
Interesting ruling problem

Jun 13th, 2017
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  1. Adrian Dursun: can i use the effect of heritage everyturn once?
  2. Zarc Y: sicne you cofnsued me when u said u alreayd normaled summon this turn
  3. Resource Judge #0263: You can use each effect of Heritage or Disciples 1 time each turn.
  4. Adrian Dursun: i didnt already normal summon but this summon of master peace is by heritage
  5. Zarc Y: then why did u sya u did
  6. Adrian Dursun: i didnt.
  7. Adrian Dursun: eff heritage from grave to pop
  8. Zarc Y: ?
  9. Zarc Y: whats being bansihed off for the master
  10. Zarc Y: for the second one
  11. Resource Judge #0263: Just going to warn you guys both to play slower and think about the actions.
  12. Zarc Y: sicne u bansiehd the 2 for the first in end and my turn
  13. Adrian Dursun: its the effect of heritage
  14. Zarc Y: u jsut did the eff of heirtage form what u stated
  15. Adrian Dursun: "eff heritage from grave to pop"
  16. Zarc Y: u sjtu did the summon
  17. Adrian Dursun: then i wrote:"eff heritage from grave to pop"
  18. Zarc Y: so what cards being bansihed for master
  19. Adrian Dursun: thats no banish of master
  20. Resource Judge #0263: Zarc...
  21. Zarc Y: yes jud
  22. Resource Judge #0263: Chain the backrow or don't.
  23. Zarc Y: imw aiting for the master
  24. Resource Judge #0263: He used the effect of Heritage in grave.
  25. Zarc Y: so he cna deostyr the set
  26. Zarc Y: he alreayd sued herirage eff
  27. Zarc Y: form what us atted emaning he cant d the desotry this turn
  28. Resource Judge #0263: he used the effect of heritage to pop a diff spell or trap earlier?
  29. Zarc Y: thats why waitting or the heritage
  30. Zarc Y: no the summon
  31. Adrian Dursun: so i use after the summon the other effect
  32. Zarc Y: im now getitng wya mroe confused now
  33. Resource Judge #0263: So the summon was successful.
  34. Zarc Y: ow so u admit too use master peaves other eff
  35. Resource Judge #0263: Now he is using the grave eff.
  36. Zarc Y: that isnt the ts of the crds
  37. Zarc Y: ow o why is adrian now syaing hes using the toehr eff of master oeace
  38. Zarc Y: theres only 2 effects on master peace
  39. Adrian Dursun: i never wrote:" effect masterpeace"
  40. Zarc Y: u wrote other eff of it
  41. Adrian Dursun: the other eff of heritage amk
  42. Resource Judge #0263: Zarc. Continue the duel.
  43. Zarc Y: master peace only ah 2 effects the one to ts spells for the summon
  44. Zarc Y: and the other too bansih too desotry a card
  45. Resource Judge #0263: He used the in grave effect of heritage.
  46. Resource Judge #0263: Do you have a resp?
  47. Resource Judge #0263: Yes or no?
  48. Zarc Y: yes and then he stated he was doing the master epace when h said im suing the toehr eff admin
  49. Resource Judge #0263: If you have a resp
  50. Resource Judge #0263: please respond
  51. Resource Judge #0263: to the effect of the in grave
  52. Resource Judge #0263: heritage
  53. Zarc Y: Adrian Dursun: so i use after the summon the other effect
  54. Resource Judge #0263: of heritage...
  55. Adrian Dursun: THE OTHER EFFECT OF WHAT
  56. Zarc Y: read what he said after the summon heritage cna ponly be sued the summon of it
  57. Zarc Y: so he can cannot form what he typed
  58. Resource Judge #0263: Please continue Zarc.
  59. Zarc Y: i a contining
  60. Resource Judge #0263: You are not.
  61. Zarc Y: im waiting for adrian too contine turn
  62. Resource Judge #0263: He is waiting for your response.
  63. Resource Judge #0263: To the Heritage in grave.
  64. Zarc Y: based of what eh said hes ot doing ehritage
  65. Resource Judge #0263: I'm not going to wait on it.
  66. Zarc Y: from what eh said right here Adrian Dursun: so i use after the summon the other effect
  67. Resource Judge #0263: Zarc either respond or don't.
  68. Resource Judge #0263: Send card to grave.
  69. Zarc Y: im waiting for him too contine
  70. Zarc Y: onc ehe banishes
  71. A judge gave Zarc Y a game loss
  72. Siding for the next duel has begun (1-0-0)
  73. Zarc Y: Adrian Dursun: so i use after the summon the other effect read this ehritage eff in grave is when master is summoned
  74. Zarc Y: not afetr
  75. Zarc Y: he shoudl get the game lsos for that
  76. Resource Judge #0263: He said eff of the card after the summon of peace.
  77. Resource Judge #0263: For the duration of the duel Adrian
  78. Resource Judge #0263: please type everything
  79. Zarc Y: yes and if ur ead the spell that is when the summon cocurs not afetr
  80. Zarc Y: that would eman it msised timming then
  81. Resource Judge #0263: Zarc is really being difficult with staff and players.
  82. Zarc Y: i habve rppoof an du rignore it and then u disunderstand the timmings
  83. Zarc Y: of cards when they cna be sued and when cant and ig et gameloss for that on him saying inncorrect staments that proof im correct and ou jsut die with him
  84. Resource Judge #0263: Zarc...I should issue match losses for your typing.
  85. Zarc Y: side
  86. Resource Judge #0263: You didn't cooperate at all.
  87. Resource Judge #0263: At all and I haven't did anything to your account.
  88. Zarc Y: did witht he text tlel emwthis when does herritage in ayrd activate sicne its the same with bas rullings
  89. Zarc Y: with griefing with the summon
  90. Resource Judge #0263: I just issued a game loss because we waited more than enough time.
  91. Zarc Y: it would sitll be on the summon not after
  92. Zarc Y: so he should get the game loss for game 2 then
  93. Adrian Dursun: shark 2.0
  94. Zarc Y: not hsakring if it wa ssharking i wouldnt have rpoof when i do based off quotes what u said
  95. Zarc Y: unles su cna argue u didnt sya this Adrian Dursun: so i use after the summon the other effect
  96. Adrian Dursun: please continue duell.
  97. Zarc Y: adrian your not the admin
  98. Resource Judge #0263: Zarc.
  99. Resource Judge #0263: Please duel.
  100. Zarc Y: unless your trying too impersonate one
  101. Resource Judge #0263: Zarc.
  102. Zarc Y: admin hes trying too impersonate you trying too do the admins job
  103. Resource Judge #0263: I asked you to duel.
  104. Zarc Y: yes and i am ocne u give game lsos too him for cheating
  105. Zarc Y: Adrian Dursun: so i use after the summon the other effect
  106. Zarc Y: he said that and he didnt banish master
  107. Zarc Y: and delayed
  108. Resource Judge #0263: Zarc, he will not recieve a game loss.
  109. Zarc Y: he deserves a game lsos for that not me
  110. The match has been canceled by a judge
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