door close behind her. Her eyes immediately jumped to her usual booth in the corner to see if it was empty, pleased that it was and didn't hesitate to move in that direction. Dropping into the booth, she slid across the vinyl seat so she could lean against the window, her fingers meticulously moving to her hair to rake her fingers through her blonde locks.-
  3. SleeperStatus: -Travis heard the door of the bar open and in walked Quinn, he smiled a bit and watched as she walked to take a seat at the booth, so he grabbed his drink and walked over to where she was sitting-''Mind if i join you''-he said before sliding into the booth next to her-''Hows it going''-he said with a half smile before taking a sip of his drink-
  4. Alexithymiaa: -She turned her head when she heard a familiar male voice, twisting in her seat to face him as she crossed one leg over the other beneath the table. "Oh, hi Travis. Sure you can-" She cut her words short when she noticed his black eye, the frown forming over her lips. "What happened to your eye?"-
  5. SleeperStatus: ''Just some scumbag ex bestfriend decided he was gonna track me down and kick my ass''-he said with a sigh as he pulled a cig from his pack lighting it and taking a long drag before letting it go-''Other than that my day was alright how about you?''-he asked curiously because obviously she had a better day than him-
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Why would he do that? That's a lot of work just to fight someone that you seemingly don't have anything to do with anymore." She propped her elbow up on the table in front of her, leaning forward. "My day was okay. I'm just happy to be out of the house. And honestly totally starving."-
  7. SleeperStatus: ''Well he thinks i fucked his ex which i didnt but he is so fucking hard headed and so determined to get his point across. Well my fathers guys are gonna straighten him out''-he said before nodding his head-''Yeah me too i could eat''-He then looked over towards the bar-''We could order something if you want?
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Your father's guys?" She questioned, raising one brow at him before dropping the subject because she preferred not to know things that incriminated her. "Nevermind. So they have awesome chicken strips and french fries here. Ten out of ten, would recommend."-
  9. Covet has joined the chat
  10. SleeperStatus: ''Yeah my father has friends in high places you can say''-he then got up and walked over to the bar to order them both chicken strips and french fries and casually walked back over-''So have you seen lib or damian around? Lib was with me early when i got jumped''-he said lightly touching his eye-
  11. Alexithymiaa: "No, not today. I haven't really seen much of anyone today. I spent a good chunk of my day at the park with my dog." She gave an easy shrug, pulling her hair over her shoulder to toy with it. "But I'm not at all surprised. Trouble follows that girl wherever she goes."-
  12. Covet: [HI....Slow loading XD]
  13. SleeperStatus: ''Yeah she was in a super bitchy mood listen chicka im giving free fucking drugs the least you can do is be nice''-he chuckled as he took another sip of his scotch and took another long drag from his cig-''Sorry for the smoke just kinda stressed''
