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Apr 10th, 2016
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  2. 4/10/2016, 6:10:19 PM
  3. MahvelBaby: I MEAN
  4. MahvelBaby: YOU'RE OKAY I GUESS
  5. MahvelBaby: have you asked kloopz if he has poopz today
  6. pogchampguy: no
  7. MahvelBaby: pcg you need to tell him
  8. pogchampguy: tell who
  9. MahvelBaby: kloopz
  10. MahvelBaby: He has loo in his name.
  11. MahvelBaby: So naturally.
  12. MahvelBaby: You have to guide him to poo.
  13. pogchampguy: o.o
  14. MahvelBaby: nigga I see kloopz is whispering you
  15. MahvelBaby: T E L L H I M
  16. MahvelBaby: E
  17. MahvelBaby: L
  18. MahvelBaby: L
  19. MahvelBaby: H
  20. MahvelBaby: I
  21. MahvelBaby: M
  22. MahvelBaby: I did it. :D
  23. MahvelBaby: okay pcg
  24. MahvelBaby: supi is hyping up your depression in chat to have people talk to you.
  25. pogchampguy: tell him to stop
  26. MahvelBaby: Is this true? :c
  27. pogchampguy: what
  28. MahvelBaby: That your depression is bad today, lol.
  29. MahvelBaby: 'Cause he's making a big deal out of it.
  30. MahvelBaby: If it is, you should come to chat and meme it away. :l
  31. pogchampguy: i left chat
  32. MahvelBaby: pcg, x'ing out of chat is a sin
  33. MahvelBaby: why
  34. pogchampguy: cause chat has no point
  35. pogchampguy: :p
  36. MahvelBaby: I mean, technically not many things have a point.
  37. MahvelBaby: idk why you're on twitch with that mindset, lol.
  38. MahvelBaby: But coming back to chat will make you feel better 100%
  39. MahvelBaby: If you're feeling down
  40. pogchampguy: well twicth is pointless too
  41. pogchampguy: but i have no motivation to do anything else
  42. MahvelBaby: who will I PogChamp to with no pcg in chat :c
  43. pogchampguy: with supi
  44. MahvelBaby: supi sucks, he hates cardstone
  45. MahvelBaby: :(
  46. pogchampguy: everyone hates hs in chat Kappa
  47. MahvelBaby: Not me, I'm a secret HS lover Kappa
  48. MahvelBaby: pcg is it true
  49. MahvelBaby: That you want to kill yourself. O:
  50. MahvelBaby: It's all supi's saying in chat, lol
  51. pogchampguy: would supi lie Kappa
  52. MahvelBaby: Maybe, that's why I'm asking. Kappa
  53. pogchampguy: ask supi Kappa
  54. MahvelBaby: He'll just say "blah blah blah FeelsBadMan "
  55. MahvelBaby: pcg, if you're serious about killing yourself.
  56. MahvelBaby: Why would you buy a rope, lol.
  57. MahvelBaby: Supi said you got a rope to do it.
  58. pogchampguy: cause hanging is easiest
  59. pogchampguy: i cant buy a gun
  60. MahvelBaby: Technically meds or choking from gas is easier
  61. MahvelBaby: Have you seen failed suicide attempts by hanging
  62. pogchampguy: i looked at a guide
  63. MahvelBaby: pcg the person who wrote the guide didn't kill themselves
  64. MahvelBaby: master bait. :c
  65. pogchampguy: so i should just take meds then?
