
Crippled in Equestria - Part 5

Jul 6th, 2012
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  1. >Your tough, grizzled exterior might crack if you keep this up, Anon.
  2. >You hadn't bothered putting the shirt back on, your 'cutie marks' seemed to be an excellent conversation piece.
  3. >You also made sure to plug your idea for a new shop shamelessly. You really wanted to ram that point home.
  4. >You couldn't really dance, though, the pain in your leg was coming up again.
  5. >When you sat down, Rarity found you, floating a gift bag into your lap.
  6. >"I'm sure you'll like it, Anon." she said with an expectant smile.
  7. >You open the bag up, and sure enough, there's a few sets of clothes made for you. Similar dark gray, heavy pants with lots of pockets, a bit of blue here and there.
  8. "It’s perfect," you mumble. It was tough to believe she had made such high quality stuff on short notice.
  9. >"Think nothing of it, we are friends after all."
  10. >What?
  11. >You suddenly felt disarmed, even with your cane.
  12. "Well, we've only just met, I'll have to do something for you."
  13. >Generosity was something that just didn't sit right. Things were cause and effect in your world, every action had a reaction, everything given had something in return.
  14. >"No, no. I insist. This is your welcoming present!"
  15. >You try on one of the new shirts, it fits great.
  16. "You're really good at this, Rarity. Thanks a lot, really."
  17. >She nods to you, and goes off to the punch.
  18. >You scratch your head. These new duds were really well made.
  19. >It just didn't make any sense. Why would she do that?
  20. >A thousand more questions and implied implications flood your mind, which you quickly lock up and dismiss.
  21. >Still, the gift you got bothers you.
  22. >You eat too much cake, drink too much punch, and pass out on the floor. Good party Pinkie.
  25. >Your eyes bolt open.
  26. >The party had gone well: you had met a ton of p0nies and plugged yourself. You had had a bit of fun.
  27. >An unfamiliar sensation.
  28. >Today was business though. Maybe the first step of your new life here in P0nyland.
  29. >Twilight had tucked you into bed, and you found Titan waiting next to you.
  30. >These p0nies were way too nice.
  31. >The thought of taking advantage of that crosses your mind, but it doesn't feel right.
  32. >None of this is right. It’s like a dream, but at the same time, a nightmare.
  33. >Focus.
  34. >You sit up, and your best friend scorches your right leg.
  35. >You really wanted a vicodin. You wince hard, the pain was nearly unbearable.
  36. >You sit, suffering silently with your eyes slammed shut.
  37. >Go away. Go away.
  38. >"Anon? Are you okay?" It was Twilight.
  39. "Spell."
  40. >You can barely bite the word out through gritted teeth. You can feel tears coming to your eyes.
  41. >"What?"
  42. "Your. Spell."
  43. >After a few moments you feel icewater sweep through your leg and you gasp loudly, sucking back as much breath as you can.
  44. >The relief makes you collapse again.
  45. "Jesus..."
  46. >"Are you all right?"
  47. >You open your eyes slowly this time. Twilight is looking over you, she looks very worried.
  48. "Do you remember those bottles you asked me about? When I got here?"
  49. >She nods.
  50. "They had pills in them. I need at least eight a day to get through comfortably."
  51. >"But they were all empty..." she trails off.
  52. >It dawns on her.
  53. >"Anon, I'm so sorry."
  54. "Everyp0ny's sorry."
  57. >You grit your teeth again and stand up from bed.
  58. >You hated pity.
  59. >You wondered if these damn p0nies were just being nice to make you feel better. Out of pity.
  60. >You grab your cane and limp off downstairs, you needed to eat.
  61. "When do we leave for Canterlot?"
  62. >"We can go as soon as you're ready."
  63. >Perfect. You eat a light meal.
  64. >If this complex magic was anything like surgery, you were going to feel like shit afterwards.
  65. >A pair of apples will do.
  66. >Fucking apples, everywhere.
  67. >You munch, relieved that Twilight could at least keep you kind-of-sort-of sane while you slipped into an even greater insanity.
  68. >When the two of you walk outside, you notice a golden chariot sitting with two big pegasus hooked up to it. They both have matching golden armor.
  69. >Royalty here was worse than the fucking pope.
  70. >Muttering to yourself, you climb aboard and fly off to Canterlot.