  14. SleeperStatus: ((Hi there))
  15. Alexithymiaa: (Suck less Kiki)
  16. Covet: [I can't... but the computer could...]
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Oh..." She settled into silence for a moment, chewing on her lower lip. "I'm sorry she wasn't very nice you to. I'm sure you'll get used to Lib and her many moods. She's fun though, I promise."-
  18. SleeperStatus: ''Yeah shes kind of rubbing off on me already''-he chuckled-''Ya know Quinn you are fucking beautiful''-he chuckled again taking another puff of his cig-
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes dropped away from him when she heard his words, her smile creeping across her face as she laughed nervously, toying with her hands in front of her on the table. "I think you said that yesterday. But thank you."-
  20. SleeperStatus: ''Yeah i did...i feel like i was being really weird yesterday, sorry about that''-he said ashing his cig in the ash tray. The waitress brought there food to their table,Travis quickly reached in his back pocket and tipped her after he grabbed the food. he set Quinns plate infront of her and then looked down at hers-''You were right they do look good''-he said as he grabbed a chicken strip taking a big bite out of it-
  21. Covet: Angel walked into the bar with a bright glowy fresh tan showing off on the parts of her body that were exposed. She was wearing a cropped top with no bra on underneath and a pair of typical summer short shorts. It was pretty clear she'd been on vacation just by the glow about her and how relaxed she was. But she was ready to be back home she missed her parties and her besties. She'd seen Quinn's car outside and that had made her giddy with delight as she made her way in and looke for her friend's familiar blonde hair. She saw her sitting with some guy, but didn't take much notice of him as she sauntered over and slid into the booth across from them. She practically climbed over the table to give Quinn a kiss on the cheek, giving an ample view down her shirt as she leaned over. "Hello Babe, I've missed you so much. Family vacation to mexico was muy perfecto, but dios mio I missed you and Libs. Oh... And hello there." She said directing to the guy with her.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "I didn't think you were really being that weird yesterday. But I guess I also don't know you well enough to say one way or the other..." She trailed off, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the chicken strips arriving at their table. "I told you. This is hands down my favorite thing in the world." She laughed when Angel slipped into the booth across from her, surprised to see her since she didn't know she was back from her vacation yet. She leaned into the kiss, returning it with her own as she picked up a chicken strip. "Hey love, when did you get back?" She questioned, her eyes shifting to look at Travis beside her. "Oh Travis, Angel. Angel, Travis."-
  23. SleeperStatus: ''Sup''-he said with a mouthful of food barely being able to be polite by keeping his mouth shut he continued to eat his food as he watched them converse not trying to interupt-
  24. Covet: "Hola Travis." She said with a playful smirk, looking him over, before she looked back at Quinn, "Just got back this afternoon. I had to get all my summer clothes washed back up so I had something to wear out tonight. The familia from Mexico says Hola as well, and says you have to come with me next time. My Tia wants to braid your hair again because it's so soft." She looked over at Quinn's plate then at Travis's. "Is she converting you to her chicken finger club now?" She looked at Quinn, " Did you wave a chicken finger at this one as well?"
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Angel." She mumbled through tight lips, giving her a daring glance. "He came before the chicken fingers, oddly enough." She bit into her chicken strip, waving it through the air as she spoke. "We actually met last night, here. With Lib and Damian. Oh, do they know you're back yet?"-
  26. SleeperStatus: -he chuckled looking between the women-''Chicken finger club?''-he shook his head as he took another bite of his chicken-''yeah we met and i pulled a creppy guy and flirted with her all night''-he smiled looking down at his plate-''So i guess this is an apology''
  27. Covet: "Uh Probably not. But don't worry they will. I'm sure we're all going to go out partying now. I love my family and all, but...My friends know where the real party is. Singing happy birthday in spanish and beating pinata's isn't exactly my idea of a good time." She said with a laugh and reached over to steal a french fry, then glanced at Travis, "Smooth move...Course... I can't say it doesn't work, as that's usually my go to move as well." She said with a laugh.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -She let out a small laugh, reaching over to try to swat Angel's hand away from her french fries. "You weren't creepy, stop. But maybe I'm dumber for not realizing you were flirting with me all night. It was definitely a long day." She took another bite of her chicken, looking across the table to Angel. "Moms still on me for not getting straight A's on my finals."-
  29. SleeperStatus: -He smiled at the two of them as he finished his plate pushing it across the table letting out a little bit of a groan-''I wanna get drunk''-he said with a smile while he got up and walked towards the bartender-''Can i get 3 beers and just start my tab its gonna be a long night''-the bartender nodded his head as he turned around to grab the beers-
