
AGDQ games reveal thoughts

Oct 11th, 2017
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  1. I read Antilles's paste and so I wanted to offer my thoughts.
  3. The Mega Man Relay is easily the big thing I'm hyped for. A few other games got in I might check out (SML2, LittleBigPlanet 2, etc.), but honestly, I'm hardly gonna be watching AGDQ this time.
  5. I'm glad we're not seeing SM64 120 race between Cheese/Puncayshun/Simply again, however, that game, as well as a few others, are known for drawing in the most viewers. I'm surprised they said no to SMB, SM64, Super Metroid, and others. GDQ has made me very skeptical recently (AGDQ more than SGDQ), so the fact they made this decision makes me sit on the fence. GDQ loves drawing in money, but the biggest games that are usually in were declined so different games could finally take the stage. I can't tell why they went this route. I'm gonna just have to wait and see how this AGDQ compares to previous events (back when they didn't care so much about getting viewers and money).
  7. I submitted nothing to AGDQ, and I have family stuff going on that week anyway, so this worked out well for me. My stream plans will still be the same. I will attempt to submit stuff for SGDQ 2018 (mainly Michael Jordan. My proudest speedrun accomplishment so far), but we'll cross that bridge once we get to it.
  9. Congrats to anyone that got accepted for AGDQ! Have fun.
  10. -Alec
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