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Final Fantasy XIV - Rabbit NPCs (Hatching-tide 2020) {V2}

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Jan 10th, 2022
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  1. [Cutscene NPCs]
  3. - Note: If you haven't done The Four Lords sidequest, the third NPC is apparently replaced with Mother Miounne.
  5. Refined Rabbit (Kan-E-Senna): Keep─ah, forgive me. I mean to say, you are the one come for the Hatching-tide eggs, are you not? I am happy to inform you that they have been crafted precisely according to Jihli and her Dreamers' request, every last one housing a delightful treat that is sure to please a lucky child. What manner of treat, you ask? Why, none other than home-baked cookies prepared by myself and my siblings from only the freshest ingredients harvested from the Twelveswood and blessed by the guardians of the forest. I must admit, I am surprised to see that you will be the one to deliver them, but there is none who I would sooner trust with this most important delivery. Go with the elementals' blessing, that you might bring joy to the young ones of our fair city on this most wonderful of occasions.
  7. Well-oiled Rabbit (Godbert): Oho! If it isn't Berteaux, my dear son's boon companion! I observe that your expression is a curious one. Clearly, you are at a complete loss as to the identity of the virile gentle-rabbit who stands before you! Ah, but it is a fine Hatching-tide this year, is it not? The colorful decorations about the town, the festive mood in the air─why, it is enough to make a Mander─er, rabbit such as I lift up his legs, put up his paws, and dance! Ohoho! But I must not forget why I am here to begin with. Behold, a veritable chicken coop's worth of ornamental eggs, each containing a gold hairpin fashioned with a delightful egg motif! What child would not rejoice to receive such a stylish and special gift, I ask? None that I know! Ohohoho! Speaking of children, I wonder─whatever is my dear son up to these days? It has been so very long since he wrote...
  9. Red-furred Rabbit (Suzaku): ...Berteaux. When I heard that you would be playing a leading role in this year's Hatching-tide, I simply had to witness it myself. What's this? You do not recognize me? Why, you are as dense as a certain man I once loved... But I jest. My true form concealed within this costume, it is no wonder that you are confused. It is not the first time I have used my powers to take on another form, though I feel somewhat bereft without my wings. ...But enough about me. We have gifts that must be delivered to the fledglings, do we not? Ah, but my beloved, too, cared very much for children. In choosing the gifts I would prepare for the occasion, I gave much thought to what manner of present would do him proud. That look in your eyes... Yes, you have journeyed far and wide since felling the mad auspice Koryu. Those who have known suffering the realm over doubtless live freer today for your efforts. Do take care...and promise that you will never abandon the fight.
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [FATE NPCs]
  15. Weaponsmith Rabbit (Gerolt): “If ye can't pay yer debt, I've got another deal for ye!”, he said. Next thing I know, I'm wearin' this godsdamned giant pelt under the blisterin' sun!
  17. Trader Rabbit (Rowena): Inside each of those eggs─along with a present for the children, o' course─is a piece o' parchment advertisin' the latest wares available at the House o' Splendors.
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [Town NPCs]
  23. - Notes:
  24. * The dialogue for Razor-tongued Rabbit is likely different depending on your progression through the Scholar questline, if they even show up at all before the Level 80 quests.
  25. * If you haven't done The Four Lords sidequest, the dialogue for the Four Lords is entirely different.
  27. Forest-loving Rabbit (Beatin): Ah, hello there, child... Mayhap you can assist me with something. I've crafted the most lovely gilded eggs from the finest of wood, yet not a single boy or girl has shown an interest in my creations. Whatever do you suppose might be the matter?
  28. Muscle-bound Bunny (Gairhard): Ahem... How many times do I have to tell you? Maybe you'd have more lucky if you put that godsdamned saw down before you approached the children!
  30. Razor-tongued Rabbit (Landenel): Bah! Why did no one tell me that I'd have to wear this ridiculous outfit before I volunteered for security duty? And what are the rest of you doing here?
  31. Marine Rabbit (Alka): Ever since Setoto was cured of the disease, I've been taking her all around as part of my training. It's such a relief to know she'll not be the target of any over-eager bounty hunters anymore!
  32. Sentimental Rabbit (Setoto): Oh, I simply can't express how wonderful it feels to walk along Alka's side with not a care in the world! Landenel, sir...what do you think, seeing me as an ordinary girl like this?
  33. Razor-tongued Rabbit (Landenel): Er, you may want to take another look at yourself...
  35. Machinist Rabbit (Nero): You're here, too? ...This? Why, I'm just a harmless, cute little red bunny rabbit, of course. What does it look like to you? Well, truth be told, I have made a few enhancements. For example, it can spit a piping hot jet of coffee straight from its mouth. Good coffee, too, unlike the swill brewed with a certain Mark XIV Thermo-something-or-another. Forgotten about me, have you, Garlond? Heh.. You'll remember all too well when my cute little bunny shows up with an extra-large Archon egg specially crafted just for you... I do believe you'll especially enjoy the present inside. A retractable turret that will leave no doubt which one of us is the true master of magitek...