  30. Covet: "Boo you whore." She said when her hand was swatted and she talked about her mom. "Your mom, not you." She said clarifying when Travis offered to buy them drinks and said he wanted to get drunk, "Holy shit.. yes please. Everytime I tried to stash a bottle of tequila one of my brother's would steal it back. Cabrons. Can I get a couple of shots of patron on the side too please, that will start my Tab." She told the bartender.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know how you drink that stuff. Even the idea of tequila makes me sick to my stomach. I like my beer, thank you very much." She nodded, finishing off her chicken strip and turning to look at Travis. "I think I can handle getting drunk for the night. But I definitely don't want to leave my car in this parking lot."-
  32. SleeperStatus: ''Thanks bruh''-Travis said to the bartender as he grabbed the beers and made his way back to the ladies placing their beers infront of them-''There ya go. Yeah i wouldnt trust it either but if you need a lift home i could give you one!''-he said as he took a sip out of his beer placing it lightly on the table-
  33. Covet: Angel shrugged, "It's in my blood, Chica." She said with a shrug as she took the lime and spread it over the spot between her forefinger and middle finger in the V, and sprinkled salt on it. Taking a shot of tequila, she licked her fingers watching Quinn and Travis with a smirk, making shot taking seem way more seductive than it needed to be. Then she chased it all down with the beer, taking a couple of big gulps, because that's all beer was good for, to her. She held up the bottle to him afterwords and gave him a wink, "Gracias Senior"
  34. Alexithymiaa: (You're not even a good pretend Spanish speaker.)
  36. Covet: [GOSH!]
  38. Covet: [*SENOR]
  39. Covet: [HAPPY!?]
  40. Alexithymiaa: (MEH.)
  41. Covet: [I'm a great spanish speaker...with the limited words I know...I just suck at spelling it.. always.. XD]
  42. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you." She smiled to Travis, taking her beer and taking a long sip from the bottle. "I'd appreciate the ride home, but what am I supposed to do with my car?" She asked, her eyes shifting back and forth between the two at the table.-
  43. Alexithymiaa: (No me gusta.)
  44. SleeperStatus: ''No problemo chica''-he said with a smile as he reached into his pocket pulling his phone out and opening a message that was from his father,he would then bring his other hand to his phone as he began typing away. When he was finished he set his phone on the table grabbing his beer and taking another swig looking around the bar at the strangers-''Kinda wish Libi and Damian were here so we could get high''-he chuckled to himself scratching the side of his face feeling ashamed that he needed to be high to have a good time,His attention then turned to Quinn-''I know a guy who could tow it to your house for ya quick easy and it would be quiet too''-he said before taking another sip of his beer-
  45. Covet: "If you get drunk you can't go home. Your mom would have a coniption fit. But you know you can always come home with me" She told her giving her friend a wink, " for your car... well... Um... I could call Miguel and he could drive it. He might still be awake by then?He's just at home playing Overwatch. I swear he was itching to game the whole time we were there." She said shaking her head and offering up an option as well. She looked over a Travis. "Welll.... what do you want to get high on?" She said letting her fingers stroke along the neck of her beer bottle idly.
  46. SleeperStatus: ''Well i got weed and coke on me right now..but im sure you dont wanna do any coke''-he chuckled a bit still ashamed of his arranged addiction-''The weed is really fresh i grow it myself''-he then reached into his pocket pulling out a fat nug that had orange and purple hairs in it-''I also have little specs of Dabs in the weed for the extra high''-he looked at the weed in his hand with pride-
  47. Alexithymiaa: "Maybe if you can get Miguel to drive it back, that would be the best option." She nodded, taking another sip of her beer. "You have weed?" She asked, her interested clearly peaking before he mentioned that it was laced. "Nevermind..." She settled back down, reaching over to grab a french fry to pop into her mouth.-
  48. Covet: Angel raised an eyebrow and looked at him, smirking as she looked down at her bottle and then tipped it back taking another couple of gulps. "Oh, some vato who grows his own...Impressive...." She said trailing off thinking of a comment she'd made to Libi about Mars. She looked at Travis and bit her lip shaking her head and playing with her hair a second, "You're just so adorable. Tell you what... I'll show you mine if you show me yours?" she said still grinning as she reached into her back pocket to pull out the dime bag of coke, and the tiny bag of unmarked pills in funky shapes, flashing them for a second before she tucked them away again. She glanced over at Quinn, " wanna toke up tonight too? Damn them grades must really have you torn up. Then she realized why Quinn hesitated, "Babe, Dabs are just THC concentrates, it's not like the joint Damian gave me and Libi that one time. I'll text my brother now though and give him a heads up, then we can have Travis here take us back to my place tonight."
