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Wilhelm Schickard UAP Translation #2 (ChatGPT 4)

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Aug 27th, 2024
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  1. Title: Description of the Miraculous Sign
  3. Which on Monday, January 25, 1630, the Conversion Day of St. Paul, was seen from 7 to 10 PM in the clear sky toward the north.
  5. Together with a detailed report about the star that appeared the following Tuesday around noon.
  7. Both faithfully recorded with all circumstances and printed at request to be remembered.
  9. By Wilhelm Schickharden
  11. Professor in Tübingen
  13. Printed by Dieterich Werlin, January 27, Anno as above.
  15. To the Favorable Reader
  17. Since the Almighty God, following the luminous ball that appeared six years ago, and the significance of the great comet, which has not yet vanished, has once again placed before our eyes a sign of wrath and showed us a wondrous prodigy last evening. Various, differing opinions have been heard, with each person interpreting it according to their understanding, and many who can hardly judge anything at all speak the most about it, as the saying goes: "All admiration clings to vanity, especially when ignorance accompanies it." Yet, as I, along with several hundred others, also witnessed this miraculous sign with my own eyes, and observed it a bit earlier than many others, I have taken careful note of all the circumstances during the time of its appearance, recording everything with pen on paper.
  19. Some honorable people have urged me to share this record with others who may not have seen it themselves, through public printing. I willingly complied with this request, as this is not only a noteworthy event in itself, worth remembering forever, but I also hope that by sharing it, we may honor the wise Creator of all things, acknowledging, praising, and spreading the news of His wondrous works, and leave a written record for our children and descendants, so that they too may remember it.
  21. Beginning of the Phenomenon
  23. A little before 7 PM:
  25. As was my habit, I was observing the stars in the then clear sky. After a long observation toward the southeast, I finally turned my gaze to the other side of the roof, toward the northwest. There, suddenly, a snow-white substance appeared, which I could not quite call a cloud because it did not have the usual fluffy, dispersed edges of natural clouds. Instead, it was smooth and polished, as if something had contributed to its sheen. It also couldn't be described as a vapor, since it maintained a definite, stable oval shape, resembling an egg. Unlike ordinary clouds, which have unstable forms and flutter here and there, this figure was not only much brighter and clearer but also of a pure and homogeneous nature. This conglomerate mass remained still, located between the two stars Vega and Altair, which are part of the constellation Lyra and Aquila respectively.
  27. Further Observations
  29. After 7 PM:
  31. This bright, luminous mass did not remain alone for long but soon gained two companions. One appeared to the left, slightly lower toward the stars of the Delphinus constellation, which resemble a small diamond shape. The other appeared to the right near the foot of the constellation Hercules, which seemed to stretch out toward the ground as if to trample the head of a dragon. The first had the shape of an overturned kettle or, as one might see in summer, a clump of snow lying on the ground. The second had the form of an elongated milestone, with both ends smoothed. Forgive me, dear reader, for using such simple comparisons; I cannot describe it more precisely without drawing it.
  33. The color of all three was snow-white, not just an ordinary white like chalk or milk that lacks any shine, but rather a brilliant and shimmering white that illuminated the surroundings. Its light was not flickering like the reflection from a lying mirror or still water but rather swayed and stirred, glimmering softly, more like the gentle ripples of a flowing stream. The light grew, then diminished suddenly, only to reappear again, repeating this fluctuation several times, so that one could not tell whether it had truly disappeared or was merely hidden.
  35. Around 8:30 PM:
  37. Further on, a larger mass gathered directly to the north, rising to a height of about 6 degrees.
  39. The Larger Mass
  41. As the hour approached 8:30 PM:
  43. The bright phenomenon in the northwest continued to expand. The originally small, egg-shaped mass grew significantly larger, stretching itself into a long stripe that covered almost half the sky. This stripe extended in a curved arc from the left, near the Great Bear constellation, across the sky, and dipped down near the horizon toward the northeast. This wide band, which gradually became more diffuse at the edges, glowed with an even brighter light than before, resembling a full moon but without the bluish tint usually associated with it.
  45. At the same time, the other two smaller figures I had observed earlier, those resembling a kettle and a milestone, began to fade. Their light weakened gradually until they finally dissolved completely, leaving only the large glowing band.
  47. 9 PM:
  49. By this time, the glowing stripe had reached its full length and brightness. It spanned the entire northern sky, drawing the attention of everyone who looked up. The phenomenon was so remarkable that it attracted people from their homes into the streets to observe it. Many were frightened, not knowing what such a sign could mean.
  51. Speculations on the Nature of the Phenomenon
  53. Various speculations arose among the people as they observed this strange sight. Some thought it might be a sign of an approaching storm or a violent wind, considering the shape and movement of the stripe, while others believed it could be a comet or a harbinger of war, famine, or some other significant event. These speculations, however, are merely human guesses, and without divine revelation, no one can determine with certainty what the true meaning of this sign might be.
  55. 10 PM:
  57. By this time, the stripe began to fade, and its brightness gradually diminished until it completely disappeared. The night sky returned to its usual darkness, leaving behind only the stars that normally twinkle in the firmament.
  59. Final Thoughts
  61. This extraordinary sign was undoubtedly placed in the heavens by the hand of God. It serves as a reminder of His power and a call for humanity to consider their ways and turn to Him. While the specific meaning of such a sign may remain hidden, it should prompt us to reflect on our lives, seek forgiveness for our sins, and live in a manner pleasing to the Almighty.
  63. May this account, therefore, not only serve as a record of an extraordinary event but also as a call to spiritual awakening for all who read it.
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