  66. MahvelBaby: You should weigh pros and cons of doing whatever.
  67. MahvelBaby: Naturally, there are enough cons to convince you to not do it at all. PogChamp
  68. pogchampguy: there are no cons
  69. pogchampguy: only pros
  70. MahvelBaby: There are only cons when living in a progressive society
  71. MahvelBaby: If you were truly alone and nobody would miss you, then sure
  72. MahvelBaby: You could weigh it naturally.
  73. pogchampguy: nobody would miss me
  74. MahvelBaby: confirmed nobody FeelsBadMan
  75. MahvelBaby: I think suicide is okay to do if you do it the right way.
  76. MahvelBaby: And for the right reasons.
  77. pogchampguy: youre some random dude on the internet
  78. MahvelBaby: And I really doubt your reasons are right.
  79. pogchampguy: well rope is the best way i have
  80. pogchampguy: i dont have access to meds
  81. pogchampguy: and my reasons are right
  82. MahvelBaby: random dude = random dude tho'.
  83. MahvelBaby: I am a person :c
  84. MahvelBaby: What are your reasons.
  85. pogchampguy: life sucks
  86. MahvelBaby: pcg are you five
  87. MahvelBaby: PogChamp
  88. pogchampguy: B)
  89. MahvelBaby: People who are stable mentally think life sucks too, lol.
  90. MahvelBaby: For someone with any kind of depression, one bad day is the equivalent to a few weeks.
  91. MahvelBaby: Or months even.
  92. MahvelBaby: But that goes away too, lol.
  93. MahvelBaby: Deciding on a solution to a problem like life sucks is rly bad.
  94. MahvelBaby: Especially if you're gonna hang yourself.
  95. MahvelBaby: like tf
  96. MahvelBaby: pcg, what drove you to this decision you've made today.
  97. pogchampguy: im too stupid to be successful irl
  98. pogchampguy: so
  99. MahvelBaby: Like out of all the things potentially held in, what was the extra push. PogChamp
  100. MahvelBaby: Because people with depression are just normal people.
  101. MahvelBaby: Only their brains are physically incapable to handling specific things.
  102. MahvelBaby: pcg have you seen trump
  103. MahvelBaby: on your TV PogChamp
  104. pogchampguy: donald?