  49. SleeperStatus: ''Lets get fucked up ladies the night is young!''-he yelled laughing at the same time, he then looked at Angels baggie of weed-''Nice nice...i get my shit from boliva we need to compare tastes''-he said as he sighed a bit-''I need a pick me up cause i had such a shitty day''
  50. Covet: [She's got Coke... not weed XD sorry I didn't specify. Uppers are her thing XD]
  51. SleeperStatus: ((meant to say coke haha my bad i also fuck up when im not paying attention))
  52. Covet: [ha ha ha FUCK UPS ALL AROUND...Steph..your turn]
  53. Alexithymiaa: (BITCH Im busy choking people out over there, give me a minute.)
  54. Covet: [Kinky....]
  55. Covet: [I was saying it's your turn for a fuck up...CALM YOUR TITS]
  56. Covet: [XD]
  57. SleeperStatus: ((haha i love you guys))
  58. Alexithymiaa: "Oh." She picked up another french fry, taking a bite and washing it down with the rest of her beer. "Well in that case, sure. I'm down. But I need a refill." She waved her beer bottle a bit, tipping her head to one side and pursing her lips.-
  59. Alexithymiaa: (She says it like I didnt just pistal whip her.)
  60. Alexithymiaa: (pistol*)
  61. Alexithymiaa: (My fingers betray me.)
  62. SleeperStatus: ((haha she fucked up!))
  63. Covet: [AHHAHAHA it was only a matter of time]
  64. SleeperStatus: -Travis smiled as he looked at Quinn then turned his gaze to Angel-''You need another?''-he smiled as he looked at her beer-''Fuck it ill get you another and another round of shots for everyone''-he smiled as he got up from his seat and walked to the bar putting his order in with the bartender,Once he handed all the stuff to travis he walked it back to the table setting it down lightly trying not to spill anything-''Alright guys heres to new friendships and new beginnings''-he said holding his shot glass up hoasting the toast-
  65. Covet: "I get my stuff from a guy in an office building who gets it from somewhere... But it's decent as I expect it to be when I'm dropping the kind of money I do for it." She said then raised her beer, "Count me in." She said happily because this is how you get welcomed home. " She held up her shot in one hand, and her lime in the other. "Arriba, abajo, al centro y adentro." She said taking the shot and biting the lime this time before finishing off her beer, feeling a buzz going already since she hadn't eaten anything but plane peanuts. "Now lets go get high...In the bathroom?" She asked between the two of them.
  66. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you." She took her beer from him, holding it up for their little toast before tipping it back to suck down the liquid inside the bottle, her eyes drinking out across the bar towards the back where the restrooms were. "Probably the bathroom. I can't see any better place. Other than maybe outside around back?"-
  67. SleeperStatus: ''Nah the bathroom is fine come on lets go''-he said as he looked around before he got up and then he got up and made his way to the bathroom. Once they were all inside he locked the door behind them he then reached into his pocket pulling out his coke also grabbing his phone using it as a tiny table for the lines he was about to cut up-''Alright so whos doing lines?''he said looking at the both of them with a smile-
  68. Covet: Angel followed behind him and watched as he cut up his stash, "You use your phone? I need to get you a tin like I have. At least then you can be classy and not have to worry about dust on your face afterwords, Amigo" She said shaking her head at him running her hand through her hair to loosen up her curls as she raised ehr hand, "I'll do a couple. Quinn's not. She's a good girl, aren't you babe?" She said slipping her hand around her friend's waist, scrunching her nose up at her with a smile.