  73. >Ho-lee Jesus.
  74. >Canterlot was built into the side of the goddamn mountain, ivory towers everywhere.
  75. >The whole city shined white, lined with gold.
  76. >Upscale didn't even come close. This was the royal city all right.
  77. >You definitely were not prepared for this.
  78. >As your royal escort sets down you suddenly feel very small compared to the huge towers surrounding you.
  79. >"You all right, Anon?"
  80. "Not used to big cities."
  81. >"All right. Come on!" Twilight trots forward, she knew where she was going.
  82. >You catch a lot of weird looks as you go through the streets, and Twilight picks up on it pretty quickly.
  83. >"There was an attack here recently, a lot of p0nies are still wary of newcomers, especially ones that aren't p0nies."
  84. >She explains the attack, how changelings had infiltrated the city and nearly killed everyone.
  85. >Maybe it wasn't all sunshine here after all.
  86. >You try to wave at those who give you prolonged looks, but it doesn't seem to help at all.
  87. >You really hope the royalty isn't as stuck up as the upper class.
  88. >Twilight recounts how she grew up here, learning magic under the princess in some kind of school for gifted p0nies.
  89. >She also tells you about her brother Shining Armor, the captain of the guards you see around.
  90. >Dat name.
  91. >She seems to be very attached to him. She talks about how they did all sorts of things together.
  92. >It reminds you of your sister.
  93. >Help me Anon...
  94. >The blood.
  95. >Please...
  96. >She was choking.
  97. >I'm scared...
  98. >You banish that thought as quickly as you can.
  99. >Now wasn't the time.
  101. >You eventually end up in the most colossal tower in the city.
  102. >Princess central. Royalty always had to have the biggest cock compared to everyone else.
  103. >The guards weren't thrilled that you, some weird ape, was entering the royal chambers, but you just couldn't give any less of a fuck.
  104. >This could be your chance at a cure.
  105. >Curing cancer.
  106. >These fucking p0nies.
  107. >You trod along red carpeting, eventually making it to a set of heavy doors.
  108. >Throne room.
  109. >"This is the throne room. Are you ready, Anon?"
  110. >You were nothing if not a tough grizzled bastard.
  111. "No, but who's really ready for this?"
  112. >The doors open.
  113. >Sitting near the throne is the biggest p0ny you've seen yet. With wings and unicorn horn both, you guess she's taller than you are.
  114. >A huge technicoloured mane flows in invisible water past her head.
  115. >Twilight goes pretty much prone for a bow.
  116. >You wince a bit and nod downwards.
  117. "You'll forgive me if I don't kneel."
  118. >"Of course, Anon. Let's take a walk," The Princess nods towards another door.
  119. >It leads outside to the gardens, which are spectacular.
  120. >The pathway wanders through various arrangements, the colours flow from different shades, accenting each other perfectly. You don't recognize all the flowers, but this design must have taken years to perfect, plan, and grow. The art of it stuns you.
  121. >"Twilight mentioned to me that you have a love for things that grow, I thought you might be interested," she says to you. You almost catch her looking you up and down.
  122. >Her voice puts you at ease. Something about it made you just want to relax and let her take care of everything.
  123. >Something nearby tugs at you.
  124. >Surrounded by river rocks, you notice a plant.
  125. >A milky white lily.
  126. >The amount of care to get it to be unblemished like that was next to impossible.
  127. >You can't help but stop and look at it.
  130. >You see Celestia smile. "She also mentioned a particular plant you were interested in, as well as your plans to open a shop in Ponyville."
  131. >Looks like your advertising campaign had taken a life of its own. Even Celestia knew about you now.
  133. "I learned it only grows in Canterlot."
  134. >"It may grow in Ponyville, if given enough care," she smiles at you, then looks at a nearby pot.
  135. >Another gift.
  136. >It sank in your gut like a rock. You really wanted this, but you hated them giving you stuff without asking anything in return.
  137. >Once in a lifetime chance.
  138. "Thank you very much, Princess. But I have nothing for you in return."
  139. >She turns to look at you, and studies you closely.
  140. >Your mouth twitches.
  141. >What does she want?
  142. >She tilts her head ever so slightly.
  143. >You feel something rise from your wrought iron jimmies.
  144. >An unfamiliar sensation.
  145. >A smile.