  37. Golden Swine (Adkiragh): Well, hello there, Berteaux. How do you like my outfit? Quite stylish, wouldn't you agree? Wait─don't tell me. I can tell at a glance what you're thinking. “Why, Adkiragh,” you muse. “Whyever are you dressed as a dapper swine rather than a handsome hare?” And to that, I answer: recently, generous adventurers have given me all manner of curious costumes, from toads to namazu and more. But I will not be swayed by fleeting trends of fashion. No, I have a style all my own, and I will stay true to myself to the end! Did I mention that suckling pig is one of the most popular items on the menu at the Hard Place?
  39. Pink-furred Rabbit (Tataru): Oh, Berteaux! Fancy meeting you here! I was just stopping by to pay a visit to one of our contacts in the Twin Adders, when out of nowhere this fellow in a rabbit suit came by and handed me this egg. Isn't it pretty? It just made me so happy that I figured, why not return the favor? The others won't miss me if I'm only gone for a while, no?
  41. (Four Lords {Sidequest Incomplete})
  43. Raven-furred Rabbit (Genbu): Ohohoho! How long has it been since I traveled to these shores? No matter─I must find myself a great warrior, lest the Ruby Sea be bathed in the flames of destruction...
  45. Feline Purr (Senri): Mortals, mortals everywhere...
  47. Resplendent Rabbit (Byakko): Mortals are honorable creatures, indeed... I must keep my fury in check, lest I visit upon them death and destruction they do not deserve.
  49. Flame-kissed Rabbit (Suzaku): To think that I might have enjoyed these festivities with my one and only beloved, had only I not been so weak and powerless...
  51. Azure-furred Rabbit (Seiryu): When that fateful day, I vowed that never again would I associate with mortals. And yet, here I am...
  53. (Four Lords {Sidequest Complete})
  55. Raven-furred Rabbit (Soroban): Oh, my friend! It is so very good to see you again! How do you fare these days? Little has changed with me since last we met. Genbu, as you might imagine, is ever the demanding taskmaster...
  56. Wizened Voice (Genbu): Am I, Soroban? I gave my permission for you to leave the temple to go frolic about in that ridiculous rabbit suit, did I not? Mind you, I am already beginning to regret my decision. At this rate, it will be a thousand years before you are ready to succeed me!
  57. Raven-furred Rabbit (Soroban): I understand this, Master Genbu. Truly, I do! I assure you that this is all part of my mission to expand my horizons and deepen my knowledge of this world, that I might one day protect the Ruby Sea as you do.
  58. Wizened Voice (Genbu): Ohohoho! As you can see, this young one is as spirited as ever. It is good to see you in fine fettle as well, Berteaux.
  60. Feline Purr (Senri): Ah, there you are. Kamaitachi here has been whining all day about just how much he missed you.
  61. Weaselly Voice (Kamaitachi): Hey, that's not true! I just said, wouldn't it be nice if Berteaux happened to stop by?
  62. Canine Growl (Inugami): Silence and stop moving, fool, lest I rend you limb from limb! Can't you see that Nue can barely hold us up as is?
  63. Red Panda's Voice (Nue): Mmf... How much longer do we have to stay like this!?
  65. Resplendent Rabbit (Byakko): Well, well, old friend. I was not expecting to see you in a place like this. Do you not remember my final words to you when you left the temple? I told you that you were welcome to return anytime you wish. And yet, you spurn our invitation. I am filled with such profound loneliness, I can feel my aramitama swell with anger and rage─! ...'Tis a joke, friend. Perhaps my companions would express such sentiments, but not I. And yet, I cannot deny that we would welcome your company. After all, you are one of the few mortals in this world that we see as a friend.
  67. Flame-kissed Rabbit (Suzaku): Let me tell you of a dream I had. In it, I was standing in a great manse, with countless my beloved of Tenzen dancing about me. It was so curious, and so deeply beautiful... I imagine that you are thinking that I haven't changed a bit. And yet, I assure you that I have come far since last we met. Yes, I understand that I cannot allow myself to be consumed by the past, lest I lose sight of those precious individuals who stand beside me here in the present. And yet, I have vowed to do all that I can to honor his memory, and bring happiness and good fortune to those around me, much as my beloved once did for me.
  69. Azure-furred Rabbit (Seiryu): Greetings, Berteaux. It has been some time, has it not? When I heard of your involvement in these festivities, I was compelled to come and see for myself. I was, however, burdened with an overgrown kitten who can neither swim nor fly, making the journey here troublesome indeed. Had I known these suits would be so...constrictive, I may have stayed at Hells' Lid. Were I to use my powers to transform you into a snake, you might better understand my struggle. ...But I jest. Such ill treatment of a warrior of your stature would incur the ire of my fellow auspices. Similarly, were any of them foolish enough to give you cause for consternation, my retribution against them would be swift and merciless.
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