  69. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn slipped out of the booth and followed them back towards the bathrooms, glancing over her shoulder once before stepping inside. She leaned against her friend, propping her forearm up on Angel's shoulder since she was so much taller than that short bitch. "Hey, you try living with a cop and not getting caught doing this kind of stuff. It's not the easiest thing in the world." She rolled her eyes.-
  70. SleeperStatus: -Travis looked at the smiling as he began to cut up 4 lines 2 for him and 2 for angel he then rolled up a 100 dollar bill using it as a straw he then handed it to angel-''Ladies first''-he said with a devilish grin waiting for her to do her lines as he winked at Quinn-
  71. Covet: "You're right... It's so much easier having the best lawyer in the state be your dad. He would get me out of anything." She said with a smug grin because of course she was a Daddy's girl being the only girl he had. "I am impressed with your method of inhaling, very classy." She told him with just the hint of sarcasm to her voice as she took the bill from him and let go of Quinn. She leaned over and did one line after the other, closing her eyes tight and holding her nose for a second as she tipped her head back and stepped back, rubbing her nose as her eyes watered and she started to feel her heart racing. Her eyes were starting to dialate as well. "Damn Travis...Gracias...this is some good shit"
  72. Alexithymiaa: "Shut up, brat." She shot back at Angel, taking a step back until she leaned against the sink, hitching herself up to sit on it and swinging her legs back and forth. "But we're going back to drinking after this, right? Because I've got a decent buzz I want to keep up with."-
  73. SleeperStatus: ''I know right my connect gets good shit!''-he smiles as he leaned down and took both of his lines, travis then wiped his nose and then took the excess off of his phone and rubbed it on his gums. he could feel them getting numb-''Now onto the weed''-he smiled looking over at Quinn-''Your sparking it hun''-he chuckled as he took the weed out of the baggie then he began to crush it up in his hands making it nice and small, perfect for rolling. He then reached into his back pocket pulling out his rolling papers rolling a fat joint using his tongue to seal i. Travis looked up at Quinn with a straight as a grin slowly moved across his face-''Ofcourse we are but first you need to spark this!''-he laughed as he handed her the joint-
  74. Covet: "We've got to get you high too first, silly" She said walking over to Quinn, leaning against her, but fidgeting a bit. "We'll be trashed before the night's over, I want to dance too... Will you let me do a body shot off of you?" She asked Quinn getting all excited as Travis handed the joint over to her friend.
  75. Alexithymiaa: -She reached her hand out to take the joint from him, her eyes scanning the little bathroom situation. "Borrow a lighter?" She asked, tossing her hair over her shoulder before looking down to Angel. "Sure, why not?" She let out a laugh, feeling the warmth swimming through her head.-
  76. SleeperStatus: ''Sure thing''-Travis then dug around in his pocket until her found his light he then held the lighter infront of the joint for her and held it there till it was lit, he then smiled and watched as she began smoking it. It was something about her smoking that made him like her even more-
  77. Covet: "Yay!" Angel said bouncing on her toes, her shirt bouncing a bit as well, showing off some underboob and sideboob because of how her shirt was cut. "We can top off with a few bumps later with my stash. I don't mind sharing" She told Travis with a wink, as she watched Quinn start the joint.
  78. Alexithymiaa: -She inhaled deeply off the joint, pulling it from her mouth so she could exhale a long stream of smoke from her lips, holding the joint out toward Travis. She wrapped her legs around Angel's waist, patting the girl on the head. "Stay still, you're making me dizzy just watching you."-
  79. SleeperStatus: -Travis gently grabbed the joint from Quinn as he quickly put it to the opening of his mouth taking a long hit and then holding it in for a bit before letting it go, he then handed the joint to Angel-''You two are so fucking hot''-he chuckled scratching the back of his head before he turned to the mirror to fix his hair-
  80. Covet: Angel took the joint from Travis and inhaled off of it, then leaned into Quinn, to press her lips to hers and give her a shot gun hit off her toke, while also giving her friend a kiss, before turning back to Travis, "Why thank you, We know" She said unable to not be a smug ass about it because really...they were hot.[Legit though...I'm in lesbians with their playbys...] "But I suppose you're not too bad yourself too." She said with her signature smirk
  81. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah really. Cami and Lili are my OTP.)