  146. >Feels damn good.
  147. >Celestia returns your smile. "That's enough."
  148. >Insanity loves you, hardcore.
  149. >You followed after the Princess, she mentioned the pot would be ready for you when you left Canterlot, you had more important business.
  150. >Right, the super spell.
  151. >You make your collective way to a huge library with an hourglass dominating the center.
  152. >The Arcaneum.
  154. >Twilight and Celestia stood you across from them while they prepared for a series of spells that they'd cast on you. You didn't understand this magic shit, but it wasn't any different than being under the knife.
  155. >You put that grudging trust on them, you didn't have a choice.
  156. >"Are you ready, Anon?" Twilight kept checking up on you.
  157. "Just don't turn me into a toad."
  158. >"What?"
  159. "I'm ready."
  160. >The two of them started to conjure up magic; the room seemed to darken, like their horns were absorbing all the light.
  161. >They closed their eyes in concentration, the glow weaved together in different patterns.
  162. >Looks like go time.
  163. >The glow coalesced into a shining lance of light.
  164. >Your eyes widen.
  165. >The beam slowly moves toward you.
  166. >Maybe this would be your solution.
  167. >The beam tightens into a pin and shoots forward.
  168. >You clamp your eyes shut.
  169. >You suddenly wish you had died a few days ago.
  170. >Ice freezes the blood in your veins, while your skin boils from intense heat.
  171. >Your hair burns off in a puff of smoke: a reeking waft causes you to double over.
  172. >You scream.
  173. >This hurts more than getting shot.
  174. >Your body convulses and you fall over, you can't control yourself, your body desperately tries to get away.
  175. >As quickly as it started, it’s over.
  176. >You puke up the two apples you had for breakfast.
  177. >Fucking...
  178. >Apples...
  179. >You pass out like a damn pussy.
  182. >You wake up later in another bed.
  183. >Your vision looks like something you'd expect from a stupid movie's beer-o-vision
  184. >You groan.
  185. >The pain in your leg was still there.
  186. >Maybe it didn't work after all.
  187. >You touch your head, your hair was a lot shorter than it used to be, and it still reeked that god awful burning smell.
  188. "Fucking shit."
  189. >You feel like you've been out in the sun too long, you're singed and burnt.
  190. >You hear voices nearby, but they sound like echoes across a canyon.
  191. >"Anon."
  192. >You try to listen closer to them.
  193. >You dry heave, you didn't have any apple to revisit this time.
  194. >The pain in your leg whines for attention.
  195. >"Anon."
  196. >They're getting closer now.
  197. >You feel like a ship, passing so close but so far away from others in the night.
  198. >"Wake up."
  199. >Your eyes bolt open.
  200. >You felt different.
  201. >Something had changed.
  202. >Princess Celestia looks down at you with a warm smile on her face.
  203. >"Feeling better?"
  204. >You dry heave again. No.
  205. >She shushes you quiet and touches you with a glowing horn.
  206. >Your eyes cross and vision blurs again.
  207. >A warm feeling rushes across your body.
  208. >You feel like you've orgasmed half a dozen times at once.
  209. >"Is that better?" she whispers.
  210. >You lay there, slack jawed.
  211. >Fucking magic.
  214. >"Anon," it was Twilight this time.
  215. >You managed to set your gaze on her this time.
  216. "I'm awake."
  217. >"Do you feel any different?"
  218. >You took stock of yourself, flexing every muscle. The usual places still hurt.
  219. >You felt different though.
  220. >Something was different.
  221. >Twilight starts to sharpen a bit. You're waking up.
  222. >"Well..." she trails off. She looks sad.
  223. "What is it?"
  224. >"We didn't manage to fix you completely," she nods to your knee. "You aren't sick anymore though!"
  225. >You aren't sick anymore.
  226. >You're definitely dreaming.
  227. >That damn princess had done some weird fucking shit to you.
  228. "You're shitting me."
  229. >"Mmm... I don't think so," she isn't really sure what you mean.
  230. >You sit up.
  231. >What the fuck.
  232. >You knew it, somewhere in your bones.
  233. >That shit was gone.
  234. >Holy fucking shit.
  235. >Jesus lord in Heaven.
  236. >You didn't care if you were dreaming anymore.
  237. >This place wasn't so gay after all.
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