  105. MahvelBaby: no, valuetown trump
  106. MahvelBaby: Yes, donald trump
  107. pogchampguy: no
  108. MahvelBaby: looool
  109. MahvelBaby: looool
  110. MahvelBaby: I didn't mean to send it twice.
  111. MahvelBaby: :c
  112. MahvelBaby: People without a GED can make it in life atm.
  113. MahvelBaby: Anywhere in the US.
  114. pogchampguy: no they cant
  115. MahvelBaby: What makes you think you're stupid enough to not make it.
  116. pogchampguy: and i have a hs diploma anyways
  117. MahvelBaby: Yeah they can, haha.
  118. pogchampguy: no they cant
  119. MahvelBaby: One of my ex's dropped out of school.
  120. MahvelBaby: Got her GED eventually, but she did a lot of travelling before that.
  121. MahvelBaby: On her own dime, on her own time.
  122. pogchampguy: i dont want to travel
  123. MahvelBaby: What do you want to do then?
  124. pogchampguy: you know what i want to do lol
  125. MahvelBaby: Besides killing yourself, lol
  126. MahvelBaby: That's not a job. Or a career.
  127. MahvelBaby: You can't go to school for that. :c
  128. pogchampguy: well
  129. pogchampguy: it kinda is a career
  130. pogchampguy: since its going to take up the rest of my life
  131. MahvelBaby: You don't study to be depressed.
  132. MahvelBaby: And you don't get tested on it, lol.
  133. MahvelBaby: Depression is like having a separate person inside of you.
  134. MahvelBaby: And it's just a dick. PogChamp
  135. pogchampguy: nah
  136. MahvelBaby: pcg how do you let something like that wrestle control over you.
  137. MahvelBaby: Everyone in the world fights every day, no matter how happy or sad they are.
  138. MahvelBaby: Because depression is possible in everyone.
  139. MahvelBaby: Chemical imbalances or not.
  140. MahvelBaby: What made you want to stop fighting lately?
  141. pogchampguy: theres no point
  142. MahvelBaby: Why's that?
  143. MahvelBaby: I feel the same way atm, but I'm stuck in a shitty town.
  144. MahvelBaby: And I'll get out at some point, so whatever.
  145. pogchampguy: cause its hopeless
  146. MahvelBaby: Because?
  147. pogchampguy: cause it is
  148. MahvelBaby: Having cancer is hopeless, lol.
  149. MahvelBaby: Alzheimers is hopeless.
  150. MahvelBaby: And people who don't put them on par with depression are pretty stupid.
  151. MahvelBaby: Because they're equally as serious, but depression is something you can have a lot of control over.
  152. MahvelBaby: It's not as if people with cancer can take antidepressants and work really hard some days.
  153. MahvelBaby: People with dementia can't go through a rough patch and climb out, lol.
  154. MahvelBaby: And some people with depression can't do that.
  155. MahvelBaby: But you have plenty of time to try.
  156. MahvelBaby: So why don't you want to anymore?
  157. pogchampguy: antidepressants dont work
  158. MahvelBaby: How many have you tried?
  159. pogchampguy: 3
  160. MahvelBaby: They're crazy expensive, I don't envy people who have to buy them.
  161. MahvelBaby: What's your classification, pcg?
  162. pogchampguy: bipolar
  163. MahvelBaby: That's all?
  164. pogchampguy: yes
  165. MahvelBaby: There's always more medicine to try, lol.
  166. MahvelBaby: But what else have you tried?
  167. MahvelBaby: You said you like to go to the gym, does lifting help any?
  168. MahvelBaby: Or exercise in general, not trying to generalize. Kappa
  169. pogchampguy: no
  170. MahvelBaby: What else do you like to do?
  171. pogchampguy: nothing
  172. MahvelBaby: So you exercise and shitpost and do nothing else? PogChamp
  173. pogchampguy: :(
  174. MahvelBaby: Plenty of people around the world do that too, lol.
  175. MahvelBaby: Sometimes sans exercising.
  176. MahvelBaby: Is there anything you're interested in?
  177. MahvelBaby: What kind of jobs have you had? PogChamp
  178. pogchampguy: none
  179. MahvelBaby: What are you studying in school?
  180. pogchampguy: cs
  181. MahvelBaby: But you're not interested in it or anything, lol.
  182. MahvelBaby: How long have you been in uni?
  183. pogchampguy: 4 years
  184. MahvelBaby: Close to graduating with a BS?
  185. pogchampguy: yes
  186. MahvelBaby: Why not see that out then? PogChamp
  187. pogchampguy: no job prospects
  188. MahvelBaby: You don't even have to stay on the path of cs.
  189. MahvelBaby: People with a bachelor's of science don't always get their dream jobs. Kappa
  190. MahvelBaby: That applies to any degree that isn't engineering tho'.
  191. MahvelBaby: You're talking about killing yourself before finding a job.
  192. MahvelBaby: Before getting a degree.
  193. MahvelBaby: Do you live in the dorms of your uni? PogChamp
  194. MahvelBaby: Or an apartment complex?
  195. pogchampguy: apartment
  196. MahvelBaby: Single?
  197. MahvelBaby: Or shared?
  198. pogchampguy: shared
  199. MahvelBaby: No independent living yet?
  200. pogchampguy: no
  201. MahvelBaby: There's a ton of stuff you've yet to experience, and you're ready to cut it short.
  202. pogchampguy: nah
  203. MahvelBaby: What kind of bad day did you have to set that off? PogChamp
  204. MahvelBaby: Or rather.
  205. pogchampguy: you talking to me set it off Kappa
  206. MahvelBaby: How long has this been weighing on you.
  207. pogchampguy: forever
  208. MahvelBaby: pcg that is a lie, supi said you felt like that before Kappa
  209. MahvelBaby: Don't ruse me fam Kappa
  210. MahvelBaby: When did you get diagnosed?
  211. pogchampguy: 5 months ago
  212. MahvelBaby: And how long were you dealing with this before then?
  213. pogchampguy: forever
  214. MahvelBaby: So you've lasted literally forever. PogChamp
  215. pogchampguy: dank
  216. MahvelBaby: You were depressed when Jesus fucked off, now 5 months after being diagnosed. Kappa
  217. MahvelBaby: You wanna do this. Kappa
  218. pogchampguy: memes
  219. MahvelBaby: What changed?
  220. pogchampguy: nothing
  221. MahvelBaby: Memes will change your life, guaranteeeeeeed
  222. pogchampguy: nope
  223. MahvelBaby: So you've always felt like, "Today may be the [insert choice of suicidal method] day"?
  224. pogchampguy: o.o
  225. MahvelBaby: You've dealt with it all this time, what made you want to get the rope recently?
  226. pogchampguy: time
  227. MahvelBaby: What do you mean, lol.
  228. pogchampguy: huh?