  82. Covet: [I ship it!]
  83. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn leaned forward to accept Angel's kiss and exchange of smoke, her lips curving up into a smirk as she in turn exhaled. Her eyes slid over to Travis, her laughter bubbling up from her throat. "Stopppppp. Oh my god, she's the one who's a model."-
  84. SleeperStatus: -Travis smiled and then pulled his phone out again to check if he had any messages but he had nothing so he tucked it back into his pocket he then returned his eyes to the two girls-''Im good on that joint the coke has got me rocked already''-he chuckled-''Im ready for some brewskis''
  85. Covet: "And Fashion Designer!" She said exasperatedly. "Pfft, plus you say that like I don't make you dress up in the clothes I make and have you model for me. You could be a model too, if your mom wasn't so deadset on this forensic thingy" She waved her hand then bounced, "Yes... time for that body shot!" She said throwing her arms up as she walked out of the bathroom after unlocking the door.
  86. Alexithymiaa: "She's dead set on the guaranteed future thing." She rolled her eyes, slipping down off the sink to her feet. "But I do appreciate the free clothes. And the ones I steal from you and rarely give back." She blew Angel a kiss before following her out of the bathroom, holding the door open for Travis behind them. "Let's do ittttt." She slurred just a bit, tossing her hair over.-
  87. whaIing has joined the chat
  88. SleeperStatus: ''Oh fuck yeah!''-he chuckled ashe walked behind them stumbling a bit trying to keep his composure because he wasnt sure who was in the bar at this time. He made his way to the bartender and asked him for grey goose on the rocks. When he gave Travis the drink he downed it and then asked for a refill-''keep em coming boss''-he smiled and waited for his next drink-
  89. whaIing: [hii]
  90. SleeperStatus: ((hey there!))
  91. Covet: "Yeah.. you're welcome, Bitch!" She said with a laugh then called out the bartender, "And two more tequila shots...and a Beer for my bestie!" She said as she walked over to the table. Once the bartender brought her shot over she patted the table on the booth, "Hop up here and sit pretty.. I'm going to do this right, dammit"
  92. Covet: [Hola]
  93. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn staggered over toward the table, hopping up to sit on top of it. She tipped her head to one side, sticking her chest out at her friend as she slurred. "You know I love you right? You're like... you're my favorite person in the whole wide world. More than any other person."-
  94. SleeperStatus: ''Thanks man''-Travis said as he grabbed the beers and headed back to the table, he saw Quinn on the table getting ready for Angel to do the shot off of her so he set her beer in the far corner so it didnt get knocked over-''Aye lets goooo!
  95. Covet: "Aww, You're the best babe." She told her as she stuck the shot glass between her boobs and ran the lime up her chest and onto her neck. She laughed and dipped her head down between Quinn's boobs to take the shot by wrapping her lips around the shot glass tipping it back and putitng it back then lickedup her friend's expossed chest and up her neck giving it a little bit of a bite, to put on a show for Travis. // Miguel had showed up, one of his friends dropping him off to pick up Quinn's car. He loved driving her bright yellow vehicle, so he had no issue doing this, but he still needed the keys from her so he made his way inside to see that Angel and Quinn were getting rather wasted...and god knows what else...sitting with a guy he didn't recognize. His protective brother mode set in and he puffed up a bit as he walked over. "Uh...Hey... so I think you girls should probably come home with me too. You look like you've had enough."
  96. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn let out a giggle, her arm circling around Angel's back until she heard Miguel's voice. With her head shooting up, her grin just spread wider across her face, slipping down from the table to dance circle's around Angels' brother. "Mimiiiii. Hangout with us. It'll be funnnnn."-
  97. Covet: [LOL MIMI that's hilarious!]
  98. Alexithymiaa: (Well she has no brothers so I imagine she has to torture Angel's instead. Shut up.)
  99. Covet: [NEVER.. .I like it. It fits]
  100. Covet: [Clearly her family accepts her as their adopted white child]
  101. SleeperStatus: -Travis looked at who seemed to be Angels brother he just gave him a head nod and took a swig of his beer not really trying to get in the middle of him talking to his sister and Quinn, he just casually pulled a cig from his pack and lit it-
  102. Alexithymiaa: (Its okay. The Parkers try to disown Angel. We're not balanced.)
  103. Covet: [It's perfect in it's own way. XD Poor Travis getting cock blocked though... ]
  104. SleeperStatus: ((lol im just trying get him some haha))
  105. Covet: [Denied by family... and... well.. .time and rl job restrictions...etc.]
  106. Alexithymiaa: (2am is my bedtime and its after that sooo.... I need to gtfo because regardless of what time I go to bed, I have work in the morning.)
  107. whaIing: [i was gonna enter but im starting to get tired and i rather start fresh tomorrow then fall asleep at the keyboard again haha sorry have a nice night y'all]
  108. Covet: [oh.. Okay laters!]
  109. whaIing has left the chat
  110. SleeperStatus: ((Haha take your ass to bed if you got work!))
  111. Covet: [I've got a little work tomorrow, but I'll be back home tomorrow no Job restrictions then...WOOO!]
  112. Covet: [And Tsaaq will be on soon too...she was out being a celebrity friend person thing tonight...with Nicki Minaj....sooo jealous.]
  113. Covet: [So you won't be entirely alone if she hops on]
  114. SleeperStatus: ((In rl?))
  115. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah)
  116. Alexithymiaa: (This bitch.)
  117. Covet: [YEAH...sooo jealous]
  118. SleeperStatus: ((what!!))
  119. Covet: [RIGHT!?]
  120. SleeperStatus: ((holy shit thats awesome!))
  121. Covet: [She got a margarita and dinner paid for by Nicki]
  122. Covet: [And Nicki got her drunk...]
  123. Alexithymiaa: (Seriously bragging rights.)
  124. SleeperStatus: ((is she gonna get on?))
  125. Covet: [She said she was]
  126. Alexithymiaa: (She said shes almost home.)
  127. SleeperStatus: ((thats fucking awesome!))
  128. Covet: Angel frowned as she pulled back from Quinn, "Miguell. you're supposed to pick up her car and take it back to my house...Not come be a buzzkill. We're hanging out with a new friend." She glared at her brother // Miguell reached over and grabbed both of the girls, "Well.. You're not supposed to be drinking... minors...numero uno, numero dos... Big brother says the parties over... get your asses in the car now. Tres, don't call me Mimi." // Angel pouted because she hated when her brother's pulled rank, but they covered for her most of the time so she had to at least play by their rules. "Fine.. but you owe me a night out. Adios Travis.. oh wait.. here... take this tell me what you think." She said tosing him the dime bag from her back pocket. "See you around, amigo" She said with a wink then went with her brother out the door.
  129. Alexithymiaa: -She stumbled a little as Miguel grabbed her, looking up at him and moving her hand to boop the end of his nose with her index finger. "Mimiiiiiiii." She sang the obnoxious nickname a bit more, following him out the door. "Byeeeee Travis."-
  130. Covet: [These lightweight wasted bitches XD]
  131. SleeperStatus: -Travis caught the dime bag and laughed as angels brother dragged both the girls out of the bar-''Bye guys see ya around''-he chuckled as he finished his beer taking a seat in the booth once again grabbing his phone as he scrolled through social media-
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