  229. MahvelBaby: What's time got to do with the decision making? O:
  230. pogchampguy: cause eventually you get tired of feeling a certain way
  231. MahvelBaby: Yeah, I get you. But this method though, to fix it?
  232. MahvelBaby: This way?
  233. pogchampguy: its the only way
  234. MahvelBaby: You're not gonna feel that certain way forever.
  235. pogchampguy: yes i am
  236. MahvelBaby: You'll have good days and bad days. More bad than good, probably.
  237. MahvelBaby: Depends. :D
  238. pogchampguy: no
  239. MahvelBaby: Yeah yooo.
  240. MahvelBaby: When's the last time you had a good day?
  241. pogchampguy: never
  242. MahvelBaby: I'm not gonna say you're exaggerating, 'cause depression can definitely make you feel like that.
  243. MahvelBaby: But I'm pretty sure you've had a good day before. Kapa
  244. MahvelBaby: Kappa *
  245. MahvelBaby: You have to live to get a job. To work, and see how working feels with your depression.
  246. MahvelBaby: You have to live to get your B.S and see what you want to do after.
  247. pogchampguy: no
  248. MahvelBaby: You have to live in case you have actually never had a good day, lol.
  249. MahvelBaby: Why would you want to end it all without having a good day. PogChamp
  250. MahvelBaby: I do believe you've had one, but.
  251. MahvelBaby: Don't you wonder how that feels?
  252. MahvelBaby: To have your depression be at bay for a while?
  253. MahvelBaby: And feel normal?
  254. pogchampguy: no
  255. MahvelBaby: Then what do you feel, pcg.
  256. MahvelBaby: From what I gather, you're a sad fiesta atm
  257. MahvelBaby: And you're trying your hardest to not go back on your decision to kill yourself fairly soon, lol.
  258. MahvelBaby: But you will always have time to.
  259. MahvelBaby: There are people in their 50's and 60's with bipolar depression.
  260. MahvelBaby: I would personally want to do it around my 50's.
  261. MahvelBaby: I'm not saying your decision is wrong.
  262. MahvelBaby: But there are plenty of better decisions for you to make right now.
  263. pogchampguy: no
  264. New Whispers
  265. MahvelBaby: You haven't even been in uni for that long.
  266. MahvelBaby: Are you in debt?
  267. MahvelBaby: I can't tell if you're still here or not. BabyRage
  268. MahvelBaby: If you are and don't feel like talking, that's okay too.
  269. MahvelBaby: I'm not gonna say you can talk to me about anything, 'cause I dunno about all that. Kappa
  270. MahvelBaby: But people do care about you. I do, and I don't even know you. PogChamp
  271. MahvelBaby: Depression can warp and lie to you, so it can feel like nobody cares.
  272. MahvelBaby: But someone always does.
  273. MahvelBaby: So if you ever feel like talking, I can listen.
  274. MahvelBaby: And definitely don't kill yourself today. Or with a rope, looool
  275. MahvelBaby: Talk to me tomorrow too. Come up with some better ways. And I'll tell you how they suck too. Kappa
  276. MahvelBaby: Times like this make me wish I could have stayed in uni longer to pursue my master's in social work
  277. MahvelBaby: To be able to properly help you, but I can help you as a friend just fine if you let me.
  278. MahvelBaby: Anyway, talk to you later. Or tomorrow. If I can't talk to you tomorrow, I'm gonna be really pissed. PogChamp
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